Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1966, p. 15

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Remembrance Day Holds Bitt For Those Who Knew Agony 'By J0 ALDWINCKLE ' f Today is Remembrance Day, A day in which for two short minutes all activity ceases and in the stillness .we remember the men and women of two wars who gave their lives or were maimed or wounded for their country's sake, ! Originally November 11 was called Armistice Day because at 11:00 a.m, on that day in 1918 an armistice was signed to end the hostilities of World War I, King George V desired that atime be set for recognition and remembrance and it Was so decreed by the British Par liament, Sister nations in the ar-sweet Thoughts Two World Wars MRS, R, B, SMITH, whose husband, Lieutenant-Colonel R, B, Smith had commanded the first contingent from thia area to go overseas, waa at King: ston, November 11, 1018, with Colonel Smith who had returned to Canada earlier in the year, He was stationed at Kingston with the department of militia and defence and military per: sonnel were anticipating an armistice daily, 'In fact," Mrs, Smith recalled, "there was a false armistice a day'or ao be- forehand so the real one was a slight anti-climax although as everywhere else, the 'people Commonwealth followed the pattern so that two minutes' silence flows from Big Ben to encircle the world. } Since World War Il November 11 has been known as Remem- brance Day to include the heroes of the 1990-1945 holocaust but Mere are sili inowe whore thoughts fly back to a grey No- vember day in 1018, Where were they then? What do they remember? thronged the streets and made house to house calls and gather: ed for parades, There was a great feeling of wanting to com- municate and human contact was the only way, __ MRS, ROBERT HOLDAWAY, WO siresi, haa Giierent mem MRS, FRANK DAVEY, Harold street, was Nving in Peterborough. "I -was only a teenager,' she said, "but I was doing waft work and I remem- ber the factory whistles blow: ing and the girls all stopped work, I ran home to find my mother crying, My father had been a prisoner of war in Ger: many for three years and now that it was all over, we wept," MRS, WILLIAM REED, Ce lina street, wasfat Seaford, Sussex, "Every year I live it all over again," she said, Her husband, Sergeant Instructor Will Reed of the 4th Brigade Machine Gun Company was back from overseas duty and stationed at Seaford, "IT can atill hear the church bells ring: ing, the whistles blowing and the ships in the channel calling, Everybody rushed to the shops to buy flags and bunting, I was 40 excited I forgot to pay; half: way home, I remembered and had to go all the way back, I shall never forget the happy, jostling crowds," MRS, CHARLES WILCOX, Hillcroft street, came to Osh- awa from Hampstead Heath in 1907, Oshawa then had a popu: lation of about four thousand, she said, Her husband went overseas with the 2nd Battalion in 1914 and was returned, wounded in April, 1916, "I can remember running out on to the street," she said, "Everyone was excited and milling about and because Oshawa was small place everybody knew each other, There were plenty of soldiers around too, because the Sith Battalion was billeted here and I seem to remember that they roasted an ox in Alex andra Park," demic, but I managed to get up town to see the parade and I was shocked to see so many women in' mourning for rela- tives who had died from Others were mourning hus bands and sons 80 in all the ex citement about the armistice, grief," MRS, C, A, VERMOEN, Olive avenue, was living in Kansas City, "Tt was just something to see the way the people there went wild and danced in the streets when the news came through that the war was over," she said, Mra, Vermoen came to Oshawa in 1910, After the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, be- came a military hospital she went to work there and met her future husband who had been wounded while serving with the 47th Battalion, After his dis. charge they were married and moved to the United States for a time. lived in Oshawa since 1910, coming here from Portsmouth, Hants, "Oshawa was all mud roads and wooden when | first arrived,"' she said, "and it wasn't much better in 1918, When I got the news that the armistice was signedd rush ed over to the Old Dug-Out in . {the market building on Rich- mond etreet west, People were parading up and down with flags and the factory whistles were blowing, Same of the women got together and' cooked a meal for the returned men and served it in the Rotary Hall that night, It was a hard Tattling Among Children Should Be Discouraged he A By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jis first to scream and squeal./rejoicé with the crowd singing JOANIE, 8, snatches one of Let us look for the child who "When the Boys Come March: her sister Susie's paper dolls, has been the first to be the ag-jing Home'? | had had word and runs with them. Susie, 6,/aressor and not be ready to re-|that my husband had been kill: dashes after Joanie and gives) uke and punish the one whojed in action but it wasn't true, her a whack. Joanie screams|makes the most noise or com-|My mother wrote from England and brings their mother who Plaint, |to tell me that he was alive but rebukes or punishes Susie, I'm sure many a child, espe:|had lost a hand so I had some- Later Susie may try to get|Cially the younger of two chil-|thing to be thankful for, even, She lures Joanie into|dren, tattles so he might see doing something naughty . so; the tattler punished and that the she can run to mother and) Wrong child in conflict is often tattle on Joanie and get her Punished, So many children. tat: punished le because their parents, un- In each instance, the aggres: @Ware, reward them for doing aor derived a deal of satisfac-| 8°. tion seeing a sister get pun-| I feel sure that of two sib ished, The aggression waslings often getting into a fight strongly motivated by a power: or quarrel, the younger is far ful 'native urge to tease or)more often the aggressor than bully, is»the older; that teasing and These urges are not limited) bullying is often encouraged to young children, They lurk to rather 'than discouraged be- some degree in the human) cause parents are inclined usu: breast at all ages, You and I/ally to hold the older child only need to listen to our rela-| responsible, tives, neighbors and friends.) Furthermore, when an older and they to us, to see these! child seems disposed to exces: urges' operating, sn teasing and bullying, we TEASING , have reason to inquire whether een Ra al often. ob. 2 feels he stands as well in| serve such at a family reunion|'%¢ family group as does the} or even at a small social gath. User brother or sister. be --eo it's the hus:' ANSWERING QUESTIONS or wife there teasing or } , : bullying a mate, usually ie = _-- all the Gengere, espe-) MRS, CHARLES GIBBS, a the guise of humor, Even mem: lly in the city, to children |silver Cross wearer, was living bers of an engaged couple may while walking to and fromion a farm on the outskirts of practise early in this igneble!scheel, Oshawa, No spl, 18i8. F _ remember that it was sterming, a bad snowy day. Then the news was brought that. the war was over. | could neither laugh nor cry, My husband had been CHILD GUIDANCE hat Beenaniians- might? what precautions might mat w We need first to recognize the ei 5 "sae t universal urge by all persons to, ©: SOW. the length of time it tease and bully, Next we need 'kes your child to walk to or to watch ourselves and our {fom school, Immediately check children and try to discourage &"Y lateness in arrival home.|killed; one brother blinded and the expression of this urge Know the safest route to and/another so badly wounded that On the positive side, we need from school and instruct your! he died later tT just felt 'Thank ourselves to strive to encourage Child to follow it God it's over Wcmen | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 11, 1966 15 MRS, CHARLIE BROWN has} Vitamin D Hurts Babies' Hearts | 'There is Relief for Baby's ories, 'I was just getting over the 'flu, This was the 1918 epi.) 