Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1966, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 25, 1966 This great, scarred cross, which two centuries ago served as a gallows during rigadoon PART OF IRELA a period of oppression, dates from the golden age of Irish Christianity some Still Tops Despite Time Passage By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -- Briga- doon, almost 20 years after its first Broadway production, lost little and in some instances jlovely long shots of the valley and ancient village--was beauti- ful when a disappointed lover seeks ] ND'S GOLDEN AGE 12 centuries ago, It stands in the market square at BOWLING WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Thuraday) Triples 460 and over w 74 (205, 273); Marty Jordan 756 (284); | Ltd, 4 Myrie Reeson 755 (262); Tom Perrow) 750 (266, 243); Boug Rowden 740 (283); / D Allan 734 (28), 271); Wayne Allan) 7a) (276); Glen Doak 724 (272); Bryce Henderson 724 (286, 284); Roger Reeson 712 (311); Des Benyer 708 (284); Jonn Pisani 689 (252); Bert Seeley 682 Tom Beer 478 (249); Bob Me eee a bit in its faithful and|to escape the village of Briga- A iitbe 470. (246); Reg Norris 676 (269); lelightful transition to the tele- doon and thus end the miracle) Elmer Arche 47) (#70), vision screen. ABC's 90-minute adaptation Saturday night of the Allen Lerner-Frederick Loewe musi- eal seemed to be exactly the that permits it to reappear) briefly every 100 years, was ajnum Co. 1), Ken Smith Const, 11, Shorty's MoRae 245 high point of the show, Edward Vilella, the soloist, is a great) dancer, but big, exciting danc-| same as the first production.|ing loses much of its impact The music has withstood the! when reduced to the size of the! test of the years-four of the) TV screen, songs are standards, Gentle) Portrait of Van Cliburn, the fantasy never really goes out of second NBC Telephone Hour in atyle. its new format, proved to be a Robert Goulet, as the young superficial examination of the hero, was in fine voice, Sally|pianist's professional life, bro- Ann Howes was exactly right) ken here and there with some as Fiona. And Thomas Carlisle,| of his music, Team Standings K. ef Cc. 13, Rea Wings 12 County Bow! 11, Kaiser Alum Cigar Store 10, Biamond Inasulations 10. Firemen (A) 7. Legionalres 7, Legion Old Sweats 4 Andrews (No, 2) & Firemen (B) & Post Office 4, Mercantile Dept Store 4, Whithy Hardware 4 | WHITBY AND DISTRICT | MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 480 and aver -- D Weraniie 000 (370); Quzie Moore 75) (20% Les Reed 736 (208, 278); Bill Sibeon 735 (oes, 270); Marry. Van Staveren 495 (278); /Pittsburgh Steelers of the Na:! Chas, Sneigrave 484 (241); Andy Vander itional ence 479 (250); Alex Filller 671 (267)2) Bill Vesters 442 (254); Ted Munna 454 (261): Lorne Haley 455 (245) Team Standings Ramblers 13, Bath urat 13, Wilson's Food Market 12, A, and 4a High Double with Handicap Ba 'Rach, a former head coach of member of the Seven Mules who cleared a path for Notre, Dame's ' t Kells, once the home of St, jcommissions and welfare de: partments and other organiza: Columba, in County Meath, --CP Phote |t { RESULTS Ines Wweasurer, asked how /lion of the old blockhouse first € Mullan Real Estate 7, Whitby Barber Shop 4, Assoc, & