Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1966, p. 26

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rsa ercan sn anes v4 roe VPA ey roy sca en, % THE OSHAWA TIMGS, Wedncsdey, Movember 9, 1966 Don't Store Those Summer Left-Overs.. Use A Want-Ad For Quick Cash ny Spy for sole ___j11--Pets and Livestock pee ew ' Bomber.|COZY.) RANCH, Rev'd, Geri soft soll herds, pups, Show mare Interested BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | axe a oe i es ee | | <a rg 3d anf 4 HERE iS WHAT ines Ee eee eee tee Zellers L Dock Miniature ers imit N - 'Championship Stock. } Building Trades Gardening and Supplies |Sales and Service WP a a. Frank Shewring. t opt enmme! 'a a ne Residential "Winter Ideas" | APPLIANCE ro | | | eal bil tse Sima chal Ses on" : neva MANAGEMENT j j : starting selory : REPAIRS mise an Wr i a GERMAN RRR * Excellent training progrem Industrial SUNFLOWER SEED r fog, ey the es /Maadd eivenaanaa ae aa hashapteaalleetadted aires' of washers, 'dryer: "Gnges, Tt tresses, sit redues: " '|| mee * Libero! benefits For all Construction BIRD FEEDING © ASU FARIS AVAILADLE © P = eo a: ieue: -eanniate ia a ats ee STATIONS ALCAN ee | Sv ay A = Goal nth + Soe sate samts ALLEN =~ oe Se ae ee RE and APPLIANCES Forni sie ns ete he risaaris | fourteen hands high, pe aE A age : PURINA DOG FEEDS | Téeohene 729.0011 EME | oe unr ee oan I AR aol ie 4 'Yeteohone if lla PROVEMENT MASTER DOG FEEDS [Harris Aluminum Soles A 9 | sostunouce | [Reals Abit: Gr ce ti Falaphone "ass." Noe. bare creating. unusuel eppertunity prose, ¢ Z ex | Custom Built Kitchen--Both- PET SUPPLIES ae me Road E. i ag want i 1 rar i for tants Starla Telaphons 72312. room = rec, rooms -- ond BRITANNIA MALT Phone' Osan 938. 6064 | FoRce ymict wn ADAY jelavislon, ret me licant Must Be. Able \* Imieet. 85 00 : ples PS Barristers H. McKOY Prop. CANARY SEED re Masi hoc lak LAR Ort HALF, ! * : i TWN |GO0D Use FURNITURE. What have Jane Matriculation nia King 'street eet Ota BUDGIE SEED years experience, TWEORETICAL ESTIMATES Mears . al ty J Ww lev Creek "4 Bond Street West, is Essential M, Greer/ EXPERT PAVING. Free estimetes, Siding Experts. Lowest Prices. ie 89 t m sein |WOOD JRO FURNITURE warted, wi. Please Direct All Replies To Bex 1, 668-6526, Number Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | lamps. |T. Broad, . structure, RIO Tele-| and Commercial FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted fr WILD BIRD MIXTURE ® 04 fran i xpert repairs to all mokes f MATTRENE BARGAINE. A ype of mat | ©! lenberg Kennels, with Ind ond eh adarer -- Ue; | WILD BIRD GRAINS | ete @ ties tor a arity nat ta "met WALA L sss. for bun E © Pannen mations ab male, $15. femal PURITY DOG MEAL | gas Sirece's APIIANC st \ GGED FREE. rea ais aK. lnm sto , Inert and eetive IMPROVEMENTS progress all General Repairs. FLOUR RAISE A WEIGHT OF Asout 25 Pouxnt- | M. en ' : © Relocate Periodically GREER t Ane KELLY, Barristers, Soll- 725-8576 3 Terence V. Kelty, QC, 728-| cludes sreding. and fill, two-year Bag FLOWER POTS ) Thomes H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, TH | ton, 11 yoors business, Terreno Paving, R } RAW ent A Pian : eae or perrrermans caren? 7 ST ae ano TV--Radio Repairs 8--Articles for Sale mibié. Bay ohly $8, We be iy furniture. 'Dishes, pate, woel 56313 Salleors 46. King Street 'ast, Gullo 907,| cng cerort work. ove won Fasais7. Residence 7250051," F ic) HEINTZMAN T.V. Rentals thee sails Oshawa Times JORN 0. HeLAUGHLIN, © Spm CUE. |tanwalns, remodeling ra i, Cooper-Smith Co. WHR ay "ibAL car i Be rage' Re WE ts El, a SN st, 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshows ALCAN N © \W/ AY All aialind P Hasna it tn on Telephone 728-2921 FURNITURE AND ie aelrest, Aba tie, vase les For Rent Street Een, Gahawey Re De rai ier Gera ihoy, mil 723-2312--723-1139 GUARANTEED REPAIR to APPLIANCES $IX SERVICE BAYS Hai ! hegollabity 'Te Choirs Linen, Dishe POWER'S uitlery ell wrin washers and 4 ranges Free estimates. Call 452 Simcoe S, FOR FASTER SERVICE QCr G, $ Boyenyn, QC, 8 RENT i My ernie aa i va, hinges , Deli Service 798-1742 or 0 TF, I Sher test Fa Sa repairs, end" ama iy cstablished 1909 Pi an TUNING -- Expert tuning and 723-0011 e 623-7969 avin, tes Win Bowls Sioa SUPERMARKET EM I a Ml , 'ura, Min MANGAN, (6, Solctor Baereey Wook Che nie eee : repairs, Free estimates given without WHEEL ALIGNMENT. SPECIAL Formals, White Hated) rest om mw unm) SMITH'S TREE FARM ae, UBED = vaca pair llahere: Re. Re- COLOR diy, Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- collar, one & Ik Stoles, REQUIRES ier Toa. pol Manat rae: door, and ire fT soaker Fnone| OR BLACK AND WHITE th, Pontiac. W t fs LD, BA, and oe Easy Teanthte payments pe By 723-| © Cedars for Hedges pelre fo. Gil, mekes. Now e mouth, Pontiac. We correc tke new, 462 Gre Ria ET EANT'S RENTALS ye ny EL RE 5 Cader tor Hee or hore)| ae tae ; pctare| SARGEANT AN EXPERIENCED wheel alignment, inspect and D J Serimorcl Synge, ine Wet pou -LBeAL--chinnay"GaNnwCH on ne ued' cat tc wn |e Eaedes All work quoranteed correct castor and camber, 'mi L Ag. §._725-3338 Shaan n.d ng bl repeat ead | © Dry fre wood cut to suit | "SPE SOrviee T.R.I.O. TELEVISION | align totsin ond toecut 12 | HRRSUARTER GKRY Fula Wap wueae CHAR ourel oes wane! = GROCERY 308 switcneEs : yards 204 Chestnuts Correct condition... $6.88 | Tilehone 738-8037, " ___|Aid. Rentals, tal i on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut "Street * extra require " re ae estimates, e-200, Mage Rree|Call collect Newtonville 786-2283! West, Wnitby: sae-256. 728-5143 @ Parts, extra if required UTTAR BinTube CLERK rniain' @ Torsion bor adjustment 623-2718, ATLANTIC PAVING end concrele Gei|TOP SOIL AND FILL for sale. Beatty| Surveyors T.V. TOWERS _Rust extra. RIANo" RLECTRIE-FRATH WRT 748 ot Oshews re aM i ter tars Alt work guar. 9 Yours. Today. RAMU ed GT 3 we rte VAN AND FL ed ie Se Proof e table and various accemsories. Call PING. 729-7726, : By) enbé|terlo Land » Commercial blue COLORED TV BRAKE SPECIAL ACCORDION Tor sale ~tacheaiae Opportunities AND AN EXPERIENCED ood condition, #145. In q section. Whetber vev're tee ROOMS. Order now for Chrisimas.|$4.00 yd, T eae tf " prints, 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632. i il caalaal lob, Guaranteed workmanship. Por tree est [yd. Delivered. Fisoenr.* = or black and white Most popular cors. First «| make, student's size, good SWELL, CANADA. Ll LinireD hes @ serv. call Don collect, 985-2802, Port Beat ae ae i. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario end 24-H ; Telephone 7: 7 % I 4 -Hour Service lity Royaline. 4 wheels. leo st ae gee elapene an Teeter ee es 723-0065 or 668-5830 pd $i A488. rie Boy's BIeveLe, ww peels mareon end Petter then ave verege Incer BUTCHER . . bing air coment work, sidewalk, sabe, stoops, i PULL - TIME SALESMEN -- Classified] RAE'S RADIO & T.V. e Saas PRaeTake be A uli abn oo sd ob -- faba new v4 haem si ED'S TV TOWER and Aerial service. ; phone 725-2275, BALLET ~ BATON twirling. Register 47 Re Free estimates, all work guaranteed. For) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |piANO -- recondilioned and revernished, her a onnertun ra eae ouplever mele halt Good pm. dally. Harvey Dance Academy, | py . : fast service call 668-6761 or 728-6879 at a weights per wheel | Telephone 942-2702. y, ns starting rate, usual h Centre, 725-6122. --Radio Repairs 1044 Byron Street South, Whitby. vate. Write B 'Oshawa Times, REMODELLING, trim 'se cupboards, -- Kt oi oll y: eac 9195 | ELECTRIC chord "organ, Ta. Bam Be equipped avi] Company benefits, Apply rooms, guitar essons Ss, MUFFLERS, cellent coi ny . Cal 'J ates, Telephone 7257ad6, pose ohare Well Drilling--Diggir SHOCK : Motive parts end. machine Mi = iaems er nian. er Te WELL BieGiNG by ae Tai FRONT-END WORK AT FaLevnien Aamiral 3B neh General| port' "acoounie'" rherough "apectin| * th@ manager, S64 izing in 30-Inch tile. W. Ward, 204 COMPARABLE PRICES Electric retrigerator 10 euble feet, Reavy [open fo serious inquirer. Box. 86887, Money to Loan But Street West, Whitby, 648-869 oF " duty stove, girl's bleycle 26 Inch, stu- King Street East. UNIROYAL reese sa gr ner voor size 10, Telephone 725-9483. RESIDENTIAL he commercial floor words counts as words; eech , Selec Maenaat | .CARTAGE | wae mies, 'a peroer ong OF ANY KIND sy Sa? Sonne byrpone bro ing Yoo are steediiy er CENTRES LIONEL "GLECTRIC TRAIN sat, | Ver¥/ fiery sanded and refinaned. Scutlresie: @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS and nove ered creat ps aii Remove! of superfluous heir plete. Anybing. Coumtadsed or fe: for Marie Murduff will be In The New Neme ot | Sunburn, sieina. = rea rises EXPERIENCED moved Reasonable Rates, |Mortgages perfect Oshawa, Nov. 21st, 22nd, end DOMINION TIRE STORES | CLOTHES MANGL 7 ehe | 23rd. Phone Genosha Hotel on excellent" conaiion, Telephone. YAStH4h. rates, 4 estimates. Rake leaves and zene = 7082! MORTGAGE | mes Saneeeeme | jth: Geena eee Lae nema MACHINICT HAULAGE DONE with 15-41, stake dump } reception ELECTROLYSIS Phone 725-6511 jor,'sa8, eleciri¢ muttiler aneps 725-004 ¢ TEACHER REQUIRES ovataoper Im; er ae oe ae uae 723-4641 SNOW TIRES, 700 - 19 Dominion Royal|med Winter-Ride, whitewalls, removal, etc, Good deal on bekery LOANS on steel studded, bm. este, Steody je, Port Perry, hs, Excellen a H RIDE WANTED from Oshawa to Sear: ith rims, used three mon d 10 iB B fram Ouhawe We bear: ¥ Sonaition, reed WiLL GIVE GAY EARE for aiiin my! A growing company in Moneys avolloble for first | channels 710-0059 etter 6.00 p.m. CARGE SABY CRIB and matirens, | 70-40. the electronic industry re- } ¢ " small crib, _ plays pr board, | Say CARE given for two chil. GAREPOOT, DR JOHN Dara and meet martgooss Cone with THANKE TO (81. JUDE for fever Fe MORE ? one a Telephon mie dren In my wn' home. "Telephone e68-| Guires additional help for Por spbelninent, Tai." | Mortgages, second mortar a 3--Sportsman's Column Telephone 70-409 or 88. caine a WORN WIE TAKE CARE of children its machine shop. BIALEK, DR. EB, P. Dental Surgecn,| and ogreements for sale pur- | antenna Se ee ae We deliver to Your Door DELUXE Thistle Baby Cerriege own home, five-day week or Sat. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For) chased. HUNTING LICENCES, new and used good condition, be Be shes ad } A wen. vray re preterred. Near Mal ------e-- M. F. SWARTZ ae hanger new 'and. Used ~akates. Beat 'een em trailer. Tale s76962 Fringe benefits, profit ange' : f oo RaNATEG ay with 15 years shari 1 . : cable prices. Valley Creek, 16 Bond St. W, ' aring plan and Dressmaking 26%4 King St. Fost | Wr aha, eo] HIND Y4, units of OE Sey GR cs Seek, Sa] Cee ee DRESSMAKING. Oshawa, Ontario } ty moose. Telephone 668-8745 or 723-0192, EEF , |$27 Lomond Street, payable, general ledger, payroll, all trie; profit and loss a Expertly fitted suits, coats, dresses. Beautifully tallored slip- i ? sheets covers raps. fre. Yor, aba 723-4697 4--Motorcycles eves EVOLVER cas alr cont aceon Wels te « permanent port, aub oun Pusicarion fgg ng ag ag prt FIRST and SECOND 1963 MATCHLESS 750 CC Twin for sale Telephone 723-8493. pan. | M Por oy, Times, Contact: sionally. Mrs, McNamee, 668-8756. MORTGAGES call Excellent condition, iy extras, Tele- be RUTOMATIC ELECTRIC STOVE, and) -- BIRTHS AND DEATHS EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING, elec --All Classes-- 723-5278 phone T-Sh T| SIDES WH PORK 496 Ib, 10 cube fot refrigerator. Bott sew rele women. Telephone afer # im m MR. C. TAYLOR ? em. DAY OF -- aiterations on, ladies 'ond gente'. suits, iN, ee 5--Trailers SIDES of LAMB. .49c Ib. condition. Used ft, _mronine, Telep ne IN MEMORIAMS est ares. ° -- TT, 2 hen suite, CARDS OF THANKS ie Hoe WALNUT FIVE-PIECE | kltche '|17--Female Help Wanted SECURITIES LIMITED TRAILER CLEARANCE $45.; electric wattle a, ee CROVEN LTD e Spm. DAY PREVIOUS Gardening and Supplies Member Ontario' Mortooge two pleated panels, Siokare TRAILERS, HEATERS RE- FRONTS of VEAL .49c Ib. | 2675. SALESLADIES \ iare bag reviews. OE da TRA ee FRIGERATORS. Authorized x~*eet used, Also pment, bargain 500 BEECH ST. umns or latewr vo em Sey P (ry AND SECOND mortgages avell- Service on trailer heating and priced hockey. stlexs, "Bre Centre, 204 we ee WHITBY, ONT. ' ' . iON SAL tin PeR INCH PER INSERTION. FIED Deg tags SKATES! A ler, # -- of new and AN LAr} 8 AND able. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Refrigerators. Bond Street, 725-6344, p connec se # AM Coenen. Prenced perience in selling desirable, CORRECTIO Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. with Budget terms GM FRIGIDAIRE stove, $30.7 Kelvina- FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale MILLER HEATING ' tor refrigerator, $40.; both In good con-| Pleasing personality, good ap- ick dition. 'Telephone 7256606, pearance and references es+ ? am. DAY "OP PUBLICATION agreements purchased and sold. Henni Ri pes sawill be charged on eoy hs B LB S ard Henn Barristers, 21 King Stee! "BUILT IN OSHAWA" 9 Nude St, Nes, Shee bi ees GIRL'S CLOTHING -- good winter coats) sential, Good salary in ac CAREER U AT OUR OWN PLANT RAMBLER TRAILERS e phone ETE cordance with ability to sell, Optometrist We give you a better SALE -- RENT KLEER PAK Taco SPACE MBATER, with fen. large Apply in. person to: , Capa ea! ir 18. N \W CGIAR (SLACK, 00, 3 Sinem] tower fer' Less. Money Open Sundays 2 = 4 P.M. FOODS LTD, __ [teri Ttterow 'ssn "1 ceiCuieypg | OPPORTUNITY crak OSH AW A T V BUDDY TRAILERS Oshawa 725-8863 -" Maple Enis: Gehan, Sportswear Ltd Notional Finance orgonize- Painting and Decorating