'tus | T also saw signs of strain and be pada es |i ti Yesterday afternoon = in the Fleetwood room of the Hotel Genosha, the Pro- gressive Conservative | Women's Association of the | newly created Oshawa Rid tea, Pictured here from the left are; Mrs. A, W. Poul- ter, pouring tea; Mrs, A, V. Walker; Mrs, Michael Starr; Mrs, 0, C, Riehard- son, seated; and Mrs, Wal ing met at a get-acquainted ter Bestwick, president of sidewalks 'If Excess Taken In Pregnancy | NEW DELHI, India (AP)--,vitamin D during their | damaged if their mothers take/against rickets, itoo much vitamin D during DEVELOPED EARLY pregnancy, a West German phy! siclan warned Thursday, } One effect is a narrowing of \the aorta, the great vessel ibringing blood from the heart, {just above the aortic valve, said Dr, Aloss J, Beuren of the Uni iversity of Gottingen, This ob- structs the blood flow through the body, He described §8 cases of such }heart damage to the fifth world congress of cardiology Dr, Beuren said 26 of the chil- dren with heart injury, known as suprevalvular aortic stenosis, also had mental retardation and an elfin appearance of face, |. Their mothers, in some cases, jhad received two single doses of {200,000 units of vitamin D "as mone, Beuren said, facial appearance and dosages of vitamin D. other sites beside the aorta, tingen first | Babies' hearts can be severely|year of life as a protection Twenty-one of these cases oc curred in six families, showing) a familial sensitivity to vitamin} D, he said, Some children. in} both groups died of damage to! their hearts, which occurred in! Beuren is with the children's clinic at the University of Got: A RIDING CONSERVATIVE WOMEN GET ACQUAINTED TEA wilh aed land provided the back- ground music, softly play- ing many selections on the plano, Mrs K. Creigh- ton, who was to have pour: ed tea was absent when the picture was taken. Oshawa Times Photo the Oshawa Riding Pro- gressive Conservative Asso. ciation, An election of offi- cers for the new Women's Association will take place in January as soon as the new riding is official, Miss Bessie Oliver of Sunder: HOUSEHOLD HINT | "out-doorsy" smell, To give clothes that were dried in a drier that fresh,|an hour or so before irnoing. knit hit In five girls, breast develop: }ment had begun at age eight because vitamin D has an ef| fect of increasing the secretion! of estrogen, the female sex hor Thirty-two children had nor) mal mental ability and normal! their) mothers had received the same is recommended in Germany at ithe sixth and ninth months of | pregnancy," ; Some children also had re: | ceived 200,000 to 600,000 units of UNICEF Christmas Cards available at YWCA Sat, Nov, 12, 19, 26 Dee, 3 From 10 A.M, te Neon Or By Calling - 723-9655 . . 1 Teething Pains Hd TLDs veereme les baby's an Yao WILDERS es band for the first sign of teething die comfort and tretfuiness, Available at aR drag counters i | Bik ANNIVERSARY our children to practise in un: ZELLER'S derstanding of other persons, SHOPPING CENTRE putting ourselves in our imagi- POLAR@IB CAMERA GIRL IS nations in their places, and in H KE yy K SATURDAY, playing up the beat in them. NOVEMBER 12th TOMORROW The more times we do and FROM 10 A.M, FREE DEMONSTRATION say kind things to others and appreciate the best in them, the TO 4 P.M, The Polaroid Camera Girl will demonstrate the new Polaroid Color Pack Cameras. less often we resort to belittling, Come see colour portraits in 60 seconds, black and whites bullying or teasing them or getting pleasure from lording it in just 15, The most fun in photography! AT over them ZELLER'S LOOK FOR AGGRESSOR CAMERA SHOP In the home With young chil dren, let us parents not be SHOPPING CENTRE ready to punish the child who DISCOURAGED ... IN NEED OF HELP? "LIFE-LINE" 728-2111 SALE Good Opportunity to Save UP TO 40% betty Haydl INTERIORS 1S King St. Bost Ph: 725.2686 | Dressy little knitted nylon giove with embroidered detail. Assorted colours, sizes 5, 6,7. 