24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Movember 10, 1966 ee Oh Fah am Re a hs mA a a Hes ane ne Ft tet ttt teeta p apt teeter te teded MARKET oe EES 0 i eeaeert - change Is xWw--Ex-warrants. te Hl S35 hz _at #ySa§ ~ a - =. oe a iit sisitcal ri Ee=u8 .s e.82228.8 B aig ssstebeds +414 rers. gee: = =. & < & -- > Tay 3° = ERE, gg. E8EsoeSe-08 28 + ++t++ +1 ¢ ee fay 3~ESS= § Fs = ' geet Bt ++, 1+! 3: ~ss e- sNe geeee 83 alegst 3 = sgrests uaass 3° a = 3 tit wey $98382895229822523/ 3382 s88Es=c0 rycke uae 7 eushse = "x Litt + sueeowe ~ fe i! a8 se = 3 $ oo sBEsEsekgences : x 3 g 'eBayses 3x88 % eaSe¥gsiees BESEEs Bsze3s suse3 'ebay 8 ff 3 8e3 28S a use Ssesec: mw WY 14+ 42 142 > oS = " s 38 35 2 2 0 725 991% 91% HG 2 77 ON +83 0 120 120 120 19000 20 19 Wht 90 123 122: «122 ~--1 #0 HN Ol a5 100 1) 61 200 267 27 «267 7100 171 165 Vv sw = S2888e88s o~ 388 gu Se~SEgsR Pe 3 . s Zgedus "2s ete Bazysdes3s~segce we 04 ss-" s-S - 5 = Bis -- F 3 : +h+t saBug oSE~sa8e =~ L++t > Ssedeck. Be sc8u Sgustiedec 2 gS8eeSeedss8ishEs3s8es > sstec¥ +++ +1 2538 ict s§ A sf i 2 SeBRRSBAES pt Fi S°832" 2 ? "BBS 3992 "Bia" be g° 38 53 BBSE5 TEE +41 S~"fs5 EISFSuSsetFs . 3855 #3853 2 853 MAONMOOS 4 e m ae £8 3 z 6 6 Ind Mineri 200 $8% 8% 3% + Ve ind Wire 300 440 440 440 + IBM. 518367 367 367 Int Nickel $315 $8614 85% 864+ 1 int Util 535 $25 «62528 Int Util pr 820% 28% 2%4-- Ve #0 85% Se Se--V 250 $20% 20% 20% 500 $102 10¥a 104+ 300 $192 19% 192--% 218 3S WS 3S 210 S17% 17% 17% 70 + By #7335293" 33 veyiystacy 2,3 - sa Bssesssets g°283 Z i i ¥ wtt2953 Ss 5 = SeBSSSS2 s8t5 $s yt Sto seyteshegs pus 2 2 a + & 5} = = 3x8 ESSE = = seggentee 1il+ + ste F 620, 600 62% +20 S17% 17% 17% 3% ™% si" 1% 14--1 300 315 31S 315 S21% 21% 21% $10 Mh 10 355 (350 380 + 5 82% 27% 24+ % '| plant 1 equipment, they drew on their | and 23, Canadian Superior % to BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT VANCOUVER (CP) -- Wiih 4,000,000 pounds of processed and packaged fish sitting in his deep freeze, H, H. McLean pondering the only barrier pre vei his "custom-built" fish nearby Steveston from being an ideal operation. That is how to get his fleet of fishboats to bring in only one species of fish instead of mixed loads. In its few months of opera- tion, the Imperial plant of &.U. Packers Ltd., has surpassed all production records, Mr. McLean, plant manager, and his associates are particu- larly pleased because the plant was built to their specifications. Instead of accepting standard experience in the fish process- ine business to tailor new ma- clénes and new ideas. The result is a $4,000,000 orig- 40,000,000 pounds of fish annu- ally, but Mr. McLean says this figure could be increased if the is|plant did not have to handle mixed loads, "A mixed catch means you have to move all the cod through first, then the sole and 80 on." The problem is not unique to this plant and is one that won't he easily overcome says Mr. McLean. snk The piait woasis Waa Sar, McLean bills as the "largest cold-wall room" of any fish plant in the world and it is bulg- ing with 4,000,000 pounds of packaged fish ready for distri- bution. "With the winter fishing com- ing up we will not be storing any greater amount than this. We will have to wait until next year before we get really busy again. inal. The plant is primed to handle The mammoth storage room is the last stop in an operation TORONTO (CP)--Joseph H. Hirshhorn, the muiti-millionaire mining magnate, has had an application for an underwriting of shares of Prima Mining and Metal Co, Ltd. denied by the Ontario Securities Commission. The OSC said it objects to the way in which Prima proposes to pay for certain mining claims. The OSC Bulletin, in which the decision is reported, notes of claims in a company known as Peerless in 1962 or earlier, and later acquired an unrelated group of Indian Mountain Lake claims. : FORMS COMPANY He then caused Prima to be formed, transferring the Indian STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- Industri- als ran up another fractional gain Wednesday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Investors appeared to have re- acted favorably to the U.S, elec- tion and many of the gains at Toronto were among those is- sues also listed at New York. They included Inco and Dis- tillers, ahead 4% each to 85% and $2, and Alcan, % to 29%. Among other industrials, In- terprovincial Line added 1% at 77% and Trans-Mountain and Rothmans % each at 17% and 25%. Canadian British Alu- minium A declined 1% to 17% and Toronto Dominion Bank 4 to 57. Western oils scored the sharp- est advance on index, climbi 1.80 to 112.31. Hudson's Bay an Home B were up % each to 21% 25% and Dome % to 27. Golds were weaker although Campbell Red Lake rose 1% to 18%. Kerr Addison fell % to Weste'st 826% 26¥8 26\6 11% and Dome Mines % to 36%. 120 Yukon ¢ 000 #1 se OILS, GAS 1000 16% 16h 4-- 1200 435 «435 2a Be foe vir 3 1200 261 S 2000 490 , + 200 615 610\ 610 --8 1000 225. 225 | +10 27 $4 6 \ 24+ Ve 7100 30 WO WM 310% 10% 10% 30 a5 | mY | 1 + ¥| Mm + 490 pd 2 F 2 1+ s* SESE SEE +4 asf $3 ReBSBESees st sestest EFCosaeB REN coVIBSS=B Se i iS no Preirie Ol Breve Sas om gar whit meee 4 Bt 2 ++ [++ BEESS= ait! essezd3s Hee tt S3is8 + taSee tiie BabEG so ZgEFE BE SEIECS = ah Be getegtye fasts tht Ses & F SE°%RS F = = BesesSse By st ags*egty-Fssts * ge <3 segy 38 + & & 8 PS Se - THERE'S SOMETHING FOREVERYONE | AT THE ROYAL WINTER FAIR OSC Denies Application Lodged By Mining Tycoon Lake claims to it for 750,000 vendor shares. The company raised $27,500 for exploration by selling 250,000 shares to the pub- lic. The OSC says exploration results were inconclusive, In the proposed underwriting denied by the OSC, Mr. Hirsh- horn would sell the Peerless claims to Prima in exchange for 500,000 shares and arrange an underwriting of 300,- 000 Prima shares to raise $150,- Mr. Hirshhorn acquired a group | 990. The OSC says only Mr. Hirsh- horn and his original sharehold- ers could benefit from the new financing. The Indian Mountain claims are of questionable value and have no market at present, the commission states. This fact "substantially dilutes' the in- terest of the new co-adventur- ers." $4 Million B.C. Fish Plant Passes Production Goal which handles fish with assem- bly-line. efficiency. The plant can process cod from fishboat to freezer in 15 minutes, Fish can be unloaded auto- matically from a new wharf at a rate of 20,000 pounds an hour, They were lifted wy large drop-bottomed tubs and placed on a moving belt that carries them through a washing pro- ooce and an down ta tha filletine lines where 14 women strip the meat from the bones. The fish is either kept as fil- lets or frozen into larger blocks from which it can be processed into such prepared products as fish sticks, "We have to handle a lot of fish for a little meat,'" Mr. Me- Lean says, "and few people re- alize that between 70 and 75 per cent of every fish processed ends up as. waste. "That is why I get annoyed when people complain about the price of a package in the stores when we pay a fisherman six cents a pound for cod. They don't seem to understand just how much of the cod never reaches the package." Mr. McLean the waste goes to mink farmers at any- thine between 1% to three cents @ pound, y FOLLY ] ) 4 aHadiart Sot AS A MODERN November 11-19 | Come to this year's Royal to be sure, It's got something for everyone. Fum for everyone. You'll | see all the events you've never stopped enjoying ~--and many more. There are lots of new attrac- tions. Added excitement, See some of the world's finest livestock. Or tne Love show. Soo the work of some of the world's most famous photographers. And take in the host of other fascinating exhibits. Evenings: $4.00 and $3.00 HOMEMAKER | HAVE MORE INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO THAN WASHING WINDOWS, PUTTING OUT ECANIS = er Ney SHOVELLING SNOW or RAKING LEAVES. I'm MOVING TO PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS WITH HUGE SUITES ond BALCONIES FREE INDOOR HEATED STEAMBATH POOL FREE HYDRO and WATER BEAUTIFUL EASILY CLEANED PLASTIC LINED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS By LARRY DWORKIN ~ TORONTO (CP)--Gold stocks are in the midst of one of their sharpest declines in years, Since the end of September, the Toronto Stock Exchange's recording price movements of key gold stocks, has plunged 31,68 points to 139.65 at the close of Wednesday's trading. W. S. Row, president of Kerr Addison Mines Ltd., attributes the slump to a feeling that there now is little chance of an im- mediate increase in the price of gold, as well as to a labor shortage, Since the end of September, Dome Mines has dropped $9.39 to $36.75, Campbell Red Lake $4.25 to $18.75, Giant Yellow- knife $2 to $8.30. and Kerr Addi- son $1.75 to $11.13. Their 1966 highs came early in the year on speculation that the price of gold might be dou- bled from its level of $35 an ounce in United States funds, One obstacle in the way of a sericea Inpronca ie that manv in. dustrial countries now are con- sidering eliminating gold as a basis for international currency. Little Chance Of Price Hike Causes Gold Stocks to Drop A meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank early last month decided to draft a plan for creating a new international currency, Another factor dampening en- thusiasm for gp stocks has been a drop in production. Mr, Row says most mines are facing a serious labor shortage and recruitment js difficult be- cause of low wages. PRODUCE ent Wednesday: A la dium 60.5; A small 47,9, country 59; medium 52-54; small H B 42-45; C 35-37. Rutter prices: carlots: buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 61. TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of eo 65.9; A me- Eggs: Wholesale price to stations fibre cases uoted by the Toronto Board of de from wholesale egg deai- ers: Extra large 60-61; large 58- f Agricultural stabilization board tenderable Major Exchanges Trading Friday By THE CANADIAN PRESS Major North American stock exchanges will be open Nov, 11, Remembrance Day, but some other markets and the banks will be closed, Open will be the Tor Vancouver, Montreal, Canadian, New York and American stock exchanges, ; The Winnipeg grain exchange will be closed, Bank branches will observe extended hours Thursday and regular hours Monday. ; 15 King Street Eest CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 ie nN \\coe A\\d) NAAN LLL ALS LL AAA STUY TE: x V7. Ax \ INCLUDES: . Cheek secondory circuits | . Check points and eer, 4. Gheck and adjust 5. Test compression o' : 4 generator outpu' t 4 uleter eutput. 9. 2 Check fuel pump pressure. Check rotor and distributor ca (Any edditionel work must be @ustomer), Only first quality moterieis used. All work by experienced, fully quelified mechanics. SAVE TIME 9° Whe. AA Le - MOTOR TUNE-UP 1. Cheek primary ignition circuits, luding ¢ol! i all Siikden Adjust ignition timing. $Glust carburetor rate mixture. I¢é or snow-you NO LIMIT LIFETIME GUARANTEE eel LA) = iP. authorized by Phone 726-66 for Appointment? SAVE TR 66 6 cYL. CARS .88 8 cYL. CARS OUBLE privat go! GOODFYEAR WINTER TIRES| GET A PAIR-GO ANYWHERE! GOODYEAR SURE GRIPS give you "go" power in mud and snow. Built with 3-7 triple-tempered cord, plus a Tufsyn rubber treed to give extra seasons of trouble-free service. For extre grip on fon, rnetal stuck con be ineteted in this thre Wf recquired, Buy mow ---beforw i ancwel 776/14 'TUBELESS SURE GRIP BLACKWALL With your old tires SAVE MONEY GOODYEAR SERVICE Sunday Matinee: $3.00 and $2.00 Saturday Matinees: $2.00 General Admission $1.00; Students 604; Children 28; Parking for 10,000 cars in the grounds. ROYAL WINTER FAIR EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO NUMEROUS MORE FEATURES. STORE 162 King Street East RENTAL OFFICE Open 2-p.m. to 9 p.m. Set. end Sun. 11 @.m. te 7 p.m. 1221 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725.9934 OR FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 728-9934 DURING BUSINESS HOURS 725-5512