eben ne Sica THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 9, 1966 33 BONDS Sugar Equals i He eRe Ne AG Hae ea ooo ooo ' a PR (CP) gas Pcie Pp W age ee eee a egy dciartogeg # , market was er- | Cos : Austra! luces a third ally unchanged in quiet trading re- ar t Sugar sold for 7.7 cents a the world's wool. Tuesday. sea pound in some Toronto super- CLES Short-term Government ot| priser in North Arnerica feli'ts|markets Tuesday, In Montreal inged the price was even lower--69 ith the 4'%-per-cent Oct, 1, papa ime ital pC igabdhed cents for a 10-pound bag. wi BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ee © eee eee tive director of the, Canadian] At #05 per 100 pounds from lili NE A eee a i oH ae y MARKET TODAY Columbia 225 $5% 5% SM 835. $334 3 3 salt--the first major find of its 'worth more than $20,000,000. For 93 years, the find was can blast and load 5,400 tons of salt daily. Sales to the general public of $483,000,000 were up 130 per h a: d 4 Institute they |refineries, sugar was at its low- ] SoBe |e gee ; ele Mine ee ESE tare bee l ent ) ieee oe. se ek Goderich Rock Salt Mine frscri.e serge mech ii' i: see a | Teh xen Exwarterie MO aonas 6) Can Baw 1h Go th ' of Canada 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1, Canadian consumption is fromm previous GoRe@ Ta. am OO | ER AI AW ae Se ae: ae : Ps Agel Sead at 85% bid ; om -- said in begs about 1,000,000 tons annually % Be an asked. a fine growing season for Sete 0 MINES € Found pf His sige ise 1a : Maker Day-to-day money traded at 5|cane sugar through most of the|@bout 85 per cent of it imported mae m| fest Gis ecame oney - per cent world "Kelped depress prices, pry "ime . 7. "a pe E ind. ou a i 11% 11% ' en tee Gh-dan' vite at i a o ° Acme Ges 1600 +! cr i yee ie | GODERICH, Ont. (CP) --An| Last year the mine, now(|perty in 1950, most of the salt}ig9.day bills at 5.33, : . tl 3 8 4) CPR pr $84 #4 |unsuccessful search for oi! ajoperated by the Sifto divisionjis recovered through a highly AO Comi r wa soon: 1 ™ yay | S,Petrotin 400 s10% 10% lov century ago has proved to bejof Domtar Chemicals Ltd.,|mechanized underground opera-| grraWA (CP)--Sales of the - f % % + Tire 21 $M 144 144 tl ti tried out a. third of ; e 3 i 51 Cdn Tire A 150 $12% 12% 12% a long-term bonanza for this|turned out almost 25 per centition, carried out a @lcentennial series of Canada HR ST) BSing™" Ho sion toe ina [Ontario community, of, the 4,700,009 thas ot palt/mile under the surface Of Lake |gavings Bonds 06. Nov. ¢. te: nce to do exciting things. | Cae ee ea) a au Instead of oil, the exploration | produ nada. ». | Huron. talled $711,000,000, it was an- : Tien 389 9g | Cerner TE ASIA 8 a -- 8d Total Canadian sales were| 'Three shifts of 18 men each oeday ° SoG S54) Cmca cam 'pw to "lean vthe tisst malor find of fis wort : Wee ss ae to chance to get more education. OILS, GAS 230 «(225 Am Ledue 100 2 23 29 ge AS gat I be " «| . REPORT HIGHER PROFIT € Dehi 500 275 274 WS 420 SIMARD TO FIGHT Imbrex Ltd, reported Tues. or ee 2808 Bea, "Bea "thy te} PARIS (AFP) -- Canada's|day net profit for the nine| Cent Del 114 $10% 10% 10% + "lightweight boxing champion,| months ended Sept. 30, 1966 of Dynamic a0 mS 5358 100 e € 3 5 2 4 x & & oS & 00 Lake Dufauit 100 $13 13 3 YK Bear 300 185 185 185 ~5 Ferrand Simard of Quebec City, +10 | of sales declined to $5,883,752 from $9,005,054, $238,355 or 32 cents a share Maia sain tat -- val Con Paper ~ 625 $38% 38a 38a kind : neds ; Pia ae aire We sR ie a es - immedis-|tepned by pumping waier down; The property covers 2,700) coat over the same peried in A chance to ao places. Nias ay Pe crestork bo 'ss 5° 8 +8 |tely turned into a steady re-|through deep drill holes, recov-jacres, mosi under Lake Huron) i995, Payroii saies of 9226,000,- © , ie a ia. 0} Set MEY a am} venie predaeet te wolieg te tall oy evapations | ete votes | ee ee : : - ygnus war demand for rock salt to|ting the salt by . cent. : , ; 360 gnus B 400 $7, 77 ; y i 000 |SALT FOR YEARS : si ig i gg Bist Seag. 1730 $318 31" aise + % seoteal ee ant are, eke Me gyitiben Foy 7 The bed. 6b galt wow. being % 101 100-101, = 1 r 255 $174 7 17 sah TOBIN 6 DIE Domtar, which bought the pro- worked averages 79 teat: ts DIVIDENDS Pg ey |B don re SN wat wet wid i thickness. The company says it 3 i! +1 Bom Glass sate a e i found five beds of benign en yt eg PRESS mm $ ness so reserves are estimate na +» Class a 20 4 th 8 Barter er 100 se % Atlantic Company Director at enough to meet requirements|cents; class B 80. 'cents, Dec, 2} zn H Falcon 125 $85Ve 65Ve 850 for centuries, 15, record Nov. 16. 1100 207. 206 206 --a| Fraser 150 $22%4 2294 92% | Discovery of the salt beds| Magna Electronics Corp. Lid. 3 3 ae es el Sought pprova or ans traces wack, ee sats, Fh 2% cents, Dec, 1, record Nov. { sos B+ GL Power 150 $23% 23% 23% | jafter oil had been found south/| 16. ac age ae hg Greynnd 14s 810% 10% 1% + % TORONTO (CP) -- A royal|that Aubrey Medland, company |of Goderich, Dalex Co, Ltd,, $1.75, Dec. 31, 7 M4 a7 +1 | Home A SE Btls 2 ana' "{comimission was told Tuesday|vice - president and director.) 4 company was organized|tecord Dec. 18, Sh as ae" _ 5 | He ol Gas 2037 92) 20% 2) + | that C. Powell Morgan, former! once proposed that all loans|that year by Samuel Platt --| Canadian Breweries, common $364 364 26% --~ 4! Huron Eri 300 $9 9% %--- elpresident of Atlantic Accept-| more than $250,000 be approved) with 'a capitalization of only|10 cents; class A 55 cents; class me ae <8] ee gl. lg Sli tee we "lance Corp, Ltd., once called ajby the board, _|$10,000--to explore for oil. He|B 66% cents, Jan. 1, record " 1 12 Husky. W 200 $00. 500. 500 leompany director "meddling| He received no support for his) wanted to quit after going down| Nov. 30. M5 330 34 ~~ | Imp Oil TITS $5456 aed a ay Mediand." |resolution, Mr. Davidson said.|pimost 700 feet without success,| Canadian Refractories Lid., rn O35 a mp Tob, He fe be | David. Davidson, secretary-| Nor was he ever able to get/hut was persuaded to continue|20 cents, Dec. 15, record Nov. ot 16 196 Bd 9c in iad > S or iy Bs in y,| treasurer of Atlantic, told the satisfactory answers to queS-/to the 1,000-foot level, 17. Pd 2 IMC 2100 $42Ve 42V4 4214 lcommission investigating e | After completing 964 feet he ad , ' 5 525 ng ° issi investigati the| tions concerning allowances for} Oonder Oils Lid., 1% cents Shi 1196 10+ | 's collapse. last year| bad debts Lae pare Dec, 15, record Nov. 30 iow totes | it die tae Be fy * | ee yenr| Albert Shepherd, commission a alization ot the company| GeneFal Motors Corp. 14d. You get all the opportunities, and challenges, you can ni pr -- %) | i | * ' | 170 10 + tal counsel, asked if Mr. Morgan, "Y\common $1.50 (U,S.), Dec. 10, think of, except one. And that's a chance get $22% 22% 22% intor Stl' pr 200 $20% 2044. 