26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharedey, November 10, 1966 & * November Is Hunting Month..Hunt For Bargains In The Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--~Articles for Sale 13--Articles For Rent 18--Mole Help Wanted FRER) Furnace agg ot po og free. | | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOT! purchase irom: western Oh Company fas-| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Are You Interested _ es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | R BUS| NE ye > laren BARGAIN AT ape Une, Punch Bowls, Bridol | ' @ Rewarding Career ? , Be hes tresses, all reduced, smooth tog mar Wear, Men's Formals, White HERE IS WHAT f , tresses for bunk DRESSED rane Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, nals, fiak Winows FUME A RGEANIT'S RENTALS Zeller's Limited ' } \ USE Fin ae rt ai EF 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Rug - Upholstery Service G meee" , y FVPEWNITERE, G@-NoMosay aoe, Money down, [ENTERTAINING Fifty Yo, one nundred OFFERS YOU IN We do RECOVER your ™ New, ed senile nee rng Bel +i (og partion, weddings, Bar, kitchen,| RETAIL MANAGEMENT Residential "int er | d ea si! CHESttReMS or lie PLACE BY bh pry parking. cog ih ag limnee tains Commercial cost. ge SURAANTREG GEN Weinaeh Washers, |WHREL CHAIRS, Hospital beds, walkers, * Good starting solary é / television, * + LA ' ee acpi rene, reo iq} | WILD BIRD MIXTURE | For FREE ESTIMATE coll, Sor! f raven Furnfure sha' Anpllanest, '81|Mid Rattle WS Beatie, Mclean | | Excellent training program ing, 167 King Street "east Dshawa, - Industria SUNFLOWER SEED 728-3651 7 ath, y Simcoe South, 723-00 * Rapid advancement for those feria, TAS S00) $, 1. Hopklna CaF i Wepalty oe Altareiana INTERIORS by WINDOLF on REP Wear In: cai nd weather 14--Business Opportunities with industry and ability WILLIAM €. WALL. Bicomm., Charle| Additions. --- Remodelling WILD BIRD GRAINS 39 Simcoe St. N. Hh PB a. ea SHELE CANADA LIMITED has a serv Liberal Benefits Accountant, 36%, King Street East, For all ' Construction BIRD FEEDING chesTERFI ELDS re-upholstered and Si 5 nui Sanivae nacoageeserlibonins Better iran J Bseccah ge oRy gh Bekins bath Company policy of promotion STATIONS restyled. Free etimete: See our mate. _ Iy-surniure sain Sin Toca. came gemen. reauzed er intormatin,| from within Toes, rial for re-covering, Slip covers made i plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en-|22 a" Opportunity for high-level ping « Centre, 725-9953, income WATER SOFT SAL' to order, Dalton Upholstering, 73 Charles WELL &¢ Oe ALLEN }& SONS WATER SOFT SALT [fp cuter, Daltor Wa semble, Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable "equipped auto: BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING, Service, PURITY DOG MEAL : ARICMTENING ls gees! --Rarene'. Homa.' Furntenican, 408 wee eg Po aeese "ed interesting and active E 4 Gia Service DARK PART oF THE ST ag eee counts, Coe Street. North, 725-0297. "Res. 7a. PURINA DOG FEEDS _ y. ep 4 pa YERY NEW MOOK 1$ he vive a aero ware "ance, orgs Open to serious inquirer. Box. S684", Anvironment JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun: JOSEPH ANN, Chartered Accoun- OSHAWA HOME MASTER DOG FEEDS APPLIANCE WHEN DID EARLY. | SUNLIGHT REFLECIED alter 6 pum. 1 S--Employment | Wanted * Strong expansion program Eos "Telephone 7 ic a IMPROVEMENTS PET SUPPLIES MAN FIRST Come | FROM THE PACIFIC RasTORE "ANTIQUE SOFA -- over 104). Creating unusual opportunity HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun-! Custom Built Kitchen--Bath- REPAIRS foamunica | OSEAN" posiaLY Old, red. volvet, 725-1343, RESIDENTIAL ond "commercial flor] fOr progress , AME LARGEST MIRROR tant, 47 Prince Street, suite 4 0%) room -- rec. rooms -- ond BRITANNIA MALT v,. IMAML UNIVERSES ny au oy ia Nice lHcors. sanded. and retmnishee. Scuttresi| Applicant Must Be Able : all General Repairs. FLOUR Expert repairs to all mokes MNour 20,000 Gouegvaerases'~ "" |B6¥°S BICYCLE, 287 wheel, Tareon end| Contract Iwitea, pastas, "| To Relocate Periodically Barristers H. McKOY Prop. CANARY SEED of washers, dryers, ranges, YEARS AGO. AU CHURK 1 A CROSS BEAWEN A | White, Telephone 725-1950. TADY WISHES housekeeping posliion for| J M a etc, CHICKEN AND A TURKEY, ELECTRIC chor: mn, 72 8. Ex-/elderly gentleman In Oshawa area, Tele- unior Matriculation GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll 725-8576. © "chord organ, 72 bass, © yo citors, etc. \114 1, Bast. ------ BUDGIE SEED @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Cn tu ee tt en rr gellent conaltion,.$9%, Call 7a 1593 after |phone" 726-1146, is Essential 723-2278. haat J. ore EXPERT PAVING. Free estimat . | RaCARLE MATURE oman dete ie, 7as-aases Terence Vv. Kelly, 'eg ae 728-| cludes grading and fill, twovesr i FLOWER POTS ALCAN TWO iris" coats, one Winter, one spring, | part-time Kitchen work dally, 10 Please Direct All Replies To Box $332) Thomas H. Jermyn, BAy LLB, TH tee, Ii yours in business, Terrano Paving, STRAW TV---Redio R ' ~ Asien tab tek size 10, Telephone 725-9483, 2p vy preferably hotel, restaurani. te Number Radio Repairs 8--Articles for Sale LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN set, very FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister anc CARPENTRY -- New ana repaire, block ee ee id iil 1 aca P -- nn nnennenennnns |Complete, Tape sreceroer ae ae MAN WITH VARIED SXPaRIENCE 56313 Solicitor, 86 King street East, Sulte 307, | ctor, n ind cement work. Free estimates. Telephone 723-0011 TELEVISION--RADIO Dunbarton, 839-174 In construction and F bul ing Ouaes i Ton "e eCAUORLIN, 8 i ay pprialll py hedge Ao yp Behm stucco, Cooper-Smith Co. davies CLOTHES "nae for sale, automatic, company. Welle, Box 30201, Oshawa ister and Solicitor, 22% King * remodelling, 'coms, : . cer Hep 1766. | Times, rans. Res, 723-0944 Jgstimates. A.C. Wood, 720-2420 or 728- 16 CELINA. ST. Harris Aluminum Sales 24 HOUR eee pews ; WILL GIVE DAY CARE to: children in z 723-2880, SOYCHYN ond WicL| 22" y Rome, nerth end Oshawa. 723 Taunton Road E, ter, $35.3 electric multip T2344 itt, Kina oy A 9799. 2 Apply. 120" N Street, Ea Oshawa; R._D. mphrey$, roatingy "Gulomeyas jenvechiatenian' fie: 723-2312--723-1139 ae y Rg: si HOLMES SIX SERVICE BAYS FURNITURE -- "comp = (neo WaiT ARaA ie BB POWER'S chyn, QC, BA, tte places, masonry. Gord May, Itby, ' ' wi SR La ee ne MEO IE a BO. one or two children In my home, five ez) *realdene: BER BA wd 668-2774, Delivery Service Siding, windows, doors, awn- ELECTRONICS FOR FASTER SERVICE DELUXE Thistle Baby Carriage In Very|days week, Telephone 72 e ther first mortgage funds available, | ROOFING, hot tar and save, anne established 1909 ings, stonework, railings, 16 good condition, belge coloring: also' tan-| ovines GaLL ROBCO io | S ) RM joaaPn P, MANGAN, QC, Solicitor, | repairs large and small jobs. L. and H years experience, For: Prompt Servien: Call ed dem fraller, Telephone 728-4549 after Si 7ates Free estimates, Rake leaves and Money to loan, 1 Oftlene 144 King Street |Reofing and Construction, 725- oi Instruction Siding Experts, Lowest Prices. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL quariums, fish, gravel and full re Hert 460d ytimne ve service REQUIRES it, wa, 5 1 os pW me , : ore ere Bh TER eaceimee, Weve Yor oorees Gol nee wit ATON rwirtng Regi Whitby -- 668-5679 | Chev, Dodge, Ford, Ply 8. Reasonably priced. APPIV | FeachER REQUIRES 'novsekeoper im. Q JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar now, your garag mouth, Pontiac. We correct Tansee Street. ry Public. 6" slab, overhead door, and painted. 3 4 pel 28-390) after § 7 lly, Harvey Dan: my, Rent A Piano T V. Rentals wheel alignment, inspect and REVOLVER, 22 scaltore frontier reel i a : AN EXPERIENCED Sanaway Ontario font" paring Petes gb aay monthly payments arranged. 723- ae Seles c= al SEE a hy correct castor Gnd. eorber, wilh aUrete draw holster, wit ave bay CARE for chia in my ta roe tahoe sae setae [Racararae, TM! HEINTZMAN ALCAN coer conaion .' $6.88, [AUTOMATIE, SLATRE, TIgVET walrbaac ™ "™ % ee TP! GROCERY r mores es a van NELLIS HOME = -- Money to Loan 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa FURNITURE AND ssi: Bhs nal pf enol eras noe qs PO cell «sy dren in my 'ewn' home, "Telephone 668- CLERK fumes, tn. many canes nge pairs, rec. rooms, remodelling. Free|i Witt LOAN you up Yo $5000 ata Telephone 728-2921 APPLIANCES extra, WALNUT Five WOMAN WILL TAKE CARE of ehiigren estimates, 720 rate of interest to 452 Simcoe 5S. e two, pleted panes rledie, fy crepes, in her own home, five-day week or Stiephone Oshawa 725-6539, \ titled General GORDON RF. euine bos a Calan' traps bills or 'or any other worthwny | GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wrin fs ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get) /°U" hei 723-0011 urday If preferred, Near Mary *strent . Section, Whether you're purpose providing you are steadily em-| washers and renee. Free estimates, aif Phasina Claaied ino for Detter lob, Nag gt tee Math Rd Yeors. 70m mieved ord Nave quad credit. THAIS. [TAS oc THO. BRAKE SPECIAL sea K large selection of new and esa ____.__| AND AN EXPERIENCED check "Help Wanted" now REPAIRS and services (Low rates), T.V. TOWERS Rust Most popular cars, First lused, Also hockey Ipment, bargain DARRIED WOMAN with 1S years exeery nec ROOMS. Order aw for Christmas, Mortgages Cig machines, vacuum cleaners, ren- «Ve Paves Quality Royoline. 4 wheels, priced hockey, sticks, yele Centre, 204/lence, on Burroughs 9 q BUTCHER juaranteed workman: . For free esti. lo 'g@ for preiimin- ont reet, 6344, Sanemerene WATes mates call 'Don collec, f983m2, or Ook DENN eh rien a ae COLORED TV $14.88 GM FRIGIDAIRE stove, $50.7 Kelvine: | belonces, "promt Weagor pare wi 'ind WORD ADS Perry. MORTG AGE work guaranteed, call evenings only 6.30 : tor refrigerator, $40.) both In goad cOn-| cost accounting, Would Ike a permanent Sian 1 inerton, of 24 words, $1.08 ROOFING, ENTNEYS,-- aera fo 10,30 Phone 725-7489, or black and white ° dition Telephone 723-4606. Sualtion, New te city of "Sana Htlonal "me PIANO TUNING -- Experi tuning end 24-Hour Service WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |GIRL'S CLOTHING -- good winter coat,| Write Box S8214, oanewa. Fire words, ents; sidewa' slabs, stoops. ' Frank Mecenn, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3067. LOANS repairs. Free estimates given without 723-0065 or 668-5830 dresses, suit, skirts, alt in size 12, Tele HOUSEWORK WANTED by ihe-aav_ by Good starting rate, usual additional words obligation, Telephone 723-6327, Including weights per wheel . h wom 5 additional words 21¢, each. Carpentry NEW, USED -- vacuums, m pollaherdt" Re RAE'S RADIO & T.V. each ., $1.95 tate Na al ee ree. sah ties eer th inthe benef ' ' pairs' ro all makes. New' hoses. Phone | epre--Fv--TOWER and Aerial ter SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, TECO SPACE HEATER With fan, large company benefits. Apply gnarge 10 ovr ant, eaiona charge REMODELLING, trim work, cupboords Moneys evailable for aa Jack Lees, 720-4956, da riper arial, service, FRONT-END WORK AT new! 