PORT HOPE Alex 942-2678, tae (suppliers to home freezers) jCHAIN SAW 5 Homelite, Tike "new:| Oshawa Shopping Centre | man ogra eo be For Color in the Spring lant Now! -- [PAINTING ane paper heraing tre ee] = SUPPLY LTD. ter ot 401 one 28 Sg cla panition offers @ 'eorwer op: - . « Plant ! t eiep) TAUNTON RD, E. tay pricod. Por" more' Inorenstion U 'S portunity through planned ed- Freshly dug Photography (ust East of Ritson) phone' 728-5725 pied a 3 room groups, Living Room with hand-plece ane wall, "retephane 068, SPEEDHAND vancement to ware respon 4 '15222, Canadian ABC System enable sible positions, Starting sale ; 7 with Crerprten, and Flowering tert ie, Mere! abe 723-8131 * 723-8132 tig nd ask phon an pag i Protietel' Geter THREE SPACE ge lag in good} U qualify for Stenographer ory commensurate with pree FERTILIZERS ware ent we SS HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Ay vend wl Prong. sow ate dala PB PRIVATE be naira 7 'aia $25. bib, of edge " rpsnbieieci Fieati ' ' veaway. proves, Free lesson. Write, or @ $0 Green Piumbing end ba TV TOWERS male 'cortoard "are space, 7254790 wer ae la timer, fiusrescent Wight 8a Both in good} phone 668-4607, ' CANADIAN ° nome is your condition, 728-6705, @ Evergreen PLUMBING MART ARE BEST Guarantee of quality." BUYING OR SELLING" rap| CASSAN SYSTEMS LAWN SEEDS SOLD DIRECT Wa SETTLE FOR Less! |Seaeerpee eee pe s 156 Sane y iinet cer nominee) Gog BEECH sr, ACCEPTANCE Prag cag u'r an TRIO ennch, "Marna, foram and ppl BARGAINS |9--Market Basket aE CORP. LTD. ns og moe ee pope ee ee ae career FLOOR COVERING _ | FOTATORE tor suis, ree aalvery. Tale HAIRDRESSER Fer Aapehanert Colt piece bath, staini tee! a eee PPS sinks, vanities ate. TELEVISION wan, amb, Wide" Rett Thousands of yards of lipptad, acs, --oaician Carling | FOR WHITBY SALON 728-1691 Hours -- 12 p.m, to 9 p.m. Corner Bond and Division Wi discontinued --_ patterns East on No. 2 Highway, pass Bad Boy's " og * . R U N D L E Sat. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, 728-5143 WNTER $79 Whitby ebaiake bid from 29¢. he so bring pois hay "lel ae pty eng 668-3081" Closed Wed, Wilson's Furniture |roraroas-onerc no t,aeeanr te ; GARDEN CENTRE N. RECONDITIONED 5, 7 and Te Hi Clg our UFNITUTE |PoraToms, Ontario No.1, seventytive| Mrs, Hughes. iis in 149 boot Pi éot Whitby | TELEVISION--RADIO board motors) also 2 engine tedt te 20 Church St. Bound bags, ge livered. Telephone 72-|_ oes WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN to for two ALC HVPET OF RUPATED cna remade. 24 HOUR SERVICE ie SPRINGBOK aluminum best, ane KPPLES -- Mcintosh, $1.50 per bushel Neccnoci children, preferably to live | 725-6551 --_|ng, xan ued roi: Regan Monti Sauce " H)SCRAP LUMBER |tecun ttc Sty aen| aes casa me"! IMMMAEDIATELY bias Madani Md a AL dA r 3 : | RELIABLE baby sitter fo live in, ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING wus: HOLMES 7--Swap and Barter sea' Your own truck, any |Thickao'e Rees North Whityy clr, gree: 'ueweast." Tee size, INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Not Just "Nursery Sod" But | piles. Herald 4 fa, Plumbings and' Engineering, ' age 100% && SOD =a a, eg ELECTRONICS [B82 sA"%ravat'u tit, of] $3.00 per load ---| 1o=--Farmers' Column hg RE Mature Man teman's Celumm GRASS Rug, Upholstery Service yee torate, Weary ae poe age Fs DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock plek-|12 p.m. § a.m. $1.50 hourly. Write Box or ig, Vp ry For Prompt Service Cali poles one A nerene: cope We Bag 725-1 181 « $¢ up Brome crete. promptly. Merpwill re Farm 58590, bento Times. to train for Soles Steff on ie Retened PICKED UP OR DELIVERED ' GROCERY STORE [2 ticence sess | ng I Rs Se a J--Swap and Barter Visitors Welcome RUG CLEANING Whitby -- 668-5679 Fait GaRe ARN orm bleh itn ME ag yaa] «commision boss, Car nee Saarket_ ewer "ALL GREEN" NURSERY CITY TV televisions, radios, EQUIPMENT stall. Oshawa vicinity, 'Telephone 72i-|learn. Call_Mrs, Grove, 7258238 essary, Pension plon, P.S.ly - Pee and. Liveete® $QD GROWERS m. Day Service ' service ond repairs. Service Large refrigerator, refriger- o. ADBIY es a ag hs atc, Phone 723-1163 er call a--srticies Wanted | Téunten-villegs OSHAWA, Free Pick-Up and Delivery dept. open 7 days a week. ted meat counter, scales, |11----Pets and Livestock -- [coo Street 5, Telephone 7253932. a a hie ned Townline N., 4% M. Angus-Graydon rene T.V, towers, color and FRESH FRUITS > oer racks, display K-W RANCH RELIABLE WOMAN fo live in and care lack and white T.V. Anten- 'ai etc. Very reasonably for three children, two school age, Tele- ; earl Nels' Wontes 725- 9674 728-6254 nas, rotors installed. Sales priced. All types of horses for sale. pacncenllt ans 2 Chamber Foods --Male Help and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Telephone 942-2694 $25 down, Eosy terms. Trial [NEED EXTRA MONEY = ra ean re Wanted IsoMale or Female Help Wanted We do RECOVER your 306 Kitchener Avenue, Coll Vacuum REPAIRS, all maxes, rides, hay rides, sleigh rides. tor eS out bane Fg oo gg | 20--Real Estate For Sale TOP SOIL, SOD CHESTERFIELD 725-0500. Ail 208--Summer ' ot modest work guar- EGET. ES brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 'anon, Ride daily Mon. - Fri. $9. for > aad Fall Sale of cost. onteed. V ABL a Service, Main. Street, Spacious box stalls. Ask for en ge Wass get po Bk 933 Ritson Rd. South, F Joey or Ted, Pickering 942-. | 668-2685. NURSERY STOCK 'or 728 3651 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 READ AND USE THE dressers $10, cribs $10. stoves $19., ee FREE ESTIMATE call ; call, APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds S16. 9]. RELIABLE SAB VSTTTER required im. INTERIORS WINDOLF Fast T.V. Service Sireet east \6.Bond Street West, 25 Bond at sans school. Shift work involved. HARDSAND by conTiienal- sun none: gar] HILLTOP RANCH [Ser iw'aren. oti Get, our Rewiigh Cook BaD BA LANDSCAPING erase, DOMINION MARKET Leta Park tat adh, | Hoes boorded, bought ond |e tat SR ob eee g SS Glovers Rd. re-civies Cree euimntte, Gee evr mate TELEVISION : we tet ame ereueN a 2 RELIABLE BABYSITTER to care for Neca Pecans ge 725-1721 Sorrows manerne ® CMIME) 728-5154 9 om. to 9 om BASKET rate rrate as acres] MANGOEXROAD Norrot |RSS hes BS "Bet. Kea10:6C" 4008 Rest DeaLine, 1 sino pose An wa ms tna ished 20 20 years. 'Saree somes NIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ags ir aatiee mane aa 'oigun gaeat| __728-7768 or 728-5738 ae elieu St., St. Henry, Montreet Seer a eset lnk Yoo eS in 3 Shula Fst "en "ei Si taut etic bb Sl a [ES ERR ea | eerie een ee ee were" hoistering, 987 Deon Avena Tarea! Talo, between 44 Apply 250 Lesile Street. 72403 now fer an ed-writer, Phin 1008 tor co Gauri ne finder. Dies

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