rtments for Rent 27--Rooms for Kent Ef been Bend Pope {8 FURNISHED 1S sane 29----Wanted Te 30---Automondiies Yor sale STGP 82 PARK RD, N. 728-8671 WHITBY HOTEL Rooms to rent by the week, 207 Dundes St. W, si Se Sree on -- : er eget TW0_LARGE, ROQHE me Sh bre His digi, See = a i rth af as wel; ied at are Me etn Tivin ie ba hy (tba heal | ie alt ' Sie, aa ae A IMmNy, Ehiigr Enlidcen wel wall pn iit val ra and wah a Me Hid xo retri rar Mevelly oe reat a 4, Baa firm ar An! velar |OUR ma nea bet ferrne et love, a ett f Rotors, at fon elie Soe isn are. if How Aa Sil mrs Hotel ot Simoes sireet_ crap yeern 4 4 an i A roan om and board, Apply S| tae wd Abst alte Tore ergs obra | Sig Cen reer al it ea sara, win lel a "tui a cy ine ager, et and stove rien: 0 weekly, Mary:Hil Cu H? ea mS bash net Sh cL seo ie pay yo nen. enh 20-9223, rrents ROOM for two Two gentlemen, ly en per week, 723-6542 er Wy dle Riven South between ¢@ iment, heat, water) Ch on eh fas inate 7ibaND, eck eon via ee ngs vai b ane Coege pega soar, yeavoneble me aot a mi prfueve ca PSuraree sili Sahar it and stove, ie fe airanc ma: FURNISHED room entrance, LARGE. le pon aie in Parking. o "|b a7 Wilson Rose | love Has" yy a RS tid tor eee am Ky {pe RO kdiadaba tk tignY keep! fultel fr ne awit nme: Aosta 1EWED i ee si rooms, rma te a si eeping pe * we eae treet FURNII HED hae in quiet ond Woning g Vance vite my General Me tine t08! aah wed Se vivate bain, private ¢ Lee, IYReY, Wall. were Bat reat, rete welts "tra shone anenping, ~ park: HATO See Us First for an "OK" DEAL "OK" USED CARS ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD, 1965 wen' hardtop, In ex pea congitien 1965 ape oti ae 00 Sedan, hydromatie tronemission, power brokes, power steering, radio, white -- discs, Lic J14199 1964 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, 2 = door, automatic transmission, in A+] condition, Lic, 197962, 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, seden, automatic transmission, nice end eleon, Black with maroon trim, Lie, 186726, 1963 CHEVROLET Sedans, 2 from which to choose: | automatic w= TV standard, Both white, red trim, 1962 FORD GALAXIE, sedan, 6 cy- linder, stenderd, with 1962 CORVAIR Deluxe sedan, automa tle trensmission, in real condition, Lie, J4602, VOLKSWAGEN Clean as @ whistle, economical transporte» tion, Lie, J16164, 1960 PONTIAC Seden, V:8 automatic, with radio ete, In Hear e condition, Lie, 1958 DODGE MAYFAIR, sedan, V-8, gurometic with radio, $250, 1961 SPECIAL '65 Oldsmobile F8S deluxe, sedan, V-8 engine, radio, white walls, discs ete owner car, with only 17, 000 miles. Immaculate, Lie cence H91013 Ywo Nice acy 3 aperiment ve planed ag Mi end, ) i ger COMPLETELY ¥ (FURNIENED havnkeop men Apa = RS Avenue, ord Bark ova 'Apaly Hh mani, 'pea-altting rooms perete Hiral sien te ae one Bihewes ines rivate en Gast, i) jo RAITT eve fee uae .|28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. tant Foiaphone tor vacated f waite , | ROM AND BOA Fay Bey for two gentiemen pe duane Vite Avanus, ding ry dane. Soe ina ond ome, Seo howe Genera! Moters, Se "le lady oF. gentleman, ed coupe pistes Give Ne bos business FESS) between 4 Fae > minute een aa ih General ornpietely furnished, lores Nee. deo iat Scie See . . . ACE RICHARDS or LOUIS PHILLIPS ot COURTICE 728-6206 OR wren MICHELSON TED MILLER a levoanale 623. 36 OPEN 9 a.m. to p.m. HACKNEY MOTORS @ TRADE UP OR DOWN @ FINANCING AVAILABLE '66 MUSTANG V-8 Lie, 94494K, one owner, eu- , fadio, -- premium white wells, 6000 miles, Warranty in effect, "66 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Lic, 154074, 2000 miles, full warranty, automatic, full power, tinted gloss, power door locks. | "65 MUSTANG Convertible, Lic, 85578, four on floor, tinted glass ra- dio, A % $2595 '65 CHEVROLET Convertible, Lie, 86250, " power, radio, eutomelte, $2595 '$8 OCDSMOBILE V-8 pa pet 'eutometie, redie, hen » $495 '58 MERCURY V-8 le, 923917K, automatic, 2 | a Fe, *S6 PONTIAC Six cylinder, geod clean Hs "82 CHEVROLET ston Pick & 5 ten iene Ue eS Anti-freese in all cara Product. and Service" Bl biackney Motors 1189 Simeoe N, 728.003) $395 1961 Pontiac Sedan Here's @ super velue! You'll find it thrilling end thrifty, Feeturing an economical six yay a aa Street, Nailer ing te single al clewe te Street Whee hs: ev balls san HT Re i Paeek ~yiTEY at 'Reem and Sb, Se with d trons mission, radio, nearly new tires, mechenically perfect, Finished in vibrant Blue. Act todey ! It'll be gone tomorrow, License No. 550616 WHITBY -- 668.5893 SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LTO. LOOK At These Used Beauties 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Autometic trenamission, a= die, whitewalls, wheel discs, @ feGlly SMart Gar tH Home uras moroon with white top, Licence J13648, $1495, 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 door hardtop, economy 6 engine, autometic transmis sion, white walls, wheel dises, regal red with mateh= ing Interior, Licence J1642, $995. 1965 FORD CUSTOM V8 eutematic, with rodie, white walls, wheel discs, o one owner cor in light green finish, 113069, $1895. 1964 CHEVELLE 2 Door Hardtop V8, automotic transmission, redio, whitewalls, wheel | dises, very emort, Licence 415343, $1775. 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT Hardtop, with power steering, brakes and windows, white walls and wheel discs, Only 15,000 miles on this beauty, in shining wine finish, Lie cence 1142390, $2499, 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 Door, eutomatic tranemia- tion, radio, white walls, wheel discs, two tone ture quoise end white finish, Thia le @ one owner cor thet wee reelly token core of well, Like new, H94231. $1475. 1964 FALCON 2 DOOR 6 eylinder engine, stondord transmission, odie, green finish, good tires, Licence 41652), $945, 1965 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR 6 cylinder engine, rodie, white wolla, wheel disea, beige exterior, 114906. $1950. 1955 GMC 950 SERIES Cob end chassis with 6 cy linder, 4 speed tranemission, 2 apeed reer exile, unlicensed, $375, Robson Motors LTD. Bowmanville Drive Out And Save $975 1962 Falcon 4 door sedan You'll experience top driving = and top driving this . thrifty Sseuty, 7 Yours to inspect ond drive today, Finished in @ Baltic Blue and features Fol» con's economy six with stond- ord transmission, radio and whitewalls, A look ond @ test a will convince, License No, H93853 SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LTD, WHITBY --~ 668-5893 Ki? CHEV ee Sea Barbed "Keller ie ial aa i 968 ie dad Pury, two WAU ond brakes. jj sae dae SLSR, 'a % wie' walls, Reasona ee hear ATs. 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 27,1966 2g ' 37--~-Auctions 20--Coming Events AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE & AR Bees Mn ties Ba Sol MOrtey' STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 ass I gl Ww, 723- 6322--723-8911 On the Financing $ 1965 Meteor Montcalm Convertible An elegont car at @ price thot's sure to please you, Finished in @ luxurious Ivy Gold with Black top, it feat- ures elaht evlinder with autos matic transmission, ragie, power brakes, power steering, white walls, dises, It Is a one "a 4 BEL aa vm ven ty iene 7" \ r ot Samer ' vou ivuo8 pag ae Mal mi '-" FORD, ven) t be oe ed Lin Moro BR, Bix Coo Sor Telephone A: if around, owner with Seaway's f 8 guerantee, Yours to inspect ond drive today, License No, 20508, SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LTD, ____ WHITBY == 668-5893 © A.M. ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer" |i NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No, Just West of Thickson Rd, Whitby 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 $95 1958 Pontiac 4 door sedan The price will startle you ! Yes, here is @ dependoble transportation being offered to you at @ low, low, price, It's finished in @ sparkling Caspian Blue, featuring o six eylinder, standerd trensmis- sion and rodio, Yours to in= spect and drive todey | License No, 326758 SEAWAY MOTORS (1968) LTD. ___WHITBY == 668-5893 DOWN--$30 MO, 59 ~ 61 models your choice! BILL perry MOTOR 484 is 723-0 Sl ae eae balan ron es) Bh. extras, lime LU As) condition, Telephone on see or 6234 Gia, WH Ford Custom adoor sedan i' eager, alert and alive, teke it for s test run today, you'll be Gied you did, Finished in an urban blue with matghing interior trim, it features standard trane nueaien ip? six cylinder ig" and economy. Act fast! Licence 685064. feawey Motors (1968) Ltd, Whitby 668: Wnty Sra axle 4 door sedan, Cor in Had n aepert fan wit wriking matching ferlo with auliometic trant finder, paiiewalls, quailty far 3p Hy bh) i shah Todt. Mids Oa a camel, You'll o Me convenience you went with is mart wagon, & a bt ane exterior decor, Ph anal ino aanel atic, radio and jofore (1965) Ltd, sedan. ct beavly = has Ne Stns pers forma Wd wg nis car ls like new statlonwagon. in cylinder power, aren drive tne eet Pld Motors '0! ey t ¢ ue wr inisheo rnlehed with a m3 le 'vfomete ote "radon ring, white hg alien LD ve " youre to en Bowe Motors Mas i oun vies news on this heal, | claasic in an arel je White, push button automatic with HY mney fadio and white Seaway een Moters (1965 Lid rate taeitia, jody Hur charged ine with cy hiuat. be seen to. be eppreciated, Talephone 725-2 face mm Poe 1Wo RAMBLER, $356, radlo, one. owner anne wiser ase elephone 725-2330, CONVERTIBLE ot Nylon $89.00 up Repoirs to all makes of cors, Antique upholstery and re- storation, BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO oe 409 Brock $t. $. Whi Days 668-8101 Eve, Gaseas75 PEUSOT 223, with wware parit, Goss = yg A i bit i eh meat "irae -- wee yeaddin Lg bg A era whe wal, Mal dises, mented wine we rquelee, i 10,000 miles, BUIEK Lesabre, Seurtowr, hardtop, butornal sleering brakes, Appy \t0" Rossland nd' sirest --_- 1) CORVAIR fallen pocket soster white eh ned a3 terior, Telephone 440-4407 0 WP CHEVROLET coach, at "ang onaitlany 8100 oF bent otter WUTeR miaviete "Fourdoor harden, soul wy Mv 91,900 oF beet offer, Ye Jephone 468-45) We Hudson, fives 4 RE a parts intact. Reve Vay rune Well, Telephone 722-8206 « Se sra (er aA Chromed) i he a gem ts in showroom a wid, uae lt es era ar "FONT jenwagon, Laurentian, evlinaet ae yg vinped witty tes ie Stoering, radio, new fires, origin lmmacuiete condition, $1,080, a aT, oY, Bi my a bee, "alee orskes es War CHEVROLET, va woman Tike new srien will finance, 720-0675 after 5 p.m, ™, nda " Ramisalon, u two-door, ata ranamnteal Rioty nae or nearest offer, « era SN oe Heat ersinal" mes. Haat 4 IB Sono iar BR, ato __Laeit_ Apply 10? 8 SEs Css: Wt" CHEVES Vea, automatic, ga A ode nt red inietien, Sane So eal needs Treentnlent rep repatr, L} are rreter' Act Gore Ths OLOENOBT Fe and + Ast condition Inside and hanveally A yt low om ear, Bs rio offer around 4% alee Call on ea ' ae a), Good Wa a CARTER Fenties, two = em rat Me condition, Telephone 7 WaomMone | are, hewer Teer | yt branen, pattiveetions tar man) anes ee J Senator, tearonably pri a Ae os gee tow ay fe Cicence" Hasees,, Wellman tor Ramoler, 20-795). WT CHEV, "convertible, power ateer'ng. ein vane ei ane pewer brakes, wire it tute: /ERAW oc rime, trail Xi) Cheoee. trom over 40 care. ges is Mar tow ion hed engl ar Ovhawa shinee 'can - efter. | iia power ouletending ae ge teeta Sole at 1:30 pm. CLIFF PETHICK, Auctioneer Adult Skating THURS, OCT. 27 JAYCEES Sealed tenders ore being re- ceived not later than 4 p.m. Puiday, November 4, 1966 ot the office of the City Clerk, Mr, LL, R. Barrand, City Hall, 50 Centre &,, Oshowea, Ontario, for the core struction of a addition end ance Oniaied offices of the Department of Public Works, located on Ritson Rd, South, Oshawa, Plans and specificas tions are available upon de- posit of $25.00 at the office of the Consulting Engineers, E, J. BEAUCHAMP and ASSOCIATES 524 Simcoe St, N., Oshowe, Ontario, Lowest or eny ten- der not necessarily accepted. Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200. In announced Nos, $25 Consolation Prize SEALED TENDERS ore bel -- not later vig' 4:00 November 1966 at office of the ity Clerk, Mr, Ls R. Barrand, City Hall, 80 ae: St., Osh wa, Ontarlo, for the con struction of a new Fire Ste- tion to be located on King St. 8, » Plans and fications are avalleble on it of $50.00 ot the office of the Archites, Wile her Saceoeclo, 215 Morrish Road, West Hill, Ontario, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Bunter nna te cA... wo any 2% or after sala without my 'ormose. aul eeemne Sloe le for any .|37--Auetions NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF IVY LENA QUIST, deceased All persons having eloime inst the estate of the nomed deceased, ot the Town of Waitby, In In the County of Onterlo, whe died on or ap Pet the 30th dey of August, 1966, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed Crown Trust Company or ot botere tee 10th day of November, | their names end full s tades of thelr cloime, lemediately efter the seid date, ae eee hey i distributed having regard on to the claims of which notice hes been received, DATED the 13th dey of October, 1966, CROWN TRUST COMPANY, a yore gare Hvaranetiasion, ehe0 Ase steering, Reg "under fae for later model satonwapen haltton 31---Compect Care for Sele Your Authorized Dotsun and Bas Deoler in gen : ir end Service 728-005 SABYAN Volkswagen Sales and Service New end Used Core 723-346 Open Evenings xe MERCEDES BENZ Geineral Repair ond. Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South ee As} mechanigal reneion Beene $300 oF best offer, NONE ae Wie SRUMBA TR poet Satbal ine: | whitewelie a ZOLTAN AND NICK'S al Volk 0 Simcoe South | MOTOR SALES LTD. 334 RITSON a s. % VOLVO & PEUGOT Auto-Blectric Service 728.0921 tires, 8145 Ay Wosphone SES Ea sie =. es Sa He una Whe eS mn MTuiriers. Pirelli tires, Felephone Sees ear 72-2000, i Inder runt, Mirah reer tats or bank LRN aeons after, After 4 7250106. 304 Dundos Street West, sankiallio $10, per line both gomes $175. Jackpot $20 per line, $75 full cord. 