'Telephone evar" "™ "IK 17 Female Help Wanted to the manoger, 564 recreation rooms, & fairs, Free es} and second mortgages. Open fast i 1) 668-6761 728-6879 at ae ee eer bert raeer ee ' mei, Yomi ral morgegt No on, at |Septie Service Wis' se oh hn." "| COMPARABLE PRICES | otpR FoR LA Pe a RW King Street Eost nae 2 soda 2 TS counts mortgages, second mortgages SEPTIC TANKS clean Prompt s A Ajax 942-3678, i ord "oho or abbreviation anual, Bs Cartage ond agreements for sale pur- West Whitnr cae sues oe Chestnut Sireet | Well Drillin Diggirg U NIROYAL CHAIN SAW CS Hi like new, framber counts chased. Af WELL by pecial Priced for quick 5 Izing In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 'Chest: 3086, O: . ies CARTAGE M. F. SWARTZ Surveyors nut Street West, Whitby, 660-2563 oF S48. CENTRES andar oan "Waheosau Be ool DRIVE o IN SocrAL NOTICES OF ANY KIND 26% King St. Eost DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, One|" The New Rica oF with head-plece and veil, Te E sertion with 23 3 4 Hon 'duarge Ht net 'pelt within © HOUSE © SARNS © SHEDS gh Ay oc Pim, {omer Sen ass *v*!2---Personal DOMINION TIRE STORES | Finea--geacuWRATERES in go| 1327 Simcoe St. North EXPERIENCED Anything Demolished or Re- ae PRR cing Rober yy Rll 723-4697 Smee Mae Ber So ise] Removal of superfiveu hel 17 Pork Ra. $. SOvING Oe pees SET a REQUIRES each thereafter plus 126 728-7020 728-1892 Ist end 2nd Mortgages nan. Marie Murduff will' be~.in Phone 725-6511 pliances, Call Bimer, Mamoten' ses-a0te MACHINIST Verse). 26, =e, as Red 'd PAYMENTS TOO. HIGH? TV--Radi ; Oshawa, Nov, 2) 2iidiend. Jo ee CAR HOSTESSES prose as HAULAGE DON with 1841, stake dump --Redlo Repsirs 230d, Prone Gengeha Herter | RUTHERFORD 'S CARD. OF THANKS truck, Part or fulltime cartege. Waste Why not consolidate eli your these eft 3 for appointment. 9--Market Basket ' 62.25 for the first 35 words end removal, etc. Good on bakery; payments with a low cost LECTROLYSIS.. 3 room groups, Living Room, EARN EXTRA MONEY A growing company In thereafter 28c, additional waste, Seedy and onteie, Port Perry.| mo, 6 tees Bedroom, Dining Room. Mod: CORTLAND APPLES, eatin polscs troche Fo I I 723-4641 ern, French Previnat 'Colon- atte conalnere. $7 carrera Ra Rd, : ihe for the electronic Industry re- coMINa Tae 8. 178 tor the| Dentistry DOUG TERWILI Bone, Mot for RIDE WANTED Fram Oihawa to Gear| [0!, .$399.,_ $499,, $599,, [7mm _ CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS | quires additional help for 5 4 ht . -| $699. Easy Terms, Immediate | POTATOES for sale, free delivery. Tele Re 5s one Fi gg Fg yl A iris perfect ing 7.30 amy 720-0058 ater 600 pam delivery or layaway, hone 728-1 Part time help only required, its machine shop. AUCTION SALES For appointment, 728-5171. * BRANCH REALTY tv 5Seerts 5 Col "Our nome is your APPLES. in ¥,_jbelielous, Courtand. our } day and evening, Thursdey : 24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. | BIALEK, DR. E. P.. Denial Surgeon, at tie weet kok Oh reception portsman's Column guarantee of quality."' fe Ouheen Maar ale sie cine a ggg A Free Boe es Fringe benefits, profit Osho oon » wet sharing plan and steady 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For , : HUNTING LICENCES, new and used Rutherford' nN Bri DEADLINES