38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE JAYCEES HOLY CROSS |. ge DEATHS (Sues ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by The B | N 2 C2 Auto Firms conaneie Ga oe Corporation of the City of Oshawa for 4 Mo n ster : OTTAWA (CP) = An Opposite x Migt™ cgal : Brno Reeth tion MP suggested in the Com-| toronto Ave.), in her dist year. Resting approval of a by-law to regulate land ~ 8 FRID AY mons Wednesday that the auto|{is: King sirec! ast). Service and. In: use passed pursuant to Section 30 of DEPARTMENT OF vas, Peon eg ng Ay be having rare "at Mount Pleasant" Cometery. The Planning Act HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO at 7:45 P.M. ments under the Canada-United ST. GERTRUDE'S | inure minster Drury sua Sasi hae, tte ' ndus inister_D id wy | AUCTION SALE icc] in reply' to Alfred D." Hales| %t, 'lense! Herbaca, beloved" hse TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City A mission 50c i Moa MOM Lines an of Oshawa intends to opply to The ogra oa man -- t : AUDITORIUM the only kind of difficulties the|® rs if Section inning Act re} i ' ty canes of bine ovine 225-66 piled on the 3 te of Two Jackpots 690 King St. East at Farewell [auto makers are having are eating hal Fd "Rion" nee eral ; 53 ond 58 those associated with having altelephone 728 October 1966. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. EQUIPMENT FREE peg aga at cgbigsinn Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after the ONE MUST GO ned a He said the manufacturers|§Mtered Into rest, ie Oshawa Genera! dote of this notice, send be registered moil or deliver to the. at i AD MISSION are meeting thelr commitments |itee asa pel ovember Clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his objection to approval and undertakings under -- the" i" of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds PORT HOPE $500. -- FREE - sgreemeat: Funeral Homa, "Oe of such objection, Y IN 50 NOS. or LESS The agreement provided duty- Rate ch toy Come The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law Ontario $200 ' 20 Reg, Gomes--Total $300. free entries into Canada of auto Pe, areas at the Funeral Home, but before doing so it may appoint a time and ploce when ony . Phe op ht in - ~ parts where manufacturers in actin ta the buel i Notice of heari In announced Nos. us $10 eac rizontal line, |Canada increased their produc-| , LAKE, Charles $ ahiactian ta law will be considered. ice of any hearing parca wae UP Regular, Jackpot $200. eat: in thle evant fuddeniy r ble home, Port Perry, On- that moy be held will be given only to persons who hove filed GUIS IW $25 Consolation Frias ta ." vegneagay,_ November % '1966, 1 Mr. Hales asked assurance w, dear father of Haroid, De- ory objection. MC-66-1 10 $10 per line both gomes ae Dy ings that Mr. Drury will not ac- trai, ilehosn Lovin i jecti i R 17th, : The last day for filing objections will be NOVEMBE! th, The Department of High- $1 75. Jackpot Extra Bus Service cept claims of lower car sales Dorothy (irae: Bue D of Norvto own CARS WANTED 1966 ways offers for sale by No Children 'Please: as an excuse for the manufac- > AWA THI DAY OF fi $20 per line. $75 full card turers not ti A ature Buying A New Car? DATED AT. THE CITY OF OSH S 3rd Public Auction the fol secant meeting their com- Pot Perry, for service on Saturday at 4 2] A Sell your used car to "Ted" NOVEMBER, 1966. ° 20 Regular $20 games poy Talk "Cash" to the New i Sid ; double in 17 Nos. or less, PLEASE NOTE: iinet Onterlo Heart Fun) 4 THOMPHON Fo A ke Car Dealer and "Save"' L. R. Barrard, Esq., 2 Ford Station Five $30 Gomes 38--Coming Events L, Wilfred Charles esata MS, sie aig le es, = : i At Whitb: 9, 1966, TAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wan 50 Centre Street Wagons Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M. wiltred C. Mcooeeh: of be" bones cars tor wrecking, Highest prices paid OSHAWA, Ontario. 4 Ford VY ton EXTRA PRIZES Street East, Whitby, deer father of Mrs.|<,Always remem eee 'ey LOCATION HOUSE FULL site rs ray eee peo 4 Baas sire Street Laut, ond at Ford A ton Every Thursday |-- PR ei Whitby In his 8Ist year, Resting at the pessed away, November 10, 1 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted care BY-LAW NUMBER 225-66 r W. €. Towne Funeral Chapel, Whitby.| [Save uo Bd Oe tr saeni , for, wrecking. Tires and parts tr sale Special Body h TEN PERFECT tr _eorvias mt Caeeel, Sohtser We sckavinaly" remembered "by sen ree, WANTED -- ars for wrecking, Ne or Chevrolet 3 ton at t € CHANNELS OLD COUNTRY. [von cemetery 'viehors . eefhunenetina mTHOMPEON=In loving SU fe ot our overt Acne" dum with hoist 3 2 p.m, Friday. Minister Rev. W. J. $. ps cht asa THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Pp . , i : Revo away, November 16, GMC 3 ton Cab | Jubilee Pavilion | the finest in CLUB 'eee naa Sat 35--Lost and Found ' Kindness beyond Pri LOST being @ by-law to further amend the Zoning By-law of the City of and Chassis BUSES LEAVING ENTERTAINMENT Announces ie ahead a cam Osha i \ Hlings. i , WRISTWATCH Se ae a iat = ial a ne one FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 SPORTS Thot All Tickete For GERROW ie hey Man's gold, Accutron, wrist- D AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED es @ by-low and 7:15 P.M. : tag AR watch, . ompned of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Council there- Mercury 5 ton ; And Returning after Bingo poh ag pwns vil PUB NIGHT FUNERAL CHAPEL st Sera freer wey ue, engraving of os follows: Cab and Chassis Cable TV. Te fe Held On Telephone 728-6226 men. buerand ook "rooiey is memary ot Sat. stantial reward, If found Children under 16 not admitted. please telephone, 723-1460._| 1, Schedule "A" te Zoning By-Law 3415 as amended is hereby Oshkosh 8 ton Fix- |<" oer Nov. 12th, 1966 "Fonaly remembered by his fem : ; Tost -- in Bowmanville arena, silver further emended by adding Special Condition 8 os follows: H Colored Wittnauer wristwatch, and. wallet ed Box with full Phone N A LASTING TRIBUTE with personal papers. Reward. TslebMene] SEC IAL SECTION 8. hydraulic SUNNYSIDE le a HAVE BEEN SOLD IN MEMORIAM Far Penearnye on, eorly James vite Police. The land shown in R-3, R-4 and R15 zones as hatched your order LENNON = | we sugges ' = levi of OUNT LAWN 36--Legal end subject to this special condition may be used for the ABOVE MODELS dear ater, Patrick Lennon, who' pe seed noun PARK for construction ef dwellings which ly with the 1947-1963 D wit clweys tremor ay te} _ BRONZE MEMORIALS NOTICE to CREDITORS iene on ste f ven al SUNNYSIDE | Wiaima "7" "mer **" "| pour couracun advien pleoe and OTHERS Galion Grader with B | N G 0 "The ite things, he sald end 'sia visit the Park Office, TE STATE me aA "Pact" whan onpl Snow Wing and at. PHONE 723-5278 | eee eee (penne TANE HATTON, - deceosed. (a) A "Face" when applied to a building means the tachments 100 | | Tada the starters pis LOCKE'S FLORIS if re rag mgs acgeen aap H. P. B | Ni 2) Oshawa Cable TV} -- TO-NIGHT iit ett oun ant an) fre arvangorentn for "all tb) An "End" when applied to @ building meons the |. Fre occossions shortest dimension ef @ building. Lincoln Welder $2 300 00 pigbiey oi ta Wine ae a OSHAWA SHOPPING 7 . | grandfather Max Hw Piggott who peased Wi) MINIMUM FRONTAGE 200 AMP TWO JACKPOTS, BAZAAR | gar CENTRE 100 feet frontage on @ public highway shall be pro- Westlake Sander 54 and 57 SAT, NOV. 12 IN PRIZES | Th 'i samen gone, forever, 24 HOUR, THONE SERVICE 1966, he , vided for each building containing group dwellings. | StL We have a0, many memorles After Lg 5-792 ere, asd pec Cook Level 2 P.M. JACKPOT NOS. | ori Seog geaitnarae ect : (ii) MINIMUM LOT AREA: ; inet oo ; DR. ROBT. THORNTON 54 and 52% Paul and Christina Weeks. No 'building eontaining group dwellings shall be Clayton - Kerrick CARD OF constructed on eny lot having en erea less thon Steam Cleaner 4 in 52 Nos. or less pred Acad ™ AT THE Pap Alar Rag = Bg aor § 0 ws 13,500 equore feet. H.