en a ee ae Fl D i T Medici seve Pom sautates THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 9, 1966° 3] a) @ rAT ood- amag Treasures... cs arate HOA 1th pecdlsgnty faire: silteredlotaoes te oa hapies. he 9m os am oh i r . So h I ltali Ce At the showpiece Strozzi Pal-|°*tensive water damage and tent of a good scrubbing. breakage. , ' an tres , designed by Benedetto de TRAVEL BY AIR Brooklin Spring Fair Board ug t n n Maiano og the 15th century, ar-| Florence's sculptures and ar-| The world's airlines. carried chives and a collection of'chitectural structures we r €1190,000,000 parsengers in 1965, . By EDOARDO MAGRI of the Renai were ad- clash eb Ne Ho Elects Its 1967 Executive mired by Michelangelo wholf : ROME (AP) -- Scholars and be th pie gerd (TC) -- ReportsjUnited Church Women. Mrs.|custodians compiled Monday Jo ge apo worthy to be the : presented at the annua) meet-|E. Croxall and Mrs. McBrien|night a first tentative list of art|8ates of paradise. GROUP bal ALS ing of the Broaktin Spring Fair|took the study book. treasures soaked, smeared, bat- 7 panels yada! oly board indicated this year's fair} The Friendship Unit met at|tered and floated away in flood- |in = gp po dina hye oe had been most successful. the home of Mrs. R. May.|stricken Florence and Venice, |°@te, go 1 as reliefs de- Members of the 1967 execu-|Mrs. R. Humphreys took the| Worst hit was on bape 4 ibiical scenes were tive are: Clare Niagra past|devotional. The losers enter-jage was most severe e 2 Pah sie president; Lorne Cra' avipend tained the winning group in the|Santa Croce Basilica, the Cath- aie to Doplaeee ee president; Douglas . Coates,|Penny Drive. poral Baptistry, Oe, Mationsh| ad the pavement four mosaic first gghpe come ad Bruce| The Dorcas Unit of the UCW|Library, the Uffizi Gallery and tiles ginie' in, the. workshop of Lehman, | vice-presi-|held a pot luck supper and fin-|the state archives. dent and Anbar Richardson, |ished a quilt. ' Venice, built on water and ear Wig tats aa heer 66 a9 third vice-president. Mrs. S. Hollingsworth was |more prepared to handle flood-|foing The board, with soa 9 ac-|hostess for the meeting of the/ing, experienced far less dam-: +. the cathedral museum aD cepted the resignation of Mrs.|home and school association |age to art works. j : Seem an ee é R. Holman as agree? of the|executive. Virtually all the breathtaking on ad nee ne _ : women's section. Holman|. Mrs, Cecil Step, Oshawa, re-|imagery of St. Mark's Basilica ence's greatest architects : has been an pot worker|gional director of UNICEF. willis made up of mosaics, im-|guce 5.87 iestge eine vnoint Highlight of the Year on behalf of the fair. show a film at the Nov, 14 bedded high on walls 'and col- lyesbals Wumisdted é wily ailal: + 4 The Home and School Asso-|meeting of the UCW. umns, But the unprecedented] atures trom the Middle Ages : ; Al CHRISTM AS ciation has been fortunate in| The Very Rev. Dr. J. R.jonrush of Adriatic seawater Ghd the Renaissance securing ig _ Labourdais, Mutchmor, MA, BD, DD, alsmashed close to 70 of Venice's . Colebrote the veer wii a deitilih hia. - former maderatar of the United!ataharate gondolas which cost|PAINTINGS DESTROYED ing spent at the Flying Dutchman. Your as the speaker ie its|Church of Canada, was thejabout $10,000 each. The boat)' At the Uffizi, paintings py Lo- - as a Tae j 4 MEE cuests will tasty enjoy themselves we Nov. 15 meeting at Meadow-|speaker at the 126th anniver-|vards where gondolas and other|renzo Lotto and the Florentine . ' on tie, crest School. The public is in-}sary of the United Church. The|yessels are built were heavily|masters Bicci di Lorenzo and : ' "i 7s vited to attend. senior and junior-intermediate|qamaged--a blow to the canal|Michelino da Besozzo were de- : Mr. Bran "7 B, . fous -- contributed specialicity where only 500 gondolas pk All had been in a "+ ..s cock, wa, showed pictures} music, are left. ground-floor shop for repairs. é ' . 3, Oshawa of their European trip at the} Rev. G. Munday, who has} jp, Florence thousands of Sundrede of thedededs of vol: on the Bowmanville Interchange (No. 75) meeting of the Horticulturaljbeen doing research into the| paintings, sketches and designs umes: -- books, 'manuscripts i ; We at the Flying Dutchman ore especially Society. The pictures were|history of the congregation,| sti) were under water in the parchments, alatites come ae ' peated the prestige which has been achiev« taken in Bulgaria, Romaniajhas found the earliest known! Uffizi basement. So were parch positions Aecsuttnn atte. bé ime, ee a? in : ee ae and meticulous con+ and the Black Sea area. Thejrecord of the congregation is)ments, old manuscripts and ing rataved hae tk ded in x Ke -- wg wi . iat to the minutest flower show had 29 entries.|1840. The present church waS|rare hooks at the National the Uthiel besement. the Na- f 'ai your function, The Oshawa and Uxbridge) built in 1867 at a cost of $4,000. |Tibrary and records going back tional Library and te ematitvcs pS For Reservations Phone 623-3373 Hortjcultural Society: members|The manse was built in 1875. {gor centuries at the state ar- as rapidly as possible Those on ¥ LICENCED UNDER L.C.B.0. guests. The Brooklin so-} The Boy Scout Troop will! chives, thet can ba: Haered: wil, be MAb ne ' . ciety plans to hold a flower|hold a paper drive Nov. 12. saved. The repair project. was HERE IN show as part of the centennial/The group committee has been|FRESCOES STAINED ox pecte d to take dears OSHAWA celebration. reorganized and will attempt] At Santa Croce, a 15 - foot ¥ i Mrs. H. Grills was hostess|to cover all sections of the vil-|crucifix done by Cimabue in the| In the Pazzi Chapel near b in P ! for the Lend-a-Hand Unit of the!lage in Saturday's drive. 13th century lost most of its ex-|Santa Croce, Renaissance paint- y ajor 00 quisitely painted septate. we a > Fae lon gh yeaa E , , (Gan ) Lid ® . ter lapped the frescoes o . Blackstock Guides Receive Gold Cords|ciotto in the Peruzzi and Bardijered with mud. quipmen o) Ete chapels. Also stained were fres-| The Horne Museum and the Now you can own your own home BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Goldjand Blackstock Anglicanicoes by Orcagna, Taddeo, An-|Santa Croce Museum still were y Nothing but the best ? Cords were presented to Judy|Churches was held Sunday|goio Gaddi and Giovanni da|partly flooded. I table for a little as 97¢ down and ama coclien pt ger Mountjoy and Jean Horton byjafternoon when discussions|Milano--all 14th century paint- 0.37 @ month. died lo el peed MF cea the Division Commissioner,)were held and goals set forlers of the Giotto School. LEWIS : Highway, 4 ao Bowmanville Mrs. F. Hamilton at a largely|givings to St. John's House,| At the Baptistry, one of Flor- (Gan.) ' . So attended ceremony in the/Toronto; the Arctic and Over-|ence's oldest buildings, five of "SS United Church. Girl Guides,/seas missions. the 10 panels in the bronze OPTICAL Limited ' Nl Oo Brownies, Boy Scouts and Wolf| 'Thirteen members of the|doors by the 15th-century Lo- Cubs attended the event. Blackstock UCW attended the/renzo Ghiberti were pushed =| "TO¥4 ing' Sree Want 690 DRAKE ST. 125-6582 -- 725-3661 ARORA Cadets Judy Cochrane andjregional rally held at Kedron|by the flood water. The Ghiberti Nancy Dorrell and