20% -- 'a BUSINESS BRIEFS | who died recently of leukemia,|WaS increased. to $14,000, -its| ecard Nov. 17. : ' P to $70 i Iny Grp A 3 siova 1s oir + | lever took Mr. Medland into his|name changed from the bir Central Del Rio Oi! Ltd., ex- into a rut. rson had | | rich Petroleum Co, to the Gode- ww 17% 19 2] Jeftersn w 300 $19% 19% 19% + % WANT GAS RATE UP | confidence. | 4 tra 7 cents, Dee. 15, record 3% 33 3% Jockey C 660 400 995 395 | rich Salt Co. and in September, > ' : Boe OS oul eee ree Enis Quebec Natural Gas Corp,| VAS NO FRICTION |1866, the first brine was recov- ye ao ae Malting Co. Lid We'll be in town on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 2 0 2 +l LOnt Cem 275 90590. 390 Tuesday filed a petition with the| ""They had known each other/ered, 9846 'ceuts, extra 16 conts; Dee, The Oshawa Armouries, 12 Noon to 6 P.M, ee ig) ee ik ite Vive Laure Sec 225 $13 12% 13, (provincial electricity and gas/for years," Mr. Davidson said.| after one year's operation,|15, record Nov. 15 eke: Kelly Dsd 100 33 33 33 +5 ies Fas 4 si0 10 10 - %|0ard for authority to increase|'*inere was no obvious friction.) .,areholders pocketed a 5l-per- Hinde ana Daich Lid. 45 The Cc chins Armed Forces. i colle TL TEE As Waal OG a Ret |its gas rates for service to resi-|I would hesitate to say their|.ent dividend. cents, Dee. 23. record Nov. 38 aqnaqcian Kick Tons 1000 19 13 13 -- te) EY, He Siew lew oe 4s (dential, commercial and indus-|relationship was warm, Mr. , - 28, . 2. ps ' L Dufauit 405 si im ie Lob Co A 300 88% 8% 0% --~ "s) trial customers. The proposed | Morgan at one time tagged him WAIT TO PAY Give it some thought. fate Gao ciea im toe SOF Se ie ora "rates would mean an increase|with the name meddling Med-| STOCK MARKET AabMAvaks ene Hianee com Leitch 400 475 470 475 M 20 $10 «10 «10 in the present minimum /land." | panies a grand total of $1,200,-}~ ons gi ie I Sea MB Ltd 100 $25% 25% 25%-- monthly charge of from $1.40| James George Duncan, a Tor-| TORONTO (CP) -- Prices) qo9 999, Marchant 1499 175 75175 Bea ab tan lew tan to $1.60 for residential service. | onic accountant, said the ques- edeed higher in Nant trediag on itomt Mass-F 852 $22% 224 22%+ % i i the Toronto Stock Exchange Mayorn 11000 "30% 20% On + 1A MEPC p ee ee an a NEW AIR SERVICE oodles 'nk ee te Tuesday. ye wspe Re age Es, ae Molson 8 150 817% 17% 17%-- %4| M. P. Martyn, president Of| cussed annually with Mr. Mor-| Trading was light with 2,215,-|° Mt Wright, 1000 27 27 7 Monten ee aoa tina tog | PeansAir Limited, said in Win-'gan who was co-operative in|000 shares changing hands com- Neston 14400 ia 'Ins tay tt | Moore 70 $1 atte om -- M4 ft bacap ns AA ree earlier years but later was diffi-| pared with 2,713,000 Monday. New Ath 1000 20% 20% 201 od "m8 peg and the Lakehead will| cult to reach. The New York exchange New Bid 100 4 4° 4 Morse pr 100 $50 50% 50% + Yi start as soon as possible after ow exchange was ee eB B.