THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday), » November 8, 1966 ]Q _ BRIDGE -- By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play)" "West dealer, -North - South vulnerable, NORTH FINES BUT WE'LL HAVE TO STAY CLEAR OF ROADS AND TRAILS. ITLL BE PADDY FIELDS, JUNGLE AND TALL GRASS. AND WE'LL HAVE TO STEER BY THE STARS, She saio THERELL Jji/! 1 THINK BE NO SNACKS TLL PIX MYSELF } @EFORE AUTTLE QUICKIE 4 j DINNER! @XPECT A MAN 'TO EAT DINNER i. ie fee ir hoe one Opening lead - ten of hearts, The bidding by the opponents freauently determines the course of play adopted by the declarer. For example, take this hand which shows sew the bid- AS AH WHIRLS -- AH SPEAKS TH' UNSPEAKABLE WORDS MAH GREAT: GRANNY TEACHED ME/?- with the king and returned the jack. Declarer won with the . queen and now had to decide which suit to play. next. Let's suppose he had led a {spade to the queen to force out the ace. East would win and play another heart, thus estab« lishing two heart tricks for West. Declarer would eventually have to attack diamonds, but, whenever he did so, West would take the. ace and cash his hearts to defeat the contract one trick, the defense collect- ing three hearts and two aces put declarer attacks ut suppose r a diamonds right away, rather than spades. Then he makes the contract regardless of how the opponents defend. If West re- fuses the first diamond lead, South persists with another one, Whether West wins this one or not, his hearts drop our of the picture. If he takes the ace, he has no further-entry to cash the hearts even though he es- tablishes them; if he refuses. a See There's More To the second diamond, South aban. dons the suit and forces out With Cable TV the ace of spades to assure nine YES, HER REAL NAME ELEVISION LOG a "Obviously, the. orex" ob nthe « suit 19 B0ITH / ' teas pba en bike hand is to choose the right SECRET AGENT X9 PERFECT RECEPTION 10 CHANNELS NO ANTENNA Cc _.A_,B_L,_E 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) DIAL 723-5278 2,4,78--Blection Coverage ywood Squares to attack, but bg aes bene Lege 3,6,12--Blection Coverage 12:68 NOON should play first is certainly not. 11:00 PAM, Jomoney Movie HOUSEHOLP } a matter of luck. In making his 12-7-4-8-3-6-11-9---News,, %~Toronto Today back ne we ind Sports +-3--Jeopardy 4--News, Weather, Sports ' 11:20 PLM, $--Popeye and Pals Viewpoint 12--Cartoon Party baited 11.25P.M, 12:8 PM, 1--Plerre Berton 12---Movie é--News, Weather, Sports | 3_News; Weather? TUESDAY EVE. ey $ a 02-5 'oC 14. PM, a 64--@uiding. Light 1148 PM, 1:00 PM le Theatre nine. therefore proceeds" lon the assumption that East has the ace of spades. He has no way of knowing which opponent has the-ace of Movie diamonds, but we attacks sod suit first to make sure tha' TM TS ag! ote West's hearts are neutralized in ue 9°) 7--Ben Casey a auluets Luncheon Date case he does have the diamon¢ WHONESDAY 4---Meet The Millers ay 4:00 AM. pith agai : East Europeans want Viet Nam base gigs 1:99 PA. C peace. 64--As The World Turns ad Vineet Sane --Let's Make A Deal 6:38 P.M. 6:58 A.M. 2:00 P.M, 12--Girl from UNCLE %--Dialing for Dollars 12--Take A Chance Vi--Prerre Berton Girl Talk ?. 6--Mov' 12108 A.M, 6:08 PLM, le 4--Reach for the Top 48-12--News, Sports wit, Crwck Healy | ssword $-2--Days of Our Lives jews; Weather; Sports 9:00 A.M. #-2--Huntley, Brinkley 3-11-12--Ed Allen 4--News ot 2:30 P.M, 12--Calendar 7:00 P.M. %--People in Ti--Little reopie 8-4--The Doctors 9--F-Troop 9:38 A.M tA Time For Us 8--Election Coverage &--Dialing for Dollars, 6--Coronation Street 6--TBA Bonnie Prudden 4--Linkietter's Party Sports siti Seah ontart School: $100 PM ports -11-12--Ontario School: . IT ALL RIGHT, PAZ... 4Election Coverage Q--Jack LaLanne SeWords and, Muste YOUR Ms 3--Petticoat Junction AM. :. aru hesettel 3 4 S LONDON (AP) -- President, Johnson's roving envoy, W. Averell Harriman, said today he is convinced Russia wants peace in Viet Nam and only 10:08 El 7.20 PM. It's a Match 4--To Tell the Truth Me Noa 7--News, Weather, Sports| %--Fractured 3-4-12--Take 30 L IFLE, MICKEY MOUSE 30 P.M, 12--Musical Showcase J %--Star Trek 3-12--Canadian Schools 11-2--My Favorite Martian 10:30 A.M, 7--Glection Coverage Ti--Morning Time é--News Special 9--TV Bingo 3--Gilligan's Island #-2--Concentration 2--Election Coverage 7--Donna Reed (Beverly Hillbillies 8:00 P.M. Neomevie 34,12--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M. 34-12--Red Skelton Hour to-Remper Reem Marriage Confidential Mr. And Mrs, - indy Griffiths --Supermarket Sweep octane Wine" +-6--Butternut Square 2,4,7,8--Election Coverage| 2#--Pat Boone 3,6,12---.S. Election 1:30 AM. Coverage 8:30 Pm, %--Musical Showcase o--Mi " *:90 P.M. Lindell 9A Singin' 7--Dating Game Hon YOUR HEALTH Old Wives' Tale, Or Medical Fact? By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 3:38 P.M, N--Little People It's Your Move 24--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, lN--Funny Company 91 Love Lucy @--The Match Game 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 P.M. 11--Woody Woodpecker 9--Movie &--Woody Woodpecker Movie 3-6-12--Time for Adventure CROSSWORD 3. French 23. Pro- river noun 3. Beast of 24. Ex- burden clama- 4. Obtain tion 5. Uncertain 25. Pie- 6, Poems plant 7, Persian 26, Radi- coin um: 8. Heats, as 9. Mince IN LAST WEEK'S MAIL. HE BROUGHT HER 2 FREE SAMPLES... SHAMPOO AND INSTANT COFFEE../ ~ MUGGS AND SKEETER GET ME THAT WHITE SIDEWALL. CLEANER AND A PAIL. OF WATER ANDA SPONGE, WILL. YOU SKEETER F 11. Plural ending 15. Insect 17. Begone? 