;c0titinneEEee ee ie nea sacrament ie OE ATE. 9 as a Ag ts ah bs, gt 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 26, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Diefenbaker B Says Camp Should Go EDMONTON (CP)---Erik Niel- sen, Progressive Conservative MP for the. Yukon territory, Tuesday for the resigna: / tion of Dalton Camp as presi: dent of the federal party, Mr. Nielsen said in an inter- view Mr, Camp may be a 'front man" for a group seeking wer, He charged Mr, Camp as abused his office by cam- palmnine for 5 Tosscesamant of party leadership, a stop on his way home to Whitehorse, Mr. Niel- gen said Mr, Camp is making & piien ior svmeone tG Stcome party leader, The Yukon MP said he fears the Conservative party will re: vert to what it was before 195 "the Bay Street party," Mr, Nielsen said Leon Balcer, who left the Conservative party last year and became a Liberal candidate in thé November elec- tion, is another front man, "Maybe some of the men who} backed him are backing Camp," Mr. Nielsen added, "but even if I knew who they were, I/president of the récently incor- wouldn't say." porated Heraldry Society of He described as "tidiculous"|/Canada at its inaugural meet- @ suggestion he would become) ing. per leader if John Diefen-| * Traitors Shot CAIRO (AP)--Seven Yemeni ker stepped down, |military men were shot as trai- ERIK NIELSEN . +. attacks PC president | UN Gets Bikes UNITED NATIONS (CP) --|tors by a firing squad in Sana'a The Suzuki Motor Co, of Japan| Tuesday, The Middle Bast news gave 100 motorcycles to the) agency reported, It said a mill- United Nations Tuesday, The 'ary tribunal convicted them of motorcycles are to be used/ Plotting to assassinate Yemen's by field workers of the| President Abdullah Sallal and United Nations Children's Fund| Seize power, (UNICEF I A ica, . . ee Aa" """"" Prince Will Visit Africa and Asia. s MONTREAL (CP)--Stig Eng: Director Named feldt, Swedish consul general in i Montreal, announced . Tuesday OTTAWA (CP) Gabriel) that a 21 - man Swedish trade Beaudry, 54, of Ottawa and/and cultural delegation, headed Montreal has been appointed the) py Prince Bertil, will tour Can- manpower department's re-/ada Nov. 14-26, The visit will onal director for Quebec ef-|include a series of meetings be- lective Nov, 1, it was announced) tween Prince Bertil and senior OTTAWA (CP area oe J, H, Hollies has been identi! as the Canadian officer sent, to Europe to investigate the execu- tion of two German sailors after VE-Day in 1945, Defence Minister Hellyer told the Commons Monday an offi- cer had been sent abroad to in- vestigate allegations that Cana- dian forces were involved in the doaths of the German deserters, who had been tried by a Ger- man court martial and shot, A spokesman for Canadian Forces Headquarters said Tues- day that Group Capt, Hollies, with the judge advocate gen: eral's office here for some time, acker Tour Opened MONTREAL (CP) -- The Ukrainian Dance Company opened a Canadian tour Tues- day night before a capacity au- dience, The 150-member troupe continues its engagement at Montreal's Place des Arts until Oct, 30, then travels to Quebec City Nov. 1-3, Toronto, Nov, go. 6-7; Winnipeg, Nov. 9; Regina,| "petals of his itinerary were not available, Hoe was to use the Canadian Embassy in The cai as a base for his inquir- jes, RCAF Officer Investigates German Post - War Executions left for Europe several days|~ Fg MS My eR WEATHER FORECAST tions. A sister of one of the sail- ors has charged a German judge with murder, ; Since then Defence Minister Hellyer, after Commons' ques- tions, ordered an investigation and later told the House the in- quiry cleared the Canadian Army of responsibility in the case, Then on the weekend thrse former officers of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada said in interviews that Canadians had supplied arms and ammunition used in the executions, One of them said the order for the ex- ecutions came from a Canadian military unit, Trustees | Urge Sex Education TORONTO (CP) - Forecasts issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A short period of cloudiness is expected to de- velop over southern Ontario to- day, However, skies will clear again tonight and a sunny day' is forecast for Thursday. Farther north cloudiness is ex- pected to persist one, and Thursday but some clearing overnight will allow tempera- ae to drop well below freez- ng. Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni- agara, Haliburton, Killaloe, Windsor, Lonaon, Hamilten Toronto: Sunny with a° few cloudy periods and mild today. Mainly sunny and a little cooler Thursday. Winds light. Georgian, Bay, Timagami, Cochrane, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with seasonable temperatures today clearing to- night, Thursday variable cloudi- ness and a little cooler, Winds light, White River, Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie; Variable cloudiness and seasonable temperatures to- day clearing tonight. Thursday mainly cloudy with chance of boFALSE TEETI Rock, Slide or Slip: FE fey be fl ae improved paves aprin on U or lowe © lates, holds false Meath more firm! in place, Do not slide, alip or rook No sunny , taste o fooling, FASTEETH is ine (non: acid), Does not sour, O! "plat odor breath", Get F. drug counters everywhere, ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- The Pubiic Scuost Trustees As- sociation of Ontario has asked the provincial government to es- tablish compulsory sex educa- tion classes inelementary schools at the earliest advisable grade. A resolution passed at the as- sociation's annual convention Tuesday asked the department © feducation to provide suitable courses with approved texts and visual aids at the "earliest grade deemed advisable." The courses would continue| through secondary schools and) be called Family Life Educa-| tion, "Tt is the feeling of the Tor- onto board that we must teach personal cleanliness and the pit- falls of promiscuity," said Alan Archer, a delegate from the 65.!Toronto board of education. "SHELL OUT" FOR PAST AND FUTURE BRIDES NOV, 10; Saskatoon, Nov, iivia; Calgary, Nov. 14-15; Edmonton, 18-19, = a . we ae secretary WTS FLALI)12 when a German magasiic : printed a story alleging Cana- LOS ANGELES (AP)---Actor|dian involvement in the execu- of his estate to his secretary, oh Helen Mathews Dalrymple when the will was filed for pro- would not disclose the amount On Fraud Charges of the estate, but said it was) TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario greater than $100,000, Webb,|Supreme Court Tuesday re- age 76, left one-quarter of the|charges against Elias Yassin estate to the Motion Picture Re.| Rabbiah, 42, founder of the now Nef Fund, defunct Racan Photo - Copy nie, 57, who succeeded Rabbiah as company president, COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo,| The two Toronto men are (AP)--Woodruff Randolph, 74, president of the International ]f $248,000 between Jan, 1 and May 15, 1965, and obtaining to 1958, died Monday. He was alfraudulent credit valued at former president of Chicago un- ion No, 16 and was elected see: | Oct, 1, 1064 and Jar in 1938, li Embassy Taken TOKYO (AP)--Peking's New | nesday the Indonesian govern-|~ ment has taken over the Chi-|-- nese consulate in Medan, Su-|'7 Indonesia lodged a strong pro- |" test with the Jakarta govern)" ment, the Peking broadcast | 3 Nov. 16-17; and Vancouver, Nov, The case came to light Sept. Clifton Webb's will leaves half|- . Court Returns Bill bate Tuesday. Webb's lawyer who died a bachelor Oct. 13 at|turned a true bill on two fraud 3 Corp,, and Kenneth George Len- Labor Leader Dies charged with defrauding Racan Typographical Union from 1044 $250,649 from Racan between retary of the international union China news agency said Wed.) matra, The Chinese embassy in sald, Tuesday, He now is assistant di- government officials, He will) rector of the civil service com-| visit Parliament Nov, 16, spend mission's classification bureau.|Nov, 17 and 18 in Montreal | where he will visit Expo 67 Plan Canada Visit) ana address the Canadian Ex: LUSAKA Soviet Cargo Seized | RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP)-- Bratilian naval authorities Tues- day night seized the Soviet freighter Sretzen, loaded with ¥ On "HALLOWE'EN", Monday, October 31st, the Crown Life Agents of Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville, will shell-out with 250 free High-cost of Living Survival Kits. SPECIAL TREATS - NO TRICKS Some Cooling Predicted Following Cloudy Spell little cooler, Winds light, cooler Thursday. Winds light, Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Thursday Windsor ...scccsees 82 60 Mount Forest Teas Wingham .., 2 Hamilton ,......... 32 showers or snowflurries and a Ottawa region; Mainly sunn: today and Thursday a ttle to ml | BOYCOTTERS BUYS! = "The King' No Picket Lines... Just Big Value Lines ! Values Like These From BRIDGELAND MEAT-0-RAMA St. Catharines Toronto ...+++ . B Peterborough «+... 25 Kingston ..sssceees 82 Trenton ++» Kapuskasing ...5.. 25 White River ..++.+. 20 Moosonee .ssscsses 25 DOGS HELP THE OLD track to raise money for party. HE OU needy old folks' Christmas LONDON (CP) -- The east London borough of Greenwich is sponsoring an evening's dog- racing at the local greyhound NEW WORLD PERFECTION -- ms ae E ENS': }port Association, visit Vancou-| (Reuters) -- Zam-|ver Nov,: 19-21 and Toronto) bia's President Kenneth Kaunda/| Nov, 22-26, will ee the United P l Si 4 States and Canada next month,| it was announced here Tues- opu ar inger Dies LONDON (Reuters) -- Popu- singer Alma Cogan, 32, day. A government statement) said he hopes to have talks with|lar President Johnson in Washing-| known as Britain's most eligible|Cuba. | ton, ae a Pear: bachelor girl and once linked ro- iy gon in Ottawa Nov. 17, mantically with Cary Grant, ib " died today in hospital. Miss Co- Blood Offered \¥ President Elected |: who commanded a $3,000-| gRUSSELS (AP)--About 2,000//% ja-week salary, had been in hos-/nersons have volunteered to}! OTTAWA (CP)--Alan B, Bed-|pital for several weeks after! give blood to aid Viet Cong-con:| 7 doe of Ottawa, heraldry consul-|cutting short a Scandinavian|trolied areas of South Viet Nam, tant to the Canadian govern- ment, Tuesday was elected HERE and THERE fall in Sweden. ical and Sanitary Aid to Viet) Nam announced Tuesday, The|7™ committee claims to be com-|~ YOUTH TOPIC jawarded to Victor Fuke, The Mel Smith was guest speaker|3H trophy was presented to at the October meeting of the/Ricky Niedzicler and Miss Big- 1100 tons of soya flour for Cuba, land forced it to unload its cargo} at the Brazilian port of Salva-} dor. A Brazilian ruling forbids | any ship loading goods in a Bra:| Just fill im your name, telephone number and address and mail ta Crown | Life Insurance Co., Box 104, Shopping Centre, Oshawa. 250 letters to be drawn from mail on Hallowe'en night. Adults only, one letter per person. Winners to be announced. CANADA PACKERS ECONOMY WIENERS 3 us 89 HAMBURG 3. 1.00 welt, rilian port to deliver them to | ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO, occ esac aceite ones hes ee posed of 100 doctors and profes- A sors in Belgium, Mitchell's Corners Home and|Wood received the attendance School Association Meeting|Prize for the second year, Mr. Mr. Smith spoke on "Youth of/A. Winters was presented with Today", dealing with juvenile|® gift in appreciation. for his delinquency and discussed his|SiX years at Ritson as a mem- experiences with youths in Win-|Der of Ritson Home and School. nipeg and his radio program,|Former Ritson principal, J. C Harbor Lights Fetterly, addressed the par- jents, encouraging them to en- CONANT SCHOOL courage their children in school, The new executive of the Conant Home and School Asso- EXCEPTIONAL CHILD ciation was installed by Mrs.| Humphrey, inspector E._K. Hilts at its first meeting Oshawa Separate NO. 1 SLICED u 79° CANADA PACKERS u. §9* CANADA PACKERS TENDERFLAKE LARD NOW - DDD PUTS A CONTINENT AT THE TIP OF YOUR FINGER! Lon PORK CHOPS u 79° the -* Pr of the year. Officers installed were; president, Mrs. T. H. Campbell; first vice-president, Mrs. G. A, Hamilton; second vice-president, Mrs, T. R. Brit- ten; treasurer, Mrs. R. Whit- taker; recording secretary, Mrs. L. Beal; fund raising, School Board will speak on edu-| cating the exceptional child) Thursday at a meeting of the} Ontario County Association for Children With Learning Disabil- ities. The meeting will be held at St. Gregory's Auditorium Starting at 8.30 p.m. The public | 4 . Ly ALL STEAK a te T-BONE SIRLOIN PEAMEAL BACK BACON is invited ro attend. Mrs. A. P. Cosens; publica- tions, Mrs. D. C. Olmstead; historian, Mrs. A. J, Shortt; correspondence secretary, Mrs. | W. Hurst; social, Mrs. B, Fen-/ ton and membership, Mrs. H.| Kellar, HOMEWORE SEIT The Sout Selieat Ass tober meeting at the school li- brary with president Mrs. Ken-/ neth Code, opening the meet-| ing. Principal James Wagg! spoke briefly, requesting volun-| teers for a door to door survey. | A skit entitled "Junior and His) Homework", was performed by} parents. } AWARDS PRESENTED NOW | imcoe Home and) tion-held- its Oe. JUG MILK 293 MARY ST. North of Adelaide | OPEN! | | o* - o" HAWKSHAW SUPERETTE A curriculum and awards! night was held at a meeting of) the Ritson Home and School! Association. The outstanding | student trophy for 1965-64 was ate Have YOU tried ATTENTION: ALL COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS THE NEXT MONTHLY MEETING OF THE OSHAWA Associated Canadian Travellers WILL BE HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th IN ROOM NO. 1 AT THE GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL ATS P.M, LIGHT LUNCH -- FILA Direct Distance Dialing? Throughout Ontario --- throughout Canada -- throughout the United States: you can dial mil- lions upon millions of numbers direct, practical- ly as easily as you dial your local calls ! Of course -- you're interested in just a very few of those millions! But here's the point: wherever your relatives, your friends or the firms you do business with may be located, you can reach almost every one of them by simply dialing their telephone number! In bringing you this simple, fast, easy and in- pensive new service, we at Bell hope to make your telephone more useful than ever before. We're working very hard so that your phone works very well - your phonevand all the other communications services you get only from Bell, 4 Direct Distance Dialing is so convenient...such fun. And you will find the rates are surprisingly low! Consult your directory for details, Long Distance, the next best thing to being there RUMP ROUND & ROAST » 79° CHICKEN LEGS OR 49° Ib. SHORT RIB ROAST » 59° BREASTS BEEF LIVER Ib, 89° MINCED STEAK or STEWING BEEF . Ib. 59° POLISH SAUSAGE 55% BREAD 5 loaves $1.00 Ib, 39 eet) Cfo eee PORK LIVER cross uces tb. 29 BONELESS POT ROAST woos stb, 48e COMMERCIAL BRAND SIDES tb. 49e HINDS ...... Ib. $9 Ib. 43¢ seeee Ib. 47e tb, 45e BLUE BRAND HINDS ...... FRONTS Ib. 65¢ tb. 45¢ Ib. 59¢ © FREEZER SPECIAL Cut, Wrapped & Delivered FREE! ° RED BRAND SIDES lb. S7e HINDS ...... tb, 67e ONTARIO SPRING LAMB LB. 59e 728-3361 CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Bridgeland Meat-0-Rama 909 SIMCOE ST. N, (et the crosswalk) rr 728-3361