happy in doing so, have to ex-jin a Per Jacobbson memorial|livery. nne while éncouraging ercise fiscal policy -- either by|lecture here, commemorating} Rasminsky said the broadjrise of living standa: raising taxes or cutting expen-|the late managing director of|problem faced by central bank-jav: international ditures--to dampen inflationary|the International Monetaryjers in exercising monetary pol-| diffi es tendencies when they become|Fund whom he called the fatherjicy, and by governments in HE questi. s % s r Community Conscience Role s s Emphasized By Rasminsky too strong to be met by mone-|confessor of central bankers. jexercising fiscal policy, is tojquen is ° Text of the speech was given|promote reduce unem-|is not some inheren' ig '; 7 overn: .|tary policy. ; growth, ] ROME (CP) -- The world's rates, sald mapaae gener Rasminsky made his remarksito reporters in advance of de-Iployment, and keep prices in!tween the maintenance of rea-'sion. COUNTY LINES : Ae Brooklin Minister To Supply Charge a fixation about maintaining|burden on central banks in COLUMBUS (TC) -- Rev.|was honored with a period of|price stability, but they should|fighting inflation. has silence. conscience Winnifred Bridges \, act as the of the| Governments, although never nounced, with regret, she Plans were made for theicommunity in inflationary | ptccmmpssnmsamamamaaa Lucky Luncheon, Nov. 8, in the times, Rasminsky, gover- declining the calls issued bY|Christian Education Building. nor of the Bank of Canada, said Gohn Ovens 0.2. bl aoa a. oe io al a om head of da OPTOMETRIST harges. Rev. nex! ig, a8 8 Rasminsky, Canada's 8. J. Hillier, of Brooklin winl|Christmas project, gifts of central bank' which is responsi- re ' i articles or money to be given|ble for monetary policy, the to the White Cross Centre. day-to-day management of the 8 BOND ST, f,, OSHAWA | " a PH. 723-4811 . Mrs. Cyril Shaw introduced|money supply and interest pee | @ ' / Sa tleks, Sharon Bowler. of} eeqeo---- om -- UP Oshawa, who showed slides and gave a talk on her trip to : ; Africa. Mrs. Bruce Ormiston fi : will be the hostess for the | . December Mew ad eeting. The Evening Gait of the SS SPECIAL PURCHASE 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurday, November 10, 1966 Mis, Dewara Layiclette, presid- ed. Mrs, Webber took the wor- ship service and Mrs. Stafford t!fmewav sanduated tha nro. -|gram. The members were reminded of the regional meet- ing at Kedron when the Colum- The| bus women will conduct the worship service. Couple Observe Their Silver Wedding PICKERING BEACH (TC)--|Mission was the speaker. Mrs. . and Mrs. Robert Fowler|Middleton teaches school and are celebrating their silver wed-| works with the women. Nov. 12 when they will| The Prayer and Bible Study STRETCH SLIMS Group met at the home of Mr. by ~jand Mrs, Vernon Parker, Pop- FAMOUS MAKER le lar Avenue. . and Mrs. Ennis Brewer, reg. 9.00 Fred Gould, Orchard Drive, of New Brunswick, are visitingjhas been a patient at the Mrs las now 5.90 Machine washable stretch slims of viscose Ajax and Pickering Hospital for three weeks, and nylon, Detachable foot straps, side zipper. Figure flattering, comfortable, -| Mr. and Mrs. Donald Magee and family, of Toronto, sang Black, navy, teal, green, brown or orange. Sizes 8-20, CONTINUES WATCH SALE several musical selections at the Community Church Sunday night. The Community Cook Book is off the press and will be de- livered this week. Proceeds of meeting Mrs. Dorothea|the sale will assist in the deco- Middleton of the Sudan Interior'rating of the church auditorium. Maple Grove Resident Gets BA Degree MAPLE GROVE (TC) -|Mrs. Robert Vickery, cele- Robert Brown, son of Mr. 'and, brated their 64th wedding anni- Mrs. W. H. Brown, has versary. guaranteed jewelled Swiss movements SAVE 1/3 a eC BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Here is the greatest watch offer in years, Factory-fresh quality Swiss watches at unheard of savings. Choose from Diamond-set, Calendar, Dress, Water- proof, Self-Winding, Sport, Nurses' Watches and other models with years ahead features .. . 17 jewel precision movements . . ..anti-magnetic . . . un- breakable mainsprings . . . shock and dust resistant. All watches are covered by Burns Jewellers one year guarantee, DISCOURAGED ... The first vice-president, Mrs. IN NEED OF HELP? G. Lee, will conduct the meet- ing of the Women's Institute, Nov. 14. The topic will be "'Cen- tennial Year". Mr. and Mrs. David Heck- eon, Allan, have home formerly re 99 and Mrs. LI FE-LI N E OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Mrs. C. Greenham was in - Ae ee 7 28-2111 her uncle and aunt, Mr, and muse SINGER CLEARANCE SALE FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION CALL 000-0000 Fashions since 1867 Zig-zag Model 337 Sewing Machine by SINGER* with carrying case 95 SAVE $231 AS LOW AS 1.25 A WEEK @ does all practical sewing @ straight stitch @ fingertip switch to zigzag for fancy borders, mending, sewing stretch fabrics @ twin-needle sewing, too e with sturdy car- $s tying .case covered in beautifal two-tone vinyl (Model 827) @ reguiar value 152.95 @ full guarantee, 3 free sewing lessons in- cluded @ limited stock, so-hucry, SINGER CENTER 16 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 725-5443 or 725-6555 Ladies' Gruen Yellow Dress with matching expansion ond 17 jewels. REG, 45.00 SALE Men's Yellow Gruen Precision with 17 jew- els ond matching ex- ponsion. Waeter-proof. REG. 45.00 SALE $27.00 Ledies' Petite Gruen Precision with faceted glass and matching expansion, REG. 85.00 SALE Men's Yellow Gruen Precision, autometic calendar, 25 jewels ond matching expan- sion. REG. 97.50 SALE $58.50 Come Help Us Celebrate Our Nurses' 17 jewel, yel- low waterproof, shock resistant and match- ing expansion. REG, 65.00 Men's Yellow Gruen Precision, automatic and matching expan- Bion. REG. 82.50 SALE $49.50 Ladies' White Gruen with 17 jewels and matching expansion, REG. 49.75 Men's Yellow Gruen Precision with 22 jew- els, automatic and matching expansion. REG. 100.00 SALE $60.00 43rd. Birthday BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. 17 Jewel Gruen white case, six sided gloss and matching expane sion. REG, 92.50 SALE Men's Yellow Gruen Precision extra thin with 17 jewels ond matching expansion, REG. 57.50 SALE $34,50 Ladies' Yellow squore face Gruen with matching expansion, REG. 45.00 Men's Gruen Calen- dar, waterproof and matching expansion. REG. 69.50 SALE $41.70 BUDGET, CHARGE or pay by CASH