Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1966, p. 32

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Pee Oe ew -- PS eer SP PP Pe Skee Advertised Items on Sale THUR.FRI.SAT.10AM_ to 10PN Child Plans | = | | a > Fall Sale Even ee Me marty {alt sale Lyen nS "ares..Laies Wear Top Quality Merchandise at Lowest 'DISCOUNT PRICES' "tHe key To Better VALUE" aR NR RINE many more UNADVERTISIED SPECIALS throughout the store! ! "lots of times." After the Kilmanjaro climb, scheduled for Sept. 5-14, the party will make a tour publi- cizing Canada's centennial. Blackout Had Great Impact WASHINGTON (AP) -- Other countries are re - examining their power systems as a result of the massive power failure that hit.the ge ip = : 2 States, Ontario and Que a| Fee eo ce : : : ; : year ago, says the chairman of (ji, : Misses Nylon Print Ladies' Turtleneck sere dt) fe | SKI JACKETS PULLOVERS ference in Japan, "the blackout : ' ; | : x 9 9 had been of interest and had) # é. : 19 an impact everywhere." . £ : 2 ° i . "Despite the bad effects of the blackout . . . the episode has been of benefit to all the; * : : ae a world by causing self-examina- : 4 Sf : é Corn snow? Hard pack? Deep pow- Combed cotton, long sleeve pull- tion of power systems even q 4 : : : vf der? They're all a'headin' this way overs, ideal to wear under ski though the U.S. system is : : ' ae 2 Ay 2 fast! Be prepared for the ski season, curling sweaters for the total Look! vastly different from others." fs - } | : both style and comfort wise! Nylon Turtlenecks are al In, so stock Part of that difference is the : : E be j , print ski jackets with oe linin up now and save! Black and other vast interconnection of area) {gg i ey eo, jog int ee calor prone Nin SM. pinnesin basse fi systems--which led in part to) ; . i . Kendle darkness for the 80,000 square miles of seven states and two _-- @ year ago Tues- When an overload turned off one relay switch near Niagara Falls, Ont., a chain reaction of power reroutings and shutoffs| {% throughout the power network). stalled elevators, closed air-| 'mgr : ports, aimeak baaieal ae a Ladies' PROLOFT cies and for a few hours created omic | i CARDIGANS and SHELLS But when the lights went back on, White told an interviewer, there resulted "more self-exam- Lets go on a Fashion Fling! Kmart's new- ination by utilities not only in| = est in sweater s ling Is the adorably CARDIGANS SHELLS the northeast but across the; #@@ bubbly texture of Proloft... shaped c country than could have been| * 2 here into dainty little shells and cuddly had by any-other means." K cardigans! The people who make Proloft, + 2 White said he believes the ex- = yg = pgp Rag from : i shou in the prettiest, glowinges' consensus. is not. that the ' colors ever... so they chose according- fy: Periwinkle, Barely Orange, Lime Sher- bet, Strawberry Ice. Small, Medium, terconnections should be scrapped in favor of a return to individual power systems, but that they should be strengthened. The White House released last} # weekend an interim power com- a . mission report saying northeast No phone or mail orders utilities had improved their) 4 A ; readiness to act if the area is) 7 OM these utems. ever again faced with a situa-| 2% tion like last year's. But it Pointed out only a few compan- ies have adopted desirable pro- grams of automatic emergency actions. SAY... "Charge it" WITH A INSURANCE MAGNATE DIES COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Murray D. Lincoln, 74, founder of one of the largest insurance businesses in the U.S. and an internationally known spokes- man for the farm co-operative movement, died here Monday. When Lincoln retired as presi- dent of Nationwide Mutual In- surance Co. two years ago its four outlets had nearly 4,000,000 policies in force and combined total assets of $600,000,000. To-|- day that figure is about $671,- rene 4 * UNICEF |r | . 4 If you hang to brighten "4 your etre Winter Chr as ( 1 d : wardrobe at an especially reasonable price -- ae: Ladies' NYLON Ladies' you had better come to Kmart and shop our ivailable at ' and. NYLON & VISCOSE Heather Stretch selection of blouses! Bright prints, stripes and solids to mix and match with all your favorite YWCA hoa Stretch SLIM S SLIMS skirts, suits and slims. Choose from a rainbow of Set. Nov. 12, 19, 26. Dee. j colors in several styles, assorted sizes. Low Discount Prices! | From 10 A.M. to Noon ssa tort a on 95 67 94,99 Ladies' TERYLENE BLOUSES cies pice; «| 5.04 to " eta asic cera emma: Shop Kmart and see our collec- Sizes SMA. Choose ogee i ' Sleek, trim fitting stretch slims In a From Kmart for Fall... Heather toned tion of short and three-quarter $2.74 a tone > sty '| i rp Be TOF . you from dur rayon or nylon variéty of attractive shades -- and stretch slims in bold autumn colors! sleeve blouses: all in the latest # assortment. an, some prints in the assortment! Assort- --_Fortable leg fi and the heat fitting 2p dainty lace trims. All in Whitesall tg, $474 54. GARAGE Aad ed sizes, a rainbow of colors, per trims the hipline. "Made in Can- in mgr' all _in a size to fit youl ° 4-7 e (Compete Remind A Fes Sus, ron snd Brown Sas 16 ey acim yet MOVED TO 4 to 20, 83 RITSON RD. SOUTH To Serve You- Better a od ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY

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