appolntment, 728-8842 or Res, 726441, Bus, 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 on guns, bought and sold. Baver skate, ex- 156 abla "ee fete poTATORE eGR seventyfive| home ofter mid-night. No ex- 10 prices. Valley Creek, it Bond. He w. 0 | pound bags, delivered. Telephone 728-)' perience required, training | employment. WORD ADS D ki 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ressmaking eek, ee 'a ured, training DRESSMAKING. Expertiy ' INVESTORS channels We RI ot ond wee Sow ane CLEARANCE APPLES -- Mcintosh, $1.50 per bushel waiuan #iseroa hk nation: LOST AND FOUND fitted | sults moose, Telephone 668-8745 or 723-0192. i i ? am. DAY OF PUBLICATION costs, dresses, Beautifully tailored silip- FOR SALE -- Prime Ist of Aluminum Storm ore. Gain: aoe i ) sentiol. Must. be t, plea- C " covers, drapes. Mrs, Toms, 668-2372 with ear Kn il A ad Ala tnd mort , $8,300 will bu 4--Motorcycles Sweet and pears. Algoma Orchards,| sant and courteous, between ; Ime DAY OF PUBLICATION cat arn ae Work Sng gp $9,800" ist mortgage, goed no i968 MATCHLESS 730 SC Twin for tale. ~-- ow bihetee Thickson's 'Road. North, Whitby, 18-35, MR, C. TAYLOR sionally. Mrs, McNamee, 668-8756, covenont, 744%, ¥ xcellent lon, many extras, Ii SAEMORIAMS ond EXPERIENCED DRESEMAKING,dino| ments, pes! Shas sane entenne alec al ZELLER'S 10--Farmers' Column TELEPHONE 728-5731 Spm. DAY PREVIOUS eiterations en, ladles' and gents" evitt:| Pickering area. For' further get 5--Trailers OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE lea up promt' Marpwil Fe Fock V N LT CLASSIFIED DISPLAY information call: bl | Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263- SALESLADIES CRO E D. wm. day Gardening and Supplies nie BARGAINS 2721, Licence 4 wenn or larger = 00 8 ] Li JOHN KOSTENIUK tv Wie SMALL WARM GARN or Three box| Full or port time for exclusive 500 BEECH ST. NEW 1966 FLOOR COVERING stalls, Oshawa vicinity, 'Telephone 723:/ ladies' sportswear shop, Ex- * CANCELLATIONS AND 723-8144 : Thousands of yards of 4463 i in selling desirabl WHITBY, ONT. CORRECTIONS FIRST ond SECOND Rambler Trailer discontinued --_ patterns : ay Pissting parsonality, qond ae . pag = eee na MORTGAGES call Fridge.,. oven, follet, sleeps from 29¢ 11--Pets and Livestock |: pearance and references es ication will be charged on day's Insert --All. Classes-- 723-5278 5, worth $2500. This week Wilson"s Furniture K.W RANCH sentiol, Good salary in ac- ion, --City, Rural, Vacation-- only $1995, M di ith abili i y . Many other new cordance wi ability to sell. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 ' B LB sec NMERLAND and used trailers, Open evens [aca u.20 Conureh St. Al, types of hornen for sale heal th Gain tes CAREER Woeerd toss Toa ay Aight be rade Member Ontario Mortgage ( pi woo 2 Set, Open Sun. SCRAP LUMBER rides, hoy rides, sleigh rides, ' Brokers a ; --_-- Ride dally Mon. - Fri, $9 SEIGNEUR'S OPPORTUNITY advertisers as soon a3 erage f we ec ability in respect of loss or LR t ; q i Stimage alleges to" arte toro eter sina ane te esnO Ree ee Buddy Trailers | {cet your own tick, ony | Spacious box stalls. Atk for | Sportswear Ltd. failure or delay In forwarding such re : ECOND mortgages aval 7 ony or Ted, Pickering 942- Notional Finance erganize- piles, however eaused whether, BY negit: gble. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Ve Port Hope, Ont. 1101 Oshawa Shopping Centre | tion is seeking on experienced gence or otherwise, The Times will not sree? Rorine Whilby, 665858 " ' $3.00 per load prc co am Be eponsibie "tor "replies uncalled for FIRST AND SECOND moriaage: BUILT IN OSHAWA' Office 43 Bigin St. N, f oc MM man fo local office. yd in 20 days. For eee in the Spring soreements purchased and sels Henn AT OUR OWN PLANT ' ye sol = : 725-1 18] Mil l TOP RANCH ' ' ag by oi ' peucen ps on @ coréer ! ni nnic arristers, ing Str ot at o ms -- 'or young ledy wi experl- thro ' nned REGULATIONS . Plant Now East, 72-722, We give you o better VACUUM REPAIRS, oii iiaker, Haase Moreea bearded, bought end ence in general insurance. ered to 8 sence den ey os The Oshawa Times will not be responsible) so ~ for errors In advertisements submitted Freshly dug Optometrist tower for Less Money TRAILER CLEARANCE prunes. View Yr aeltvery, Was-heis.| aati Mat be oped tvelet od ele abi gutta srt = local . ory commensurate wi i ms Sere etuen oh aed. cevertiooment Evergreen and Flowering |f. RICHARD BLACK, 60, \i0 Simeve TRAILERS, HEATERS RE - = HANCOCK ROAD NORTH quiries treated' confidential. hor beyond the price charge for a single Shrubs Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone SHAWA t V, FRIGERATORS. Authorized |APARTMENT SPREIALE beds $16 lust @ast Of Courtice Call John Kosteniuk ot 723- vious experience. Limited, 4 aves Insertion in which error occurs, Shut ae iis Service on trailer heating and waahern Aly 'a Tore aires) walt ts i SOR. F74R wr FORAPIA 4666, Griffin Real Estate CANADIAN The Oshawa Times reserves, the right to FERTILIZERS SUPPLY LTD. Refrigerators Street East, Valley Creek fon-adil : ecord! fo betas --_ oy . oe ee ne : PAINTING and paper TAUNTON RD. E MILLER HEATING hte te fe A fal A =Pett and Livestock timates. Telephone "aie (laut Gest of Riaarh MAIL 3 resees hall price, Pineal quailty ' Lun WHITE SALT ibe giake creeen in the cases of display advertisements ® reen ust Eo tson 9 Tudor St., Ajax, 942.9491 turepedie Par Oar, Hetdbnaree LB AND WHITE GOLLIES, Seater LOGE dor § ax 4 ti é The Times will not be held responsible @ Evergreen Phot h | 793. mis? 2 79 1 Lacitoonat Wire on. 199 won {Sed miitahite shonh dan anh tenatt "an eit UALIFIED ANC otograp y } C] heen dey, $35 to $75, di for more space than that which the actual & Monga € WE BUY, SELi ANT BREHANGE aid! jiveren bes aes FOR WHITBY SALON error The WEDDINGS, parties, children, in black|.. RAMBLER TRAILER > furniture oF anything yau Rave The Elly CORP. LTD fo reproduce all advertising matter cor- LAWN 9SEEDS [ane wnite 'and coisr," most rensonabie| Alban & Trading Post Stora, 444 Sineoe Sires!| PUREBRED reyisiered German Shap| Good opportunity for right . ' rectiy, but assume fo liability of adver- rates, Taken in your own home s: ss! HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED ~~ RENT South, Mara7t neve pupa fer ts sire poe dam, x operator, Phone 668-3061. For Appointment Coll: tisement story, Ineccarecion in any form) Stop in today for oll your [extra cost, 576-1047 TV TOWERS Open Sundoys 2-4 P.M p paver Bind aéllon shalyun, oneal PETC? fem Enel and, Telephone NT Are Hughes MR. BENNETT ri 3 ent ee on, aed anly & few tines . --s ee biases garden needs Plumbing on. ond. Heating BUDDY TRAILERS Mics, tat, Ho Watntiveet,"Wnithy,| BEAUTIFUL "BABY BUBSINE READY | cs saiswasuun;eaerioncoas ee Wi 728-1691 -- n " A 1d vee fever Went A 7 U ARE BEST PORT HOPE FV YOWRRE BPRCIAL <<" ditont Vower| PLONE 114 Elgin Rant Tee omen Aeeiy tae Maytals se. event -- Cali Classified Direct PLUMBING MART WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Lot at 401 and 28 structure, allechannel antennae instaiied, COZY) RANCH, Reg'd, German Shep-lion 728-0642 723 3492 SOLD DIRECT house TRAILER F WOR SALW. heed Becks TV Supply Limited, Taunten Heohead pups ey corer Led a Sag 'RELIAGLE baby aller te live in twe bs N + R | ; eaten | Road Bast, just east af Ritson Road oree, Pony. into, Western 9 lentieren, proachecl, Neweastie. Tele GARDEN CENTRE 20% OFF ably Priced. For more Information tele MOVING) 21" teievinion, REA Victor) LAENaBea aera Ashbury _ 655-4462. | Cnone 967-4937 ; AND INDEX TO 1015 King St. &. Copper pipe, pumps, three TELEVISION it" FALCON house ivaller, Rlecivie| tension" levoer, " 'ania, | puppion, five. week ae 1 HAVE YOU A PLMASING personally? 