Shop These Progressive Downtown Businesses For "WIN-A-PRIZE" Coupons - ANGUS GRAYDON CARPET CO AGNEW-SURPASS SHOE STORE BURNS CO.,LTD. BURNS JEWELLERS BLACKS: LADIES WEAR. LTD. BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. BASSETT'S (OSHAWA) LTD. BATA SHOE A. D. CANNING LTD. COLLETTE SHOES DAVIDSON SHOE STORE LTD. DANCEY BROS. DUNN'S MEN'S WEAR CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPOR. N.H. EDGAR & SON LTD. FRANKLIN'S OF OSHAWA LTD. GUIDE REALTY LTD. GENOSHA HOTEL 'HORWICH JEWELLERS LTD. HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. LTD. 1. COLLIS AND SONS JURY & LOVELL LTD. JOHNSTON MEN'S WEAR S, §, KRESGE LTD. KARN DRUGS KINLOCH'S LTD. MITCHELL DRUGS METROPOLITAN STORES OF CANADA: LTD. NATIONAL TRUST CO. LTD. PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER PEOPLE'S CLOTHING LTD. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. RALPH JEWELL MEN'S WEAR REITMAN'S INC. G. TAMBLYN LTD. WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD. F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. DOUG WILSON MEN'S WEAR WALMSLEY & MAGILL YOUNG MODERNS ZELLER'S LTD. 0S PRECHAL VALUES Here's All You Do To Become Eligible In This Spectacular "WIN-A-PRIZE" Downtown Programme . . . All businesses listed to the left a ""WIN-A-PRIZE" coupon for each dollar purchase (not including sales tax), whether it be for payment in full, or on time payment, Coupons will not be given for fractions of a dollar -- (Example: a$1.89 purchase entitles you to one coupon only), Each Saturday 12 coupons will be selected from various participant's coupon entry form boxes. Numbers of these winning stubs will be published each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Winning numbers may also be seen on display in the foyer of National Trust Co. Ltd. Holders of Lucky Tickets must report and claim their prizes within one week of the draw. Claim depots are CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION and NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY LIMITED. All entry coupons for the entire period will be retained . : . One coupon stub will be selected on Friday, December 30th at 2- p.m. the holder of the coupon will receive the new CAMARO. ALL WINNING ENTRANTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO ANSWER A SKILL TESTING QUESTION"IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE lp anlage IN PRIZES! Chawe @ DECEMBER 10th Wis 3: Electrohome "Envoy" Portable Television Wif-a~ prize Prices of Articles As Advertised In Effect NOVEMBER 10-11-12 PRIZES INCLUDE ... ¢ The New CAMARO Ontario Motor. Sales Limited' e One, seven day vacation for 2 to HONOLULU via CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES, on , accommodation. @ Three lucky couples will receive a six day winter vacation at the BAY MOTOR INN and SKI VILLAGE at Owen Sound. ® Electrohome "Envoy" portable TELEVISION SET -- Parkway Television @ $1,540.00 in merchandise vouchers. TO: DATE 38 VALUABLE PRIZES HAVE BEEN AWARDED DURING THE "WIN-A-PRIZE" CONTEST SPECIAL BONUS PRIZES... @ NOVEMBER. 12th 6 Day Winter Vacation: for Two to the Bay: Motor 'Inn-and Ski Village. @ NOVEMBER 26th 6 Day Winter Vacation for Two to the Bay Motor Inn and Ski Village. « » « Parkway Television, _ @ DECEMBER 17th * * 6 Day Winter Vacation for Two to the Bay Motor.Inn and Ski Village. @ DECEMBER 24th ™ 7 Day Vacation for Two te Honolulu via Canadian Paeifie Airlines. Thursday - Friday - Saturday © .