Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1966, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 4, 1966 'Don't Store Those Summer Left-Overs.. Use A Want-Ad For Quick Ca Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale iness Opportun BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ao ypc |e se SN a Se Porter A enit Pomamn ag a hay | i pa Lo im 2 : im 79 - - 16 Simeoe st, 5, INCLIWNI On ee ek eu ee, a MN a iste A ay wanne per! Datta Genenew, Bee, erin spring unt Fi trailer rental franchise with parteny Se wmmae |S Fe hatte (Sa ea a pt ight, Ennis $110 | 1005. Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies (Rug, Upholstery Service a ech ie up [DOUBLE BEG "SPRING wilh' ies 410, 15--Employment Wanted WALA, FRIEDLANOEW,AND_ C0, Cor Complete line of good used | chair $20, English saddle $25, Non chal 'accountants. Licanaed Trusts a! Residential " IZE" PROFESSIONAL : furniture. pa rages by Ne! sayy Beniroe Sate Simcoe Street" North, TOP SIZE RUG CLEANING ; ee AUTOMATIC WASHER, Fr a good aern raf. ean Commercial BULBS MacNEIL'S condition, Telephone 745-98) 2 Day Service 3 Full ' ona On Industrial Free Pick-Up ond Delivery USED FURNITURE | 9--arket Bosker Fully experienced, Complete oF ti 7M. & Tulip Bulbs A Grayd { 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST laundry e int, Refers Repairs --- Alterations Hyacinith ngus-Graycon : Whitby 668-548), 668-6526 APPLES = Mciniosh, $140 per bushel] encgs, Nelegieres etic Additions ~-- Remodelling Daffodil 728-6254 ' : VACUUM RE PAIRS, ail. makes, hoses, Cortland Malic Russet, ( For aii Laren an Neiie leat : ! p b Up, 'delivery, 942.0013, | Wee arg, ANROMNA. | OPERA acca 263-2610 Sonera ae We do RECOVER your Pickering cr tory ana Baby oe. il e'Onawe Shop 1 CALL Crocus HESTERFIELD at modest al :bateceaceemaairnaes r ABLES. | Cabager wal RADY oF one 1AMBE Ae ' SONS | Dutch Irish Bulbs saben ast -- APARTMENT SPECIALS" -- beds: ae wait St Conown en lel, ceri gallas RESIDENTIAL a and carmela Wage 2 Grape cinith For FREE ESTIMATE call, washers $15, 16 Bond Street West, 25 8 x hardwood Paper Wise Buh 78.2651 A ! a tata Ea i [Dara Ware a aaa fr 'atime, Chere Aeon OSHAWA HOME Regal Lily Aa, Fi = ig ii SS eae Saad a tent, vit Trustee, 17 Bond Street INTERIORS by WINDOLF "WHAT PER CHIT t le Pi Foam. ds, one : --o oie a IMPROVEMENTS Hyacinith Glass 40' dicta &: N, | Aus Or AME PERSONS ' Wire ot Hogar ene er [net on NO vote Yi ie a ag aan WOSMAR, Chartered Accoun-|/ Custom Built Kitchen---Bath- Bonemeal GHUSTERPINLDS re-upholsiered and yuck Auto cK asp ie ponies he al WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Used) hou @ conta' boule wwe same, Handyman services, BATIN tant, 47 Pri Street, Suite 4, Osh: para ae furniture or anything you have, The Citylé@ . 39-4030 anytime, lephone 723-122), room rec, rooms and Peat Moss restyled, Free estimate, See our mate i. wean veeea Trading, pes Stores 446 Simcoe Street] s ae "a baa ig rca REQUIRES novekseinr In awa, Ontario, all General Repairs, Hr) Mor re-cevering. Slip covers made raat e Collars te order, Dalton Uphoistering, 73 Cherles| FO wy Nerve oh Sovane «Peet Porry High: |Mediately, Telephone Barristers H. McKOY Prop. peep scoters Broan vas . pena vaans wo 33%4% -- | wanuiineanrtion |SUYING ER Seinar vol a | way Simeon Biren Neth, ae a y ances " urea - ---- i Sean ane, ELA ghey an 725-8576 Wild Bird. Mix areas orth tate anneal + ita Sirk, Mace eae pee 78, Re Free estimates, Credit terms. [repo ivincano"We riter, $25.) portable, | hwAB ANE Ab