79¢ Fashione since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Fur Trimmed Luxury Coats Reg. to 150.00 99.00 Rich, imported fabrics with opulent trims of Fox, Mink and Muskrat, Pup-tent, slim, demi-fit shapes, New season colours, Sizes 5-17, 8-20, 6 of course you may charge it" Fashrome since 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE sprinkle} them for irnoing, pile them in} a basket and set it outdoors for) G00D NEWS! ABOUT TOWK 2. ANN SOMMERS. Did you know ROGER'S is having « big offoir? Yes, and. he doesn't care how far the gossip spreads ! It's his colossal once-o-year Anniversory Sale. What a break for Christmas shoppers! On all his furniture, kitchen and laundry appliances, TVs ond radios, prices are 80 drastically slashed than you should get in om these money savers whether you need them or not, Everything must goto moke room for the new! Sofa ond chair sats, beautiful dinette suites, plus many other house furnishings, all 'selling for half price as long as they last, So come to ROGER'S ! Get in on the bargains all this week, and on... until everything: is cleared out. Thot's ROGER APPLIANCES fete STORE, 50 Bond St, E, Oshowe, Phone 2151, : * ". * A fine Broir Pipe is a! welcomed ot Christmas ti the daceming amoker, SHORTY'S fine selection of erie ore of authentic Algerian poiea: root lt ae @ wide cholee of curved end et ers, Certainly one every pipe amoker on your list SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE, Whithy centre, hes mony citer items TS? Hie SPAS, TSS, Swe] Gs OVeT TUU Kings GF pipe tobecco to choose from, and all the popular bronds of 'clporeties on the market today, as well as your favorite cigar. Also his of "variety" items, ranging en re from children's toys: and. games, ellows Christmas shopping in one * * * Almost countless are the important roles small eireroft plo in todoy's busy world of progress, Besides their usefulness 4 war areas, at home they serve as fire fighters in remote districts, stock lokes with quality species, fertilize farmlands, and de- fungus valuable forest reserves, The privote owner os well can find much to do with his aircraft whether for business or roar But for moe occasion, your plane must be ki ready for action whenever required. -This the RON POULTER FLYING: SERVICE ot the Oshawa Airport con eccomplish for you, His complete tune-up, repair, sheetmetal, welding, paint. ing and lettering services are avoilable seven doys a week, ond his stora provides yea: shelter fo by Bick year round shelter for your aircraft, * 4 * a ae that we've had our first snow of the winter, it should © warning to get our cars winterized. CLINT'S SERVICE STATION: 245 Wentworth St. W., Oshawa, hen ate os needs. First on the list are snow tires. And what's better thon Fire- stone! Their famous "town and country" gives that erful pulling action under every winter driving condition, also come with metal studs et @ slightly Richer cost, Then there's the inexpensive retreads, and the Premium "500's" in sculptured sidewall styling, featuring the wrap-around tread for top speed safety on the highways, Many other types by Firestone are a ee: come nd to CLINT'S at your earliest convenience on / e it auite , ich at your budget end sofety needs. * * * Whether you rent a house: or high-rise apartment, you must be informed of the do's end don'ts of tenantry insofar as knowing thet no extras can be built in to deface the premises. What te do If you need mere storage for books, clothing, dishes, ete, ? See the R. MH. CABINET COMPANY, Charles St., Pt, Whitby, In thelr factory they will build your cupboards, room dividers, book shelves, or anything else that requires the services of expert cobinetmakers, and deliver and install them in your home, with not @ telltale scratch te be found when you vacate. See them now if you. need .more. storage. space where you ere renting, Phone 668.6911, * * * Expsrirventing with the unconventional in today's home dec- 9 ls a | y popular. Clever personal touches that lend wormth and color all add te form OF self quprecsians that spells YOU, At BETTY HAYDL'S exclusive shop, 15 King E,, Oshowa, while ing smart you can still remain within your budget. She will offer free suggestions on furnishing any or all rooms in' your home, from a heavily-fringed, betasseled floor cushion to o full suite of dining, living or bedroom furniture. Her importa of hand-carved and hand-decorated furnfture, exquis- ite lamps, chandeliers, or statuettes are sure to enhance on ef your : basic furniture errangements. See BETTY HAYOL'S where furnishings 725-2686. follow today's new decorating trends. * * * Have you been in to LUCK'S 5 te $1 STORE lotely, centre? Worthy of particular mention is their