loughby of the 22nd Company, Cord cake was cut by Karen * and Karen Bradley of the 33rd and Dianne and refreshments peneral convener: Company were presented with were served by several guides, | Rae, ticket convener; Mrs. Phi-| ' KINETTES ENJOY NIGHT OUT DESPITE WET WEATHER Neither illness nor pour: ing rain could spoil the suc: cess of the Kinette's annu al Ladies' Night Out. last night, The highlight of the evening was the fashion show of Angie Jane appar « el, which displayed even 'Ing, cocktail, sports and street wear and included a bridal party. Two models, members of the Kinette Club, wear an evening cos- ! tume and an afternoon suit, KAREN BRADLEY On the left, Mrs. Donald Fleming wears a Hostess suit of white lame, inset with pink bands at the el bows, waistline and hem of the jacket. Mrs, William Leask wears a two piece suit of white woven wool embroidered with gold ar ound the hem and up the sides of the top. Approxi mately 300 attended, The evening was convened by Mrs, Steven Hawkey, who DIANNE WILLOUGHBY Photos By Ireland Studio : Gold Cords Presented To Guide In Dual Candlelight Ceremony In a candlelight ceremony in)her District Guider's pin for sentation "Portraits From the! St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, | the Eastwood District. ' two Girl Guides, Dianne Wil- A suitably inscribed Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 10, 1966 19 By CAROL KENNEDY LONDON (CP)--Even in an age of state subsidies, Britain still Owes much of her cultural riches to the activities of wealthy private patrons, as in centuries gone by, Moving as they do in an in- ternational coteries of the rich and famous, they persuade eminent artists to give their services for charity, invite royal guests to gala performances and raise funds from their frianda for worthy projects which otherwise might not see the light. Informal social contact is the essence of the system, and many a. gala concert and char- ity art show are born in the drawing-rooms of Mayfair or the penthouses of Manhattan, Among Britain's art patrons, a tall dark beauty from Canada named Roslyn Lyons has quietly established a claim to being a power behind the scenes in the musical world. Daughter of the distinguished Montreal ophthalmologist Dr, Jacob Rosenbaum, she has) been responsible with her hus-/ band Jack for as many musical ventures as the Harl of Hare- wood, probably Britain's best- known patron of the arts, In- Society Leader From Montreal Vitalizes Britain's Cultural Life world stature which inspired Soviet Culture Minister Madame Furtseva to invite the couple fo Moscow last summer for Rus- sia's Tchaikovsky Prize, a similar contest, As gala concert president of the London Symphony Orches- tra, Roslyn Lyons has organized such occasions as a memorial concert for the late Swiss conductor Pierre Monteux, at- tended by the Queen Mother. "I'm a frustrated singer really," she laughed, explaining how early bag with Mont- real's Madame Pauline Don- alda fostered her interest in all things musical, A promising dramatic soprano, she did not pursue a singing career atter her marriage at the age of 20, Now a poised, elegant 43, the mother of four children aged between 21 and 10, she fits in most of her cultural work over lunches and at social gatherings. "This is the way to get things done; I'm not a commitiee woman,"' she says, KNOWN TO TOP PEOPLE She has given a dinner for) Princess Margaret, a cocktail | evitably, however, it is the Queen's cousin whose name is! more familiar to the public, | Perhaps Roslyn _ Lyons's to raise funds for the Royal Academy of Dancing. Many of the social occasions take place at the Lyons home party for Dame Margot Fonteyn | ever watched in helpless horror|of 10 to 20, and range in cost was taken ill earlier in the evening,, making it neces- sary for Mrs. Boris Melch, eco-convener to take over proudest achievement was res-/on exclusive Campden Hill in |cuing the Leeds Music Festival] west London; a richly furnished, from impending death in the/elght-bedroom house filled with \97th year of its existence, The| paintings by Monet, Renoir and Lyonses, who were married in|Canaletto, A terrace overlooks Montreal and moved to