Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY 26 Accidents Probed By Provincial Police WHITBY (Staff) -- During the week ending Nov. 5, offi- cers of the Whitby OPP de- tachment patrolled a total of 16,600 miles. Twenty-six acci- dents were investigated, in which 14 persons were injured and eight "ietrert charged. One hundred and twenty- nine drivers were checked, Of these 80 wero charged and 44 were warned, 'The charges in- cluded disobeying stop signs, fail to Day for a school bus, ling to yield, etc. re Sune also two impaired drivers and one suspended driver arrested. There were 87 general occur- rences which included a num- Curlers Enroll 17 New Members the inter-club commitiee is nav- Mrs. A. C. Morison, who chaired a meeting of the execu- tive of the Women's section of the Whitby Curling Club, said the section has approximately 135 members, Seventeen mem- bers were enrolled this year. The games convener, Mrs, J. J. Ledden, said the new sched- ule will start Nov. 14 and 15. The Jury and Lovell Club Day wii be held Dec, 15, when the a eo be awarded to the "the 'ona chairman, Mrs. The Whitby Chapter of the Ontario Heart Foundation should be allowed to make an individual appeal for funds this year on condition it takes part the Whitby United Appeal next year, suggested Councillor Hugh O'Connell at Monday's town council meeting. Before the council were copies of correspondence show- ing that the chapter applied to take part in this year's appeal Council Changes Parking Restrictions "Four Corners" er to introduce further parking|/meters be installed from the west end of Town's Funeral Chapel to Ash Street on the north side. Proposals relating to parking on the south side are to be dis- cussed b mittee a The thorny problem of wheth- restrictions in Whitby was dis- cussedby the council in com- mittee Monday night. The council subsequently re- solved that "No Parking" signs be installed from the Canadian Bank of Commerce to the Council Thanks Consulting Engineers ? Goaneiliee, Harold | Slichter, Appreciation of the work done town of oe by Tot- s meeting. The firm were called in to fill a gap while the council was looking for a new p> gad following a resigna- on. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 9, 1966 § || WHITBY -- AJAX ber of break-ins and thefts, public mischief, malicious dam- age, obstructing an officer, one stolen auto, four liquor offences and numerous miscellaneous complaints. Drivers on a highway, where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph, following or meeting a school bus with flashing red WHITBY (Staff) -- A young: er man than 62-year-old Harold lights activated, are required to stop immediately and re- main stopped until the sights are turned off, The only road on which a driver is not required to stop when meeting a with flashing red lights on is a dual highway such as Highway 401, that is divided by a grassed or fenced median. Wickett should have got the job of Whitby parking meter at- tendant, said Councillor Vernon MacCarl at Monday's meeting --- and his remarks aroused ai indignant response from some of his fellow members, Councillor MacCarl stressed that he was not opposed to the man generally but thought they should have hired younger man becaus was a lot of heniptoyment in the area due to General Motors. lay-offs etc i UnGersiana is doing a fine job, school bus should hire a younger man," he said, Countered Reeve George Brooks: 'We have an old union saying that when you are 40 you are too young to die and too old to work, This gentle- man is on a small pension you cannot live on and he is an older man. He has had no train- ing as yet but he is doing a good job, I cannot agree we should hire just younger men--- elthis is bad policy," Forceful comments also came from Councillor Tommy tl atrat ing a great time planning for the Attersley Ladies' open bon- spiel to be held in Whitby Nov. 30, The theme for this bonspiel is "Op-Pop-Art"'. Entries have already been received from sev- eral out-of-town clubs, The ways and means conven- ei, Miss Doreen Dobbie, an- nounced Feb, 9, 1967 for the annual ladies' bridge. Complete ;,. arrangements will be made at BROUGHAM the history of power to him, but I think we New Chamber --A milestone Pickering Township was reached Nov, 7, future meetings. The next executive meeting . Mewett, mentioned thatiwill be Dec. 5. Heart Foundation Allowed Campaign but failed forms sent to it. this it was assumed it did not wish to participate. Council resolved the Heart Foundation and ask it to meet the council Nov. 14. An amendment Reeve Robert Attersley the Community Chest man be invited to report the appeal's passed, when council met for the first time in the council chambers of the new municipal building, at Highway 2 and the Brock Road, The reeve, deputy reeve and five councillors were vested in new dignity as they took their places at their attractive desks, the reeve elevated in the center, the deputy -reeve and two north ward councillors on his right and the three urban councillors on his left, To the fore sat the Clerk. 'Those in attendance in the gallery entered noiselessly on the rich red carpet, faced coun- cil and the press (in their en- closure) and looked over the backs of office personnel who will occupy these seats as oc- casion warrants. "The building--your building," said Reeve C, W. Laycox, '"'is the culmination of many years}, of waiting for the administra. tion to be housed in one place." "We're very proud of this building. I think you should be, too." Mr. Laycox said that the old municipal building would be missed, and that this one was dictated by the changing struc- ture of the times. to return budget Because of to contact from Deputy that Chair- progress was also and that the council in com- its next. meeting. treets com- Edwards, 'I want to make it lw alaae that age dis. crimination is one thing I am as opposed to as racial, 'Teligi- WHITBY (Staff) --A collec- tion of its best literary work has been published by Henry Street High School and will be sold at the exercises being held Saturday night of this week, The 40-page booklet, called 'Muses 1966," contains the best essays and poetry written by the students during the past year, as chosen by the school literary club, The literary club, with Hugh Laurence as editor, feels Welding Machine Suffers Damage WHITBY (Staff) -- An are welder being towed by a panel truck came loose and rolled over Tuesday on Highway 401, near the Whitby OPP detach- ment office, It occurred when the west- bound truck swerved to avoid other traffic, and went into the median, The arc welder struck posts which are part of the median and rolled over, dent- ing itself and damaging the truck slightly in the process. The driver was John Fits- patrick McDonald of Toronto. nous or any other diserim: ination," The trade unions had been fighting for bigger pensions so |i} that older men could retire and younger men could take their jobs. The salary of the park- ing meter attendant was not too high but compared favor: |} ably with surrounding districts, he said, Last word came from Coun: cillor Hugh O'Connell, who said they should hire the manjf} whe could do the iob, And he lili knows only too ~~ he had a parking tickets in one a A bylaw appointing Mr. Wick- ett Was passed by seven Voie jigs to one, Council Uses | Literary Work Collection Will Be Sold By Students that the young people of today have much talent and many ideas to contribute to our com- munity, For the first time Henry High's students are being given the opportunity to express themselves to a wide audience through thelr writing. If 'Muses 1966" is successful it is hoped the publication of Henry's literary magazine will become an annual event, Financial support will be given by student organizations "including the Student Council, the Hi-Lite and the Library Club. The House of Windsor Chapter of the IODE has also pledged its support. Created Te Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST mittee, presented A, R. Morri- son with for himself and Ted Sims, vice-president of the company "Tt "4 been very rewarding o| working directly with the coun- cll," a Mr. Morrison, The council's new sapinens, = Evans, was at the meet- WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert John- son, 562 Wychwood Street, Osh- awa, held "Open House" Satur- day evening on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Making arrangements were their daughter, Mrs. Ron Holt, Oshawa. Attending from Whitby were: Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- calfe who birthday today. conveners Mrs. Charles in charge. Mrs. Desmond Newman thanked the speaker and pre- sented her with a gift of money. Best wishes to Ronald Met- is celebrating his Whitby Kinettes are holding "Mother's Night' tonight, Co- Snel- grove and Mrs. Jack Hood are OPENI LATER ycox made it clear that this was not the official opening of the building. This would come later, Dignitaries of both levels of the senior government would honor the occasion, he said, and he hoped that many ratepayers would attend, It is council's intention, the reeve said, to host an open house, following the comple- tion of a few minor finishing touches, and everyone is in- vited, John P, Kruger, president of West Rouge Ratepayers' Asso- ciation, congratulated council on its fine new surroundings, and said he didn't feel "one little bit sorry'? because of how much he, as a ratepayer, paid for it, OUT FOR SEASON ST, LOUIS (AP) -- Charley TREASURER'S SALE LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 29th day of August sale of lands in arrears to toxes in the Township of Whitby will be held at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS in the Township Hall, Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of tax@s was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd, day of September 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office, this 12th, day of September i] Harold Wicket Named| Parking Attendant > DOUBLE | TAPE DAYS IT'S $O EASY!.... This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash register tape -- complete dollars only will be doubled, IMPORTANT: For easy counting at the checkouts oniy compiere Goiiars will be doubled, for example if your cash register tape totals $18.64 you receive an additional $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE! Double Tape Days is just apne 4 + eariyt why we say you always get a little more than you expect a TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO CLAIM GIFTS FASTER! Prices effective Nov, 9, 10, 11, 12, We reserve the right to limit quantities, Short Cut Whole or Half READY 10 SERVE FULLY COOKED SMOKED SHOULDERS JU: "CHOICE IMPORTED LAMB SALE" 59: Whole Plank On 2% Lomb in @ my A 9 baat vac 97* SWIFTS TRU-TENDER SLICED PIC N I c LEG 0' LAMB = LOIN O' LAMB FRONT O' LAMB BEEF LIVER ©." 59° ) SWIFT'S PREMIUM LAZ-MAPLE SUGAR CURED | RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON | SWIFTS PREMIUM | WIENERS 1LB, VAC we ® BBP SAVE 17¢ ni FRUIT DRINKS 3 SAVE 10¢ Green Giant FANCY C0 i CREAM STYLE SAVE 15¢ BEANS | WITH PORK SAVE 12 ¢ raspserry or STRAWBERRY MeCein French Style Frozen With etin AYLMER JAMS «: Donald, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bronishewski, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacDonald. Other guests were present from Toronto, "Open House" at St. Ther esa's school will be held Nov. » St. Louis Cardinals 10 from 7 till 9 p.m. This is to quarterback, will be out for the give those interested an oppor-| rest of the National Football tunity to see the school, meet League season because of a torn right knee, C. Creigic -- <2 of Box 160, Breektin, pot 43° Oshawa and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were married in Frederickton, N.B.,| and have three children, Mrs. Ron Holt (Betty), Oshawa, Ed- ward, Oshawa, and Carolyn at home. Adding to the occasion was the arrival of a grandson, the teachers and see what is|ligament in his being taught. Mr. and Mrs. William Hopps, 923 Annes Street, last Saturday|Demarco is undergoing an ex- visited their son, Peter, who is|amination for a similar injury. in his second year in the gov-|Both were hurt in the Cardi-) ernment dairy inspector course|nal's 20-17 victory Sunday over} at Guelph University, }eoach Charley Winner said Mon- lday. Johnson will undergo sur- gery today. Starting centre Bob New York Giants. « Michael Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnson. Great-grandmother, Mrs, Susie MacDonald, Montreal, arrived for the double occasion. Num- erous gifts and best gwishes were presented to the cele- brants. Many happy returns of the -- to Mrs. Edith Blow, Fair- w Lodge, who is celebrat- Poms her birthday joday. St. John ¢ vangelist CWL held its "nnual communion breakfast last Sunday at Geor- Motor Hotel. Co-conveners charge were Mrs. J. O'Brien and Mrs. A. K. Muir, Following the 9 a.m. Mass 55) CWL 'members attended the! breakfast. Sister St. John of the Cross said grace. Mrs. H. C.) Munro introduced guest speak- BROCK ey vtech -- One Complete Eve. at 7:30 P.M, UP YOUR FUNNY BONE... WHITBY Program Eac' BEGINS 9:10 . RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also 2nd Feature Attraction Begins 7:30 "THE ALPHABET MURDERS" Sterring TONY RANDALL -- ANITA EKBERG er, Sister Marie Annette. Her| topic was "The Work of the) Grey Sisters in Canada and the| Missions." SAVE $ $ ON sy ne-Stop DECORATING Paints end Vernithes min Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron S. $., Whitby PHONE ¢68.5862 AUTO INSURANCE | If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. || See... JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 We will never be investigated about our prices being too high... Maybe -- Because They're Low! ! Red and Blue Brand Beef at DISCOUNT PRICES SIRLOIN - WING & T-BONE STEAKS SHOPSY"S -- SALAMI CHUBS 19 83: 4 pkgs. 95° SHOPSY'S CORNED BEEF PEAMEAL BACK BACON wo curs ou, 798 Shoulders of Pork LOINS OF PORK TULIP PORK CHOPS ICE CREAM u, 53* ream O9* 3 us, 89° u. 79* » on. 19° OPEN MONDAYS WHITBY MEAT MARKET | We speciclixe in HOME PREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting and Wrepping . . . Ask About Our Prices WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby Phone 668-6941 @ All Meats Government Inspected @ 1GA Oven Fresh Dutch APPLE ieee PIE CREAM CANADA NO. 1 GRADE P.E.I. POTATOES 39 Ruby Red or White Floride GRAPEFRUIT G 1 39° LETTUCE tacn wn 24 PEUGEOT [ae MRS. D. A. LOCKYER -- LOUGHEEDS STATION WAGONS CHERRY ST., RFONTHILL PAUL PLACKO Cosson ; CICERO'S IGA DYL'S IGA 166 Adelaide Ave, f, Oshawe BRA' 1D, ONT, MRS, A, STASIUK MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd. $., Oshewe Royel Gold 10 LB. BAG Produce of U.S.A. Can, 43 GOGGIN, HAMILTON BILSKY IGA 120 Wien Ré, 3, Oshewe LANSDOWNE IGA Lansdowne Shopping Centre COLLEGE HILL Cubert St, Oshewe BRAEMOR IGA Stevenson Rd. N. ot Annapolis Ave,

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