14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 27, 1966 PARKS IN ROMAN PARK U.S. War Opponents Silent On Peace Offer TOKYO (AP) -- North Viet Nam and a kept official si- lence Wednesday on Manila. con- ference's troop withdrawal of- fer. Pravda and Tass discounted the proposal, and there were new calls for ---- of the U.S, bombing North Viet Nam. Neither Hanoi nor Peking broadcasts mentioned the com- munique signed Tuesday by the anti-Communist Viet Nam allies pledging to withdraw their troops from South Viet Nam six months after North Vietnamese forces quit the war. Elsewhere, the communique brought a mixed reaction at the United Nations, disappointment in Tokyo, faint optimism in Lon- +don and little excitement in Sai- gon, where it was viewed unoi* ficially as offering nothing dra- matically new, In one move that might be in- terpreted as a possible clue to Hanoi's reaction, the Viet Nam news agency today distributed a three - day - old statement by Foreign Minister Chen Yi of China, It. quoted Chen as saying: "The only way to settle the Viet Nam question is for the United States to withdraw all its armed forces from Viet Nam immediately so that the Viet- namese can solve their prob: lems by themselves," CHARGES IMPERIALISM Hanoi said Chen made the statement Monday in' Peking, where he also charged the Ma» nila meeting was "engineered by U.S, imperialism as a new U.S, scheme to step up its peace talks swindle and to camouflage its war expansion," In the first Soviet reaction, Tass said the conference com: munique showed that allied po- sitions on Viet Nam "in essence remain the same," The Soviet news agency said the withdrawal pledge "is sur- unded with all sorte of condi- ions' and "not a word is sai about cessation of American bombings of the territery-of the Democratic Republic of (North) Viet Nam." * . . , the real aim of coun: tries participating in the confer can Imperialiam in the area of Indochina," D.SAPPOINTS JAPANESE Other reaction; Tokyo--F'oreign ministry offi clals expressed disappointment that the conference appeared to have produced only one peace proposal = the conditional with: drawal-and did not deal with the status of the Viet Cong, London--British officials wel: comed the evidence of unity at Manila but made no official comment on the communique, The London Times commented; 'At best, the Manila communi: ue may sow some seeds, That ey are seeds of peace and not of further expansion of the war is a credit to President John: son," United Nations -- Ambassa: dor Orphan Eralp of Turkey called the withdrawal pledge 'a step in the right direction," nk the bombing, give the Nort is important," A Polish dele- ited said a halt in the U.S, mbing of North Viet Nam was stil the most important element and that it was "a typi: cal American tactic' to talk peace and then increase troop movements, Paris -- French government sources said today the Manila talks communique would not be acceptable to North Viet Nam as a basis for opening peace negotiations, The view prevail» ing in government circles Is HOPES TO FOIL VANDAL WESWICK, England (CP)--A Norfolk vicar keeps his church locked because of vandals in the area but leaves inatructions how to find the keys in four for: eign languages, pinned to the door, Rey, Joscelyn Fellowes: Brown hopes this will confuse hooligans and help foreign tour: ists, English visitors can ask neighbors for directions, ence is the conti ad és. calation of the aggression in Viet Nam," Tass said, A Manila dispatch to Pravda; the Soviet Communist party newspaper, declared; 'Under cover of hypocritical phrases about peace, another step has been taken in Manila along the road of continuing and escalat- ing the colonial war of Ameri- Publicity release with this eye-catcher of West Ger- man actress Ingrid Schoel- ler says she is resting on steps of park in Rome during sight-seeing (seen?) tour, She's slated to star in another Italian thriller -- this time a myste: - ed "Crime at - London Calling. Naples." (AP Wirephoto) Crash At Expo Injures Three MONTREAL (CP) -- A hell- copter pilot and his two passen- gers, a film producer and cam- eraman from Toronto, were badly injured Wednesday when the machine crashed on the site of the 1967 Montreal World's Fair. An Expo 67 official identified the pilot as Willie Southam of Montreal, the film producer as Helmut Englehart and the cam- eraman as Peter Reusch. He said they were filming scenes for inclusion in a CTV centennial special to be shown in December, Walker's GANADIAN RYE WHISKY (QeUrALtD BY HHRAA WALERE 4 HOW LITO, WALEHRILLL CAMARA Special Old Canadian Rye Whisky A Divichow of the 3, Kresge eupscoiny Lineevinet baie: DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa a way to save face, That) , D. P. 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