ee ee GOW Phe We be yen . aa : v, ' # id F; on ' witty ie : se é fast. Wy of oe ay? he # 3 é ros Oc weet > » sil - ee aL tas sition hee eee ge 2B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 9, 1966 -- |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 2etel Settee | foc raion wea _| CASA | TWO MONTHS | WE ARE OVERSTOCKED AND MUST: MOVE USED CARS afford high? Call Ree = SIC eee ease LA CONTESSA MANANA PREG ov, aoa OER | at fevers 1s two-bedroom m sien I alge" APARTMENTS IF YOU DESIRE ore, two "4 d three se aa eeeniint ens @ MUCH LARGER ROOMS room a en poy home | "Oshawa, i rare tection IF YOU ARE @ CONVENIENT, CENTRAL Tak bailiveeemnd ! é age, new furnace, 700 me seer LOCATION ab siST, ent and is LOOKING FOR: Gear pork. Ris: Nery pen ligeasat (or esoo) evenings'. "| Home-sized rooms with | @ Siew Fenced-in playground. | 'Waele: ' 089 7__Farms for Sale | ample storage space, |» REASONABLE COST New buildin | } farnily |gy4009 BUYS 197ACRE beot farm with tie hyaiee and Bie Hed @ 1-2-3 BEDROOM SUITES | . Oshawa sou besiee good room home, Excellent trout ea! Ww individua LET US SHOW YOU a cae Wi. 0, Martine Ca eae room control. THEN YOU DECIDE bhaesnie 2 a ' 7 iis trom Cobourg. on saved nighwey.| Sauna Room CALL: Ee teste S| Swimming Pos | CENTRAL =| tusanne vitin BUY AT WHOLESALE . . . PAY THE DEALERS PRICE! Recreation room with ; aga Echo facto ONTARIO) | sag sun si raha anus Joe craw: $3 495. ie $3 995. Fabric Draperies | centrally located, electrically Joseph Bosco Realtor, , , S | heated, Roomy breakfast : so "| 19 area tate hardwood bush | Pressurized, odour-free | TRU 1 nook nd | itchony tennis ¢ ¢ a ) Fg Fi Fresiganiial :| and Christmas trees, Located bag aig | (RENTAL AGEN 5) fa = a eae | Le 14 miles Oshawa in are | Shopping, schools end f Evenings 668-4416 | REGENT ARMS Y¥L/ say dil 9 + y(oniheenai Hnded es: 00" yond churches near at hand 725-5067 | Immediate Occupancy room | * cupboard space in kitchen, ai $39.60 monthly, | Office 723-5221 One and two bedroom apart- / i ' i SRNR Wa el ree tayo | eae! ece | mentreenewonone ew: | "69 Ford Galaxie XL 2dr. Hardtop '65 Pontiac Super Sport Hardtop ie \' pin entre, | halt acre Tard, con 668-6942 to protect you SHELDI AN TELEPHONE 723- 6944 Make this elegant car yours to enjoy for years. It's finish- Here's a model that caters to good taste. It's finished in Kitchens three" bed- Transportation at Pa caret 6:00 and 9:30 p.m, | ed in a Candy apple red with black vinyl interior featuring lilting Jamaican Yellow. Furnished with a 238 V8 engine, d - Be eight cylinder engine, bucket seats, floor console with bucket seats with floor console automatic shift, radio, your door MANSIONS FOR RENT floor automatic transmission shift, power brakes, power power brakes, power steering, white walls and discs. Make A iia iares tive area, Some treed lots. | A home you will realy" radio, = walls, ond discs, It warrants your it yours by OY ae NO, 38455 FOUR-DEOROOM besuiiil Tome Taree) Paved street, Cl bli Immediate Inspection } 334554 Tope, catral. Wwniby, araoe, paved] Paved Srew'high wchootand | be proud to show | 885 OXFORD STREET or SALE Realtor 668-3338 or 668-9259.) bus lin 12 ROOM HOUSE venenctse large oll furnace. Owner ann fous 40. sell, Call Jeannette. Nugent: Don 12 Large L ots Str Realtor, 723-465}, evenings, 2 miles from city, in attrac- nes, i telet : ' PRIVATE GALE, One and heif storey PRICED_TO SELL VISIT | Within Walking Distance | brick fone Siete Rvs. 200 Phone 728-5579 s South General Motors 162 COLBORNE ST. pel down re see. "A CONTESSA"' | : EAST | hd) BRAUTIFUL residential area, only s @ No damage deposit vibe? barage Nea bon are rant with te, owne: recuired f sell, Bargain for quick sale, Glen- quire cop ia Tohnente." Perry Serr steal | aw 4 r Aveiye north Of Rossland end Gib. 140 Nonquon Road @ FOR RENT @ MeMRE eee oe} ~--« 725-1481 Swimining Poot pong dmg hoy '64 Mercury 2 door Hardtop '65 Meteor Rideau 4 door Sedan bedrooms, oll fee torent, ores lg {lee Wine Tete of city, Name your |. @ FM Music and Tues, to Fri, 10:30. a.m, to tf ' dutta doy 4 ' rerms, 723 | 7 p.m, Sot. 'til 3 pm. you've been looking for fast stepping power in a car A teal beouty thot has top drivi formance for } Oshaws ae nee Colum, 16.00 | terms. | i ACRES, some oe fh pod homme, aie. V Inter Com, P _ P you can't go wrong with this model, Finished in 4 A real beety thot ss ge drwing oortacnanes tr Ta eam | paved Me, H Ts Maiaie: Ih LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION showerfresh yellow with black top, it's furnished with you. This car is like new and can be yours today if you CHURCH SF aT Church 'strest, low | 3-4 5 esr Oana = ro il 2 bed ' | 55 Bruce St, 728-1070 a 390 V8 four-on-the-floor, power brakes, power steer- act fast at o greatly reduced price. Comes in Raven Py ' payment on this one. Call George |jontage good road. Asking $12,500. | VISCOUNT a edroom suites . . Rar aecamiae | ing, radio and white walls. Come in and see this excit- Black with eight ms pom power, automatic trensmis- Tweites Bt Tel oe Tee vod 'fe wey | gorge Couhe Realty, 668-6826 = | ARTHUR STREET | ing powerful car today sion, Test drive ae * today, x sen, Realtor, ss, @ Free Parking | : LICENCE NO. H82592 ant 592 ICENCE NO. 311265 wrirey -- T4908 full price price stor | STREET BAST. 57" by 107°. Wilson D PL MAT three room, furnished, second ie . | North. by 135', Both serviced. | Free Hydro floor apartment in nice home, entre w. Gahaterkaes Realtor 668-3338 or 668 a $50, Suit one or two adults. oedeen tare ore cat verre is | Model suite f hed by | | og | wpbgclicrinethtaneng | Between 12 and 1 p.m. 725- | we Cart Olsens" 'Realtors "pkey 23--Real Estate Wanted oe PP veal . Wilson's Furniture Store| 9346, Siedee PULL PRICE and carries : | breadioom in halls @ inter- i: $00 PIT passe ee ne ent | College Hill com @ F.M, @ Balconies | enuy gt ot OPEN TWO ROOM heated, furnished, self-con-| south ON | j five minutes walk from Area @ Immediate possession. 4 ™M, salted: Hes heeemecres nearer. | with a | rogoel a ct centre ond j 728-7942 po a eR Orchard vo pas. F ' e . i a fer heute call share ph ie A el vill gg small quiet building, Fri' and. stove, 63 Galaxies 4 door Sedan 66 Meteor 2 door Sedan hens roche: , Tome, eantaliy_To fous for @ good clean home 728-4283 The heat. all 723-506. end perking wr ment into immediate pos-| | around $16,000 price range Apt. 111 | ROOM apariment, in wpari- Comes in rich desert tan with striking matching interior. This value calls for action, decide now to test drive this ion paved drive Call Tom Houston at | WENTWORTH ment building. Stove, refrigerator, taun- Equipped with automatic transmission, eight cylinder exciting car. Finished in @ picturesque Silver Blue, it has landscaped Only asking $17,500 ana open 340° Marland ary fechition included, Adulte only. Tele: | engine, white walls, radio and discs. This top quality car Meteor big six cylinder with outomatic transmission, radio Central Ontario Trust | reser 4, . After hours ca sai baale otras Ge ranma danaseaman esate COLLEOR HILL, One-bedroom "pari. con be yours today, hurry ! and new car warrenty, Sharan Fuek 373. ae sa 8 ots RATE GRENFEL MANOR france, heat hyere,, water ineluded uy LICENCE NO. 96739E' LICENCE NO. H75965 ONLY DOWN for this threeded-|---------------- bes vaeoraa Tere Bs rent. $75, 10? Alma Street, $2,200 reom brick one large with broadicom, | Ww TT tn vn sidbanctais ti armel peawk mx ole 275 Wentworth St. |r eneet" alehor'te ana _ste| Nght and make an } l U » & gyeeersiet| S|RRY'S | SQUARE | ore sn (atte oa You will enjoy living In THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, private . " : . [entrance and bath, available October 1. Fik@a . BEDROOM brick yoealet Immediate Wentworth Manor, con 725-2849. Reg 2875 74° veniently situated for on ONE BEDROOM apartment. Stove trig. down to_ offers 8-7 j | who work in and aroun and drapes. Newly decorated. No damai fan Real. Estate Ber Fis sr 'After | Possession } \ rape y ted. No damage hours ealt Ernie Wilson 1 NEED, + reasonably sO two or Oshawa. Within easy walk- |e Aree asanda, nN Pee 63 F d 4 d S d : 6? P : 4 d d af BRICK 8 SUNGALOW in cost end; |tnrenbedream nome, lant away, fer | Features 1, 2 and 3 ps sone of stores and/sinwa-nOOM apaciment, ceniral, Heat or oor oedan ontiac oor Se an foam, ioe! Mile: raved ariver tues Cal wilter witere™ SJobmston 728-1066. Scheele: bedroom suites : Rirnished" Receohette PYoanans hones bath, Just listed, onty| Aker RENT INCLUDES: or 725-1423, 5 A star performer, ready to carry you over miles of care- Trim and thrifty to operate yet complete comfort ere $taaon Try ov "/34--Stores, Offices, Storage| 6 Cees THREE-ROOM apariment, good loca: free driving. A one owner model, with Hustling Acad- yours in, this Laigroge Polar White Sedan. Features lian 'Reet Estate. Broker, 7 - -d FREE | Pi tion, heavy duty wiring. Television an- ion Blue finish. It has gas saving six cylinder with syn- Pontiac economy six with ges saving standard trans- r hours call Ernie Wilson, 725-9750, @ Heot and hydro tenna, 240 Ritson Road South, For intor- cromesh three speed transmission, mission and pel nah white walls too, ; mation apply 214 Arthur Street. 5 000 SQ. FT. HEALTH CLUB @ Stove and refrigerator GL on aT LICENCE NO. J13626 LICENOE No. 1181005 Offset @ Porkin nished, parking, all. conveniences, TV bo poy, this one 'Mater, ! ° outlet, avaliable December |, Near ¥ -- of Floor Space SAUNA A few choice 2 and 3 bed- [Ping Centre, Adults. Telephone 728- only, quality room suites still available, [ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM - ho in in Downtown STEAM ROOM Rental Office bare alee seme an Cre Sy area and Model Suite 7969, jeseph Douce Reaitor, T8107. Open Daily SUNSET GARDEN COURT -- 'Sirmcoe AREA, attractive five Third Floor -- @ SWIMMING trom 1-9 P.M. Noh maton Sean: | ped : low on large well land: se to. schoo Ing. Walk-out balcony, bus at doer, close 'i feorores Screg ara, 4 both passengerand =| POOL TELEPHONE for shopping, reasonable rent. Tel Ge tai, Mane asia) freight elevatorservices | |__| | 723-8701 Pea ine --faaracruonooi ack '63 Triumph Hardtop '65 Meteor Montcalm Convertible ea! i SER } ee ee ee ""|ments. Apply 29) Marland Avenues} | Apartment 107 or telephone 723-6134, Pos- RENT OR SALE -- ideal for income. 3 @ Free Hydro ; the te pl Fin- Roomers, boarders, two families, or ra. ' FURNISHED | session Immed tely, Here's the prince of the economies, comes in @ cool An elegant car at @ price that's sure to please you, Bian site commercin yeaa T. L. WILSON e Oshawa s Largest APARTMENTS |SIMCOE STREET South, mere 'are lavender finish with matching vinyl interior. Bucket seats aa a Ee ciek Uak sano berlin de bsg nian | Suites | bedroom apartment, One child welcome) WHITBY -- Brick, three-bed mi-| OSHAWA TIMES |$85 monthly. Telephone 723-2218. | with sporty 4 speed floor shift. Forty miles to the gallon. power brakes, power vale white walls and discs. A detached bungalow. Very c clean and taste-| 86 King Street East @ French Provincial FOR tully decorated. inxious to move Kitch OM apartment in tri- one owner with the Seaway famous guarantee. to: price Is < Only $12,300;-Call Bill} Phone 723-3474 itcnens Oshawa Shopping Centre, rug, | LICENCE NO, 14948E LICENCE NO. 20508 nth coemsoant all | @ Indoor Parking RENT Available Immediately. 723-4932, cae stovi refrigerator, See ! A bedroom, five OOM = apartment, MOVING, selling two - bedre - Wo: trig Phe a few, finished recreation roo ry, Boats $4 Available AT Steves heat ord hydro paid, So Near Eastdale Vocational School, Har-|tent trallers $15 full season, King $1. W.,| area, Phone 723-45 North. Garage. Terms. Telephone! Bowmanville 623-3243, | @ Outdoor Guest Sen.te02. P, ; THREE-ROOM = Pained apartment, |GARAGE FOR RENT, ideal tor storing | arking |- ren e 415 monthly. Suitable for. nurese er IMMEDIATE (eOseESSTON for this two-|boat, Mary and Adelaide area, Tele- working couple, Private entrance, elec- femily. br Four reoms for own-|phone 723-3211, | trically heated. Stove and uit cadet er pilus th rons apartment vpstelrs. | MeGiUMSIZE STORE tor rani, aul: Rental Information Square | Atoteinene; 728-0976. kit set in ao sterrtent Wieretd inane [able office, beauty shop, atc. 492 Simcoe | CALL FOUR ROOM apartment, private a ¢ Seas | 7351- | hearers 5 Wie ttieont ema pacer 62 Falcon 4 door Sedan '64 Ford Custom 4 door Sedan campers, etc, Low rates, Towllne Road Tw : | end 2 bedroom suites in plant, child welcome, Avalteble Decem- calli Real festate Ltd., 46 King Street West, | North. Call 728-9942 for free pick-up and/ | delivery. |}Oshawa's finest apartment jber 1, T You'll experience top driving performance and top It's eager, alert and alive... take It for @ test run te- SORA two-bedroom bungalow. |GARAGE FOR RENT, epproximately G Suildings, Immediate occu- | |#ULLY furnlahed apartment Including | driving economy in this thrifty beauty. Yours to inspect 2) ou'll be gled you shed In en urban at form ace, ae lot. Barlington nv town:| i eves " ot pend area. Suitable} 38-385 GIBB ST. | pancy | refrigerator and stove. ideal for newly | ao vit ler Finished in i Baltic Blue and features dey « . «you'll g did. Fint vid ip, ten late possession, low taxes, |for stora: imcoe Street North area, ; led le, No children please, Tele-| ' ; " i i \- reds B Senoession. jew | ree. nom, a i dau é id | erring. coupits Ne ren pl Falcon's economy six' with standard tronsmission, radio blue with matching trim it features standard trans pri to i i tation call Mike Belmonte, 725-8300. a | Call NEWLY DECORATED "two beareom and white walls. A look and test drive will convince. mission with six cylinder power and economy. THREE-BEDROOM belek bungalow | yt AAAE 8 tay oe 'sum ay renting that OSHAWA'S } apartment, private entrance. LICENCE NO. H93853 : LICENCE NO. 6806H Oonewe. recreation school: ond shopping. Children welcome. | Telephone 72339 Pam wore oa en eee Grenfell Square Share bath with one other family. Large! PPHRABRADPAA PPAAAAALSH FOUR-BEOROOM fami ; anh ------------ | i backyard, Heat supplied, $95 -- sas Basan fore a 25--Houses for Rent | Rental Office | Telapnoné_ 72 peel) ih Garage and large oi Oui Osborne _ 'SUBLET -- One = bedroom apartment, | " : Reaity. 668-6826 or | se 2:8 6 s | 723-51 1] [ues and refrigerator, Electric heating HERE S THE WINNER si BGWN or 0 ities brick | Buying -- Selling a H ss _. supplied, Laundry facilities, Near Shop- | Bungelew. in. Whitby. Needs some deco home con be pesky. i APARTMENTS 380- 385 GIBBS jping Centre, 723-3004 after 4 bm. : ; rating and fouctrups, Asking ped If this your ae | i ST. [one "TROOM furnished bachelor apart-| if 5 04 wee lem. Cal i | INDOOR | phon No TaB.S155 frornin " oy oe f D the AM Rad | hone 724S125 mornings 9 a.m. = 1 Bum. of our Draw on the io THREEBEOROON "ERIC EK saath Osh DON 'STRADESK! HEATED | ~ Regency Towers {soar PERRY SOL 5 65 C t 4 d S d tent condition ond tow heating, cost. Gor wy POOL | 349 MARLAND AVE. [ment and path. im ; ome oor sedan don Osborne Realty, 468-0826. of 726-5157 723-4651 725-2227 | Telephone 985-7103, pews we Mts th el ola ee: $ - Two - private = One and @ "aches ad, | noon = 5S $ sages oe COMFORT : November 15, con iggy GM. Tele A beauty that takes you through city traffic and' on MRS: VELMA TUCKER shopping. Very reasonable. 723-950: ng cae huacoen | | CONDITIONED id Premier eee canned a od the ware with ease and assurance! Glistening + OWE-and-whaif storey house, eed. 15. For Tg phone 723-9128, | | e +} | rats gt oe Jamaican Yellow finish, a gas miser six cylinder with eee _Apply 517 Cubert St. THREE BEDROOM bungalow. Avaliable! one bpbaccda dL in 321 MARLAND AVE. [Sects ese pimeos, rng rm | convenient automatic transmission. 923 Donovan Crescent Whitby now. $125 monthly, 299 Cadillac South.; |@"d draft control thermo- | 728-6722 | Apartment. I. ' Very. clean "end. nicaly Gecorated, "aood| Teleohone 725-7100 jstat in each suite. | i kas bal Pou eel geo ORE LICENCE NO. H7499? sized lot on Masson Street, north of Rose: NINE ROOM house with ail convenienc-| odern an edroom i residential home with. own furnished marin, Telephone ware Tarte, Teen Tmemnone Meb-ie6 "ner OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY | apartments, . drapes, stove, |quarters. Private large, furnished ving ss Sa Si ROSE Tow "sere hese AN con] OST ANTSUN: Iam -7 pm. 7 frig bt a yl Brectric heat, 'suiaing iass doors to e@ 1495 e@ e@e 1495 e e@ 995 @ $000 DOW! i boys aed Teiic al bulid- I trally locat Phy 7 ss ' y ls private patio, double driveway, north- Ing which consists ot tore and equip oe Satine oten'ta ar each apartment, controlled os. se Piedeang --s Apply Box 1962 CHEVY I] 1964 FORD SEDAN 1960 AUSTIN SPRITE ment plus rt partmen' #3! HOUSE, barn and lend fi +, halt ne ¥ entrance with elevator ser- nen Senor. tee, Senet Rane nase Ls John. amy barn, and Me's ighwty | tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6x vice, storage and laundry new three bedroom coufiry, apariment: CONVERTIBLE LIC. 294486 LIC, 68506H LIC. L84859 3 MeDONALD Street, Port Perry. 3a7. dy crhen Uta aaa hee | "facilities on each floor, |enitdren welcome. Near Courtice, "Tele- aati ads ook _ Sturdy old house on corner lot. Seven ination Livir wrt | broadioom in halls, ample | phone 725-5085, . re ae aioe 'fae ah polls ay op 3 Telepnone 7a; Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 parking s ore, close to Shop- | WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Very comfort. e 1995 e @ 2895 e COMMERCIAL = blag jh aye BR peed 3050. aint hore English Decor Lobbies ping Panis: "Apply or tele- {able 3 room apartment, private entrance, 1965 FORD S A 1966 PONTIAC be cash, Please feel free to come out/FOR RENT = a bedroom house on| BUS Stop at door, Model siute phone the above numbers. can be sean vember acne nT EDAN 4 DR. HARDTOP 1959 GMC must welcome, Apply above address. DON, F ' ONE = BEDROOM apertment for rent, eae : , Furniture by WILSON'S entral location, adults. $65 monthly. SIK-ROOM, two storey house and garage. EXECUTIVE HOME Yor rent. Lovely 2 AC H ( IR g grey Phone 72-4507, Bloor East district, Tele:| year-old split level residence Re FURNITURE B EL | Teleenene yaaeees, $117 MONTHLY, Come and see these Parke "Alex gg oo gr lig 4 PRINCESS APA RTMENT ies y ler ° ining our A Sines ] 19 METEOR 1964 FORD COACH 1964 CH EVROLET averly thi r, w rr - sd vid he anand tara ; ef. King. Threw Dearaomns 'euity a. by, 668 Yiase. ite etre el Hates pod sf ps Pri. Two [OROOM apartment, one child | Lic. J) ne 2 LIC, J5917 ' TANDEM DUMP offer rly possession. | Six i welcome, $85 monthly. Avaliable now.) Call 728-1656, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd, SIX ROOMS, tour, bedroan se sorih ee | } ANNE vate entrance and bath, Heat Apeiy Tir 'Rowena. Street. Telephone "| GRECUTIVE HOME -- Choice residen-|dren welcome, 728-5123. and lights, Adults, Reduced | fal area, spacious tivingroom with open! $ix:ROOM HOME, $90 monthly" imme: rent for couple who would do a) "ROOM, Kitchen end batty | Riches sx bedrooms Para. ete hes possession. Telephone 725-4304. APARTMENTS @ little maintenance work. [heat and hydro included, oe monthly. | bn hadi 668-2861 sara iW FVE-RoOH we: wei 221 Simcoe St. N. 725-9934 - - --| FURNISHED "seit -- contained fweream| oom, hardwood and tiled tloors. through For -- acl | WHERE GOOD TENANTS | antenna, heat and hydro, off street park- ---- ee GET GOOD ACCOMODATI Ing. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue, : = ~~ RESULTS j m ROYALE AND GOOD LANDLORDS GET| MODERN upper duplex epartment, Athol | Classified 119 wine ROAD eeede Jae Noi [Seat tthe te oe (1965) LIMITED The cost of thi Til , = Couple, Willing to mind Gk daly tens aay . 1 and 2 bedroom suites pa go ASSOCIATION | Ehy while father works. "Two rooms. In 7 | in, tvingr yer Teo wait] ACTION ADS ovallabl EE eens ee OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 10 P.M. Yas 'waino| 723-3492 et wt 40% wm nnonre «ere |26 Apartments for Rent | 1120 DUNDAS E., WHITBY : . PHONE 668-5893 i a ae: "lg: feat alone Br fanaa 72 | (Continued on Page 29) | 'oom J lover! ee ee Ae ae cere ge RS ater). Broodioom by ANGUS GRAY: ey oat a LIC. H77367 Fully powered, Lic, H85359 COMBINATION DUMP