18. Atlantic Coast dweller 20. Pigpen 22. Mail CIAIUISIE] 1D] [RIUINIT II 1O]STIE Jr [AISIKMMSIAIL TERT 10) SIEISIr1i IR MMETCIHIO) a0) wae ISITEIAIMMMS! | INIDIS) ON Si TIRIAKMEMIAIGIGIL Je] LIAIVIOMMAT [L) IUICIE INT MMAlvIE(s| SIRIOISISMmSI" [EIGIE| ER ISIAM OLIE™ 43, Fencing swords 44. Beverage 45. Red planet DO' 1,Ground - wheat Dear Dr. Molner: For as long as I can remember I've always been told not to let a young child or baby go to sleep after it has been 'bumped on its head. Why? Is this medical.fact or an old wives' tale?--Mrs. J. M. It is not exactly an O.W.T. since it has some foundation in fact--in a few cases--and when properly understood, It isn't easy to give any nut- shell rule to follow, but here is the basic danger: With a se- vere head injury, and let's em- phasize "'severe," there can be bleeding under the. brain mem- brane--a subdural hematoma, to use its technical term. This may not have an instan- taneous effect. It usually will not, because the bleeding is gradual, Rather, it can produce a delayed somnolence. Or bet- ter, let's not call it somnolence or sleepiness, but call a spade a spade. It can cause coma, # state of unconsciousness which is quite different from sleep. If a child goes into such a coma, he cannot be readily awakened. He requires imme- diate medical treatment. TESTS INJURY So, you see, the notion of not letting the child go to sleep is not a treatment. It will not pre- vent damage from the injury. What it really amounts to is a test. Let's say that a_ vigorous- playing child gets a hard bump on the head. He cries. As the pain and fear subside and he calms down, it is not unnatural for him to go to sleep. If it is a natural sleep, it is good for tim. But if he has suffered a sub- dural hematoma, instead of going to sleep naturally, he may go into a coma. You can awaken him from sleep. You cannot awaken him from a coma. So, you see, there's no point in preventing a child with a crack on the noggin from going to sleep--but if it's the kind of sleep from which you cannot wake him, that's an immediate danger signal. After a hard bump on the head--a hard one--I recom- mend having a doctor take a look at the child. You must use your best judgment on that. If the child falls asleep and then has convulsive movements, that is a highly suspicious sign --not the ordinary twitches of a child going to sleep, but convul- sive movements, And if, then, you cannot rouse him, get med- ical help with all possible speed. But don't kéep a. baby or small child awake just because he has had a bump on the head. I doubt if any youngster grows up without a few such bumps, and the skull is pretty strong. Dear Dr. Molner: What is wrong with my left. hand and wrist? I have suffered for months. I have been to three doctors. X-rays showed -- the bones to be all right. I went to another doctor who is a me- chanotherapist. He put a small bone back in place, but now it is out of place again. When I turn my hand the bone pro- trudes and I have to be careful even lifting a dish--Mrs. J. M. IT can't say I know what a mechanotherapist is and I won- der just what kind of "doctors" you went to, If x-rays '"'showed the bones to be all right," but somebody else "put a small bone back in place}' some of Peking "sees an advantage in continuing the war." Speaking at a news confer. nce, Harriman said he person- ally is more optimistic for '|}peace--"'not by anything Hanoi has said but by sheer massive weight of world opinion piling. up for peace." Harriman said President Johnson "would have to prove himself as tough as ; Truman did against pressures on him to expand the Korean War." Harriman will see Prime Min- ister Wilson and Foreign Secre- tary George Brown Tuesday. A former U.S. ambassador te Moscow and long-time student of Soviet affairs, Harriman said he believes the Russians and SALLY'S SALLIES PE 6 a70".0. 0 0-600 4%", es Raamrereeeete he SESS 5 N OK MSP OPYOOO> 1D. a SRY NEO JB as Sateteess e these people obviously weré wrong. My advice is to go to an orthopedist who is known to be reliable and have him find and correct your real trouble. You can be directed to such a spe- cialist by calling (or writing to) your medical health officer. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it true that eating green peppers. will prevent hardening of the arter- ies?--A, J. No. Peppers are a good green vegetable but there isn't any food that will prevent harden- ing of the arteries,