1 725 6551 piece bath, stciniess steel c Bond Di erakes and tollet, Propane stove, oven,.| skates site I, china cabinet, 225 Eulaiie. (phone 725-8585 after ry p.m. SomsernY fer at Wivranes Carey, 58 CLASSIFICAT ONS - sinks, vanities etc orner 738 i435 ivision pale, fe copheaid "teece' neat en's PORTABLE SPOT WELDER, ve volts, Medd : Kus, 8 learn, Coll Mrs, Gyose, 725-6235, BRIDGEPORT t--Women's Column Hours -- 12 p.m. to 9 p.m a pm, : ' PBK Kg | nF peg aad puppies from! FEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP wari- m, SOE Te ll nthe a sie ' heet metal brake, 18 je. 728.|Championship Stock. Also black, sliver "wan fseraman column TOP SOIL, SOD | 5% --2.cm,% 8 bm | City TV wevsony sedi |g Maring Equipment --|Wrumri sas ves" tom lead i ace a, rompers 2"! -- CPERATOR Pet be aa é Closed Wed P service and repairs. Service | -------- tbr uz. |CHMOTRRPIRLD, While leather, in par |c'en Shewrind.. Telephone 722-8920. RELIABLE WOMAN fo live in and care ad alot Fall Sale of 149 Brock St. N., Whitb dept n 7 days a week, |"STARCRAFT" new Traveller boals,| fet condition. Reasonable price, Tele-|PUREBRED REGISTERED Standard fe * y pt. ope y' Tiwap'angsBarer NURSERY STOC 668-6601 Also T.V. towers, color and |ueexarn, "ara, Qmen evenings, and] phone 720-2807. Giecie 'orewns' whites Very' feesenasta!|phote U7 ce ee --Swa - V. , kends. M : lack, brown, white, V * : somarker ean ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remoder| /Ock and white T.V. Anten- tia.. "Brookiin, 658364. or i wiaih freer AY anaes One meen" wD anata NEED EXTRA MONEY -- "Studio Girl oe Gabe wee we} he - ' jot, a me ; * 10--Farmer's Column HARDSAND ling, new and used materials. Reasonable! MOS, rotors installed, Sales |USED ALUMINUM cer jop 17° boats,|Also J2aalion nalural gas. hot water|@ERMAN SHEPHERDS, Canade's finest efters Sree ae rewarding Li nomemee shift, between Wyoming ond li--Pets and Livestoct rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley ond Service 9.4.m. to 9 p.m $150.00; 14', $195.00. Wilde Rental, é68-ltank, $15. Very good condition. 728-4705, | purebred, at Band oe cert % own a autores seaman Wi a ag ot i slainele Detroit. Tele 12--wrticles Wanted LANDSCAPING ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING aup-| 306 Kitchener Avenue, Coli [222% _Whitby. GAS PURWAGE, like new, Set of taun-l greeny, *« ta Sahota ew Isimeee. Street, Cahawa, cell" 735-8188; y Ta--Articles for Rent plies. Telephone 725-2521, Harold H. Stark| ° ' WINTER STORAGE. Boats, motors, ete. |dry tubs, Pellet gun, 191 slide projec |Ciuenvera Kennels, 942-6469 st of Simede Street, Oshawa, call] 834-6446 ond ask for JOHN 14--Business Opportunitien Lid; Plumbing, Heating and' Engineering 725-0500. All work guar- [wide Rental, Whitey 640i" "lta! wit' vations "uligiur aiiice, Cince|WIGHT FiO' FOR SALE = nine weeks beer 0 : BARXELL, 1$--Employment wanted 55 Glovers Rd. 255 Simcoe Street South. | onteed. RECONDITIONED 5, 7) and ie HP ou.