Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1966, p. 18

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Latest Knitwear Yarns Government Faultless In Mother's Neglect z2 yn contacted your son's command: ing officer. We have been in- formed he was discharged four weeks ago." What kind of a lousy govern- ment is it that doesn't even let a mother know when her. son is being discharged from the service? Please answer me {n the newspaper. I want the whole world to see it, --Thor- oughly Disgusted Citizen Dear Citizen: What kind of a lousy son would be discharged from the service for four weeks and not let his mother know? Please answer me so I can print your reply in the news- paper. I'd like the whole world to see it. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band has requested that I write THE STARS SAY By ESTRILITA FOR TOMORROW Yesterday's restrictions where ever, for those whose major interests are along artistic and intellectual lines. mance is also favored. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that the next 12 months should be especially rewarding from a job standpoint. Within that period, resolve to make the best use of the assets you have--especially the tt abilities and the fine intellect for which the na- tive of Scorpio is noted. Recog- nition beyond your highest hopes should be yours by late 1967, with especially notable ad- vances in your career and-or business indicated during the next five weeks, during the lat- ter part of January, throughout May and August and in Sep- tember, when an outstanding accomplishment could bring you increased prestige; also during the first half of October and November, You can make excellent pro- | gress in monetary matters, too) --especially during the next three weeks, the first three weeks of January, the first 10 days of February, early May, mid - August, next September) and October. Just a word of| caution, however: Do be con- servative in financial affairs in late February, throughout) March (es during the latter days), the first three weeks of April and next Novem- ber, or you could offset some fine gains. Except for brief periods in) May and June, when you may be under some tension due to business pressures, and will have little time for others, thus | causing friction with family and | friends, your personal relation-/ ships should be quite stimulat- | ing. The weeks between late) July and Oct. 1 will be excel: | lent for travel and, if you are | single, look for new romance | in mid - January, early April, | early May and late August. Do not consider marriage in June: August will be far more propi- tious. | A child born on this day will | be endowed with the qualities to make a highly successful writer, editor or business execu- tive, ' .jwae Needs Counselling: It does ecessarily Star In Quite A Story S By ELEANOR ROSS There can be no. current fashion story without a big seg- ment being devoted to knit- wear, Actually, 25 per cent of all yarns used in fabric produc- tion are going through knitting machines, This "knitwear" ex- plosion takes in clothes of all pes for men, women and chil- ren, It is due to many factors, From the manufacturer's standpoint, there have been many technological changes and field has been heavily cess, in into rics, these The world is full of uncon- sclonable people who think noth- ing of lifting material left and right. A writer is virtually helpless unless he can prove plagiarism which is not easy. A speaker can always have some spare anecdotes up his sleeve--and he'd better have them: for just such emergencies as you de- scribed, Confidential to a Counsellor tured surface, traing will apply it to his own life (witness the number of physicians who are grissly over- weight, and smoke and = drink excessively), I know of no stib- stitute for self-acceptance and self-disipline, Discuss your true feelings: with someone who can guide you. You were a human being before you were a coun: nl adding new dimensians. too, unprecedented machines instead of loom: ting a ing. DIMENSIONS ADDED mitless variety of RIB STEAKS Well Trimmed improvements. The sda fluenced by the texturizing pro- ich a smooth, man- made fibre takes on the irregu- lar conformations characteristic of spun 2 borhan When constructed f "rough" yarns produce a handsome tex- Blending man + made fibres with natural ones has aiso cre- ated novelty yarns with an end- less variety of fabric possibill- ties. New machinery has been invented to increase the design range as well as creating an fineness in con- struction, The use of alg is has also py: a big part, permit- styl Fabric - io + fabric rt. 2 e stretchability of knit fabrics is improved, because the yarn it- self--as well as the construction --contributes to the fabric's ability to contract and stretch during wear. All this adds up to knits for every type, for every occasion and at every price level, It's obvious that knitwear an- swers thefashion needs of today and many items are on their way to becoming classics, such as the silky jersey pullover that goes so well with everything-- ote or skirts, short or long. itwear is perfect for travel in this jet age. Knits pack per- fectly, take up little suitcase space, "hang out' free of wrinkles, are easy and comfort- able to wea ren route and on arrival, Base of care, of course, plays a major role in the popularity of knitwear, especially so for synthetics and blends. The em- phasis on hand- or machine- washing is incteasingly evident with each new development, There are double knits of 100 her cent Dacron that possess built - in durable press, shed wrinkles, never look mussy, can be washed in warm suds, then dried on a hanger and be worn again within a few hours, Knit velour of 90 per cent Antron nylon is gaining ity in sports apparel robes, and act becomes softer and more | after each suds- ing. Fashion knits in a blend of Avril and Orlon can be machine-washed and dried and never require pressing. pe--predicted to be one of the great new fashion fabrics, and especially popular for blouses, It not only has a manent crepe finish, which {s washable, but the more the fab- ric is washed, the more pro- nounced the built-in crinkle be- comes, UNIFORMS GO MOD NORTHAMPTON, England (CP)--The 1 of a P school Peed arg for 'aiiiee when she replaced the wide- brimmed felt hats of the echoo! uniform with Beatle caps Hes Carhaby Street. SPROULES SUPER SAVE Fresh Picnic Styie ... 5-6 Ib. EXTRA LEAN "WELL TRIMMED" PORK BUTT ROASTS = STYLE FRESH SLICED TENDER PORK LIVER 39: LEAN, MEATY vu. 49° | PORK HOCKS Of BEEF reo srano QUALITY WHITE OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT SUPER SAVE BREAD SUNSPUN REGULAR 29c ICE CREAM DEL MONTE " '| : peaaar yal) 30-02, SIZE Chain "A" 2 for 41¢ ... 200's Gay Liquid Detergent 59° CHUNK OF GOLD 8-0Z, PKG. CHEESESLICES 29° SLOPPY JOES 59° GARBAGE BAGS 10... 69° TALL TINS mua 20c Off Giant iSze FAB 84 u, 29° FREEZER FEATURES C 65: LEAN, TENDER PORK BUTT CHOPS tm SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA BEEF ,. .. » PINT BRICKS LARGE 48-02. TINS CHUCKS 20 fino 69! 39° 49: Ibs. Contains Biede and Short Rib Roasts etc. FULL 24-0z. LOAVES 5 for 98 4-99: 4-95' Compere the 1.00 Values at Sproule's Wonder . . . I-tb. Prints Chein "A" 2 for 53¢ 20-02, Tins VAN GAMP 4 FOR ¢ Beans with Pork 5 ... ? Chain "A" 23¢ 20-oz. Tins Carnation Milk 2 ,., 29° HEINZ STRAINED INFANT FOODS 4. 45 BUTTER u, 62° SELECTED LARGE SIZE... COMPARE THE QUALITY GRANULATED SUGAR 10-LB, G gr BAG BANANAS 9: SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE [coRNER oF KING ar RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA NABISCO Chein "A" 2 for 59a 12-0n. Pkgs. Shredded Wheat 4 ,.. FRENCH FRIES ':: ANY ONE ITEM \ STORE HOURS OPEN TONITE Wednesday, Thursday, Fridey and Seturday Nights till 10 O'clock @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING @ Tee ES oy Sa oe RP eo OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OUR GREAT ANNUAL 36th ANNIVERSARY CONTINUES WITH FURTHER DRASTIC REDUCTIONS TOMORROW - FRIDAY - SATURDAY PRICE AND LESS po---- OUR SPECIAL FEATURE --== 300 CARDIGANS -- PULLOVERS OF ALL KINDS FROM REGULAR STOCK Regular 8.00 to 25.00 CLEARING 3.97 fo 14.97 Suits - Coats - Dresses and Sportswear From Regular Stock MUST BE CLEARED NOW! { LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS NO NICER GIFT THAN SPORTSWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES ALL SALES FINAL REMEMBER WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M, SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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