MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER ES NY eu) SECRET AGENT X9 4 wp THEGIANTS qj me» BUZ SAWYER 10 CHANNELS THE OSHAWA TIMES, 2 Wednesday, November 9, 1 - BRIDGE | By B. JAY BECKER | (top Record-Holder in Masters? individual Championship Play) There's More To See With Cable TV HES UP TO SOMETHING... 'WON'T LET ME ESCAPE - UM Og § weg eH A i Om OY Li panwace SEES ai J LAL SIA i ave Reerved %, [1-D BUT IT SURE WAS FUN TRYING TO GET OUR MONEY's ----~ WORTH AT THE LADIES' CLUB'S ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT- FOR: 4182 SUPPER LAST NIGHT . THERE! THAT LOOKS } 6002. TELEV Channel 11--Hamiites: Channel %-Toronto Channel 6--Rochester Channet 12--It's Abput Time 8--Leave It to Beaver 3-6--Music Hop 2--Passport Two 6:00 P.M. %--Twilight Theatre een Hornet 6--Film Festure 48-12---News, Sports, Weathe: ir Nation's Business 6:30 P.M. 12--Laredo 1i--Plerre Berton 4--News) Weather 3-6-9--News 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 7:08 P.M. 8--Lowell Thomas TBA 4--Lowell Thomas 3--Daktarl 2--News, Weather, 7.2 P.M. 7--News Weather 7:30 P.M. 12--Winners' Circle 9--Andy Willlams 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman 6--Peggy Neville 4--Lost In Pm 7:45 P.M 6--Nation's Business 8:00 P.M. Horkey 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Bob Hi 9:00 PA. 4--Green Acres 7--Peyton Place 4--Gomer Pyle 3-6-12--Festival 10:00 PLM, 11--Merv Griffin 26-- Girl Talk N--it's a 8-2--Eye 7--Donna Marr! Conf 1.28 Pi N--Plerre ee WS, te 11:30 PM. @--Johnny Carson 1--Movie 9--Fractured 8-2--Concen' 4--Bever! 3-6-12--F 3--Avengers 1:40 P. 12--Maverick li--Night Life THURSDAY 5:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaros 6.30 AM. li--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 6:55 A.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars -- jon! a--Jack LaLanne 3-6-11-12--Ontario Schools 10:00 A.M, Mai Guess 4--Candid Cameri 3-6-12--Canadian 10:30 A.M, ISION 14:00 > 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, Weather, Sports 11.15 P.M. 2--Johnny Carson 11:20 P.M. 6--Viewpcint 4--Late Show uM. Sports 9:00 A.M, 9--Uncle Bobby &--Pastor's Study 4--Bonnie Prudden 311-12--Ed Allen Time 2-Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M. 4-Love of Life &--Dialing for Dollars, Bonnie Prudden Phrases itch i] Schools 0 tration eed Hillbillies lendiy Glan' 11:00 A. 12--Romper Room age dential 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butfernut Square LOG 4--Andy of Mayperry He-Mike 'Bouges 9--Magistrates Court s-Popaye and Pale opeye ai a ' nes PM. }2--Mov Sports $4--Seerch for 'Tomorrow 3--News; Weemer; 12:45 PM, 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. %--Movie 11--Theatre @~Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk t--Ben Casey incheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 2--Merv Griffin je 1:38 PLM. @4--As The World Turns 4--Let's Make a Deal 2:00 P.M. 7--Newtywed Game assword #-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12---Calendar 9--People in Conflict Doctors t2--The 7A Time Fer Us 4--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital 4~To Tell The Truth %2--Another World 3+6-12--Take 30 3.25 P.M. 4---News 3.38 P.M, N--Little People. $--If's Your Move 28--You Don't Say 3-4-4-12---Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, 1--Funny Company 91 Love Lucy +The Match Game 4--Secret Storm bad cy maacate a--Mike jas or 1i--Munstera 9--Movie 4--Movie 3-6-12--Zorre CROSSWORD apparatus 10. Helpers 12, Relieves 13. Appor- tioned, asa bridge hand 4. Before 15. Public notices 16. Music note 2. Member ofa Las Vegas majority 8. Greeting. 4. Affirma- tive reply . 5, Container for tea 6. Hastens 7. Ohio college town 8. Capital of No, Ireland 9. Observes 11. Gazes 15.N.Z, vine 18, One 29. Ancient of the FFILJAIGMMOOIRIAS CICJO/STE MEUIOTt INTE | [H/Of) [Sit BIE |AIN|S| 6 (1759-1825) 33. Capitol fellows: Great Lakes 31 Stranger re ry %Y Gy ¥Y ' times 30. Becomes LZ ' less wide 34. Man's 4 YOUR HEALTH Early Treatment Can Avoid Surgery By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What are the symptoms of a goiter? Does it impair hearing? Is there dif- ficulty in swallowing, or seem- ing to be unable to get a full breath of air? Does it cause phlegm? If caught in the early stages can it be treated without gurgery?