2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 9, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Security Commission Will Probe Espionage OTTAWA (CP)--A royal com- mission on national security lures should be set up ter this week, Prime Minister Pearson e Commons to investigate counter-espi- methods dating back to Igor Gouzenko spy case of . . Nothing Doing KINGSTON (CP) -- Mayor Robert Fray said Tuesday that attorney-general's depart- ment is doing nothing about his request for an investigation of sosal administration of justice re. In an announcement that he would not run for mayor again in the municipal elections Dec, 5, Mayor Fray said he had asked the department to look into certain "irregularities" of justice. Paper May Publish! TORONTO (CP)--An attempt will be made t to publish 'The Ryersion, the student news- poe of Ryerson Polytechnical , ending a two-day shut- down that resulted when the 18- Member editorial staff resigned Lioyd Lockhart, the paper's Professional managing editor, and several students plan to publish the daily newspaper un- til_new editors are appointed, Second - year students nor- provide instant communication join in a study of mutual funds and investment contract compa- nies launched in August by the premiers' conference. Explosion Studied HAMILTON (CP) -- Depart- ment of labor officials and safety inspectors are investigat- ing @ $150,000 explosion which ripped through a Highway 20 plant near here Monday night. Jack Gammage, spokesman for Genera) Concrete Lid., said fa 100-foot pressure vessel used m door weigiiii J, P, DESCHATELETS + « » Sponsors Bill Border Bridge Plan OTTAWA (CP)--A legislative amendment was introduced in the Senate Tuesday to clear the way for construction of a new Quebec highway bridge over the Richelieu River at Noyan near the United States border. Senator Jean-Paul Deschate- lets, sponsor of the bill, said its main effect would be to move ito provincial control a private toll bridge in the area that now is under federal jurisdiction. Senator Deschatelets said the new provincial bridge, linking highways on elthér side of the river, will not charge a toll. Bon Jour, Comrade! PARIS (AP) -- France and *|Russia Wednesday signed an agreement for a "'hot line" to} between the Elysee Palace and| the Kremlin. Decision to set up| the open telephone line was| for curing concrete blocks, ex- ploded at_ i p.m., nding a ing through the plant, The door tore through several walls. 'No Comment' OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson Tuesday termed "gurely speculative' a story that Canada may co-sponsor a resolution to seat Communist China in the United Nations. Mr, Pearson told the Com- mons he had no further com- ment on the report, Jack Mc- Intosh (PC--Swift Current-Ma- ple Creek) asked Mr. Pearson about the report, arising from a Canadian Press. story, The story said the proposed resolution would allow National- ist China to retain its General Assembly seat on behalf of the jisland of Formosa, But it would give Communist |China the present Nationalist seat on the 15-member Security Council, | Sentence Queried OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva- tive Leader Diefenbaker asked the government Tuesday whether it plans to appeal a "ridiculously light" 2% + year sentence for a man convicted of possession of $317,000 worth of government cobalt. CHARD, Somerset (AP)-- The vicar of St. Mary's was an 8-to-1 winner today--all be- cause he put into practice Christ's parable of the talents. He preached about the par- able in his church a month ago. Then he gave each of his parishioners two shillings and sixpence (25 cents), Total out- lay; £45 ($135), The vicar, Rev, Eric Cook, told his flock: "Go and prac- tice the parable. Come back in a month," And now the 14th century church is richer by #825 (8975), PEOPLE PRACTICE PARABLE CHURCH REAPS HIGH PROFIT WEATHER FORECAST ' "T haven't heard of anybody putting half a crown (two shillings and sixpence) on a horse, Of course, that doesn't mean. it didn't happen," the | vicar said, "If someone did and lost his money, he obviously started all over again with his own half crown," Even children who were given sixpences--£3 (89) in all--returned with a total of £13 ($39). The parable was about the rich man who gave his serv- ants talents (currency) and told them to go out and mul- tiply them. TORONTO (CP)---A national system of annual production nayments to farmers should re- place the present "inappropri- ate and ineffective' system