| *"tlaues, 728-0217 old. Telephone 655-2908. RELIABLE BABYSITTER tequlted tee eee ; -- a a oe nee rf ' i PUPPIES | je, mother purebred §) hoes. 5 veg eg Bho 725-1 1721 Rug, | Upholstery Service SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 aa new." Dumbarton, 839 1 Slagle ox Gers were latin orator Ch SoM soli| Bernard Very peed We eolioren S16 raed manele ah own evel DRIVER SALESMAN or Female Help Wanted BADE jes Ser er renner i@ SPRINGBOK aluminum boa', vehicles and MeCulloch chain saws,;maie, $15. female. Telephone 723-2625. | Ray View Avenue. 648-8524. Required by national snack Beat Exaie Por Sale SMITH' S TREE FARM PROFESSIONAL Fast T.V. Service: Fp a -- cere Ay Hine | pew on dleotaw United, Regl-All rine phage sgh Cuityenee, puppies for] WOMAN to look afier two children, one| food manufacturer. Must - Meadowvale ree M tale, male and temate. ave some 1 Teh 4 Farms for Sele @ Cedars for Hedges RUG CLEANING DOMINION . BRONTE ile dining Table and tour| needios and also, have medical papers school age, in my home. Telephone 72%) know area well, Sales experie a i ne : 7--Sweo end Bare ; 1 portable TV,| Telephone 725-5278. - -------- ence an asset. Excellent: sale Z--Real Estate Wanted @ Manure (cow, sheep or horse) 2 Day Service Pp r nite' me: 1 flesh --------- |RELIABLE BABYSITTER to 24--Stores Offices and Storage : ! Free Pick-Up-end Delis TELEVISION SINKS" AND VANITY unis, $30.98) wu, he. mont an ee 12 --Arti les W. te d five children in my own home. Two] fy and commission. No lay- Houses for Rent | @ Dry fire wood cut to suit ; P very basins, $10.; stainless steel sinks, $11.50.5 | we pidee ~EHASYRRBIELO: two ena |e ee achool-age. Shift work, Telephone 942) offs, Take home pay govern. J . ' i, two en ne SoRaam tor host posts and poles. Angus-Graydon 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. _|{Ubs lollets, laundry tubs. piping. 1'-| tables, one cotien table, two table lamps. |@OOD USED FURNITURE. What havel = Mer 4pm. | sed only by your ability and B--Room and Board Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 728-6254 oe ee te ol eee Ween ie Ce ee In goed condition, Bex $7299, Osh- |you? Valley Creek '4 Bond Street West, San: willingness to. spend your 4 ad awa imes time B--nuaale rte COLOR FY... Pere sia 6 weit 30--Aut jes for Sale si om | ; "| FV VOwWaRE SPECIAL -- @ Ho air ture WANTED -- 15 K.V.A. spol welder, In N--Compact Cars for Sele TOP SOIL ane FILL for sale. Beatty|RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab Bagh find '30 . « tt Teleph 1677 att RESULTS Trucks tor. sale Haulage, 725-21 itahed 20 years Workmanship guaranieea OR BLACK AND WHITE Smart ail, Charel. on jenna, $80. TRIO Tele gone con ion. Telephone 728-7677 after TIMES wu rt r ter pateatid ~ -- _ . - 34--Automobile, Repair MANURE, cr Sella Yea ara" unr gi'8z| re-tull, furniture refinished. Osnewe Use All work guaranteed aun CHESTERFIELD -- coniemporary siyle|GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, ele . MR. WILLARD ies ine teat sad 0 ys. Top Boil, 4 Ye and wp, $2.25 hoistering, 207 Bean "Avenue, 728-001 : People six. onthe, 'barely used. "Custom | up-|Mighest prices, Call anytime. MacNell's Classified Carousel Motel 36--Legal Hen a AL nl tae Sing the Proises hotstered. Telephone Claremont, 649-2 eo A EE 37--Avetions TREE To Taine es Sim, or 11 eut|CiTy.wibm COVERAGE "at low cost is T.R.1.O. TELEVISION of Oshawa BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture 1D used furniture, Dishes, pols, wool ACTION ADS 723-5271 --Coming Events them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or|whet you get with Classified Ads, Dial aN 7-008, TUR naw for an ad-writer, 728-5143 Action Ade inc Gineaintn La on ey 723-3492 Thurs, Fr. end Mon For interview contact: