¢ sean October 31, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER % Ge Romt melon in Masters' Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer, North-South vulnerable, WE HAVE SEARCHED EVEN THE BELFRY, | Oi ing Fare Speen inn, 1966 Wasi sights see woe. Mnening lead--ace of spades, This hand occurred in a na: tional pair championship in 1932, The deal was somewhat unusual, standing by itself, but the atmosphere in which it was played adds some special glam+ or to the, story. It seems that Hast-West had already played half the after- noon session when they en- countered this deal. During that time they had achieved the un- enviable feat of having lost seven aces during the play (mostly in defence). They were naturally disheart- ened by the time they came to this hand. North-South got to six hearts in jig style, mostly due to North's optimistic raise to five. (It was in the days fore Blackwood came vogue.) East doubled. He was desperately to recover some' the points his side had lo earlier in the session, His t aces looked colossal to him. . West, on lead, prompt! plunked down the ace of oe announcing jubilantly: 'Here's one ace we won't lose." =. West was mistaken, of cou South trumped the ace and the proceeded to make the con He led a heart to the eight discarded a club on the king spades, He then led the king of elu and ruffed East's ace, He entered dummy. with a / FINISH YORE. OWN FEET" 7 WHILE YO' FINISHES MAH FEET--AH'LL FINISH TH STORY /T AM'LL WHICH WAY Fl 1) SH, TO TOKYO, ad teush HONEY ?. SECRET AGENT X9 PERFECT RECEPTION NO ANTENNA 600 KING STREET E. (IN THE EAST MALL) DIAL 723-5278 oT SU There's More To See With Cable TV TELEVISION LOG YOU MEAN PIERRE 18 ACTUALLY BURYIN' naeee's BURYING HUBERT MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER ee eee nd E '/ GENERAL PAZ 00 COMPANEROS / GEN ES NOT WISH THE BLINDFOLD 50 WE LLEIS FLY. LET HIM WATCH THE SOLVAVOS! READY 0000 AIM soses HOLD ON, POMPOLINO/ | PRESENT LAST WEEK, GRANDMA / rb GAY THAT REPORT CARD IS GOING TO MAKE MINE LOOK it GOOD! Channet 11---Hamiites Channel Toronto ve: Challenge 12---The Cat MONDAY EVENING | 9--This Land 100 PLM, | 12--Rocky and his friends Vi--Family Theatre ... . $--Superman 6---Movie 7--Laramie 3--Movie Weather snd 3" 12---Gilligan's Island @---Leave It To Beaver 6--Music Hop 2--Passport Two 6--Viewpoint Pierre Ber T--Twilight Theatre 6~--Gilligan's Island 4-8-12--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 4:8 PM, 11--Pierre Berton 12---Combat 3-6-9---News, Weather, @--Johnny Car 7--Movie 3--Alfred Hite ne %--Court Mart 12--Cheyenne Sports 2-6--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News 7:00 P.M, 1--Gilligan's island 9--Family Affair @--True Adventure 6--TBA 4--Midwestern Hayride 3--Hero 2--News, Weather Sports Girl Talk 7:00 P.M. 4 1--Run, Buddy, Run o11-12--Ge Al %--Lucille Ball 7--Iron Horse 4--Gilligan's Island 3-6-12--Don Messer --Monkees 8:00 P.M, @--! Dream of Jeannie 9--Bewitched 1--Daktari 3-6-12--The Saint 4--Run, Buddy, Run 2--Movie o:3 P.M, %--Andy Griffite &--Roger Miller 7--Rat Patrol 4-Lucilie Ball 9:00 PLM, 1i--Let's Sing Out %--Ceuntry Music Mel 8--Road West 4--Andy Griffiths 7--Felony Squad | 3-4-12--Show of the Week 9:30 PLM, Mery, Griffin 9--Big Vatiey $--Dieling for 4--Love of Li' 2--Jack Lalan 10:08 9--Fractured We: Morning T %--TV Bingo 7--Donna 12--Romper R Marriage and M 0--Mr 28--Pat Soon T--Peyton Place 4--Pro Footbal! oe P.M, @-2--Run for Your Life 7--Big Valley 3-4-12----Front Page 4--Jean Arthur 10:38 PLM, $--Sports A-Go-Go 3--Candid Camera 12:11-9-8-7-6-4-9-2--News V5 PMs 2--Johnny Carson La 11:20 PLM, as P.M, 6--News, Weather, 6100 PM 11:9 P.M, ncock PLM, VS PLM, 6--Girl from U.N.C.LLE, 12,00 A.M, 1l--Mystery Theatre 3-Ernie Lindell TUESDAY 8:00 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroo | 13 A.M, 1}-Albert Steed 9--Remper Room a:55 A 3--Dialing Fo 4--Bonnie_ Prudden %--Uncle Bobby @--Smile Time 2--Boro's Big Top 9:30 A.M, Bonnie Prudden 3-611-12--Ontario Schools 0-2--Eye Guess 4--Candid Cam 3-6-12--Canadian . Schools 0 ALM, 0-2--Concentration eed 4--Beverly Hi 3-6----Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M, J--Supermarke? Sweep 3-6--Butternut Square | 4-Andy of Mayberry 11:25 AM, 3-46--Emergency Ward 10 38 AM, li--Mike Douglas 9--Magistrate's Court 7--Dating Game 2-8--Hollywood Squeres 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Is People 12:0@ NOON 12--Cartoon Party %--Toronto Today b2--Jeopardy 1--Money Mevie 6-Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather Popeye and Peis 12:38 PLM, 12--Movie 3--News, Weather, Sports ports ton 6-2--Swingin' Country &4--Search for Tomorrow 12:48 PLM, 'son #4--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 1)--Theatre 9--Movie | @=Dialing for Dollars Girt Talk 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 2---Merv Griffin lal 1:38 PLM. 4-4--As The World Turns Let's Make @ Deal 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 64--Password M, 24--Days of Our Lives r Dollars, 2. P.M, | %-People in Conflict A.M. | Coronation Street len 7--A Time for Us | 4--Linkletter's Party 2-8--Doctors 3:00 A.M. %---Words and Musi¢ @2--Another World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 34--Take 30 3:25 P.M, Dollars, AM 4--News Ti _ It's a match a P 5 M, P Ih--Little People naan %it's Your Move ere 7--Superman Show 3-4-6--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say ime 4:00 PLM, li--Funny Company 9! Love Lucy @-Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6--Communicate 2--Mike we ¥ 4:30 PLM, Wibilties 'oom Confidential) 11--Zorro re. Movie e 4--Movie 1 3-6=Time for Adventure CROSSWORD | ACROSS . Ruropean capital 6.Top of a wave 11, Originated 12. Hunting cry 18. Thread 14. Shakes- pearian tragedy . Antlered animal . Lettuce . Veneration . Bordera for pictures . Bee house 23, Clasp 27. Outmateh 3. Striped dass, for one 4. Honshu bay 5, Compass point 6. Follow 7. Butt 8. Girl's name 9. Killed 10. Carry 14, Cozy 16. Auto- mobiles 19, Dilapidated: slang 20. Cut, as whiskers 21, Warp-yarn 22, Size of coal 24.-Short mel- odies 25. Trans- gress 26, Girl's nick- name 28, Manue fac- ame Rec ME ISICIAIRIAIS} KIAIP TT REN ture LUVIPIEMY 30. Neve 33. Culture medium 34. Eng. monk 35, Is obligated 41, Obtain 42, Resort 44, Selenium: sym, 56. anc 2 {3 14 Antoinette 6 [3 To > eT Oe 29. Moneiary unit: Thailand Oe 30. Keeping 31. New Eng- yy lander 33. Finnish 9 seaport 36, Female deer | 42, Leading act- $7, Pair 40. Showy trifle or or actress . Revoke, as a legacy . Gardener's tool 5. Pauses Relieves DOWN . Wan YOUR HEALTH Poor Circulation Makes Legs Chilly By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My feet and legs are always cold up to the knees. Could this be due to poor circulation? If so can any- thing be-done> to--relieve it? 1 am past 75.--R, L. K. At your age (and sometimes a lot younger, too) coldness can indeed be due to faulty circula- tion, The underiying cause wsii- ally is hardening of the arteries. Various medications may be effective in improving the cir- culation, and hence in making you more comfortable. They may not solve the problem totally, but with most of the creeping ailments of age, smart folks do what is possible to minimize the discomforts in- stead of expecting total cure. Another helpful measure, and a simple one, is Buerger's exer- cises, which I have described before. This is imply a matter of lying on your back, then raising and lowering each leg altenately. Raising each one for one minute, 10 times, often helps. In some advanced cases, sym- pathectomy may be in order. This is an operation, and not a risky or complicated