-P. ; . away Nov. 9% 96s, i Gas _ en- $200. onerhe strane nar, RED BARN And. when on wed ear | oe ne (iv) DENSITY Climax then have notice. Ne building eonteining group dwellings shall be per- gine 165 H.P. In announced Nos. white elephant. Sponsored by EXTRA BUSES Time takes away the edge. of artet or Br. Runde and nd Dr, Olly hurses ana aaa Or, R. Thornton Home end But memory turne back the | all who helped du Whitby, Ontario thie mitted unless the erea of the lot on which it is to $25 Consolation Prize. i --Lovi Y neiivarea'" by" Geughier | linees. Th dey of November, 1966. be erected is sufficiently lerge te provide 2,700 Brantford Sand - $10 per both gomes Schoo! Association. 7 -7:30 P.M. nt won r --Arthur , (Bud) Henderson. MERVILLE RICHARD HAT- squore feet of land eree for each dwelling unit loca- spreaders T : 150 Jackpot he bedside Cook Transit $ ba Pag a (v) MINIMUM PRONT YARD DEPTH: $50 FULL CARD ond On- The minimum front yerd depth shall be 30 feet 4 CBaceeer mes 9 ctf menevm tonnes | Auction Sale | "$800. SAVE 20% to 30% ret, » wl ble er streets. debts contracted in my name, by to be held t th ipeietnost my writen conven (vi) MINIMUM SIDE AND REAR YARD DEPTHS: a sired ue eee tae + emanates at The minimum side end reer yerd depths shall be DHO YARD $ $150. ON TOP UALI M T cu Avenue, Oshawa, will not be responal @s follows: | Q TY EA TS tryona on or after this date November Face wall with living room windows 35 feet PORT HOPE, SPECIAL GAMES | Face well with other windows, 17 feet 6 inches. ONTARIO $50. | End well with living room windows, 15 feet or half DOOR PRIZES SIMPLE MEAT CUTTING: EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 j Idi ht. ; Auction Sale building height November 15th ADMISSION $1.00 To pass on greater savings to members we have, over the years, sold certain cuts 30 cattle, -- aie, End wall with other windows, 7 feet 6 inches or ' of meat where our members can save even more by cutting simple meat cuts at implements, hay, groin half building height. 1966 at Every Thursday home, Its then | miss yea | most of all, toe Se without my written consent. Norman E. Mather 37--Auctions furniture. Property of Bill Koruk, lot 7, concession 3, " Cortwright, 3 miles south ond End wall with ne windows, 7 feet. 6 Inches. 10:30 a.m. Lacal Time | mile weet of Blackstock, On (vil) DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: a ggg ge Where two or more buildings ore to be located on sit to b aid at the : o'clock noon followed by im- one lot the distences between such buildings shall | PO' oe euthon Cans. BUSES LEAVING | Every Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in November, we will demonstrate the plemente ond Lpeoneeh.. Bon A the hg rhe required side and rear yard depths | Hiete payment must be FOUR CORNERS AT cutting of a sirloin steak piece, pork loin and beef shank at all plants to show ---- | auch buildings. by cash or certified 7:00 AND 7:30 P.M. | how even a novice can save. up to 30% by cutting your own steaks, chops and stew (vill) MAXIMUM HEIGHT: cheque and must be paid | chitdren under 16 not admitted beef. ' | The maximum height of any building subject to this within five working days Auction Sale condition shall be 35 feet. ; from the date of auction or items will be subject KINSMEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO VISIT US Sat.. Nov. 19 (ix) LOCATION OF PARKING LOTS AND DRIVEWAYS: to resale. All cheques to one 108 : Oe re aoe ee F Feast vated he made pals to the SPECIAL Ya PRICE PASS Whether you are a member or not, you are welcome to visit the plant nearest you reasurer of Ontario. To the | to see this demonstration and at the same time see all the fine food products we Household Furniture i | the required minimum yard area. Parking lots or Items may be inspected | Property of driveways butting R. 1A. R._1B.R. 2A and R. 2B | WHERE ed basis anak FRIDAY, NOV. 1 li as Fe ca to be lower than the four largest chain stores, includ- ng their week- specials. MRS. LAURA ADAIR lands shall.be screened by hedges. warranty subject to On- 54 Cameron St., Pickering (x) LANDSCAPING: tario Retail Sales Tax and KINSMEN Fifty per cent (50%) of the total area of any lot on Federal Tax where ap- . ng rom table on 6 choi Fae ORE Weel ore thes | Sica. SUPER CAR | OVER 24,000 FAMILIES SHOP THE CHAMBERS WAY: ory salen gant landscaped. -- pete Be aa impncted | If you really want to do something about rising food prices, you owe it to yourself pom, ~ beds, 4 dressers, (xi) PARKING: to 4:30 p.m. daily (local to investigate our Food Club and see how your family can benefit, along with ! bed , bed Parking shall be provided in accordance with by-law | time) November 10th, over 24,000 families, who are now shopping the Chambers way. Phone now for full abn Phy orgie 3325 at the rate of one space per dwelling unit November. 1 4th = and at the | information. of dishes, 2 jigg saws, | elec- plus an additional one space for each 3 dwelling | November 15th 1966 Peterborough jiga ' tris dil 2 eectric motors units. until time of sale. Memorial Centre re pgm near nie Og BUILDING COVERAGE: Further information may $7 700 SIX PLANTS electric fry pon, tooster, 2 Not more than 25 per cent of the total area of any be obtained from: ae " vacuum cleaners, washing | lot upon which group dwellings ere constructed shall : . 4 i | rbereug eston Cooksville Oshawa Peterborough Burlington machine, garden feck, mony | be covered by buildings. C. ABRAMS in Prizes including 751-5200 741-7900 277-3643 723-1163 745-2461 637-3488 other articles, 4 squores of : Brond New 1967 AMBASSA- aye (xiii). OWNERSHIPS: District Supply Supervisor DOR Sedon or $2,000 in Cash Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. | Every legally separated parcel of land under separate Department of Highwoys $1,000 Hi-Lo Game ne : Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue, | ownership on which are erected one or more group Port Hope, Onterio $1,100 Big Snowball There must be a reason why more families choose Chambers over any other Food Club, Telephone 666-4277, dwellings shall have the minimum frontage on @ Telephone: 885-2481 sean eat ean | public highway. Area Code 416 (50 nos.) | eo Pinay of ae Boas 600 I james. FRESH FRU TS 2. No person shall erect, maintain or permit the erecting of OR $ i gel gig | @ny group dwelling unless the provisions of this special con- $450 Special Games ' CHAMBERS FOODS LTD. ' OPEN ' Silo aoe amiaial ott MATERIAL Seny pack for, vole ond. sivas' | 933 Ritson Rd. $., Oshewe EVERY money EVENING and | 3.._No port of this by-law shall come: into force without the CONTROL ek Bot Ea ipsa 1 * Please mail me further information on your EXCEPT approval of The Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto Department of Highways Many Free and Valuable " freezer and food service. Don't forget to buy the econ- VEGETABLES this by-law shall take effect from the date of its passing. | Downsview, Ontario. | Door Prizas | : MONDAY By-lew read @ first time this 3rd day of October, 1966. KINSMEN | TIL' FOOD CLUB READ Any? UGE THE By-lew reed @ second time this 3rd doy ef October, 1966. DEPARTME NT Paring. Abies preterrea Tolono saminane MARKET | By-law read @ third time ond finally passed this 3rd doy of OF |ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, "TIL October, 1966 |newly decorated room, near south GM, HIGHWAYS a Nigam aursclbeaituperatn tesa aan << 5 P.M. An independent Canadian food company. owned end : | operated by its employees and members. Lyman C. Gifford, L. R. Ba d, BASKET MAYOR erin ONTARIO [SaSee hich hete f Terms: Ten per cenit de- RED BARN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P.M,