Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1966, p. 27

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1@--Maole Help Wanted 20-----Real-Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Reol Estate tor Sole |20--rReol Estate for Sole 20------Real Estate for Sole SALESMAN WANTED For Men'e Clothing Store. Selling experience of ture would be on asset ply In person te DUNN'S 36 King St. E. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 723-4634 ALSCO Openings Tor Z to 3 saiesmen. Leads é supplied Highest commission, paid weekly. Call MR. W. CLARK 755-3313 Janitor Wanted Calvary Baptist Church Phone 723-0601 between 9 and 4:30 for appointment CARS -- BUSES All western cities, Florida California, AUTO DRIVE AWAY CO. Toronto 1, Ont, 362-1391 137 Yonge St. (Arcode ae ) SELL AND SERVICE the Electrolux (Canada) Limit rifime, Cer ne MeNalily. es of vel or provided. Call 723-4163 ask for mr MANAGER } and R Block we oo da's largest tax service needs vidual to manage its f) ag pking oJ in all phases a Individual as im revaens. cine fr. . $077 Yange St, Toronte 7, 'butane Send Ynesch, MEN WANTED To pL Kast Apply Box $8202, FURNACE TaaTAUL ET a Ap ply or write to Flannery ener, Ont, 743-6212, Ont. Code 5 ee Kiteh- JANITOR wanted ter hotel, Three nights ay Saney Thuraday and Satu i Ouhewe a Mm, 81.80 hourly, Write Box 19--Male and Female Help Wanted Town of Bowmanville EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT capable ef toking responsi- > bility, SECRETARY Pleasing personality able te meet public end compose routine letters. ne aad eoenenmnete with ity, in writing by so te: CLERK-CONTROLLER Temperence Street Bowmenville, Onterie TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAX! 725-477) requires two Real 4 Real Estate alice | Estate agents with a Pony recerd of listings and sales. For, confidential interview cal! Gill McPeeters at 723-2265 days or 725-176, evenings. Schotield-Aker. Cali APPRENTICE tor prairdcessing phon. and = Joseph, full time, Whitty, 40 Peter iat 20--Real Estate for Sale | GUIDE REALTY LTD, 16 Simcoe Shi. s 723-5281 INCOME HOME Close to downtown, schools a transportation, This = storey brick home hes la rooms ond is in excellent con ' tion, New oil furnace, new T.V. oeriol with tower and new cup- boards in kitchen, Two kitchens, Call us for further information. Il, For an ideally situated = of land that will provide 2 lots, just north of King Street Est. A good tip for a smart dev- eloper. THIS IS A BARGAIN ' 2 which is oppealing ond comfort- able. Gos furnace, %4 basement, fenced-in beck yard. A perfect retirement home or the ideal in- expensive home for @ young couple, Give us a call, 1 YEAR OLD IV, Close to shopping and Separ- ate School, This well-kept 3 bedroom rear split bungalow has @ poved drive, and a car: port, You may use the full base- ment --= fully landscaped yard. Very well located home just east of Wilson Road, close to King St. NORTH EAST AREA yy 3 bedroom bungalow 3 years large 7. room, family pon say oid his beautifully decorated was custom built for Bhsrg owner who has been transferred out of city. Possession 30- days, Asking, only $17,900 for quick sale, Con be seen by ealling to-night, NORTH WEST AREA Vi. Two bedroom bungalow In beoutiful condition with attach. ed garoge, paved drive, forced oir olf heated, high basement, immediate possession. Pleose call ot your ednvenience, PRICED TO SELL VIL, This home should not be overlooked os it hes many at- tractive features, Beautifully decorated ond clean. A home anyone would be proud to own. Consisting of six rooms on main floor plus two down, ineluding © 30'6" recreation room. 79 ACRES Vill, for only $10,000 down, The greatest land bargain you will ever get. There is @ lovely 21 acre cedar bush with one of the best streams thet you. will The remainder See onywhere. of the land is in pasture end crop, Lend ls very --w medium cloy joom. Fences ore in good shape. This land is just waiting for you, Make an ap- pointment to see, look it over, and make us an offer, HOME FOR YOUNG EXECUTIVE 1X, Featuring electrie heat, gorage, 3 bedrooms, family room, dining area, je lot. Built by George Lysyk & Sons. Call mow for your inspection. 9 ROOM HOUSE X. On large lot 60 x 150, Zon- ing R 4. Located one block from Simeoe Street South. Ex- cellent place for rooming house House portly remodetled. Call us for more information. $6,500. FULL PRICE XI, 1¥ storey home located on approximately V4 ecre of land in Udora, 13' x 9 living room, 10' x 10° kitchen with omple room for ean eating areo, and 3 bedrooms. Contact us to-day on this bargain home, EARLY POSSESSION XI|, This newly listed 1% year old bungalow is ideal for oa newly married couple, You do not heve to go out end buy item' such os fridge, stove, rug, T.V. oerlel just to mention a few of the extras thet are in- cluded in the purchase cg The present first mortg ot 614% and corries for $76. Prineipe! and interest. You should see this home. Soon! RANCH BUNGALOW XII Beoutiful 3 bedroom home, large kitchen, ample cupboords, attached garage. Many extras. Close te schools, bus and shopping, Phone now SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 VARIETY STORE Plus 6 roomed brick home. Store size 24' x 17', good turnover, See this now. It wil! give you independence ond security. Priced at $23,500.- 00, with $3,000.00 down. ONLY $13,500 Central five roomed brick home, Owner onxious to see an offer. Oil heet, garage, ete, To inspect these ond other fine homes call Tony Zock- e@rew ot 728-7576. LISTINGS WANTED L..N. BIRD REAL ESTATE LIMITED. 668-8941 668-6762 i for k to show you through NORTH WEST AREA XIV. 4 yeer old, 5 reom brick bungelow with Hollywood kit- chen, beautiful re with) lorge vanity, 10 ft, room with plenty of spoce i pleeing| furniture, 26 ft, recreation room Home complete in every wey including storms, even en bese- ment, corport, esphelt drive, fenced hock yerd. Priced at enty $21,900. An inspection can be arranged by calling to-night, ATHOL STREET EAST XV. Large 7 room 214 storey brick home with four bedrooms for the lerge fomily. Located within minutes of downtown, Anyone requiring lerge home should. inspect this property without delay WE LIST TO SELL -- WE AIM TO PLEASE We charge 4% on exclusive listings only if sold List with confidence with Guide Realty Ltd, Realtors 16 Simeoe Street South 723-528) Goon dolly Wom 9 a.m. to ? om. LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM, to 9 P.M. $19,500 Five room, 3 bedroom bun- golow on Baldwin St, Home ts in excellent. condition and grounds beautifully aenee Good . location pose Feoturing cooled recreation room with ba INCOME HOME --- BOWMANVILLE This fine older duplex hos two @portments, one with 2 bedrooms, and one with 3 bedrooms, Equipped with 2 new gos furnaces, Located in town's north-west area. For further information give us @ coll now, JUST LISTED --- CLARKE ST. Semi-detached 2 storey wes 6 rooms ~~ heated heating de $105.00 in 1965. Wall - to- wall broadioom, modernized kitehen, new furnace, fenced in beck yord, Listed at $12, 500 with about $4000 down. Carries for $70.00 per month, principal and interest Call now for an appointment to inspect. CURRIE AVE, Older bungalow with 3 bed- rooms, Rec Room with a fire- place, 4 pe bath in base- ment; two cor garage, Nice puiet street, Full price only $11,900.00, Make an of- fer, 9 PLEX LOT Excellent corer lot 10,740 aq. ft. --- $6000 down. Pro- perty clear, Vendor will hold mortgage on good terms, Call now and arrange to in- apect. $14,500 Spacious 6 room bungalow with finished recreation room, only 7 yeors old. Monthly poyments just $102.00 P.!.T. = 642% mortgage, Give us @ call, this might be just the home for your family RANCH BUNGALOW In goed north-east location, A modern home with attoch- ed garage, attractive patio ot rear, fenced bock yord, re- creation room, plus den and extra woshroom on lower level. Well worth the asking price of $23,300.00, RAVINE SETTING Magnificent seven room split level home with attached gar- age in beautiful Beau Valley. Only 3 years old, Soman hi landscaped, Kitchen with built in stove and oven, and many extras 6%4% N.H.A. mortgage. If you are looking for a good home in the higher price range, do coll on this one, we'd love te show It to you. OPEN HOUSE | v= Navel OPEN FROM 1:00 til $:30 p.m. For full perticulers eal! 723-2265 Mel Dole 623-5438 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Brown 725-3867 723-1358 725.0201 Bill _MeFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND MLS, MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St, West trene Free, easy, safe _Porking DOUGLAS J. M. Bullied REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "EMPTY" and ready for you to-dey Five bedroom home only one year old, Equipped with com- fértable electric heat and many extras. Full price $19, 900.00 and financed with o 614% mortgage. "DO YOU" want @ grand two storey home with garage, broadioom and modernized equipment? We have it for only $13, 900.00. Possession can be or- ranged te suit We reserve the right te sell you anw size storey dwell. ing ---- without @ story. AFTER HOURS CALL John Howson 725-9152 Dick Masen 728.4991 Mamber of ©.0.R.E.8 723-1168 ~WANT-ADS DON'T SCHOFIELD-AKER J, B. McMULLAN Realtor 120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 APARTMENT SITE DUFFERIN STREET Land zoned R4. Completely serviced, Lot 22,000 sq, ft, Ideal location for apartment site etc, Presently on site 6 room older frame con sisting of 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, hay 3 piece ond | piec Garage. List ores $15, 500, $2,000 DOWN 4 bedroom 14 storey home, Living room, kitchen, double gerace, 3 piece and | plece both, Close to downtown Whithy Carrine like rant $80 per month, List price $13,500, WHITBY $1,800. down, 2 bedroom solid stone house on large commercial lot 50' x 285'; 3 piece bath, at id garoge. Carries for $90, per month, Open to offers $2000 DOWN 4 bedroom 14 storey home, Living room, kitchen, double gorage, 3 piece and | piece both, Close te downtown Whitby, Carries like rent $80 per month. Open to offers. LOT $1000 DOWN 3% acres land, | mile from Whitby Utility building, List price $5,500, BAY RIDGES 6 room bungalow, lerge liv- ing room, dining reom and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece vanity bath, completed rec. room, car-port, Well lond- scoped lot paved drive, List price $18,500, "For All Your Real Estate Needs' Call 668-6201 ~ GRIFFIN: REAL ESTATE LTD, 155 SIMCOE ST. §. 723-8144 FULL PRICE $15,800 Caerries for $98 principal ond interest Including taxes, This 3 bedroom brick bungalow on @ well landscaped lot is a pleasure to see. Coll Ethel Tranter today, A DREAM con become a reality in this beoutiful 3 bedroom north: east area clay brick bungalow, Deep ravine lot, completely fenced, recreation room, broadioom, attached garage, mony extras, Just listed. A real beauty, Coll Helen Bry- ant now for full details CARRIES $105 Including taxes, 3 bedroom brick home in desirable north- east location, Nicely planned with large hollywood kitchen, Patio off side door. Large high bosement with recrea- | tion possibilities, Call Thelme | MeMullen for inspection. j | | OPEN HOUSE | Daily and Every Weekend FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS by ARMSTRONG HOMES (Harmony Rd. N., opposite Eastdole Collegiate) DeWith 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville, Phone 623-3950 112 ACRE FARM, with 7 eoeeal Pooky M000. Terms, Don Mountjoy 623-3614, VALUABLE PROPERTY, 193 Acre farm, close to Oshawa, Presently operoted as o doiry farm. Over $17,000. yearly milk cheque, Facing 3 roads, Ready for subdividing, Call; Mrs, McRobbie 623-7159. NORTH OF PORT PERRY, 50 Acres with stream, Portly wooded. Only $1,750, down. Call; Tom Donnelly 785- re highway location, 8 roomed home, bern 3 duc Priced to sell, Donnelly 785-7264, CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, 100 Acres with 60,000 trees, professionally pruned, Asking $13,000, Terms, 248 ACRE FARM with 8 roomed home, 2 barns, 3 farm ponds. Handles 75 head of cattle. Asking $25,000. Call; Ross Davidson, Bethany 302, 70 ACRE FARM, with 2 homes, barn, nice stream, Commuting distance to Osh- awa, Priced to sal, 92 ACRE FARM, large barn, 7 roomed home, farm pond, Excellent soil. Asking only $17,000, Terms, After Hours Please Coll: Don Mountjoy 623-3614 Tom Donnelly 985-7264 Lyle Mason 392-3964 