of price supports, offers to pur- chase and other programs, & re- port to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture says. The report, made by the OFA marketing committee to the an- Police Arrest Forgery Suspects WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--Four men and a woman were ar- rested in a Windsor motel and are being held in connection with an international counter: feiting ring believed to be oper- ating out of an Ontario centre, Windsor police sald $1,220 in counterfeit U.S, currency and $10,000 in Canadian postal money orders were confiscated in the raid, At about the same time, two Windsor men were arrested at the Detroit exit of the Detroit. Windsor Tunnel and charged Payment On Production Advocated By Farmers {ries and turning cooler Thurs-|] nual convention in Toronto) Tuesday, says the payments are needed to counteract the effects of a "cheap food" policy. This policy permits competi- tive prices in world markets on some commodities, the report says, but places the burden of meeting the cost of production! changes on the farmer. The report says that during two world wars farm production has been "dramatically and artificially" increased but no help has been forthcoming to aid the farmer in reverting to a lower production scale in peace- time. It said the production pay- ments, financed jointly by the federal and provincial govern- ments, should be based on the ae production value of each 'armer, In other business, the OFA asked that the federal and pro- vincial governments take over full costs of education in the province and that land taxes pay only for services to land, such as roads, drainage and traffic control, while taxes on Tuesday with p jon of $940 in counterfeit: U.S, currency, people pay for services such as education and welfare. continues to .predominate day, producing heavy rainfalls through lower lakes districts -to- Heavy Rainfall Predicted Followed By Cooler Spell | TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts change in temperature. Winds jissued at 5:30 a.m. light. ight Synopsis: The weather picture over the province remains rela- tively unchanged. High pressure in Northern Ontario while a series of weak low pressure centres moving eastward across the in lower lakes are causing periods W of rain and fog. A stronger low ence centre forming in Ok- ahoma today will likely cut across southern Ontario Thurs- * teeveee sovsesne 45 St. Catharines .,.. 45 TOFONtO s.ssseeeee 45 Peterborough .... 40 Kingston ..s++000, 40 arm sevceccese 40 night and early 'Phursday. B1OG sseeseeee 32 Lake St, Clair, Lake. Huron, | cess eseseese Lake Erie, Windsor, London: |} Cloudy with periods of rain and fog today. Rain tonight, taper- ing off to showers or snowflur- BUINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS 95¢ --- 1.35 DINNER 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. Good Food Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST, W, Gay, Winds easieriy id. Southern Georgian Bay, Hali- burton, Niagara, Lake Ontario, Killaloe, Hamilton, Toronto: Cloudy with periods of rain and drizzle today, Rain and wide- spread fog tonight, tapering off to showers Thursday, Not much J Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Thurs 4 Muskoka ...6+006. 35 North Bay «secs Sudbury ...ceceee 28 Earlton ....sse0s» 20 {0 Sault Ste. Marie. 39 32 White River ...... 18 32 Moosones ....«... 0 ec eae | day| '| CITY OF OSHAWA GARBAGE COLLECTION NOTICE Remembrance Day There will be NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on Re- membrance Day, Friday, November 11th. : Garbage normally collected on Friday, November 11th, will be collected on Thursday, November - 10th, (ONE DAY EARLY). ~ Garbage must be out by 7:00 A.M. to avoid being miseed ae the time of collection may vary because of the revised 'schedules. : R. Cecil Bint, Cheirmen, Public Works Committee APPRECIATION In appreciation for the tremendous response last week the manager has cut prices even further, so compare and then come into Buehler's and fill up your freezers, SALE! MR, ELYNER, BOWMANVILLE | LAST WEEK DRAW WINNERS ¥. THOMPSON, 138 ALBERT ST. MRS. F, WALKER, 515 RITSON S. MRS. TAIT, 442 BEVERLY M.McCRISLETT, BAY RIDGES D. HOUSE, 966 SOMERVILLE ST. made during President de! tm his Commons question, Mr. Gaulle's visit to Moscow last |pietenbaker noted that the June, judge had termed the cobalt Bishops Send Rid cet a planned, deliberate take lene f aver editorial jobs The 18 student editors re- algned Monday charging cen- sorship by the institute's board of governors, A REMINDER that 7 interest ts paid in the fall end it's the IDEAL TIME to let Central Ontario Trust is - ae Leonard be ue of |Belleville, Ont. pleaded guilt lo eb f oe (AP)--Roman to the charge. r Te |Catholic bishops in the United) t States sent $100,000 to wet Rosson General Pennell said Doenitz Complains ao meee West Ger- euters) -- Grand Ad- mira, Karl Doenit, Nazi Ger- en successor to Hitler, Tuesday night said the Nuernberg. war crimes trials ser is ancl aul. ear-old admiral said he interceded with times to lessen the of war, HERE AND THERE sry RESIGNS use of insufficient time to fill the responsibility proper- Hos be iar Bt i e y District High School Board. ' EQUIPMENT STOLEN A bold thief climbed a tele- An ne Rc ame ice, Vipond Road, Brooklin, Tuesday and stole a Paul to help victims of the re-| cent floods in Italy. The an-| nouncement was made Tues- day by the Catholic Relief Serv- ices, the overseas aid agency! of American Catholics. Toyota Growing | TOKYO (Reuters)--The Toy-| ota Motor Co. plans to begin shipments to the U.S. next year of a new five - passenger auto- mobile as part of a massive drive to sell it all over the| world, a spokesman for the leading Japanese automobile) manufacturer said Tuesday. New Unit Urged OTTAWA (CP) -- Establish- ment of a special RCMP unit jto investigate securities frauds was proposed Tuesday by a fed- eral-provincial conference on fi- nancial disclosure and securities regulation. The closed-doors conference | | safety belt; strap holster, and pouch and some pliers, worth -- $50, from a Bell repair ROTARY SPEAKER Lt.-Col. A. A. Kennedy, DSO, a former commanding officer of the Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiment, will be the of experts from Ottawa and the| 10 provinces issued a briet| statement also reporting an agreement that financial dis- closure requirements recently adopted in Ontario be a com- mon standard, Another recommendation pro- posed establishment of a na- tional registry of securities reg- speaker this Thursday when the|ulation information. Rotary Club of Bowmanville The federal group accepted an holds a Remembrance meeting. |invitation from the provinces to jhe had started an investigation into the case and expected to get details today. | Media Study Ahead| TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Andrew Stewart, chairman of the Board of Broadcast Governors, said Tuesday a study will be made to determine whether any dan- ger is involved in| ownership of groups. of broadcasting stations or joint ownership of stations and newspapers or other publi- cations, 1 OLD WORLD TRADITION 4* Te 6 ments. take the TIGHTNESS out of YOUR money by poying you on SAVINGS accounts poid end compounded ." en CHEQUING accounts peid end (4) eompounded quarterly. Neo cherge. for cheques written, when invested in our GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES for 5 to 10 yeers, Authorized Trustee Invest- SWITCH NOW to your Community Trust Company. Earn 50% more interest on your Savings, Enjoy the longest Saving hours in Oshawa and Bowmanville. Monday - Thursday 9 -- 5:30 Fridey 9 -- 8 Central Seturdey 9 -- 4 Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St. North Oshewa -- 723-5221 23 King St. West Bowmanville -- 623-2527 ol lollar lar d ollar dol! a : " d S ar ar be dollar wise red bargain fares are here! BONELESS STEW BEEF or GROUND CHUCK STEAK 59 SAVE 206¢ tb. C LEAN | RIB STEAK SAVE 10c Ib. C End Cuts by the Piece PEAMEAL BACON FREEZER SPECIAL HIND UARTER BEEF 59: Cut end Wrapped FRER ANY ONE ITEM $1.00 3 Ibs. RIB STEW 3 Ibs. VEAL PATTIES 4 Ibs. COUNTRY SAUSAGE 6 ibs. SAUSAGE MEAT Enjoy thousands and thousands of worry-free miles right across Canada--at big sales prices. Go now and see how far your money will take you on Red "Bargain" Days! And there are lots of extras, too. Complimentary meals when you travel by sleeping or parlor car, Low fares for children, Additional savings when you share sleeping accommodation. Big group and party fare discounts. These are the real travel bargains. The worry-free bargains. Enjoy them now on fast, comfortable CN transcontinental and inter-city trains. Call your Authorized CN Travel Agent or CN Passenger Sales Office today. Oshawa to: Halifax Montreal Winnipeg *22.00 Vancouver *44.00 One-way coach travel, Red "Bargain" Days. $21.00 $740 Shop and Compare 12 King St. E. 723-3633 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 P.M.--FRI. 'til 9 P.M,