Scout Brian United Church. doors, one of the masterpieces Mountjoy were the r Rev. P. Romeril introduced the two recipients. The pins from the local association were pre- sented by Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin. Their mothers, Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and Mrs, Thomas Horton, made presentations to their daughters; while the Brownies mted books of memory At the reception, lg ee | the ceremony, Mrs. ro) Hocken, Port Perry, Judy's grandmother, and Mrs. Roy Graham, of Port Perry, Joan's aunt, poured tea, Cadets Eliza- beth Thompson, Judy Coch- Dorrell and Judy, charge of the guest book and buffet table. The Cartwright" Casseroles met at the home of Mrs, Lar- A Division of the 3.8. Krasge Compeny Limited mer. The leaders, Mrs. Wotten ' and Mrs. Larmer, discussed) Comet Va oe a id Ho. ann egetables an me' 2 ee Drecsesed, Vegetables. Pua Operated by G. Tamblyn Ltd. -- Phone 728-5651 plans for the achievement day; and a supper meeting were made. The members of the ONO Club and their husbands spent a pleasant evening at the Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby. Fol- lowing the dinner progressive RICHARD HUDNUT euchre was played. Mrs: Neil i i : LISTERINE oS Bailey was the a and ; sige EG ¢ CREME Mrs, Ken Lee the low woman. p ee ig 2 A Neil Werry and Harold. Mc- § re TOOTH PASTE : : O : Laughlin won the men's prizes. i : : g HAMPOO Rev. Milton Sanderson, of * ene Pleasant Tasting Pais ; S$ Toronto, was the speaker at the P 3 i . ' anniversary services held in the v - For Whiter Teeth ¢. United Church. Mrs. Claire : J . é Cleans and brightens Perigoe, of Caesarea, was the ry ls 1 oe your halrl soloist at the morning service and the choir presented special GILLETTE rteweie "i KLEENEX \\ ee FR | y>¢ | SUPER STAINLESS visory boards of the Port Perry TISSU ES : STEEL BLADES Businessman \ 2 a: = | Stay Sharp Longer Soft and Strong 8's Urges Parley i | Easy Dispenser Box METRECAL eh jf : -- DOVE TORONTO (Cie«-- Wilbrod 4 Bherer, prominent Qubec busi- ; 200's Dietary plan for welght SOAP nessman, said Tuesday that to settle constitutional problems «= , ? Canadians of goodwill will have i control. 8 ounce cans. ft : Contains % bar of to meet again as they did 100 3 4 FOR years ago in a spirit of concili- j ation. 1°° SPEEDTEST ELST SETTLES ETT ES CIGAR ETT 18 9901 88 Fee oe eee hee ei eer et Mee cere ys eRe le a4 28 Bae eh, 'a " on a - - w - * CT + Ps o . 22 eee et Mr. Bherer, president of Ca- madian Vickers Shipyards and director of a dozen Quebec firms, was addressing the 13th f j annual meeting of the French- @ CASE OF 24 Canadian Association of Broad- 7 é casters. 6" Speaking in English, he said Canada still is "at the cross- roads" as it was when govern- ment by federated union was conceived "Taking into account the cir- J { é Dae . DE VILBISS cumstances of eur time, the LISTERINE se py | Scene ae '{ See «= VAPORIZER NOXZEMA See seis tel | : a. J s| HUMIDIFIER wa Ne. «new aai the region they Smee ; Mouth Wash and Gargle " Medicated, Greaseless, Mr. Bherer said time is not me -- Kills Germs Fast. : One gallon capacity; ECONOMY SIZE' ing inCanede | SANITARY PROTECTION : ~ automatic shut off 1402. SPECIAL 22 02. é, RETURN COMPLIME i : when empty. WARSAW aeesiine 4 om, 12's 2 FOR 87° 1° ities with weather forecasting, ¢ : a 5 6 9 the Polish television network 7 i 5 9 . F K a. | 1% oz. 37¢ recently announced weather for , Cologne and Hamburg. It -ex- 48's plained that West German TV regularly forecasts for the ter- ritory Germany lost to Poland after the Second World War, "If they are so polite, let us reciprocate," said the Polish annonucer.