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Ross Davidson Bethany 30R2 ~ CENTRAL ONTARIO. TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR Full price $15,900 --- Excellent Bargain Very lovely 3 bedroom brick bungelow with attached ger- age, Finished rec-room with walk-out to large back yard. Spacious living room and hol- lywood kitchen, Home in ex- cellent condition, Call et once for appointment, Income Home -- $12,900 Central Oshewe, 2 storey brick with 2 separate oport- ments, each having @ sepor- ote 3 pe. bath and large kit- chen, House in good repair, Garage, private drive, fenced in beck yard and front and beck verondohs, This is a substential price reduction and you will agree is « reol borgain, Phone for appoint- ment, Excellent Neighbourhood Family home, Six large rooms, seporete dining room, very convenient to public and high schools, Owner trons- ferred ---- must sell -- try $3,500 down, OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allen Thompson 728-2870 Charles Chayter 668-2291 Relph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-522) DREAMING ! Not at oll, This 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gorage, recreation room, 4 pce. ceramic tiled bathroom and roughed in bathroom in basement is listed at only $18,900. Completely decor- ated, Tiled walls in kitchen, The fenced-in yord in beau- tifully treed end there is even a patio, Sounds like ¢ dream? Well call Dolores Ross and see for yourself! 52, 900 FULL PRICE 2 bedroom bungalow with Apne vate drive and e. es @ pin, Texes only $174, ne Come and see this today. Col! Pauline Beal LOOK -- $16,900 3 yeor old brick low, Cerries lke rent. deninatty decorated and landscaped. Located in one ef Oshawo's choice 'locations, Must be sold, Phone to see end try your offer todey, Ask fer Tina DelGobbo. Open 2 a.m. te F p.m, MEMBER OF ©.D.R.E.8. TAUNTON RD. E, HOME 950.00 Lower toxes here on this new three bedroom brick home with 100 by 150° landscaped lot. You will enjoy country living here with the modern facilities and comfort of ¢ better city home, This attrec- tive home is ready to move into and corries for $108, P.1.T. monthly GORDON | COPORINE, COST -- THEY PAY | pie yaesis? we 468-8026 ns | FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2) King St. West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board MAPLE GROVE --- Exception- a! value, Owner transferred. 6-room 14 storey home, 2 ecre lot, 20° x 40' swim. ming pool. $22,000 --~ Terms. ARTHUR STREET, ~~ S.sterey brick home, 4 beths, oi! heat. Seporote meters, Good income. $20, 000 -- Terris. BROCK STREET, OSHAWA ~~ S.storey brick home, 3 pee, beth, oi! heot, gore fecreation room, Zoned $18,900 --- Terms Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m Andy Keys 728-0196 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Joe Bernoski 723-5787 Red Kruger 723-7900 Pet Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Roy Foster Orono 983-580! Hewerd Fo: rder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985.2987 OSHAWA Licensed REAL ESTATE MEN, to werk with high colibre broker, new office; 3% sell ing, 75% to selesmen, not @ MLS. member. Al! replies strictly confidential, Contect *BILL" HORNER, Box 57919. Guy LeBlanc REALTOR 623-7461 OSHAWA HOMES East end | yeor old 8 room heme in immaculate condi- tion, built-in. stove and even, walk-out basement, carries for $128.14 P.I,T, ' Bloor St, E, 2 bedroom bun- golow, exceptionally clean, asking only $8500 terms, North end, small bungalow on large lot, asking only $5900, COURTICE AREA 2 acres suitable for V.L.A, 6 room brick home, double garage, small bern, on high- way i. 2, asking only $16, 900 terms, NEWCASTLE AREA 2% acres suitoble for VLA, 4 bedroom brick almost new bungolow, 1400 sq, ft, liv- ing areo, asking only $17, 500, $1000 down for this 2 bed- room bungalow with garage, lorge lot, full price $4500, $1500 down for this 3 bed- room bungalow with garage, on highway No, 2, full price $12,500, FARMS 99 acres with clean 6 room home, new oil furnace, 90 acres workable, asking $19, 500 with low down payment, 100 acres all worable with 9 room house with all mod- ern conveniences, born 124 x 28, make us an offer, After Hours Please C Inger Jorgensen 987. 