gorgeous new line of plaques made up of attractively decorated plaster motifs mounted on genuine dark wood panels, plus many other styles. They make beautiful gifts for Christmas giving, suitable for ony room in the home, There are lovely sets of dishes, too; some in ereamy white milk glass with gold rims, others in deep opricot. A amart line of jewelry in earrings, brooches and pendants ere sold singly or in sets. And @ number of little girl's handbags "just like mother's' make welcome gifts but are often hard to find, These ore only @ few of the mony items at LUCK'S, the store where you can do all your Christmas s ing, inexpensively, * * * In the lovely "'Beaconstield" Subdivision in Whitby south, Robert MacEwan caters only to custom built homes of distinction. Passing through its attractive Georgion gates you find each of these one- and two-storey homes of completely different architec ture varying from Colonial to Cholet. Most have 4 bedrooms, baths, fireplace and single or double attached gcrage. These beou- tiful homes, In orchard settings, have the convenience of paved roads and town sewerage, and are easily accessible to schools and 3, 401. For further porticulors, see OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE, 515 Brock St. §., Whitby, exclusive egent for this property. Phone. 668-5853, * x * You want to know more about PEL'S DRYCLEANING SERV. ICE? Here ore some facts! First of all, Frigidaire supplies the machine, Your clothes ere put inte it in a safe drycleoning solution that les up the dirt, then spun ond fluffed dry, free of all odors. The process itself gives the same fine results your professional cleaner gives, The difference ? Foster drycleaning ond lower cost. Why'? Because you do your own pick-up and delivery, end presting if-needed, "So next time vour ciothes und a ~ py BVA = will be delighted. PEL also provides efficient OMAT facilites, and a DIAPER Service for which you may coll 668-4671, . * * * Supposing you're @ business man who hes come to town to attend @ conference in the great 'Confederation Room' of the CAROUSEL INN, off 40) at Stevenson's Rd., Oshawa, Do you know about the superb sleeping and dining accommodations, with nightly entertainment and cocktails in the handsome Carousel: Lounge ? Any one of the 84 lovely motel suites ore ot your service to accommodate parties of two to six people, Eoch has its own private balcony, TV, telephone, kingsize twin beds, upholsterd choirs ond coffee table, and full bath, The fa af suites also include comfortable sofa and chair groupings, @ table for those who care to privately indulge in an evening of games and ale, So, make your overnight reservations, when in town, by calling 723-527). * * * There's no end to the mony fine features offered in the '6? Ramblers. Worthy of special note are their interiors with individ: ually reclining bucket seats ond wrap-over headrests, so delight- ful. to relax in on long trips. Front and back seats are equipped with safety belts os well as shoulder-harness anchor plates, end hove centre arm rests, cushions, or consoles depending on the type of transmission you choose, The over-all interior ole, from the new upholstery materials to the door-to-door carpeting, match the exterior, So, wouldn't you, for the sake of the interiors alone, like to own.@ Rombler? See them at NICOLS MOTOR SALES, Highwoy 2, between Oshawa end Whitby. Phone 668-3331, * * x After conducting business for the past thirty years in Oshawa, including four years at her present headquarters, 30) Byron St. S.,. Whitby, Mrs. Hughes hos reason to be highly qualified in her profession. Years of experience and continuous Study, to assure the most up-to-the-minute methods in eech department of her work, confirms this. So you just know you can expect de- pe results when you patronize any one of her 6 BEAUTY CLINICS nearest you. In Oshawe you may make an appointment at her Shopping Centre Solon by calling 728-4623; ot 360 King W. --- 728-435); at 73 King E. -- 725-7221; and on Rossland W. ~~ 723-3925. In Ajax at the Shopping Plaze -- 942-591}, end in Whitby where Mra, Hughes, herself, attends -- 668-3061. in Whitby

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