--Mirs. 0. T. Impairment of hearing is most unlikely but the other symptoms can occur. Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck, but there are different types: It may show swelling mainly on one side, or on both; it may be nodular or smooth; it can be toxic or non-toxic; the swelling may be just in the neck, or some of it may be out of sight below the upper part of the breast bone. The' swelling can impinge on the esophagus, or gullet, giving a sense of difficulty in swallow- ing, It may also exert pressure on. the windpipe, . interfering somewhat with breathing, and causing irritation and hence phlegm in the throat, A non-toxic goiter may cause no symptom except a bulge. A toxic goiter, though, usually presents such severe symp- toms (extrem e nervousness, rapid heart beat, loss of weight, excessive sweating, pos- sibly prominence of the eye- balls) that the patient loses no time in going to his doctor. Usually large goiters have to be removed surgically, both be- cause of size and annoying symptoms. Some types of goi- ter, however, can be controlled and slightly reduced in size by medication. In doubtful cases, medication may be tried for a time to see whether it promises success; in to go right ahead with surgery without wasting time. Dear Dr. Molner. Would there: be any harm.in using toothpaste to clean the teeth of my 14 - month -old daughter? Would it be too strong for her, or for her teeth?--Mrs. M. C. No, no harm to teeth or to the child, and you are estab- lishing a useful habit. Anyway, you need only a little bit of toothpaste. If I'm wrong in this answer --but I don't think so--I'll promptly hear from dentists, and will tell you what they say. A little smitch of toothpaste, if swallowed, won't do any harm, and won't harm the teeth. Dear Dr. Molnef: Js it true that parsley and garlic pills are good for controlling high blood ressure?--P. G. No, in spite of all the old tales. Dear Dr. Molner: 'We have just discovered through an E. E.G. (electro - encephalogram, or "brain wave" test) that our 12-year-old son is hyperactive. He has been a problem to us since infancy and my husband suggested many times that I take him to a psychiatrist, which I didn't do. I recently read an article on the hyperactive child that fitted the pattern so exactly that I took him to our family doctor and the E.E.G. was ordered. Tests show his thyroid is nor- mal. I don't know what caused this trouble, but he is on large doses of a tranquilizer to "try to eliminate the short-circuit. South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, 80 @AKQI868 barry 3 a Opening Jead - tw You get all kinds suites Wuea Fou four of is take this hand where at table the contract was spades, while at the other the contract was seven spa and the hand ended in a tie! At the first table, the bidding went as shown and South came declarer at four spades, West led a club. Declarer fol- clubs, i ? ti? F 8 us n gut s 28 ot ¥ 'owed low from dummy and East played the ten, which held, * East returned the- eight : diamonds. Declarer played low and West won the trick with the queen. West returned a and the queen lost Back came another 2 aanee ooeeed] 3 poatyroeael ihnegtiegtl ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Jean Gascon of Mont- real will take over as the first Canadian executive artistic director of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival at the end of the 1967 festival season. (CP Photo) SALLY'S SALLIES that -my mother is schizo- phrenic and has been in and out of mental hospitals for 15 years. Would this have any bearing? My teen-age daughter brought this acutely to my attention after a visit with my mother when she remarked: 'Gee, it seems to run in this family." I have worried ever since. Is there hope that my son will overcome this hyperactivity?-- Mrs. L. L. B. I doubt that your mother's mental problem had anything to de -with the hyperactivity, The cause is not clear but a subtle brain injury at birth is ing and re-educate the thought circuits." severe cases it is usually best I have not told our doctor p Yes, hyperactivity often is outgrown. Drugs other than tranquilizers work better in some cases.