York-|an acre of well-groomed garden \shire after the war, linked|and a heated swimming-pool. jforces with Sir Linton Andrews,| 'There's hardly anyone she jcrusading editor of The York-|doesn't know," says a friend, shite Post, to save the festival,|meaning anyone of social emi- jone of the oldest in Europe, jnence, And indeed, the Lyons jeircle embraces top names tn at the last minute, Assis. |INVITED TO MOSCOW ting Mrs. Melch were Mrs, In 1958 they were able to Peter Melch, Mrs. Morley |welcome the Queen and Prince | Robinson, Mrs. Max Sand- |Philip to the centenary of the} ers, Mrs, Gordon Pearson, /three yearly festival, now} Mrs, Gerry Osborne, Mrs. /firmly established again as a Bruce Gerrow, Mrs. Jack (leading British musical event, Graham and the president The Lyonses also helped de- Mrs, Lioyd Pigden, velop the Leeds International --Oshawa Times Photo SOCIAL & PERSONAL _ Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor "clephone 7° ' tor Women's Department | | Mrs, T. K, Creighton, Mrs. 0, C,. Richardson, Mrs. . Alex Shestowsky and Mrs, Eugene Rymdzionek will share the hon- or of pouring tea in the Pic-|which is still under delibera- jeadilly Room this afternoon | tion, has accepted an invitat- when a come and go tea, ar-jion to address the Brooklin ranged by Mrs. Walter Bestwick|Home and School Association and her committee is being Ad Meadowcrest School next uesday evening, held for Progressive - Conser-| vative women and their friends, | Isabel Lebourdais whose best- selling book, "The Trial of Ste- ven Truscott" brought about a October meetings of the Sal- vation Army Home League in- cluded an evening of colored slides of Cape Breton Island, shown by Major John Wood; a Hallowe'en party arranged by Mrs, David Owen and a Rem- embrance Day program in the charge of Mrs, Charles Lang- field, Mrs. Robert Hambly will be in charge of the sale of an- tiques, a feature of St. Gear- ge's bazaar on Saturday after- noon, Presiding at the tea-table will be Mrs, F, G. Ongley, Mrs. 0, C, Richardson, Mrs, N, Vv. Roe and Mrs. H, B, Arm. | strong. The congregation of -- St, Mark's Church is actively en-| 5 gaged in the forthcoming per-| o : {T'S FROM BIRKS Past', an historical fashion pa-| Gold geant assembled by the Ontar-| 3 e io Centennial Planning Branch, Mrs, J, Ross Backus is the} = Mrs. Gordon} Soloed Tongs ;publishing and the British aris- re» examination of the trial |---- jthey went to bed. On investiga- Swedish polities, industry, the arts, tocracy, Conservative leader Edward Heath, a fellow music-lover and | patron, is a close friend. A re-| cent cocktail party drew to-| gether friends from such 4if- ferent worlds as multi-miliion- aire Charles Clore, who owns! most of London's Oxford and Regent Streets, and Jennie Lee, socialist culture minister who is the widow of the fiery left- winger Aneurin Bevan, Jack Lyons, among other business interests, is chairman of London's oldest department store, Whiteley's of Bayswater, and son Davil, %1, who was born in Montreal, now works in the west London store, LISTEN IN SLEEP BOLTON, England (CP) -- Teachers at a Lancashire school for deaf children wondered why the youngsters wouldn't take off their new hearing aids when tion, it was discovered the aids -- -- a. | PANEL AIRS PROS. AND Council; Mrs, H, Lawrence Haisell, president of the Oshawa Consumers Associa- tion as they check informa- tion. Leaning over their shoulders are Mrs, Harold Bouckley who has led in lo- cal demonstrations and R. E. Rundle manager of a lo- cal supermarket. Oshawa Times Photo At the open meeting last evening of the Oshawa con- sumers Association the main topic of discussion was the high price of food, The main speakers taking part are seated: Mrs, Ruth E. Moyle, Food Informa- tion Specialist, Department of Agriculture, Ontario Food eer for the sanitation men. The small size, designed to fit inside the kitchen disposal unit, jis handier if it comes with ties to close the top when the bag lis full, | OTTAWA (CP) -- If you've| The small bags come in packs Plastic Bags Keep Garbage | Sanitary, Tidy te 2 as your packed paper garbage |from two to six cents each. The | 1 Meme pind Bey anand' | association says hardware or| y ' ' *-|tire stores may sell the plastic) the Consumers' Association of Canada, bags at much lower prices than | | Plastic garbage bags are the|grocery stores. solution to the breakage prob- Sr tate are lems, they say in their fall) CLIMBED KILIMANJARO bulletin, The plastic sacks are| ST, THOMAS, Ont. (CP) -- handier than grocery bags, and) june Rose is back from Tan- damp coffee grounds don't!zania after four years of teach- make them fall apart, ing English in Africa for the de- They come in two sizes, The|partment of. external affairs. large one can be used as a/She learned Swahili at a college throw-away garbage can, thus|on the slopes of Mount Kili-| solving the odor problem for the}manjaro and climbed the homeowner and making gar-|famous peak before leaving} bage collection day quieter and| Africa. x CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS ] MONTREAL, November 10th -- For a hap- ier, more secure future, do consult with! E BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA on how to double your money with the new Canade Savings Bonds Centennial Series, The people at The Bank of Nova Scotii \vise you also about converting + of past issues. Because of higher interest rates this year it is advantageous to exchange some of the older issues you have for the Centennial issue -- and this Scotiabank conversion service costs you ada ..» they're |happy to help you. After you've bought your bonds w you'll |whnt to keep them safe from fire, theft -- or just plain mis- | placement. Ask Scotiabank about a Safety Deposit Box, You'll be surprised how inexpensive it is! | ONE WAY | KNOW I can add fun and flavour to my day... 1) can shop at DOMINION where COURTESY <)>) is a key to the kind of service they always CRs rovide, When you visit Dominion, your, 7. % | ow you're going to feel welcome and | wanted. I've noticed it begins the minute . | I enter the store --- friendly courtesy if I | can't find something I want, if I have a ag Two for the season... a fine wool fiannel fully- lined slim skirt .. . a dyed-to-match fur blend cardigan. The sweater is fully fashioned and wing-collared. The skirt ... a slender column. A strict little twosome with. soft little ways. Pastel green, blue or melon. Sizes 10-18, Skirt or we Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE rn question to ask -- or if I want the sort of expert advice | that Dominion's man behind the meat counter can give me. Yes, pick up television broadcasts, so now the children have to turn) them in before going to bed. Mrs, John Johnston, King) street west, is receiving con- | gratulation' today, the occasion of her 95th birthday. | CBEBABEBEBABABABEBABABEABACABABABAB ABABABABAB Frozen Food Knife | 3.50 Swedish for a truly satisfying shopping experience, I recommend the won- derful courtesy you'll find at Dominion! AS | HAVE WRITTEN SO OFTEN before, CANADIAN NATIONAL always seem to be coming up with improve- ments to make our train travel more pleasant. Since CN trains are on the move twenty-four hours a day, it makes sense to use the 24 hour Clock System and this plan is now in operation, Here's how it works, Every hour of the day has its own number and it's as simple as counting to twenty-four. For exam- ple, 1 am. is 0100 hours -- six am. is Res ee practical and easy to remember isn't it? THERE'S A LITTLE OF THE TIGER and a little of the kitten in HELENA' RUBINSTEIN'S new COLORS. SAU: "S new . VAGE are s0 right--ranging in excitement from A9RS SWAG? a grrr! to a purr! De ing on ir mood, you * ean choose from the eight new shades of Colors Sauvage . . . four Lip-Frost and four Lipstick shades, with frosty crystal Nail Fashions. to match. Yes, "ll purr when you see the shim- }mering Lip-Frost and the gr+-eat Lipstick colors 4 ; |ealled 'Sauvage'! ... any one or all of them just 9 #fre+ Mette > | for you -- at leading drug stores, YOUR FAMILY WON'T THINK that baking is a 'lost art' when : you switch from hard to soft flour -- MONARCH SOFT WHEAT FLOUR, It you the tenderest pie crusts and the Fa nttn 3 BaBAsseseasasasasas their Gold Cords, Sees the -- was Miss lip. Lawrence, , ary Anne Cardinal, Mate of/Graham Fuller, stage manag- ; As Janice Partridge read Mel the Sea Ranger Crew whichiler, and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth | + many steps taken in their Guid: Dianne has recently joined. | Arbuckle, publicity chairmen, ing years, both girls slowly ------ aes _ - ; Circled the horseshoe, lighting) blue candies, and coming to-/ gether at gold candles, signify j « ing. the attainment of their goal, Carrying their gold « candies, the girls came for) ward to their leaders and the} District Commissioner, Mrs.} Ronald J. Manning ' Mrs. Manning presented Karen's cord to her father, Mr.) Elwood Bradley, who placed) * it on his daughter's arm : Mrs. George Willoughby = re- ceived Dianne's cord and * placed it on her arm Mrs. Manning congratulated the girls and presented them! with their Gold Cord pins from! the Oshawa Division, Congrat ulations and best wishes for future years were extended by their Guide Leaders, Mrs George Twaites of the 2nd * Company and Mrs. Ronald Frouts of the 33rd Company; former Brownlie Leaders, Mrs A. H. Reading and Mrs. BE. J Brookham, and Mrs. G. A Leavitt, president of the Par- ents' Committee. The Gold Cord Guides thank ed all who had helped them to achieve this, the highest award : da Guiding. 'Mra. Freets and Mrs.) Twaites presented badges to * the other girls in their com-/ ; panies who had earned them. Mrs. Manning presented Mrs Allan Partridge with her war rant pin as the new Captain of . the Dind Company. Mrs Twailtes was presented with| commentator; | fluted bowls Ice Tongs Sugar on Roy cakes you've ever baked! That's because Monarch Soft Wheat Flour calls for less shortening. Do try it, I know you'll be de- lighted. Be sure to follow the special Monarch Tender Pastry Recipe 'on the back of the bag... and for the $2.00 New Monarch) Cook Book -- at half price te you, mole send your name and | arent plus $1.00 to Monarch Cook Book, P.O. Box 52, Toronto 9, ario, DELICIOUS, DELIGHTFUL AND DELUXE -- Brights COQUE- | TELS -- a 'trio' of pleasure! You can look | forward to many after-dinner hours of pleas- Brights jant relaxation with any of these three Brights Coquetels--Cerise, Cacao or Abricot. , Your favourite may be Cacao, with the | tangy taste of the cocoa bean. Or there is jthe tantalizing cherry taste of Cerise .. . or jyou may choose Abricot -- with its: true japricot favour. Whatever your taste, I know jyou'll a , Brights Coquetels are an after-dinner pleasure every- }one will enjoy. The cost? A truly delightful pom ay So easy on | |the budget, you'll be happily startled. YOUR BOAC TRAVEL AGENT... is a good man to know. That's | = pip Decause he's probably one of the best travelled : ple you've ever met. He'll tell you about X faraway places like South Africa, historic places like Britain, romantic places like Jamaica. And ask him about fascinating local customs, and special things to see, eat, and do, He'll make all your reservations and even help you with passport formalities, And his help won't im cost you a penny more -- it's all part of the ' . service. So, assure the success of your next trip abroad by seeing your BOAC travel agent first, 3 |TIRED, ACHING FEET? If you've ever wished you could change eed . your feet instead of your shoes -- you n . SUP- to know about DR. SCHOLL'S ARCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE some com fort Warm "n cozy deep pile mitts in happy colours, Pickie_ Fork For 6-12 yrs, 1,00 serving pleces For your own home, or for gifts ... Our collection includes handy aids to perform just about every imaginable serving task. a / Yrs VEN i BSBAB IB ABAB88S aasiaasiegshagsiensisasiossioasiaasisusis ists asiaas) PORTS --~ the quick fort. Dr. Scholl's Arch Sap jing and comfortable .. . they give arches a |wonderful lift and the kind of tender loving care they really need. Do try them -- today! Dr. Scholl's Arch Supports are available <4 everywhere -- drug stores, shoe stores, de- « partment stores. And by the way, they're available for men, too! Fashions smce 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Fashions siwce 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE asaeduasasauaBasaeasaBasasasasuBsBaHesasasEsasasasasssEBasasaBaBdBaBaBasEsEBH HAGA ABABASABA