*'| rr." oe ies Ge ies = the. er transport bentd mpl acemiant cia ike 'allomemeel (nine elite ee ot N Golde #10 3 93 12 4] Noronde, 120 Ste tie Hie _ | proves schedules and fares. The! tar bad losses which the com-|ican leader Rinowat He fe Ne Te | YU ee a, [permiscion fo extend ite Wace | Dany thought wax & Proper One! Inco moved up %4 to M4} and a 1 z y Y ssion to exten inni- j ri i ie} Hemmer, i to? of | Qplvin, eM Ipeg-Red Lake-Sioux Lookout| gure set by Atlantion [Oshawa A and Northern and Norlex 2000 25% 254 28 | || pow Core Is run to the Lakehead. fTe'ithe beat of hia know! a, teeeevoeht gi and jormetal Pi iran. 100 150 180 150 --10 ' J Line ® Bordy ie 4 9b 9h Prices 145 812% 12% 12% REPORT EARNINGS UP | Mr. Lee said, discussions with) was down % to 76% and Bell Northcal aS » IN at S10% 10% 10% Mr. Morgan and oth howed " 1 as 45 +3 West i : si ind others showed | Telephone to 45% . & ew oo Th Reto! fe cen enn |e CU Lees Broadcasting Co./1h 5) "tne finandiel suliementd| "wenn te ' Osisko soos os ST Gather 138 $24 24% 2412 + Ve P in Vancouver tained Lar th Banks were lower as Nova Peerless 9500 -11'4 I) 11 Royel Bk 170 47% 474 674--\4| Tuesday net earnings for its fee th th ger allowances) s-otia dropped 1 to 62 and Im- Sine Point = aie Ph 6 4) Salada 50 9 9% Me first six months as a public Salis nid 4 a adel origi- perial-Commerce, Royal and Pore Pay 1000 10% 10% 10% Prt» So 2 company reached $260,814. The y eal. Montreal %4 each to 58, 67% and pe) ES a Shop Saye r10 $11% 11% 11% company, which became public 54%, respectively. Toronto-Do- Pyramid 100 4 6m 640 +00 700 185. 185 185 ; "yi a» iP y Que Man $0 2ie 2iNa 26+ Ms Emntens 18 Peas S55 "Soe --y |i March, said it earned $199,- PRODUCE minion added % at 57%. ee oe aan Impson S$ 225 §15¥e 15% 15% 465 in the same period last year The gold index was up .67 to : Radior 1200 64 t+ Slater tg glo io 10 ~*\as a private operation, The| TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale}139.79, Do ined % to 37 Rayrock 2200 128 126 126 +1 afford 200 350 350 350 company shar listed t tail -79. me gain % to ; Ric Algom 771 $24% 24 244-- | Stoel Can $00 $21% 21M 2Ile+ Ww pany es are listed onjto retail carton eggs average|and Kerr-Addison % to 11%. eee Rio 5.80 Pr 100 399 9 9 fone 130 $65 6565 ,,|the Vancouver and Toronto| weighted prices quoted by the Rio Algew 75 $114 11% 14-- Ve 20 sie ek Hl tock exch Among western oils, Banff Rix Aiba 1000 3292 92 +1 Ter Dm Bk 100 $57 97 §7 -- 4) SIOCK exchanges. ------* -- as Of| and Central Del Rio advanced ~ wl ¢ e, E \- Rocke" SF Sine "tom oe 5 6] Seeders a a5 > 18 6 | REPORT INCOME UP | Aivneel 9. 4 area ag, + M1 each to 18 and 10%. Central Ryanar 20 "HN Trader @§ w 100 130 130 130 +8 Domin Li Ltd Tes ee Del Rio announced an extra & Sarifncd 20 1% 12 ps Trangale 700 450 450 Aa minion Lime Ltd, an- Eggs: Wholesale price tO| dividend of seven cents payable py eo as sa Tr Can Pip 110 $474 47h 474 nounced Tuesday net incomejcountry stations fibre caseS!neo 15 to shareholders of rec- itm 18500 6) --1| TrCan Pw 400 625 625 625 for the nine months ended Sept. | Woted by the Toronto Board of| 5.4 'Nnoy, 17 Stanrck $00 175 175 175 +5 | Trans Mt 3855 $18) 17% 17% + % Trade from wholesale egg deal- vega Steep 990 0 58 aS =e UNAS Inv 2000 12% od 1%~- 30, 1066, of $155,149 compared ers: Extra-large 61; large 58-50; | Area climbed 20 cents to 3.60 ae Texmont owas @ 2] Oe ee ey ek We eye e| With a net loss of $810,109 for|medium 51-53; small 40-43; B -~ 4 yout yr and Fro- Torbrit 1200 62 «62 62 