4491 Metcalf | REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 KING ST. E. MEADOWVALE Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow only $3,500 down, Home in excellent condition, 52 x 125 lot fenced, Newly decorated ond well worth the price. Don't miss this one, STONE ST. 7 room home in A»! condi- tion, 4 bedrooms, 50 x 212 lot, Carries for $99.50 P.1.T., interest is only 6%, fully stormed and screened, walk- out doors to patio, take o look FARRY AVE. 6 room bungalow, bread- loom in living room end din- ing room, Well landscaped with elevated patio, 73 x 150 lot, just outside city lim- its, $4,000 down will swing the deal, ADELAIDE E. 2 yeor old. electric heated home, This home has base- ment all finished off into 4 seporate rooms. Has attached garage, and dauble paved drive, Corries for $122 P.I.T. Close to all schools, owner will look ot reasonable offer, Phone tonite OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 728-1554 725-919) 723-9178 725-9365 728-5416 Jock Hogen Joe Maga Eldon Kerr Bob Johnston Frank Frankfurter John Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-858S MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B, We list exclusive & MLS. W. L. Dougan REALTORS 725-1109 Neaecn Cae, mona: 3 Finished Rec. Room complete with built-in T.V, and Bar, Lovely modern kitchen' fea- turing breakfast mook with padded leather seats, Paved drive, Surrounded by other lovely homes Asking $16, 900, Owner must sell, moving to U.S.A, Close te schools, swpoing and transportation, sure you see this home roa tonight, THORNTON RD. N. $6,000 dewn --- 15 cores and house, Completely fenced, canal nica traee An antnartu A real for future devel- opment, This won't last, Call tonight, BUNGALOW --- $17,500 No mortgage problem, ven- dor will hold with reasonable down poyment, Fully finished basement, with Rec room, Ath bedroom and tiled loun- dry room, Owners transfer. ted to Toronto, Early pos- session, 10 ACRE LOTS We have several, in varied locations, priced from $7, 500, Make your selection now, and let prices rise, After Bob Wells L, Lefoy G. Schofield Bill Dougon KEITH PETERS pag' LTD., -7328 103 KING" STREET EAST Realtor VILLAGE PROPERTY + Ask. ing only sixteen thousand for * this comfortable three bed- room home north of Oshawa, Walking distonce to public school regular bus service by your door, Inspect by calling Whe, McCormack ot 655- 9 PM, 723-5467 725-0343 725-2214 725-1109 LAND is voluable end in- creasing every day, Buy while the price is ri aa Megat vd acre lor No, goed terme $1,000, 30.00 Down 80 Harmony Road, \ree ecre ev sites low down pay ments, easy monthly poy ments, for more information coll Will Irvine, 728-2868, BRICK BUNGALOW. WITH ATTACHED GARAGE -- liv. ing room at rear overlooking room at rear overlooking large lot 50' x 185° property becks on revine, ore type 2 bedroom, Cell Eorle Allen, 725-7782, NASSAU STREET =~ Asking only $11,500.00 very clean, two storey six room hedge around = front yerd, aluminum storm windows, oil heating, privete drive, very anxious, open to offers, Phone Bill Ratcliffe, 655-4457, George Blyleven REALTOR 623-5300 OSHAWA north-east = end; very clean ond well kept three bedroom home, living room with fireplece, dining room, ot a kitchen, secluded lot rege. Asking price 1, 0 wi with low down pay- ment, Give us an offer, OSHAWA, close to shopping centre on valuable lot 3 bed: room frame bungelow, 4 piece bath and workshop, Asking price $77,500 OSHAWA, east end; 3 years old well kept three bedroom bungalow, N.H.A, ot 614%. Asking price 2). 