SE oe Ri 4 x. | NEVER MIND I FOUND, J THEN SHE'S) SHE SWEET KID? USIN'IT | BET CLIMINAL FO'EVIL, GLAND-SON TO PURPOSES", f PERFECT RECEPTION 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) 10 CHANNELS SECRET AGENT X3 There's More To See With Cable TV act > ar N STAY mene GENERAL ELONGS 2 PONGHE IN TA PUT SOME FIR' erie TiSeres | Cee es ELEVISION LOG Channet 1i--Harntites: Channel 9 Chante: 6--Rochester Channe: +--Buttee THURSDAY EVE, it he Ve-Rocky and His rlends Family Theatre @--Superman 7--Laramie » 12--Camp Runamuck &--Leave It To Beaver 36--Music Hop Chuck Heal It's About Time Td, oT Spact ost In Vi--Plerre Berton 4--News ba ews, Weather, --Huntley-Brinkiey News 100 P.M, Tl--My Three Sons 9--Batma Batman @--Smal! World 6=TBA 4--Littiest Hobe 3---Musical Showcase 2--News, Weather PM. 1s \ 7--News, Weather, Sports 7:38 PLM, 12--Bewitched Ti--Let's Go To The Races @-2--Danie! Boone 7--Batmen é--Hero 49--Jeriche 3-T.B.A. 0:00 PM, I}--Hoekey TBuffalo Oren! Test @2---Star Trek J--Dating Game 4--My Three Sons 9:00 P.M, it's Happening JmBewitched %Deen Martir 0-2--Hero TmThat Girl 3412--Hogen's Heroes 10:00 P.M, 12--Dean Martin 1l--The Merv Griffin Show 8-2--Deen Martin 7--Hawk 6--20 Milllon Questions Run, Buddy, Run 10.0 PM, Movie --Wild, we West 1145: PLM. 4--News, Weather, Sports é=Time Tunnel 12.00 A.M, Ti--Movie . MA, Ti Night Life FRIDAY aut yy Rese apteln Kengeroe an AM. lie-Albert J, Steed %--Romper Room Papialing for' bs Dialing for Dollera, Giri Pik 100 A. BlimEd Allen %--Uncle Bobby 8&--Movie 4+-You ae Your H Family 2--Bord"s Big Too 9:30 A.M, 12--8d Allen Time li---Super Car Ontario Schools Jack Lalanne ie: A. Ti-tt's a Match @--Fractured Phrases Eye Guess 4---Candid Camere rates Feature ver 8-2--Concentration J--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hiliblilies aes"! yy % Ngptaal 10:48 A. +612--Remembrance Day Ceremony hee AM, J--Supermarket Sweep Vie Marriage Confiden- S--Mr. and Mrs. 0-2--Pat L- 4 ' rma randy oh MeyDerry 18 AM, 946-12--Flim Shert ' 41.28 Baie ' Te AM, TMI ki Douglas rea | strate's Court iy lywood Squares Bick Gan Dyke show 4--Dick Van Lid 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoon Party %--Toronto Today é--Luncheon Date 4~News end Weather; Sports 3--Popeye and Pals le 18) PL, 12--Movie ag Weather, ports 8--Swingin' Country 64--Search For Tomorrow vents Ca ing 10 Po ia Vi-Theatre 9--Movie re For Dollars, Girt Talk %--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 8--Let's Make 8 Deal 2--Merv_ Griffin 2:00 P.M, y--Newlywed Game 6-4--Password 62--Days of Our Lives 2.9 P.M, iCalendar %---People in Confilet é--Coronation Street 4-Linkietter's Party 3:08 P.M %Words and Musle 6-2--Anotner World }. a} Hospital Mev eid Telencape Vi--Morning Time 4=To Teil the Truth 198 P, #=TV Binge 3612---Teke 20 CROSS LAN MS HIAB) ) eee 18. bot RIVISIVIE MATT (OIE TS) &. Concern or petals i %. Ttallan 22. Footed river 2. Touch vase 10, Alpha end to 32. Having and end three --_-- 3. Wither dimen- [AL WBCIOWREDT 12. jue 4. Three: ' sions: Bosse Seas WIOTR IDIE TE IMIS 28. &p. abbr, RSETSMEIARISE NO ANTENNA : DIAL 723-5278 eae PG a HE HUBERT WHOS ELL! YOUR HEALTH Todides, Hormones Don't Affect Test By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD : is called bea gt they| expert' Dear Dr, Molner: Why do I never see the T3 test men- tioned for measuring thyroid activity? I had a PBI a year ago and was told was normal although I had all the symptoms of @ slow thyroid, This year I had a TS test and was told it was exceptionaily- low. With treatment, I now feel better than I have in years. Is the Ts more accurate? If so, why don't more doctors use it? » 7. C. The Ts is excellent and is being used more and more. I've often mentioned the BMR and PBI tests for metabolism and thyroid activity because readers have been more familiar with them. Physicians, however, have recently been using the Ts often in cases which require it. Tt has the advantage of not being influenced by iodides (as are often contained in vitamin- mineral capsules) or by hor mones (and they are more prev- alent, now that the contracep- tive pills are so widely used). Which test is to be used de- pends in part on the circum- stances and the patient, and in part on what procedures are available in a given community. Dear Dr. Molner: I have been having loose-bowel movements often. X-rays showed I have gas pockets and the doctor called it diverticulitis, He put me on a diet. Will the gas pockets go away? How long must | stay on the diet? Will I always have this trouble? -- 8. 8. You most likely will not al- become irritated and inflamed then it is diverticulitis. It is surprising how many people have this condition--and also surprising how many don't understand what it is all about. The diverticula will not go away, but by proper care you can keep them from bothering you. The diet will heip and some folks may need medication oc- casionally to reduce spasm or infection, either of which can be a factor in diarrhea. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any cure for a "locked" middle finger that occasionally locks at a right angle at the second joint?--W. W. H. It should be checked by an orthopedist . (bone specialist). The trouble may be in the joint or in the tendon, but probably a. require surgery to correct t. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 46, the mother of 10 children, the youngest 15 months old. Woulf you say the last is a change of life baby? I am on birth-control pills now. Is there any danger in using them at my age?-- --Mrs. A, P. Contrary to common belief, the term "change of life baby" doesn't mean anything except that it is a baby born rather late when the mother is. ap- proaching menopause or "change of life." That's all. We don't know of any reason why 'women your age should not use the pills until the menopause actually occurs. ways have this trouble. Gas pockets is not the right term-- these are little outpuchings of the bowel wall, called diverti- cula. Just having these outpuchings WORKED WITH AUTHOR Garry Moore, who now has his own TV show, was formerly +3 ere iF g gees e3382e e seecibczeisstEl What you do is take the ace of diamonds, draw two rounds of trumps, cash the A-K of spades, ruff a spade, cross to dummy with a trump, and then lead een of clubs. Spark Talk The Oshawa: branch of the Consumers' Association of "7 costs Wednesday night ~~ but they will not be picketing. "The Association's stand is not to picket but rather to find answers for the food price ine creases," said Mrs. H. L. Haisell, president of the Osh. awa branch. Mrs. Haisell said the does not meet regularly. Guest speaker, Miss Ruth Moyle, a food consultant from the food department of the de- partment of agriculture will what Miss Moyle has to say," said the president.. ' nig as well as the general, public, "We would rather picket if we had the support because we don't think much can come of a lot of talk even though we're hoping something will," said Mrs. Bouckley. SALLY'S SALLIES a Gos ae t a scriptwriter and collaborated with F. Scott Fitzgerald,