one, in which a nerve trunk is' cut. The nerve is the one which controls arterial tone. The resultant re- laxation of the arteries permits a stronger flow of blood. Beyond these measures, in some instances a special x-ray study of the arteries can dis- close whether any actual ob- struction of blood flow is in- volved, as contrasted to simple reduction of it. In some severe cases of arteriosclerosis, re- placement of a portion of an artery with plastic tubing is possible I shouldn't forget one more thing, for those to whom it ap- | clubs were di was able to discard his three monds on the Q-J of clubs. _ When it turned out that vided 3-3, South and discarded two of his a remaining diamonds on the 7-6-5 of clubs, and the outcome was that he made the slam doubled with an overtrick. Of course, if West had ted Sy fy | but a spade, South would have gone down and West's words would not have achieved immortality. on As it was, though, East-West, who started the deal having had seven of their aces put to sleep, finished the hand with three more aces to add to their col- lection. Seniors Hold Spotlight By THE CANADIAN PRESS This is the weekend for s@ nior amateur football across Canada. East York Argonauts of Tor onte, travel north to Sudbury, Sunday, for a sudden - death ame for the Senior Ontario ugby Football championship. Winner advances to the East- ern Canada final. 2891 Out in Winnipeg, St. Jami a f |Rams and St, Vital Bulld | tied 1-1 in a best-of-three Mani- . |toba Senior Football League, 26 plies. Smokers suffer more be- cause tobacco contracts the sur- face blood vessels and thus im- pairs circulation, If you smoke, stop, Dear Dr. Molner: I am told by my doctor that I have a fissure in the ectum and may need surgery, What is a fissure and what causes it?---Z, B. D. A fissure is a crack--in this case, in the membrane lining |the anus. The usual cause is jchronic constipation. | This crack in the skin, of membrane, wouldn't amount to much, except that in this loca- tion it usually becomes infected. Therefore it cannot heal, and becomes quite painful. The best correction is surgery, Dear Dr, Molner: I am en- closing a clipping about the use lof sugar for healing skin ulcers |and would appreciate your opin- ion. --D. A. T. The use of granulated sugar on ulcers is not, as the writer of the clipping implies, new. I have seen some superficial ul- cers improve with such treat- ment but I think it has largely been abandoned because better methods and remedies are available now. Some ulcers become chronic lbecause of smouldering infec- tion, The. concentrated sugar jmay tend to suppress this infec- ition as well as to serve as a counter ~ irritant to stimulate healing. Thus this old remedy is not entirely without merit, but the underlying cause of an ulcer should be found. The best treat- nent may instead prove to be vemoval of some irritating con- the same day in the deciding game. Winner advances against Port Arthur Mustangs, Lake- head champions. { St. Lambert Saints take on Montreal North Bears in Mont- real for the Quebec Senior Foot- ball. championship, the winner moving to Toronto the next weekend to take on Ontario. '" Bears made it to the easterh semi-final last season before being beaten by HMCS Shear- water in Halifax. Shearwater is in Dartmoutlt, N.S., this Sunday, taking on the Ticats of Lancaster, N.B., ina sudden - death semi -finai, The The survivor plays Halifax Buc- caneers, the regular - season winners, in the annual Purdy Cup game in Halifax Nov. 6. Bucs won a bye through the At =" Football Conference play offs. The AFC champs will move into: Toronto Nov. 12 to meet the winner of the eastern Can- ada final, RICE FILLS STOMACHS ,, The world consumes about 150,000,000 tons of rice a year. dition. correction of a circula- tory fault, or some other factor.