20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurndey, November 3, 1966 So ee C2 eG 6 oe OF Ae Pe he a Oe » ond sai * BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT sinoeee . Stee . in Conia' % 1 Kgl Scat x woe board-lot ing sale, setsg = s ' - sSe2zee essrssuszc,§ Hf 3: Z Beet ' Sez =3¢ z ust Een BSSSSEcESsseyEz is 23532 444144 1+ = = 3233 z 3 eSeesguszc, § pei is Eszdz Se H = na ee | s a = Ss a oz eee EGex sBS 238 eE ESS ESECE eS i #2 £2¢ bSSen -SE=-ESE z*» geet bles isbsze acu ne ol ¥ Becatte ws INDUSTRIALS z esisesS estues3 +14++ +1 ese ee Sese= SsSzersiz S833 e 225=8s 3 -- s - Ses8bddicieds sie; siclities:itsie ash 2ertcts - y an aviv "MM n Rm +) oS 8 +! 42 ale al eh 16% lee eee 8 SS2St ibe F= S88ssSnz583 = 1000 Li 6 1 Wh a+ 830% 6% 3 375. 3S 375 ve 22M tite 270 370 Company President Says dent of Home Ol Co. Ltd. of Canadian' prose Fie Editor Wednesday, LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- The Mice Gu and pas aah ae jan oll and gas nds on getting exports mar-| de' 8, eo 8'y - "a the 'United States, R rown Jr., presl- that is currently being found 40 8294 294 2014 and that will be found five or m4 10% 10 years hence, | "Y submit that we must either protect demand for a lower number of years or make more allowances for gas that will be 4 48 MS +8 | discovered in the future," 7 960% 68% 60% He said freedom to sell gas 5 ee i 344) from Alberta now is limited by a public-interest polley which 0 a says that 30 years' supply must Shell inv w be reserved. for provincial needs ee cen before yg are ert Fed- r erally, the national energy Siotere'sn Neb grou. tele board protects estimated Cana: icin Te 0) dian demand before allowing Southam dia "| exports, Steel Can 400 2% Mr, Brown said that although Suptew! od = 3 Vn 4 the Montreal area still repre- Ay i "I sents an important potential oe # market for western crude and 10 gas, "our most logical h to- 2 day for immediate expansion of 3 | our oll and gas production lies 0 40 in greatly increased exports to ae uae * ") the United States," 10 10\e J, F. Robinson, resident part- iad m pad ner of Clarkson Gordon and Co., a0 990 +g | told the conference that Can- 27% 27% ada's tax allowances for deple- ie ine" "/ tlon of oil or gas wells discrim- We + wi inates against companies eager it 1R8__ ,,|to carry on exploration for new Wood: MA em properties, ith @ 2% 4 +4) The Toronto tax expert said Bales to 11 a.m.: 786,000. of th oo depletion allowance eeeroeerenenenneenee ol per cent "appears on FORRION TRADING _. [the surface to be quite gener- er «©1000 65 6S 4S A | US," 1 = However, he told the 300 dele- 5 aa 28 gates, the method of applying 7% 37 H+ : a Vala 1400 > Ve Ws WS 10S = 8) SéeSSeSesue8S nese wgces 1 i = ie Te TMS) 3 > = = - 2 esst=s.=e- 28 i s ie re Sida laa "a S200 200 on = 3362 = ie Pe aie te We oo # «# 355M 55M 35 $00 338 3 $282 uvze $z Su i on 33 SV Se wah at 0 32M 2M THY #0. se ee te +10) seme =" 16% 340 | 7 a aa au + ul $82 81M 8 --lie 34 3 Bath se BY B- 282.e2 a = 225 2s8ext azguedsté ec gues 2.3 '+ ~ 4 es a 4 ae ot = * sz ++ og + St; SE = ss se = =" 85222828 A ROSSLYNN ARMS * APARTMENTS 745 Stevenson Road North from Kaiser Aluminum Siding and Kaiser dealers. You can end maintenance worries, end make your home sparkling new with Kaiser Aluminum Siding. Your Kaiser desler will show you avselection of modern colours, and explain the 20 year transfer- able guarantee which adds value to your home, When it comes to Aluminum Siding, Aluminum Doors or Windows, you get the quality you expect from Kaiser and Keiser dealers, Consult your yellow KAISER ALUMINUM 181 Asttonbee Road, Scerberough, Ont. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER SUPREME WINDOW AND DOOR PRODUCTS 1700 SIMCOE ST. Phone NOW 728-9724 : | rae LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 1S PRINCE ST. 723-4632 or efter hours 723-2707 18, the imore_ Saplorstery does the less|25 cents, Dec. 15, record Nov, Revenue Properties Co, Ltd,,|Co., common 43 conte, oxi 20 work @ com Oil, Gas Export Need ea DIVIDENDS os, 5 ng 15, record Dec, 1.Jcents, Dec, 1, record Nov. 10; By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Dec. 15, tena Dec. 1, a Ocean Fisheries Lid, com-| Algoma Steel Corp. brn Canadian Hydrocarbons Lid, all mon extra 5 cents, Noy, 18,;/common 25 cents, Dec, 28, rec-|pref. 27% cents, Dec, 31, record record Nov, 4; pref, 18% cents,|ord Dec, 2, Dec. 16, Jan, 3, record Dec. Canadian Marconi Co,, 5|Smelting Co, Lid., 85 cents, ex- Jan, 1, aioer, record --. Dec, 31, record Noy. 30,jtra 65 cents, Dec, 12, record)1 18 cents, Dec. rd record Noy, Proper-|cents (U.8.), Dec. 20, record tles Azomont Miatne Covn Td. leanta, ie 8 The Timken Roller Bearing Meonsss Geld Mines Tha: + Nov. 18, Mines L4d., 10 cents,| pref, 15 cents, Jan, 1, 1967, rec ord Dec, 10. 15, Hudson Bay Mining and] Canadian Saf cee eo Cc. MARK THE SPOT All geographical points in North America are measured | from a single mapping datum point 12 miles north of Lucas, Kan, ig Corp, Ltd,,|Nov, 15. 'International Nickel Co,, 70 Nov, 21, Toor » Ljcents (U.8.), Dee, John Ovens 0.0. | OPTOMETRIST & BOND aT. &, GaAWA PH, 723-4811 GREAT 31ST. ANNIVERSARY WIN A 25° PHILIPS $1225 COLOR I Ah a a Ae ARAN i ty Als FREE DRAW PHILIPS 25" $1225 COLOR TV Everyone's thinking .. . talking... looking at color television, Here's your chance to win one. In addition there will be 3 weekly draws for a total 'of 18 Sunbeam Electric Ap- pliances, Prizes are listed further down in this advertisement. COME IN...GET YOUR FREE DRAW TICKET We suggest you cell in often! You will re- ceive one free draw ticket everytime you visit o Cherney Store. You will also receive @ drow ticket every time you pay on en oc- fount plus on itional draw ticket for every 10.00 worth of merchondise pur- chased. 4891.490° (B) trust in PHILIPS is wora-wide WIN A SUNBEAM APPLIANCE Cece mere Mre, ©. Gront P.O, Rosenesth 6 Sunbeam ($25.96 Value) ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS Joanne Burne 6 Sunbeam ($24.95 Value) 7 So ELECTRIC KNIVES oyna 'eterborough LAST WEEK'S WINNERS MONO RECORDER AND PLAYBACK 2-speed, 4-track push-button operation. Siim cabinet styling, Weighs only 18 lbs. up to 8 hours ployting time, Takes less then 200 seconds to re-wind, Con be ployed through on existing high fidelity system, PHILIPS 2-SPEED TAPE RECORDER For Business, Study, Lectures, Recording Family Fun, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC PORTABLE REGURD Easy on the eye... the ear. the budget. Sraniy 'styled 2-tone luggage style case. Separate vol- ume and tone control. STEREO inetry reflects superb simplicity. sponse, Gorrard "1000" changer. ELECTROHOME AM-FM ; "Caravan $150" from the "Medallion Series" -- Perhaps the most remarkable series in the entire Electrohome collection, Distinctive Deilcraft cab- Come in let us go over the detoils with you, The natural walnut cabinet provides storage for approximately 25 re- cords. Fully tronsistorized chassis, 40-25000 HZ frequency re- -- + 50 CARAVAN $150 Chern ey's See our selection -- 19°' compact models, 21" consoles and Immediate Delivery Color TV consolettes, 25" consoles, consolettes and combinations in a wide variety of cabinets for every decor.