ibeie able prices, Please telep 725-2098, Tav2a7e, Reside 1. M. GreerlBXPERT PAVING. Free estimates, in: Lisuiie hritore refinished, Gabewa Ure $30.1 Sadine (onckinen 806)" aeih eae' arm stock. pick: HOME "FRING WANTHDValeshons nes Bi) Thom Thomas i wnce V, Kelly, Ge, Tee bed ont vears th Maia: Yoru ievite. COOPER-SMITH hoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311, ter, $35.) electric multiplier snap, 7234434 el gai Ke fA eS be ST 723-584 TV----Radio Re airs 6--Marine Equipment PRIVATE -- Sar-U-Khan wool rugs, |272), Licence 4-€-66. thitek "MOVING" Yo" Oshawa sn areiras FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister andi ait KINDS OF ODD JOBS -- Furnace CO): ales an rvice sina is. bose! iichtatckd ARN lignan tetas, renge, ape recorder, wen |full time employment, Telephone" A 4 7 ------ able radio, television, train set, profes | 1 uae Wealden asoust uhiticd eae and eaves troughing, basements sional snl, ir eyrorener, aril, handy: | 6." n-- Pets and | Livestock pesah . jeaned and whitewashed, roofl d A ST. CITY TV televisions, radios, Pee SS ee Ears terre mee Sl. esate vas-itgg | APELIANCE | sorce and raga Semis | CLEARANCE [Sitar ntteracves-aama| , K-W RANCH |17---femele Help Wented . ' dept, open 7 doys a week. tove, $100, for both, Telephone 685-4473, ' ea Res. 723-0944, , jephone All types of horses for sale. Re orriatera*solichor in ting tnd cament work 'wrae'etimates $2108 eoeunahoges 8 E I mak Slack and valet ~ng theo NEW -- 1966 od ion faa," Teverny) $25 down, Easy terms, Trial SALESLADIES vase arristers, Solicitors, aa BLARTERINS -- xpert repairs to all makes +¥s a3 ery yyy recess memes rides, hay rides, sleigh rides, ree tree! Bast, ey ae a Hom mehreysy|R new lawolas Temogelng repairs, § stucco, Established 1909 of washers, dryers, ranges, ~~ aa Pp ecprendlenge Boats, Motors, A i las ES es Ride " dally Mon, » Fri, $9, ot port Mad for pec he a ce: 725-4604) Whitby, A Wood, 083400 or 72h. SMITH'S TREE FARM ete, and Service 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, ; board motor, electric guitar, New condl'| Spacious box stalls, Ask for 8' sportswear shop, 1) Fae-antey 725-5193. NHA. and] 47, 306 Kitchener Avenue, Call Trailers tlon, Best offer, 476 Cromwell Avenue, perience in selling desirable, Milest mortgage funds available, % @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 725-0500, All work 'guer after 8 pm. che Ted, Pickering 942- Pleasing personality, good ap= a ee j RS =| @ Cedars for Hedges "0500, ' 5 WINTER .3 ' Ba MeN Fin alae SGT" GT" Mae] Comoe cor oen we wow] ALCAN [ott J Sete, with 2, par, ar acl aah Ska a P| fete Gond salry toe wa, : : ' _ a seen at jayne . al JAMES WACOONALD, WA, LLB, Barris | ROOFING. hot ier and. wel, singing. bd . ge tg Do a to sult' | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ly $215, Sole $160 cent Sa a ax ca a tor pordanes with ability to sell, 5 ried 1 "Rie" FOR GALE. Tale . solicitor and Notary Pubilc. renaire, large an a ame po: po 452 Simcoe S. Oshawa Fast T.V. Service e9% horsepower, p.m, or Saturday, ld : SALI ele pply in person to; and al Buliding, 286 King Rooting and Construction, 725-4737. i Telephone 723-0011 Ri ELECTRIC TRAIN with 4 x 8) PM' poe aha matt, parking avell+!sRorECT YOUR CAR from ice ana|c!! collect Newtonville 786-2283 we . $415, ae $315 |fable and various Be Cait ju.| PREG FO GOGB HORNE "cite. eiddly SEIGNEUR'S snow, Hai jarage built now with | Fr DOMINION @40 heen, regularly | 7136 after five, kittens, Telephone 728-4476, 108 Powe 0 SNTENES u| Easy Tnanithy. peyments"arveneed. "183: Haulage, 72-2156 phe ee Harris Aluminum Sales TELEVISION $830. ves $625 |W BEDS box spring "andi mattress, 845) Tanai = Thre aT weet Sportswear Ltd. and Seen neenren nenenipsonabereneresennensieccmmnanne Taunton phone A large size crib, $10) Nylon mesh playpen, ject fo. owl switch Pie tage yy or seven change will be] ROO nooFING, CHIMNEYS, types of cari isW SETTER PUP ie, aig MANURE, lity, 3 yds, and 40 bh . tn yes Tee sald ye. a unr an ton 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 © £0 hommone_ ar sao. [RU iet-wmoer, Telephone Wea egltere WE, Telephone CebwTE! Oshawa Shopping Centre ' t work, sidewalks nba stoops. ve Delivered. 725-0697, Shiva" PA "535. 6064 ms a.m, to 72m. ' ACCORDION for tamo gn Frank Mccann, RRS, O syeeh Sole $675 | make, student's size, Good condition, 81 seed RANCH, Reg'a, ne We 2 tps ce PRSUO TNT tetera [TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, or I'll cut] Siding, windows, doors, awn- T.V. Rentals Pe RH Re EG Telephone. 725-12 herds, pups, Show mare in fort to quarter GENERAL Classified 'Section, Whether you're day, cueranieed work -- enurrey,, meaies. | them down. Free estimates, 7255118 er! ings stonework, railings, 16 New 'Sets chek, ate ly $970, rts 7 Aou CLWR, excellent, condi-| Morse Pony, BA wen saddles, OFFICE WORK unemp! or looking for a better lob,/ SAY, 728-0610, 1 art, reguiarly @ jtlon, tan color, chrome trim, canopy, | SUlPr ad : check "Help Wanted" now! rea Yrers Sapa rienes, ALCAN $695 [Very reasonably priced. Telephone | SHAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready| Girl ired for Bow OUR LOEAL 'chimney cleaner. "Chim-| Instruction Siding Experts, Lowest Prices, wit, ir sree te Sein win. ApBly "Mire! retail store Commercial ase CLASSIFIED RATES Fodls repaired. Pree' estimates, 7292997, KuRuLIA CURTIS, Aner Studio Gt g FURNITURE AND ae oes tAoy's MURRRAT GOAT, full length, vow ie eee perience essential, Five day D ADS GaLiihe HOMw HOME improvements, general pom. 1190 King Rent A Piano APPLIANCES roe. ood! gy ooo week, ae Ma «car eens SER Toone ree auae Saved etna agers? SEE 452 sinee * Mery snecibane ond eerer | ioe ane BE heel aren ond Hee teak fae teks ste x alive Sagi, estimates, 1, . i rains White, Telephone. 728 : a eee OSHAWA TIMES pe abt ll re. .m. Rows Di ademy, ¢ , opr, ATCANYSC PAVINE cad" conarele (62 Oenawe ne Centrey Tia. HEINTZMAN MAN'S" OVERCOAT, a0 The ves, FURUDRED RUST ae rd bag? driveway paved by experts, 20 cents}. ib REGISTERED ANT TO PLAY the iter? pelginaity $75, sell for . Children's ' } ft, All work guar. 9 years, 723-0281, |W AY sit oseve' aiseara| 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa GOLOR.-T:V. LAWN BOY Pere, ee sie Ma ea bine vrown: whine Vary. reneenanie, = 10 rer cent additional charge) C, Port Perry aren Day or night lessons In OR BLACK AND WHITE Nsenuneiee| ' COSMETIC Fee ate Tene arpentry your nome. 'Age' no. Barrier, Telephone Telephone 728-2921 POWER MOWERS [masterpiece _proteaaienaly Wand. Wns § ROARED, iis jo, Sihava, R gto Oahaw REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards. GUARANTEED REPAIR to all we All work queranteed Cares Sects Peres Comes ar snr lta Also saddie and horse for priced fender. ut Het secrinice, Beat cash ale, ye Why not phone 725-5151 to ting -- Cg es fhan 24 tion rooma, ye stairs, Free estl- Method eae Coun encima ve ai airs, Janitor Service weehere oni 'an im Free eutimaten, a @ 19" regularly $95, Sale $75 | offer over. $150, inl } x ghd Gi storey pr STORE OFFICE or Thames cleared ae T.R.1.0, TELEVISION 16 jo vith ' RIVCES Wits Tey elkte Tas tora discuss Joining us in promot tw! Cartage 7" ree| Si Servi : ® with grass catcher, re- I stock, @ power Weaver scope. Excellent| #4! ing . Septic Service 728-5143 gularly $109.50, Sale . $85 condition, $125. Telephone M5078. afer marisa have medical awe! SHOWCASE COSMETICS BIRTHS--DEATHS-- 12 Gladstone Avenue, Sere Watter Wire kd clacles tan @ 21" regularly $102, Sale $79 skid amine |SHRMAN SHEPHERDS, Canada's ia THGAC SHCRETARY, ~ camarionced, pga CARTAGE West, Whitby. 68-2863, auger TV. TOWERS Rust @ 21" with grass catcher, re- taltions util oe ee "te re akan 'Tact Sareck Si eeerret Cane snort sor ine with 25 cents addl- n fonal bot i mee "oara witnin's. Gays. OF ANY KIND Money to Loa gularly $116.50. Sole , $89 |new. Best offer, 720-2117, a oS Tan ren lam eminent oe ue @ HOUSES @ BARNS @ SHEDS |i eontbie- rete so nara can Surveyors COLORED TV © 21" auto mower, regularly [ONE MUSKRAT COAT, "good" condillon.| gi@HT-MONTH-OLO, purebred, male CHILDREN'S NURSE MAID to. lve iy estimates, Call Ken's Sere uve 728-9538, Hampton, Ne. @ 21" commercial, regularly HAS SPREE) ee a VROLTSPES Ouiieana| 723-0068 or 668-5830 sm igiDaieu aOVNT HT practice |AIAINE purebred ~ pedlaree ; ND TROLLOPE, Ontarl a Br iv , 728-7020 -- 728-1892 Mortgages LSJ AP ates Sreet' Ren Phone RAE'S RADIO &. T.V. $147.50, Sole ...... $115 |new! Telephone m4 papers valet, rained. Mak Maange |, sundays yey parte words end Sc. Dentistry 725-608), -- Used rebuilt lawn boy power | LADIES' COATS, dresses and falncoais,|/purebred 3! 1 services avaliable, 728+| Rose Bow! orl with t ait tarlo Land Surveyor, Commercial owe sae eunnel cares 1 win® al] 'moved Reasonable Rates, pyrocee, evoviaing xe a, baw) Ala prints, 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632, 24-Hour Service 8 days, is tor ihe Ma 38 words A ie. Anythii Demolished or Re- your bills or 'or any other worthwnr BONEVAN AND PLRISHMANN, or black and white $156.50, Sale ...... $120 ve Ge at remake Tibet "titer 8 Border Collie for sale. Mr, Hindman, | gi Permanent. help Kept. By | $ pm, shone 623-2473, Onta it mowers from $35 [sizes 12, 14, 16. Cheap! S48 Devon Streets | ara or 728-02 EAREFOOT, BR. JOHN Desi MORTGAGE TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE Hours 9 a.m. s- 6 pk, |seuih oft Wien "Rowd, Telephone. 72a T_BARNARD po pT aaa in grit ERs errrerreneriannginannane | WFOOG. gouina "we a Te w, me bar oe BL BS Bf Gest, Oshawa. DAY OR EVENING Convenient Terms wa TET5ES TOWNS BILE by vy, Renee: weekends 293272). App Te by eg Nort ay)? ie ri ler, world' producer BeAuTiFU RMAN Shepherd pups, ah REEDED Bay fan By words and Sc. each ther: oad bi ote Nor Ohewn, Pet LOANS 728-5286 OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, {vehicles and Mcculloch ehein S84! ale TROL m. pleats islet te es PGR NEEDED ED by | Gece, Ads). now on display, United RentAll Marine, wey ap ables mal appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441, $35 King St. EB. at Wilson, 720-5565, 269-8860 atter 4.90 p.m ac two amall children, ty gag » Pri a. OSHAWA HARBOUR 'ROAD " * = Guy | LABRADORS -- Dinca and Golden) Ss ily, 723-7037 atter 6 p, ™ Nay AUCTION SALES lable for _first = 5, pl A a MM ld Si Pek INCH PER INSERTION, | Dressmaking ret Onn ELECTRONICS 723-8186 FALL SPECIAL oa i sleavy GUNV| iso "Toy and Scotch, 'Collies on Tey Two LADI DIES = 25 to a Moat have car : heads) all channel antenna. 'Spaniels. Some hag $20, to $78, de) and be tamillar with in Chae Strvene livered, Port Perry, 985-2645, pele a's Gully, Sernamleniens, Mr, Burke am, BRESSMAKING, lxpertiy fitted mort DEADLINES coats, dresses, Beautifully tailored 7. gages. ee First go's TV TOWER and Aerial taevce. Television, 728-8143, WORD ADS covers, drapes, Mrs, Toms, 668-2372. mortgages, sec: mortgages Free estimates, all work quai For| ia PIDREGLAS boat, '4 45 HP Chrys-| NeW, USED -- vacuuma paar rere, Re Rae -- Three Gorman Ba Fon Spm. DAY PREVIOUS Dae. Kin i and agreements for sale pur- for fast service call ental or re at] ler outboard, '66 flit tractor and equip! pairs to all makes, New. hoses. ples tor someone al & good aoe WOMAN to care for one Lost AND FOUND coats, agg yg Sprofer:| chased erfect YOUA Byron Street South, Whitby, ment. Reasonable. Telephone 7258908. | Jack Lees, 720-4956, "| nome. Telephone is mn. Small child, in chila's heme. Rivecda lonally. Mrs, McNamee, 648-87: : per FILE" SPARE ROOMS With paying Tov end| PART GERMAN Shepherd puppies for) week. after 4 p.m, 7220148. 9 Om. BAY OF PUBLICATION a ahanentae oeetioaey M, F, SWARTZ Well Drilling--Diggirg pusste, Dial 7232492 now tor an adturlter| PWOPIECE CHESTERFIELD, iwo end) Cote "notn male and female, sit, Tele: GAIKORGESEN-ccoroomeP Pull Wh & ED ORESSMAK eee tv jo help you phrase an ad, Fe One Care eee ee tera. Den, | phone working conditions. -- eae ee ND ee eLicaTion alters ions ay ladies' and ge i 26 King a East ti wal te i All In good condition, Box $7293, Osh: a gerd. nares Apply Vincent am, West area. 728-3297, Oshawa, Ontario reception 4 S intl anereere poainetaeeeemarenimenin | | Dain : ae rng in ane He, Wars, ee Chea Swap and Barter TV TOWERS SPECIAL = we airucure| | ticles, Wanted YOUNG MAN SOMETHING DISAPPRAR? Pisce & ica nut Street West, 'Whitby, 648-2869 er Mel ee ene bg oe ad in Classified to reach the finder. Dlai 723-4697 on 09. yee SINKS "AND VANITY Units, 99,08) /!! channel antenna, 880. TRIO Tele) GOOD USED FURNITURE, What nave) ive in and care for taree oma 723-3492 for an ad-writer now. 10 basins, $10.) stainiess steel sinks, $11.90.) | Vislon, 728-5143, nies your valiey Creek \4 Bond Street West, ps eooval gg hare. Must A} Spm. DAY PREVIOUS . Ist and 2nd 2-----Personal tubs, tollets, laundry tubs, piping, fi}i®HST QUALITV "windows, thirt 985-7 tings, pressure systems, repairs and 500 ings, ratiings, mY i} oot roe oe water. 1 i - cLAssIPIED say ee Gardening and Supplies MORTGAGES channels ; ge" Non fatten enka, ¥Chiny 26 doors, awnin th gts eter Low prices. mae 'Old gieee ware, lero <sing. Wain DA ior, 8 new eau salen --_ eo @ Residential emove supertiueus RG Gr PR agaEE Re a os | 6565. cnen soon In Chews, Telephene or lerger ~ with 8--Articles for Sale EWESTERFIELD -- contemporary aie. $691 to contact Michael, » xy, plata p: 1 Marie Murduff will be In : perery @ Commercia six months, barely used, Cus | 60007 USED FURNITURE Wanted, ele. ELLATIONS AND Bl Y © lndurtriel no Oshawa, Noy. 7th, 8th and holstered, Telephone Claremont, ean2108 Highest prices, Call sae 'MacNeal' cane' CORRECTIONS ; 9th, Phone Genosha Hotel on SKATES!"A large selection of Rew and] Furniture, 668-s48l, 9 6m, DAY OF Te ep porn mab smd --_ antenna these days for appointment, used, Also hockey equipment, bargain] WANTED TO BUY -- A child's electric dren, one school-aged. Teleshone 722064 before pub- a Appointments. For com get priced hockey sticks, Cycle Centre, 204) trains spring Norse mounted on @ plat PART-TIME APPLIANCE demenairator, Heation will be charged on day's Insert- plete details call ELECTROLYSIS Bond Street, 725-444 _|form) also @ pony saddie, Phone 243 ngs per : tn BRANCH cable 723-4641 WINCHESTER Model "04900" caliore,| 244 -_____ NP ieee es BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 REALTY INVESTMENTS LTD, Excellent condition, 72% : ee ne ne? While every endeavor will be made to 51 King E tv 3 a ae ee SIX SERVICE BAYS FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, 13--Articles For Rent 18--Male Help Wanted forward reptiles to box numbers to the Sportsman's Column . Guaranteed trouble = free winter If you advertisers a3 soon ai possible, we ac- bOUG TERWILLEGAR NTING Lich haw ana wees FOR FASTER SERVICE purchare.from Weatern Ol Company 72) rabies Chairs, Linens, Dish- Oe FA \W 723-1157 Res, 725-6210 HUNTING LICENCES, haw 8 ; a ables, Chairs, Linens, Are You Interested Sabin' he Nt and sold, Baver -- . rere Bee \ Gi Coff Gemene steed '0 arise trough sitar call Sine th MATTRESE BARGAIN, All oes ch mar] @% Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee : tallare, of Geley_ in forwarding uch, re FIRST a SECOND : sian" Volley rte Ne Bena"ai, Wen'| WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |Wretten call reduced, "amotintn mat] Uma, Punch Bowls, Bridal | In @ Rewarding Career ? les, however caused whether by negli- SAGES 723-5278 elcid -- ' lireasen, 820) crib mattrensen, 80.08) meh! Wear, Men's Formals, White Ps har otherwise, The Times will not zi : --wAll Classes SHER HUNTERE, ind ant $70, Hali-| Chev,, Dodge, Ford, Ply- [ipesses for bunk beds, 81408) rolhaway : ' HERE IS WHAT respons for replies uncalled for i burton area, Dogs, ou fe ae lodging, all eo For Color in the Spring Sie Nano "beter bre rah iaee mouth, Pontiac, We correct [cots complete, $1808 Wilson's urn! . «. Plant Now! ; EF i wheel alignment, Indpect end [ture 20 Church Street | ' [ REGULATIONS SECURITIES LIMITED 4--Motoreyeles correct castor ond camber nv AND TELL -- Seed vied, ween OAS hres haa 7aba30 Ze er $ Limit The Oshawa Times will not be responsible Freshly dug Member Ontario Mortgage (i FRUMONRORWEVITEES anger] allon 'toe-In and toe-out to - | Ane, fpellencad One jeamtien enty ff i for errors in advertisements submitted " Brokers Hen, 2,900 etl t ect iti $6.88 Sree Be Set Seatecun een are crowaring 112 Simcoe St. N., 725-3568 ee 6 fen, ttre. if required Ben tnd Sea at Tn ao HALL FOR | RENT OFFERS YOU IN than one Insertion of any advertiseme: Shrubs : @ Dances @ Weddings e Stogse | RETAIL MANAGEMENT ond the price charge for @ single @ Torsion bar adjustment Money down, eee i eae come, s 5--~--Trailere baud eahine Nie can] © Banquets @ Showers, ete. FOR. MORTGAGES ' aus : raleas tt Stoge --- Bar --- Kitchert # * Good ; The Ooh reserves the riot FERTILIZERS --ja.waysoea wir Amemoen! TV TOWERS |" pamouen TRAILERS . Sg lieben GB yg yf RP so pre Pays classify ate Bd F Feseoordiag to ts OF \ : aekiers © Brerpreer nile 23): aime a OTR Ee SALE w= RN BRAKE SECIAL ____(ARARANTHNE, VARS SH Fa] _ 300 + Ropld advancement for thot by advertisements @ Evergreen ASSOCIATION AT OUR OWN PLANT Open Sundays 924 BM Mast popular core, First yp Furaure. ahd Apoiiences, 48? . Boru cece with Industry and-ability Toe "Times will not be held. responsible ui CONTACT. head office for Quality Ravaline, @ wheels Stincoe Souths ? Soltys 43 Yor Wire epuce Wen that which the acivet j cE e broker=in your oreo, 169 We -give-you-a-_better BUDDY TRAILERS KEEP HEAT IN: Caving nd Weather| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospllal beds: walkers, Liberal benefits ein counrtiame Wolter oor LAWN SEEDS Yonge $t., Pororitn 1. tower for Less Money 14 88 String, for et Wvoee af Satin Pa aten,| edueina machines, sick room supplies. Company policy of premotion PORT FORE ste ar egitractors, Pree estimates. aj tals 105 Beatrice, 7281 rectiy, But assume no lability et adver} Stop in today for all your |siRi¥ AND SMCOND morigages" aval a8 ° Phone Paaeose, ae RB 8 SS TE llcaain Lot at 401. and - e : 'Vine garden needs. able, W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock : a WHIEL BALANCE SPECIAL --|RWILIBA ROURCTRAKC alores Tape ro-/ MRTSRTAININSE Fitty ig ere, & fon] * "Qpportanity Street North, Whitby, 660-338 ' fielding walohte per wheel fcorder complete with all accessories, eo parties, weddings, Ber, kitchen, income PLACE A io -- 'er TRAILER CLEARANCE ag Weg P Twn years old, Like new condition, Tele: | Barking' 7ayt9aa, ; : IT'S BASY TO PL FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale gar $1.95 perning Interest nd act agreements purchased and sold, Hannick f RAILERS HEATERS fe } phone 720-7107 after ¢ am. - Suny "aaninten "nena eiiee interesting and octive TIMES ACTION WANT AD 9 od le # TRAILER ! BHC RS MUPFLERS - Ta + and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street PRIGERATORS Auiharised i * FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|14.--Business Opportunities environmen Strong expansion program Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, for binh.tevel {oz Aigh-le Call Classified Direct East, 723-7232 TAUNTON RD. F FRONTEND WORK AT iy furitivre, only 8200. Ineludes com: 723-3492 GARDEN CENTRE -- Gust East of Ritson) Service an trailer healing and FOMPARABLE PRICES Bieta bedroam living raqmy kitchen en. EXCLUSIVE quate aunts Gaeanie ri Mt Wy. Unbeatab! 1015 King $t. E. Optometrist 723-8131 «723-81 134 retrigaret bh HEATING , ae) arvone'" Home "Furateningss tel Canadian manufacturer needs for progress INDEX TO 725-6551 Siren Nort, Sollee ohewe. Telephone | 9 Tudor S1,, Alan, 94H RAO) UNIROYAL FASTA, MINK isohons Fist fooprate new peees in | Applicant Must Be_ Able om a inal value high public d id. Eo iodi CLASSIFICATIONS PT Es HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED é-- Marine tquipmont CENTRES alee & pm ! 10"$30,000 yearly Total im | 10 Relocate Periodically Painting and Decorating ; : Women's Column " " r TAR, jifier and See "a Not Just "Nursery Sod" But PAINTING and Baper. "Denaing, tree os TV TOWERS "STAREHAPRY" ney Tiavellay = Gaaté The New Name Of aant task ak 'Telephone oas.230). vestment $5,500, Write giv- Junior Matriculation 3--Sportsman's Column BLUE fimates. Telephone 7 ARE BEST Bvintude mutia Une evenings ail) AAMINION TIRE STORES | pWiVAYE -- Natural Gas, 4 Gurney] in@ name and phone number is Essential _-- GRASS ~ Se ARE si css aad Be weekends. Marine Asrage ond unety range, automatic .oven, dburner with) to Deluxe Chemicals, 574 Photography WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! alae vn eten 1 Rang 17 Park Ma, § clack tener, ae par HO nt, Satiaive Rogers Road, Toronto 15. Please Direct All Replies To Box ALY fA car * 7 dmirat 21" '* 0! in good Co! saan dmeennemmmenmmeneetiennemnnememmmnmnenel Number PICKED UP 1 WEDDINGS, Barties, children, in black 4150.00) 14, 818808 Minds" Hants), ae Phone 725.6511 dition, Apply 20 Albert Street. c UP OR DELIVERED and color, Most reasonable T R | @) i H aR " SMALL MODERN 56313 Visitors Welcome net TabOn th voutoud bane ot te chine Mbahinld BROWNIE UNIFORMS, size 8, Guide " . ete . 4 an i inter 10--Farmer's Column extra cost, $76 1047. WINTER STORAGE. Howie, rnalorn, oft waitorm, alte 10) bovis, apiece winter BEAUTY SHOP Qshawa Times V--Pets and Livestock "ALL GREEN" NURSERY |------ leiiiicacii Wilde Rental, Whithy aah hie e lin set, site 2, Telephone 728-4987, enon wee, SOD GROWERS |Plumbing and Heating Ap an pnt Fee Ot eer iP lara, (RAW, Soeh Beaver, hore eater wa] EXCELLENT LOCATION | ___ neil 14--Business Opportunities Tounton-village OSHAWA HDs SUS ae GR REN AT! eee, Saas aoe prrion ee ie ; [stands Quebec cook steve, washing me! For further information call: roe cyeerrects ----- om A, PLUMBING MART 728-5143 YOU wrk, tubs, overhead werege -- |cnine. Anely Vaccee's Rend Herthy sit 725.3971 é SALESMAN 'Ve--Agents Wanted a erent joors, steel windows, atee! a sid \ ss x5 = ? le Help Wanted y . JONG ox 1 tire with wheel end His eg Wg Ma 725-9674 SOLD DIRECT TELEVISION--RADIO | Are One of the Thousands | pagan wooden beoms, up Jone, a0 x 13 firey lke ew, Telephone] evenings ---- Fa iy? oy Bx og Wanted 20% OFF 24 HOUR SERVICE Wh R { D ae ' P2S-8406. SWELL CANADA LIMITED has a serv- WANTED ates Saviy Tu toe 00 BOR 9 Soe gt o Rea ah bales rade Arann | ane, ci aad cia, WhO Sat ty Mela, Tate ie we Sal ' . ~ ne Tine OF UW DU i - In excettent condition. 4 a Lt tor tele sf T SOIL, SOD piece both, stoinless steel HOLMES TIMES terials, For sale yeor round GIRLS W cont, size 10-12, large vapor': re Van Zon reean map| For Man's Clothing Store, rer, Both good condition. Telephone 723| Cease scien medium alee, ia plaza. | --Real Estate Wanted Fall Sale of sinks, vanities ete, M--Stores Offices and Storage esha rererr +f; Telephone 725-4171 of 728- gag Selling experience of ony na- 0 os p.m, co opportunih = Ang NURSERY STOCK Sat, -- 9 om to S p.m. ELECTRONICS Classified 3521 from 7 a.m, to 10 Dm. | @L@eTRIE Soanith gullar wid omallllr|styiute quiries Repl canfigentian ri ture would be on asset, Ap» with case and attachments, Mint condi-| vate, Write Box MSSR24 Oshawa Times ply in person to HARDSAND 149 Berke = nit Whitby For Prompt Service Call ACTION ADS mt BARGAINS ao prone sas immediately. $198. Tele LARGE RINEROOM nome o n_xcelen LANDSCAPING 668-6601 Whitby -- 668-5679 sVERY DAY FLOOR COVERING |¥ x i ew brown woot rus ond pag] work, anes, lael for, namin, wet DUNN'S 55 Glovers Rd. ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- To Place an Ad Telephone Thousands of yards of drapes 10° wide by os" te. Hex" Paa.aaie, | Lot ts 118? x 111%, whieh Wattown pienty ot Ling. new and used materials. Reasonable) -- | 723 349? discontinued -- patterns i8 GU, PF, chat Gronaer. $100, Call dae | RUC, CAN Willard Jehaten. 720-1064 rates. Estimates free, 723 » J. Foley. | - " . . x a 725-1721 |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING =p WANT- "ADS DON' 1 jie " Eurnit RESTAURANT 09 dincae Sah, walig 36 King St. E, a i ui 2 + s » f imate TRONS. s TAR SALESMEN -- Classified! piles, Telephone 725-352), Harold H. 8 =| COST THEY PAY i 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm Wi son' Ss UPNitULe Man's winter overcoat, Blue-gray, size singh eee ® pers sO on) a Wb ik MOOR Bice e s now by dialing 72e2, i i sell tor a the clock! i] Lid. Plumbing, Meat \ ' 40-42. Also lady's black winter coat, size now tor an ed-writer, late timese treet sees eee | Saturday till 12:00 noon 20 Church St. @ tall, Telephone 725-2464 house, Telephone 728-4291 or 455-4418, [Help Wanted ad now wpa teh Nica aN he

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