Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1966, p. 12

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aS ™ OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 11, 1966 | 'NEWS IN BRIEF COLD CHASES FOWL S WINNIPEG (CP)--Ducks Un- Timited (Canada) says the best) 8@ fowl population in a dec- now has left the Prairies southward migration, The push came in the last days 'October under the influence a polar air mass that hit all extreme southern Alberta, SET INQUEST DATE AWA (CP) -- The coro- bg inquest into the deaths. of i men in the Aug, 10 Heron at A bridge collapse will begin| Nov, 21, Ontario's chief er, H. B, Cotnam, will con- the inquest which {s ex- to last about a week, si TO PRESENT CUP OTTAWA (CF) -- Mme, es Vanier, wife of the ernor > General will attend Royal Agricultural Winter SEEEEEEEEEEEEaneeaeEEamanmmae Sip toy trip to "Toronto, "she present the Governor-Gen- Gans Cup at the horse show, +. LACK RESEARCH "TORONTO (CP) -- Education Minister William Davis of On- tario says he is concerned about the lack of research on recre- ation and how it must be con- Gidered in modern society, 'We: need a research program to vals! idate some of our basic con: Fs about recreation," tne ster said Thursday night at three-day conference he has eonvened on the subject, AVY TO MAKE 100 CALLS 'AWA (CP) -- Destroyer @scorts will visit nearly 100 Ca- . ports on both coasts and the Great Lakes next r to add color and pageantry o. Centennial celebrations, the ga department said Thurs- PUBLIC' WORRIED PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Na- tional poll taker George Gallup gaid Thursday the Republican Party's success in Tuesday's @lection was due to the Viet Nam war. Gallup, director of American Institute of Pub- Opinion, said other issues were involved, "but the great underlying issue and probably the prime reason why the GOP did so well was the public's dis- tress and concern over Viet Nam." STUDY HOUSE TV OTTAWA (CP)---State Secre- tary LaMarsh suggested Thurs- day that the Commons broad- ere R committee look into the feasibility of telecasts of par- Hamentary debates, In a Com- Police Seize Jail Escapee « NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP) Barry Crawford, 19, of Niagara Falls, Ont,, who escaped North- @inberland-Durham County Jail &t Coburg Sept. 8 after he and @ commpanion severely beat two guards, was captured by police Gates night. Nine policemen with drawn guns surrounded his home while three others went inside and surprised Crawford who had just risen from his bed, He gurrendered quietly. 'His companion in the escape, Thomas Mangoff, 22, of Nia- Falls, was captured in owe shortly after the pair They were being held bs 'oburg on charges arising out of the June beating of two Welland policemen, who were the pair back to King- ton penitentiary where they re serving sentences for break, enter and theft. B introducing the barefoot comfort «+.» the softness of carpet > » » the toughness of vinyl ++ how combined in one -tevolutionary new floor fovering; never needs wax- Ing. See TAPIFLEX today at: Floor Fashion Centre Gibbons St. at Bond 728.3980 mons reply to Barry Mather| (NDP---New Pomme r), she said Speaker Lucien oad has made a detailed bee Sd the British plan to televise 'om: mons debates, WIL1, AID VIETNAMESE COPENHAGEN (Reuters) -- The Danish justice ministry has granted eye for Ne pri- vate collection of funds to aid victims of the Vibinamaee war, it was learned Thursday, The ae Red Cross will distrib- funds to the Vietna- noha "The government de- manded that funds be divided Viet Nam, PROMISE POP MUSIC LONDON (Reuters) - The BBC offered Thursday to pro- vide a popular music station to replace commercial pirate ra- dio stations on which the gov- ernment pians wo orace gown in the near future, The astate- owned corporation said in its annual report its hands are tied by legislation which gives it Britain - wide monopoly on broadcasting, but insists that do, estic frequencies be used for serving the community as a whole, LIFT EMBARGO OTTAWA (CP) -- The North Atlantic Council has removed the restrictions against export- ing large diameter pipe to Com: munist countries, the external affairs department announced Thursday, The embargo on the sale of pipe over 19 inches in diameter was placed on NATO countries in 1962 in an attempt to delay the construction of the oil pipeline system linking the U,S8.S.R. with eastern European countries, FRENCH FOR CPR MONTREAL (CP) -- A CPR spokesman said Thursday the company has published an Eng- lish-French lexicon of railway terms for use by its employees, The di i over evenly between North and South, Violence Poses Threat To India's Democrac NEW DELHI (AP)--Almost daily, a newspaper reader in India ar find on the front page reports of violence and disor: ders The patter' of violence has been steadily mounting until both Indian and foreign ob- servers see it as a threat to the world's 'most populous demo: ee e ee of government, rioting Monday in New Delhi was among the worst in recent months, Because it oc- curred at the front gates of Parliament and because it in: volved the country's esteemed sadhus, Hindu holy men, it carried greater shock value than most, It has affected Prime Minis: ter Gandhi's cabinet, It likely also will hurt the showing of Mrs, Gandhi's Congress party OTTAWA (CP) -- Three re- tired senior officers strongly en: dorsed the government's. plan io Wnily ine inves aimee forces in statements issued here Thursday night, Maj.-Gen, Arthur E, Potts. of Kingston said unification would have prevented "unnecessary loss of life in Italy" during the Second World War, A '"'shock- ing' lack of co-operation be- tween the three services had re- duced efficiency and prevented the dispatch of badly-needed re- inforcements to Italy, Air Vice-Marshal J, of Goderich, Ont., in charge of RCAF personnel during the war, said he finds it hard to understand how "any ratio. nally-minded man" could op- pose unification, Inter-service jealousies and overlapping were appalling, Group Capt, K. R. Patrick, resident of Canadian Marigot td,, Montreal, said Canadians} -- are being misied by "a very small vocal minority" with purely political motives, The three statements were mimeographed and distributed in the parliamentary press gal- lery by William Lee, executive istant to Defence Minister 20,000 words, with about 80 per cent of the contents devoted to railway terms and the remain- der dealing with railway equip- ment terminology and stock handling. INCREASE BOAT AID CORNER BROOK, Nfid. (CP) H. J, Robichaud, federal fisher. jes minister, says the federal subsidy on construction of small fishing boats will be increased to 50 per cent from 30 per cent, Mr, Robichaud said Wednesday a federal-provincial agreement had been reached on the mat- ter, Hellyer, He told a reporter that sev- eral retired officers have asked Mr, Hellyer's office to issue their pro-unification statements to dispel the popular impression that nearly all retired officers oppose the government plan. DEBATE RAGES The statements were circu: lated as a debate on defence raged for the ninth day in the Commons, Conservatives are pressing the government to approve immediate committce hearings on the unification bill introduced a week ago. A. Sully! Ex-Officers Endorse Plan For Services Unification General Potts said it js 9 seri. ous criticiam of Canada's. polit- jeal. system that one party ahoute use the issue for pursiy political reasons, without re- gard to the effect on the armed forces or the country, Group Capt, Patrick said "thinking Americans" are showing fantastic interest in the unification plan, "Sitting on the sidelines, it seems to me Parliament js at: tacking Hellyer more than uni- |fication," Air Vice-Marshal Sully, 74, |board chairman of 'a road grader manufacturing firm, said: "T have met Mr, Hellyer only once but T have a great regard for his courage, He is the first minister who had the guts to tackle the unification of our services, though everyone must have known that something had to he done." AID NATO ALLIES OTTAWA (CP)--Canada will provide Greece and Turkey with about $3,000,000 in economic aid under the NATO defence sup: port assistance program, it was announced Thursday, in general elections next Feb- ruary, The elections are res for much of the turmoil are not the only factor, India is facing a second year of serious food shortages, For a people living on the bare mini- mum for survival, this is a matter of life or death, DROUGHT 18 FACTOR Two-.years of drought brought on the current problema but people also are coming to feel that the Congress party's past stress on industrial rather than agricultural development is pay- ing off in children whose weak ened bodies cannot fight dis ease, A third major factor is stu: dent unrest, Indian schools are turning out more graduates than : hafave hut whan thes fla. ish they tind no jobs. This week, militant Hindu or- ganizations sponsored a march by about 500,000 persons on Par- liament, demanding a nation: wide ban on cow slaughter, Hin: dus regard cows as sacred and, although all but five states have the slaughter ban, Hindus de. mand total prohibition, In the past, protests about cow slaughter have reached a peak during election time, This year is no exception, Religion and politics were closely linked in Monday's dem- onstration, which deteriorated into a destructive orgy, Bight persons were killed, Observers reported that the crowd included a large number of young men who came armed with bricks and stones and op the first excuse ran amok, de- stroying property at random. These, it is felt, were students who took advantage of the re- ligious demonstration, Others feel Communist Infil- trators may have helped to fan the flames of riot, But their role nsible t they likely was minor, FOOD SERVICE CATERING CALL 728-7305 _ FOR SOCIAL CATERING MANAGER m IVORY COAST! 7 SPAIN | Hi ab gh eh IV any COA ma SIERRA EON SPAIN @ ALGERIA ae 3 the idea of bre hit the spot with made it and made it b already a seller in 3 terhe. SIERRA LEONE i 3 NEW ZEALAND Wi SPAIN WH ALGERIA mi ER ma PORTUGAL Wm HOLLAND Im ADEN ETHIOPIA tt FALKLAND ISLANDS wi GHANA Wt GISRALTAR VA i MAURITU! TAN WS i HOLLAND Wt ADEN ma BORNEO secgey as a GHANA ti BOR! S mae » a Be he AE NS s PARIS Just a few years ago six of the world's leading brewers . . . from Canada, a Belgium, Austria, Sweden and Portugal... got together a beer so good and so right that it would cers all around the worl would be brewed to the same exacting standards wherever it was sold, When they had the brew they gave it a name. Its name is SKOL. SKOL ieareanienal Beer. And the SKOL idea worked. SKOL has with beer-drinkers all around the world, It's countries... the world's most successful idea iow SKOL is here... brewed in Canada, Next time you work up a thirst, quench it with SKOL International Beer, Discover 'the py os! flavour, sparkling lightness and true refreshment of SKOL. Say SKOL -- the International Beer, | Brewed in Canada under licence | Limited by SKOL International SHEWRING BROS. | nted to Labatt's mited, . +a beer that Ontario Breweries Dm SCOTLAN im CAYMAN ISLANDS SKOL International BEER ae ew Hf] HONG 5K Try SKOL soon. At regular prices wherever beer is sold. BEFORE MAGISTRATE Craving For AJAX (Staff) -- A man with no fixed address asked Magia: trate Joseph Addison if he could be admitted to the Ontario Hos: i after he advised the Ajax agistrate Court that he got a craving for liquor each time he left prison, pod Harold Phillips, 46, appeared Thursday on a charge of vag: Facey be and told the Court he:had ished nine months at the iibrook reformatory, The magistrate gave Phillips/fined A one-week remand and recom: mended a physical and mental examination at the County Jail with a view to admitting Phil lips to the Ontario Hospital Taking your own bottle into a hotel beverage room is illegal, and so Edward Allison, of no fixed address, discovered eourt. Whitby police advised the court that Allison had drained a bottle of its contents when pce checked the Whitby use Hotel Nov, 9, The bottle was purchased at the -local liquor store, Allison was sen- tenced to 30 days in _jail, Drink Grips Y | Newly-Released Convict Glennie Snow, 20, of 1560 Evangeline Dr,, Oshawa, was found. guilty of drinking under age on Oct, 8, and was fined $15 or five days, William Show, 49, of thé same address, was fined $15 for hav:) ing liquor in his car on Oct, 8, Mr, Snow admitted having a dozen bottles of ale in his car when stepped by. Ajax. police. A fined $75 and costs leaded _ulty Bowmanville 'was |in Will Attend Par TORONTO (CP) -- William Davis, Ontario education minis. ter, will attend the United Na- tions Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization confer: ence on education in Paris Mons day and Tuesday, He will spend the remainder of the week touring schools for impaired drivin -s Ae jax Mag: istrate's Court C, H, Ruiter, 45, ot n Simp- on Ave,, was gee by Ajax Police Constable ohn age on June 28 after he made an erratic left turn on Harwood Ave, A agin of having liquor a place other than a resi- beldenes was withdrawn against bho accused, Education Minister children of Canadian service men in Metz cand» =| France and 2welbrucken, | Germany, The schools teach Ontario curriculum. for Grade 7 to you have REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF @ TYPEWRITERS @ ADDERS @ CALCULATORS Guaranteed Workmanship FAST sanvics Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST, E, OSHAWA 725-3506 without p I Hayden's holding the new accrued interest Hurry! Hurry! only a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds aying SUY YOURS RIGHT AWAY left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest , Shell battery, give you first-time starts, Hos up to @ four yeor werrenty, "It you've got winter starting trouble, try Shell's five simple tips." Says Hayden Kemp, new Shelli dealer at Simcoe South dnd Wentworth Get your Settery checked, you're fueling up, He'll check the charge, loose \t My NOTE: Cold weather stranded = or stuck | connections B Or Heyden ean do it while look for your bettery's on the blink he'll Nothing ts psy. kills en old bettery, Don't get in the garage, The new Shell battery is designed and tested et 40° below zero for first-time starts, » Never pump the ger pedel, You'll force row gescline through the corburetor end flood the combustion chom- ber, If you suspect flooding, walt for @ couple of minutes and let the gasoline eveporate Then slowly press the pede! to the floor and hold it there os you stort up, NOTE: As it gets colder, every Shell station is supplied with Super Shell. Winter Blend for quick easy sterts, It con: teins extra Butane to ond fire faster, Keep the elutch down keep the clutch down, make gosoline veporize more easily, while sterting, With @ atick shift, te relieves the storter of the extra task of turning the cogs in the georbox NOTE: Change to new the storter's load still even when the engine's Shell Super motor oil, It will lighten more, Thet's becouse it flows freely ice-cold. Then, when the engine hes warmed up, it thickens to give maximum protection from weer, . Wipe moisture off ignit: plugs, plue leeds ond. the current, Results e ton parts, Otherwise, moisture on the inside the distributer cap cen short "week apark, NOTE: A fot heelthy spork is It hos been tested at 40° below sero te vital for winter starting, Hayden will check plugs, points, condenser ond ignition timing --= to make sure they frozen morning. . Use the aterter in short bursts, your battery down bodly -- a won't let you down one A long: steady grind runs nd con shorten its life, if you don't stort ot the first few attempts -- wait, Give the battery @ couple of minute: NOTE: Shell's new battery conta 3 to regain its strength, ins Rnely-divided lead, It gives full starting power for longer than ordinery batteries, Even if you've left your cor out side oll night. Heyden con stop you getting stuck this winter, Coll in at his new Shell station, He's been 19 yeore in the businen, end hes @ Closes A mechenic working for him, THE NEW SHELL storts, over three months % Designed and tested at 40° below zero for first-time * You con get @ werrenty fer up to four yeors! % With your Shell credit card you con stretch poyments BATTERY

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