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos, or less, Five $30 Gomes Borly Bird Game 7:45 P.M, EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M, And Returni payee be Children under 16 not pei» gna "4 Von Toe pee fe pueeaays =228 z z 3 Fs Fs B 3 TEN PERFECT CHANNELS the finest in ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Relayed direc' home vie inte Cable TV, te your free le Become A Charter Member Before October 31st and Save 9.95 PHONE 723-5278 Oshawa Cable TV HOLY CROSS BINGO FRIDAY et 7:45 P.M, ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St, East ot Farewell ~ FREE . ADMISSION SUNNYSIDE BINGO TO-NIGHT $2,300.00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 55 At The RED BARN 7 = 7:30 P.M. EXTRA BUSES ~ FREE _ bid R t, Remaene Total $300. 100. in 56 nos, Bhs wa each tag ae ati: = No Children Please. PLEASE NOTE: OUR NEW OSHAWA DIVING CLUB HALLOWE'EN DANCE SAT., OCTOBER 29 Bernard Tierney 'and his Prizes for best costume, Bor privileges. $3.00 le eae Se LOCATION Whitby, Ontario, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ISABEL MARIE CANNING. LATE OF THE ory. ae Acuawa IN. TME COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Wie DOW, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS a THT ONSTAR Aipine Ry ae 32--Trucks for Sale rune condition," good poms model tredteontiiten 'ene nae 'en te, ' as coe ae Bromen| Tentend" patter ax new and ask sneourt Motors 210) et aaeey Re, Agincourt abet geet "eonetton. 'Tetenhene AEs peed eendh ten, 4 " good tires, . any extras, bag eters Wt winterized, 8375 or Sen MS, Tahoe eR ERAWLER TRACTOR, Giver oun Enea bt SPE ote anal matic, reverberater, epnone ie eae cae Wented er niteh, Te ment. Gus Brown Motors we Syeeneaite Geetin, wean he blue rales many. eaten LS) condition, 87a of Dest efter, 725-8039. ee CHEVROLET t od ny i= Adard. fever dey, rad i@ aren Telephone sie | BF CHEV siationwagen, [Sisasin'sep radio, we evlinder well efter, Ane CARS WANTED . Buying A New Cor? Sell your used cor to "Ted"* Telk "Cesk" to the New Car Dealer ond "Seve" TED CAMPIN MO 723-4494 Rea. $ 4 . day of November, A.D, 1966, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regerd ently to claims of which the under. signed shall then have hed notice, DATED at Oshewe this doy of October, A.D. Vee" a CANNING at By their Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC. KINSMBN BRING THIS SPECIAL % PRI CE E PASS Friday, 'October 28| KINSMEN SUPER CAR SQUARE DANCE MAPLE ckovE HALL OCTOBER. & i 1966. 08.» ° M HALLOWE' EN COSTUMES BOWMANVILLE SWINGIN' New members and friends BINGO AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,500 IN PRIZES INCLUDING HALLOWE'EN TIME HARMON PARK TEEN DANCE OCTOBER 28 7:45 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Pan he es ae qui, "SE" Soventn, Reed Nor Brand new 1967 Ambassador sedan or $2,000 In cash, sale $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. $1,500 Big Snewbell (57 0s.) $1,000 Smell Snowbell (52 nos), $600 reguler gomes. $450 Special games. Don't forget to buy the economy UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT "WHITBY CAB" 203 Dundas Street West Whitby 668-5855 668-8151 pack for value ond seve money, Plus 4 early bird gomes (Shore the Wealth) et 7:30, Merny free ond volu- able door prizes, KINSMEN re, te ' VAW Hall, etal -- Tret's FORAGE GALE, St Andrew's United lo Oetoder Bat 1:30 BM | pdome M DANY Pte ala READERS emert Dusiness to ad Wh the oe Nese as, To your a es ee