Mailing Rush Precedes Threatened Post Strike Postal workers their cities--and often national and foreign mailing points-- memorize stamp charges, 20n2 i. numbers and money - order OTTAWA (CP)--The. threat- --< national postal strike is al- cau a mail-early rush but full impact of any pre- sea snan Zin gauge a Post office and union of cial can recite chapter and verse of pe results of last summer's rg, -- postal to predict how a et tis month would hit/ra' the householder involves too many ifs. The intangibles: Would the government allow such a strike to take place, and if so, for how long before ordering workers back to their jobs on pain of dismissal? Would the government call out the armed forces to sori and deliver mail, and if such rsonnel were Ch n and other mail undergo? Will the 11,000-member Ca- nadian Union of Postal Work- ers and 9,000-member Letter Carriers Union of Canada stick to their demands for a $1 - an - hour raise over two years, with a 50-cent increase payable at once? VIOLENCE GROWING Post offices in Montreal and Ottawa already report a sharp upswing in volume of mail being | g handled, Most of it is due to magazine or companies pushing third-class advertising material destined for the pre-Christmas trade. Little publicity has been given to the fact that 30,000 non-postal employees are in the same pay grouping as the postal clerks and carriers, © Claude Edwards, -|president of the 120,000-member t,|Public Service Alliance, has sional rates, and carry mall . more, in the public service --comes must knOW|qus other offences. They man iat Aetna into play. They can be fined for| WO losing mail box keys and numer- m4 work |Strike, and the government let a 40-hour week while most of|such a the government service works time, most, points affected {Although pay _{s_ the main ULD Should the walkout continue for be closed down, Efforts were made last summer to made it clear that any raise granted postal workers must also go to those represented by his organization, His union seeks an eight-per-cent interim raise. The postal workers are seek- ing roughly a §$2,000-a-year in crease over a two-year agree- ment, Multiply that by 50,000 employees and the Canadian taxpayer would be paying $100,- 000,000 more a year, Postal clerks, those who sort mail, now earn & maximum of 205, Letter carriers now are at $4,965 a year maximum and want #4.000. Tt takes a postal |' s |clerk six years to reach his max. |i imum, assuming he makes nor- mal progress, and a carrier four years. How do the postal unions justify such increases? WAGES SAID LAGGING They say their members were on a par with non-federal employees such as policemen and firemen a few years ago, Now they lag" $1,000 to $1, 500 | oy and want to close the | eThey also cite the most pon- derous, baffling list of regula- tions in the public service and miserable working conditions-- the recent report. of a royal commission agreed with the lat- ter. Trade Minister Stresses ofthe " even opie roar UNTO TS examine Conaton® i YUL BRENNER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 668-2692 839-3621 ie THIS WEEK "TRE lesion: 78¢ Non-M She Meath 'O.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM SAT., NOV. 12th... at 8:30 p.m. ORESSi--Shirt and Tle NO "GET" NEXT WEEK .. . EXAMS || Theatre said they didn't work. One point, cleared cn of its toocening or ou ail on! po gil t grind to a halt at the ne One capolatian the postal unions both have said they want 2 WEEKS From Tonight eagiet NIGHT. | "The dite | Is Blue" -- Nov. 24, 25, 2, et testdele en. 1, TICKETS AVAILABLE AT . « Henderson Book Store end Herleigh's ef Gshawe (0.3.C.) Oshawa a Little wenlencing Cana-|60, they predict ane rile by oe averted 8 e, ge ogelbe next week orlents through the mails. "a CANADA'S TOP RECORDING STARS Shakin' All Over" -- "And She's Mine" 4, "GUESS WHO Dancing 9 p.m, to 12:30 $1.50 CASUAL DRESS 39 KING ST, E. q q | Foreign Investment Need SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont. (CP) -- Canada's economic de- velopment standard of living and ulation level would suf- fer without foreign investment, Trade Minister Winters said Tuesday. Terming capital "by far the scarcest world resource," Mr. 'Winters said it is a tribute to Canada's political and eco- nomic stability that foreign capital continues to be so read- ily available to Canadian firms. In an address to the Cham- ber of Commerce, Mr. Winters urged that Canadians resist the inevitable upward pressures on prices and costs that are bound te accompany the country's ra- pid growth. Some companies had demon- strated commendable restraint but equal restraint must be ex- ercised by all involved in the having in mind that profits are the incentives that give muscle to our private enterprise sys tem and a source of much needed capital, neither Js it the | time for unwarranted depres sion of corporate profits," At a press conference before his address, Mr. Winters said Canada would sell uranium to Communist China or Russia if either country agreed to con trols set down by the Interna tional Atomic Energy Agency. "T don't see why not; Russia already agrees to these con- trols," he said. '"'However they! already have all the uranium | they need and at the moment} there's no prospect of copay sufficient uranium on hand. RICHARD bun | THESPY MHD CAME IN FROM THE COLD" TE PEE DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Always « Coler Certeon In-Cer Nesters AT NO EXTRA COST LIVERPOOL RO, WaT 401 942-1250 Mr, Winters said Japan is a) good potential market for Can-| ada's uranium. "We already v that make Hs brates product, isis not the time for un- eusieaie price increases, but, sell a small amount of ura- nium to Japan, I think she will develop a great nuclear pro-/ am.' Mr. Winters mentioned a re- cently-announced deal to. sell WHEN IT COMES TO SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON see ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER , 723-2883 723-4363 Home: @ Life insure Income Disebility. @ Pension Plans @ Group Insurence @ Business Insurance @ Estate Planning SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre uranium to Britain as '"'only the start of the re-expansion of the uranium industry with conse- quent economic benefits to this whole area." Air Car Drivers Given Lay-Offs TORONTO (CP) -- About 190 air limousine drivers were given layoff notice Tuesday night because of the impending Machinists' Union strike against Air Canada. | The drivers were told by Air| Terminal Transport will be --s off Sunday, al-| though the strike is scheduled for Monday 4 p.m. About 35 per cent of the com- any's 200 employees will be ept on te service other airlines at the terminal. | BY SPECIAL REQUEST Returns to (The Piccadilly Room) GENOSHA HOTEL This Week - Friday, Nov. 11 SWING TO THE BEAT OF NAME BAND FEATURE ATTRACTION Spot Dences -- Ber Facilities Dress -- Jacket. end Tie Admission 2,00 -- 9:00 P.M. te 1:00 A.M, Fer Young Adults from 21 - 35 a FEATURE SHOWN AT: 1:30 + 3:25 . 7:25 - 9:25 TORR wR AN Tn JOE PATEK Ame Puc sotaare CHAE Aes: nay MAU Done Me Baw: Maney Wie Hercuns Whnnen Berner CEOLNELANAY Cle Bere POS | ae GREAT NEWS! DRIVE-IN ? | | | "You Have Our Permission to Eat Fish On Friday {" And Any Other Day of the Week too! 4 Try Deliciously Crisp and Brown 5 English Style FISH & CHIPS the Whole Family loves it ! @ FRENCH FRIES and GRAVY @ FISH & CHIPS & CLAM CHOWDER @ BIG "M" BURGER and COKE Simcoe St. North at Taunton Rd. PHONE 728-2291 DIRECT FROM ITS ESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENTS! PIER ANGEL CONTINUOUS ©) DAILY FROM | FAMOUS PLAYERS "THE EATRE 1:30 P.M, i TNH =TODAY | BATTLE2: BULGE cour} HENRY FONDA: ROBERT SHAW: ROBERT RYAN DANA ANDREWS BARBARA WERLE GEORGE MONTGOMERY -TV HARDIN. EXTRA COLORED CARTOON NOW PLAYING! LIPS » JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE b ~ a PL ARTHUR ies ee a FEATURE TIMES: -- 1:30-3:20 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:40 ~ PRICED FROM 25¢ TO 239.00 GIFTS =. SRURAR Hm SEITARA--Kont naeurel sunburst Saish with Diem, den en, bad reinforced neck, 16.95 ee tien reinforced neck, List price 18.80. OUR PRICE" eu Size Plecnort tore and peed volume, OUR PRICE +-- ==. 1008 GUITAR--How to the blues, techniques strums, rey Bod Bday A long rate " - 98. OUR PRICE euran sraas--conow ara set et speciol low price, Great Weinatthanhe ected mealies onda ne ee method ond Rint' pries 31298. © OUR PRICE RECORDERS--Schoo! play tetrustion charts Avetisoie In S coloue, Gon Pace'. 1.95 ALL REGULAR LIST 4.20 LP's 2.98 QUITAR STRAPS Nicely gift boxed. Fully edjustable, or X mec tot etter said Y, Teguler eoualig body. List Price $2.25. OUR mee GUITAR--Solid body electr Model Ill, Pol sunburst finish, Block ie, end, tor. pickoverd y wae tr" "an Uist Price OUR PRICE DAUM PRACTICE PADE--Nature! wood finish, rubber riding OUR PR pace precticing, 4 rubber feet' to keep sour, one por" borgos vaturel wed finish, ane ne Price $1135. OUR PRICE. 8 MUSIC STAND--With our les is 5 ol wees snere brushes end for PEARL BLUE SPARKLES HAD SP Soc pranntt ane AMBER PEARL "9 o List Price $268.00, OUR PRICE BRUMS--Fun with brushes. Rhythm kit fessional wire drum brushes practice booklet. List Price $4.98, OUR PRICE KAZ00$--For the kids--Ecsy to Just sing, hum inte them. Lota of fun. OUR PR PRICE, eoch ¢. See are oe ie for recorder fon. OUR PRICE nga reas CLEANING CLOTH--Generous size. cieena, preserves records, List Price $1.00. OUR PRICE . se i orice "Eastern Onterio's Largest Music Centre" WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 hot