Wsinoco'0 00 S340 340 the corresponding period in) 42-45; C 35-37. : ee Tormt 19000 9 «68% 9 +3] Wak GW 114 887 27% 97% 1965, As of Sept, 30, 1966 there| Butter prices: Agricultural]! On index, base metals were Tundra 25 9 50 SO Weill Fin Bae 40 i wong: stabilization board tenderable|up .01 to 89.65, western oilg .35 U Asbestos 200 285 285 285 Weste'st 460 $2614 25% 26% 4+ '| Were 523,884 common shares riots: buyi 59: It 110 51 d' the TSE .97 te Un Keno 900 90 285 15 --5 | Westeel 5520 «1 «(0 | acitieteiiidl carlots: buying 40 score 59; /to 51 an s Upp Can 800 155 155 1S ay % w Brdcast Hs 3 13 Se outstanding. The Montreal-!huying 39 score 58; selling 61.!137.66. Veena . om a. ae Weston iN 245 B48 16% le tee nosing said li- e - Windfalt 1500 36Ve 35V 35V2 IVa) Zon Biot ated sales were $6,934,728 for) a Ve near" rt Ho 180 we : Gales fo 11:00 a.m. 816,000. the nine months of 1966 against! ONE OF CANADA'S MOST POPULAR GLASSE: 9 9 | iulepe . Yoo % 1 Ws -- val FOREIGN TRADING $8,943,672 in 1965 and that costs & Con Mosher SOO 62 62 & ' fat Helium sa6e 358 380 350 _ |will meet Nigeria's Ray Adigun|against $210,417 or 28 cents a ; Nat Pete 100 204, 204, 204. +8] in a 10-round bout here Nov, 21,|/share a year earlier, The Mont- Wy NC Oils 400 | it was announced Monday. On real-based company said in its e Sidog 1 ie ae wat ithe same bill will be a young/interim report that sales were i Place G 300 29 2 4 | U.S. lightweight, George Foster, |$11,393,728 for the. first nine q sreve Sy Wid = 4 = ~5\who is matched against Niger-|months compared with $10,037,- Speer 13900 99 9 «2 jlan Rafiu King in another 10-|322 for the corresponding period & Tried Oj 500 195 194. 195 +3 Lround bout. in-1965, RS sty. Se BS = Hold a glass owns. | RENT-A-CAR | | ee ee Ee "sa* , of Adams . ita Gas x Ye 30% 30'4 / ae eee DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH Private Stock ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE] "Sa te tose 22% Atl Sugar 25 8% % = Alcan pr 537 W } $ ; it, 28.8 7 ul $0.00 PER DAY be Anthes A 785 $22%4 2% | - = H | PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE | he oe 725-6553 | COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM | The colour is a rich am Was there any bite? Bank N & 370 $62 62 42 a v ! ™ Retiurst | tm RUTHERFORD'S : | ber. The colour of flavour. Anything not as sp lg | amas Toho smooth as a beagle's ear? ; ovat 1B ae a2 | ' | 29 rich, aged whiskies scr oi | Tabayee Oheve did that. ie : : " BCPh 1956 220 $80% 80% BO Xe 29 rich, aged whiskies i f 7 "UE6S THAN RATIONAL BRAND Now, have a sip. did that. . f ® RUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND. SAVE Feel how the flavour The 29 great whiskies, i i eset tones GOR G0 tence eae ae stays after the sip is gone. of Adams Private Stock. @ WE PILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRIST PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICE, Here's looking at 29 rich, aged whiskies you. 'did that. | Private Stock is the : 29-whisky whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTO, TORONTO HOURS: MON. to SAT. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed All Dey Wednesda 17 BOND ST. E, 2nd Fleer PHONE 728-1261 Ce 2 ee see oe de te Aspirin is the Registered Trade Mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Aurora, Ontarie sai it