700. Open for an offer. CLOSE TO HIGHWAY 35: two storey home, modern conveniences. large imple- ment shed, old barn on four ecre lot, Asking $13,- 900 with $2,000 down, Give us on offer. COURTICE: 3 bedroom bun- gclow, extra stool and show- er in walkout basement, Longe lot suitable for V.L.A, Ask- ing price $15,600, ORONO: Large ravine build- ing lot, with never foiling stream HAMPTON area: On new road 15 os vecent lend with some bush end stream, Asking price $7500, Now is it the time to buy your ten acre lot, Some par _cels left ot $450 450 per ocre, H. KEITH LTD, REALTOR FEATURED PRICE STEVENSON ROAD NORTH Adorable 3 bedroom bunge- low, lerge living room. Huge L-shaped kitchen, Must be sold this weekend. All Rag will be considered. Immi pa 723.7463, "S30. BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES fate se FULL PRICE L993 DOWN TO ONE N,H.A, MORTGAGE Our own trained personne! ere On the site to casist you. Browse in comfort -- no ebligation ---- no sales pres- sure |MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE, E. ~-- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, BUILT @ BACKED end SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 $1,654 DOWN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3-bedroom brick bungalows N.HLA. FINANCING on quiet court neor Oshawe Shopping Centre Priced from $17,950 full price "JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 20--Real Estate for Sole Courtesy, Integrity, Service by H. MILLEN REAL. ESTATE LTD, Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, McLAUGHLIN SCHOOLS Beautiful ae tig - wi room fireplace he living room, Finished rec room with electric heat, Over sized gor- age, Wide paved pri- me Ry Must bd aca 32001878 to. day, BEAU VALLEY Beautiful 4 bedroom split level for the low price of $21,500, Ex- eitingly different D. W. McQUAY. _ Realtor 319° Brock $,, Whitby 668-5868 WHITBY « id must sell Cosy two bedroom brick slow plus finished room 16° x 10' in basement which can double os an extra bedroom - or recreation room, Taxes pen $297, Asking $14,750, terms, Keith 668.5868, 66 2650, a to inspec Call 28-1678, DOWN Spic and spon, 2 bed- room cottage style home. Large back yord with privote drive, Yours for $90 monthly, Your start In life to save the simp- cock 728-1656, RETIREMENT SPECIAL © Close to shopping, Huge bedrooms. Full dining pe = brick bungalow, Es- tate sole, | and a half complete bath. rooms, Loaded with extras, Complete com- Call Diek Peveak 728- 1656. Jack RICARD E Ltd., Realtor BOWMANILVLE 623-2503 392 ACRE FARM comfortable -- brick home, Large painted bors, 10'.12" stream, . This is con sidered one of the best forms in the area, $52,000--Terms. 100 ACRE FARM style lose te Taunton Rood, RAGLAN == 110 ACRES Modern 4 bedroom bungalow. 48' x 110° barn. Schoo! bus to gate, $31,500, TWO ACRE POND On 30 acres of scenic roll land, Controlled spitiwey, Well stocked with trout. $13,500, GRENFELL STREET 4 bedroom 14 storey home, Gorage with breexzewey, centre, Close to $15,500, NEW $2,000 DOWN Orono. Ultra modern through- out, $15,800. Howard Wight 623.2524 Gernet Ricard 623-7397 Milford MeDonald 623-3911 Dorothy Vivien 263-2138 Wilf Hawke Orone 983-5274 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED SPECIAL $8,900 4 room bungalow with gor age. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, oll heat, low toxes, Owner oye | from City, Asking $8,900. with monthly payments of $75. Immediate possession, Call Roy Yeo, Evenings 72$-2217. VERDUN ROAD $13,500. Completely modernized 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bun- Jack led) Evenings 723-3398, Aen ¥ 101 Simeoe Street North 728-5123 SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL HOMES HEIGHTS Built -by ARMSTRONG from $1,500 DOWN {if You: Qualify) OPEN DAILY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GRIFFIN | Real Estote Ltd. --~ 723-6461 Head Office -- 723-8144 For RESULTS Classified TIMES ACTION ADS 723-3492 lest way. Call Dick Po-| 4 pdered| Sea SO 'SSRs (] irin n crkohank of 7S pe shanks Poa eel = heme, gies mh a2 be 5 been fort and Letigan bet dening space too!| $#-884! shed for the hobbiest. thee. ee ent conan sie, heating ovsts Gore Ket eeren aaene or ee movi ship. priced te Fratton call Mike furnace. Owner a Baad Nor, FEESI, evenings, beau! Miia aBseicsBiee Sor setae ae fous to to Pia Stradeskt b , Call + . MeMutian, state Broker 725-3537. After hours ce GNEVEAR OLD bungeiow, In choles ay = a AR | tern whe Tanase Bases Raaten" * + THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, November 10, 1966 7 'elephone . ol rornace, tern lot. = "e"sens Tntors

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