Her Family's Attitude Increased fies Problem Landers: 1 am 21 , Six} best Er >BS5 Hii £ Z s see me 35 #5 > iT Tee 4 g 2,000 miles from home I was 90 pounds overweight, But in my new circles of friends no- mentioned my size. The: bye about my ideas, my wil- pa ogg to co-operate on worth hile projects, my leadership abilty and my terrific sense of humor, My weight is down 50 pounds, T have another 40 to love and ou can bet your bottom dollar aT lose it, Why? Because now I like myself. Aan a friends + the miracle, 'ochester Dear N.Y.: What a wonder: ful letter! And what a glorious tribute to your wise friends, You have told of a magnificent victory and I am delighted to be able to share it with mil lions. Dear Ana Landers: Please ieli me what to do about a aus. band who breaks things in anger, Never his things, mind you, Only my things, Imme- THE STARS SAY By ESTRILITA Te TOMORROW This day's planetary influ ences Warn against tempera- a Poesy on on over-sensitivity -- espec! ) the hours i i waid-atersoen. he satya de he destroyed sy my nen he pe gle A i you are alte fied, You' ve been asking for this all day." I am sick and tired of being blamed for this lunatic's Fede! peg He has been be- this way ever since we ani married (10 years ago), Our children don't understand their father's violent outbursts and they become frightened when he goes on these wild rampages, What ts wrong with him and what can I do about itt fiuichinson fivariacne Dear Hutch: A psychiatrist wrote a book called Games People Play. Your husband is ws He game called See What 'ou Made Me Do? See What You Made Me Do is played by an individual who is mad at himself, He yearns for an excuse to be mad at someone else, So he behaves in an. outrageous manner and blames the first person who walks through the door, The only known cure for such childishness is to grow up, Dear Ann Landers: I am a 1d-year-old receptionist in a physician's office, I love my work and don't want to give it up. Here is the problem: The nurse in charge here is an old maid who js still wearing her dresses four inches below the knee, I happen to be:a per: son who likes high style. Every. one knows short skirts are in, I shortened my uniforms and they are now. three inches above the knee, The old crow told me today my uniforms are not acceptable in the office and that I must let the hems down to where they were. Should I have it out with her in front of the boss? ---With It Dear With: A skirt that hits three, inches above the knee is not appropriate dress for a re- -| Union de other "VoW delegates arrived here earlier in the day after a Back From Europe VoW President Sees Fear of War By DON ANGUS HALIFAX (CP) = The na- tional president of the Voice -of Women said Monday night concern of and over the war in Viet Nam "is more intense than ours here," Mrs, Kay Macpherson of Tor- onto told a news conference she thinks attitude of Russians :jtowards United States military tery in Viet Nam is that "anybody is in the wrong when "2. La ~ a country," Macpherson and five tour of Moscow and other Soviet cities, as well as Paris, London and Warsaw, The group visited Russia as part of an exchange with the Soviet women's com: mittee, Mrs, Macpherson and Mme. Fernande Simard, acting presi- dent of Quebec's ia Voix dea Femmes. also attended an in- ternational conference in Rome on the participation of women in public life, The national president said the VoW's. stand on the Viet- namese conflict is simple, 'We want it to stop as soon as pos- alble,"" FEAR WORLD WAR Mrs, Ann Gertler of Montreal, member of the organization's national board of directors. also said the Russians feel more strongly about Viet Nam than most Canadians and fear the situation might lead to a third world war, Mrs, Macpherson, head of 3,000. 4,000 Voice of Women members, said the Canadian or- ganization is planning to hold an international conference ¢ur- ing Canada's centennial year on "the part women can play in promoting peace," Both Mrs, Macpherson and Mrs, Gertler said they believe exchange visits between women of the world help foster mutual | understanding and spread an in- ternational realization of the de- sirability of peace, They said the WoW delegation met with the wife of the Chinese ambassador in Moscow and dis- cussed the possibility of an ex- change visit between Canadian and Chinese women, The VoW would also like to have women ceptionist in a physician's of- fice, Conform or leave, from Viet Nam visit Canada, they said, If tomorrow is your birthday, you should find the next year marked by exceptional progress where ambitious and worth: while projects are concerned, Stellar influences will be. ex- generous where both and the first half ober, Best periods for finances are: the first three weeks of January, the first 10 of February, early July, mid-August, all of September and October, Do be conserva: tive, however, in late February, in March, ¢ during the first three yer in April and next Novem: ee pate any of these st ore more costly | your pre: ot Oct Sane a i social interests | HOLDEN BROS. ENJOY QUALITY SOUND WITH A . the etree star of a radio show about a subject ee she claims to be no expert, tty wife of quarter- back ck an Jackson of of 'Ottawa in football talk, The; caster Ernie Calcutt and a it, | eC: each Open-Line Ottawa TV Show Attracts Many Male Viewers By MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP)-Lois Jackson on which tra opencline show call Quarterbacks, Callers ask questions about football and its stars which are answered by Lois, CFRA sports: the wife of a different player week, Originally designed. for women, the show is beginning to attract male callers and lis- toners. A curvey ash-blonde with gre ope and freckles, Mra, ackson, 28 ! is a friendly young ask n bands aay 'Ssh, may be the only place in Can: ada where women are allowed to talk football, 'Women never get a chance to get in thelr two cents worth y go to the husbands and the hus: be quiet, watch with their the game," SECRETS SAFE ving away the Ottawa club's . terels pooause she know them, "When the es 3. Lt gether their ti it, The bis oad usually talk about the k Callers tr ask whether foot: ball cleats are steel or plastic get their answers from the woman with an endearing giggle, She thinks her show show's a. Lois pre- fers. to stick to questions such nical, You're not really Be bp as 'Ie Russ nervous before a game?" "He doesn't show {t, but he leaves the house pretty early on game days anyway, The team eat their pre-game meal around 10 a.m," Women ask whether her hus- band has any hobbies-"all sports are his hobbies"--and how he fn "ourl: ing, skiing and and his own pre-season alning pro- gram, It he has to lose five or 10 -- he just does it, He's #0 termined," She says she has no fears of| Jackson doesn't] small her husband "isn't around the house that much," MAY GO INTO ins i He's the vice-princi; nearby high school ani Ba. practice directly from work, ar- riving home about 7 p.m, ELECTRIC BLANKET BUY NOW! GET 2 ITEMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Take advantage of this Hydro special offer! Waltz through washday with an automatic electric dryer! With the purchase of a new automatic dryer (the choice is yours) Maytag, Westinghouse, McClary-Easy, Inglis . . . CHERNEY'S WILL INCLUDE AT NO EXTRA COST a double bed size elec- tric blanket, Shop today GET 2 ITEMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ! C'herney's HURRY ! LAST 3 DAYS -- OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, NOV, 12 CLAIRTONE STEREO THE "PRINCESS" You will like the modern lines of the Princess, Finished in oiled walnut with contemporary. furni it will blend beautifully ture, Features T11 solid state chassis, AM/FM, Garrard 3000 changer and six speakers, 399.00 HONORING CANADA'S NOV. 11 VETERANS REMEMBRANCE DAY "Ant to werente, cre gchar: eharmer at seven |ingdirst high school, then ways hectic," Bo whether Russ, 90, yong ; ig Pe Me considering a career in Ia teaaeel Master luniversitye tics, Lois said she thoughtinever actually = Or at 7 it was in the back of his mind, |profession, "But he'd never be at home| 'I graduated re May and we at all if he did that,' '|were married in June, Russ Mrs, Jackson, a native of|/wasn't keen on my going out to Hamilton like her husband,| Work." moved to Ottawa after their] She says she probably i. 1961, The peat wouldn't follow too ~ " rted dating in theirjclosely if she hadn't married ve 'three eer *, ot its stars, chi almost 've only been interested in 4, ee 2%) and the level Russ was play: lege and now this, You o eall me a football fan, I'm & Russ Jackson as 4 BARMAID RULED TILL CHRISTCHURCH, England (CP) When a pretty blonde barmaid left the Hampshire pub where she had worked, takings dropped by more than 26 per cent.' 'The boys Seamaster De Ville, automatic, 24 wel a ekproof movement, rater root atalniess steel case. AKT gold top, steel back,,... 168. MW tomatic, 24 alien tap staat puck ebee in Hialatens Wael se. at HAI MARK @ Oshawa Shopping Centre 1 Simece St, South RECOMMENDS rey FOR LIFELONG SATISFACTION Each tl watch Is intel guaranoud in 186 countries @ 106 Brock St, Whitey We sincerely believe that should prave even stimulati: year ahead and, for the single, | happy romantic developments | are forecast for midJanuary, | early April, early May and late | August--the latter month's at- traction to one of the opposite sex most likely being the more serious than earlier sentimental excursions. Best periods for | travel: the weeks between July | 18 an@ Oct. 1, if you're a. | ning a pleasure trip. But there | is a great possibility that you | hg A several short trips of | a ness nature . throughout the year, A child born on this day will de imaginative, resourceful and extremely generous, these handsome venetians ore the finest value in town, The cut, the fabric, the finesse -- all are superior, The reason you pay many dollars. less than you thought is that our buyers have such good 'noses' for vaiue in the market. Come on in and save on their latest discovery, $ 59.50 BONUS SALE 2 merchandise FREE with the pveehens of any suit . . . except Teen-Men THE "INFANTA STOWAWAY" A charming traditional Spanish design in rich mellow finish. Deeply contoured solid doors slide aport to reveal space for 150 records, portable TV or "ee recorder, Solid state T 12 chassis with | AM/FM. stereo tuner, Garrard 3000 record changer. 669.00 || Buy on Our Own Budget Terms NONE WANTS PRIZE KAPUSKASING, Ont. (CP)-- Car salesman Don Gagnon's centennial project is a ilure so far. He offered cash prizes of $50, $25 and $10--his/ Christmas bonus money--for es. Lest We Forget , , ; Remembrance Day is more than a time to pay tribute to our honored dead. It is a time of rededication . to our country, our ideals, our hopes for a future assured of peace. The men who died for our country upheld these ideals . . . it is up to us to draw full meaning from their sacrifices, so they worth of See these and other models soon, Buy on eur own convenient budget terme. Bros FURNITURE CO, 725-3514 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT @ No Interest ®@ Carrying Charges will not have died in vain. ZELLER'S Downtown Oshawa and Oshawa Shopping Centre ® 2 LOCATIONS ® DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING 36 King St. & CENTRE Open Friday till 9 Open Thursday and Friday THD gays to be written by local high | school children, Not one entered in the first two months after the ganouacement, ait ®@ Tearoom | @ Antiques 3 | ST. GEORGE'S | | Parish Hall | CENTRE STREET i Sat., Nov. 12 | 2 P.M. te 5 P.M. 63 King St. & a