EATON'S Anniversary Carnival Cleerence of "Name Brand" DRESS SHIRTS | Ordinarily 5.00 ond 6.00! Choose plain white or handsome Stripes on white backgrounds, Various up-to- date collar styles including fused, per- moa-stay and snap tobs, Crisp cottons and cotton blends. Sizes 14 to 16¥2 in the lot. 3.99 SALE, each ee ee CLEARANCE OF Ordinarily 2.50, 3,56 end 5.00! Expertly tailored of silk and silk blends. Choose from e@ wide ronge of neots, under- knots ond stripes in on arrov of Fall colours, SALE, each 3 FOR 4.50 (188) Leather Belts Much Below Usual Price f Manufacturer's clearance of broken lines ond styles of better quality belts. Top grain. cowhide leather belts with tongue buckles. Colours of black or brown; sizes 30 to 40 3 g S SS Long-Sleeved Sport Shirts. Ordinarily 5.00, 6.00 and 6.951 Firmly woven cottons and cotton blends in smart new checks, stripes, paisieys and alli- over patterns. Shades of bive, green, grey, red and brown, Choose traditional button- down or regular Perma-Stoy collar styles, 'Some with tapered body fit. Sizes small, medium, lorge and extra-large in the group, nc win Lies osc CEE ROLES ere 5 2 FOR 7.90 (193) BYFORD EXECUTIVE LENGTH HOSIERY RAYON BROCADE Regular full cut with self-belt an three roomy pockets, shaw! collar. Colours of wine, gold or silver. Sizes small, medium, large and exira- large to fit 34 to 46 chests. Telephone ord@rs. accepted on silver-colour only, 9 SALE, each ae (195). FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Ordinarily 5.00 end 6.00! Good quality piped trim cotton pyjamas with generously cut jacket with a collar end lapel. Cuffed bottoms have draw- string waist with elastic insert. Balloon seat. Sizes A to E to fit 34 to 46 chests. In pat- --" of blue, green, grey or 'an. SALE, each 3 2 FOR 7.90 (194) COMBED COTTON 3 BIG DAYS! Thurs.Oct.27 Fri. Oct.28 Sat. Oct.29 LONG-SLEEVED Polo Shirts Ordinarily 6.95! A luxurious blend of Orion- and-wool is soft and good looking, yet durable. 3-button lacquet styling with ribbed nit Perma-s collar and opening; cuffed sleeves. Shades of blue or grey mix, burgundy or taupe, Sizes small, medium large and ex- tra large. SALE, each 2 FOR 9.50 (198) BIRKDALE BULKY KNIT Weol Pullovers 20% OFF... Reg. 14.95? Classic crew-neck eying is fully fashioned and made. with a hand- some rib knit. Ribbed knit cuffs and waistband for added comfort. Colours of beige, black, burgundy, Highland mix and brown mix, Sizes medium, large ond extra _ ceenesrnne ype Combed Cotton T-Shirts And Broadcloth Boxer Shorts T-Shirts have taped neck edges ond Made in England, Fine 2 and 2 rib With a 1 and 1 rib cuff which is elasticized for neat fit. Cotton-and-nylon with reinforced heels and toes. Machine washable. One size stretches to fit 10 to 12. Colours of grey, mavy, black, brown ,beige and gold- eg colour. SALE, pair a Jerseys and Briefs -- Jerseys have taped neck and arm hole openings, athletic style. Briefs have full double seat, Lycra waist- band and taped front seams. Sizes small, medium, large and extra-large in the group, SALE, each 3 FOR 2.55 shoulder seams. Short sleeves. White in. sizes small, medium and large. Boxer Shorts in assorted neat patterns predominant shades of blue, grey or tan, Styled with balloon seat and elastic waistband, Sizes small, medium WATCH FOR SPECIAL VALUES NOT ADVERTISED WHEN SHOPPING DUR- ING THIS GIGANTIC SALE! WATCH YOUR NEWPAPER FOR SCORES MORE MONEY-SAVING BUYS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY !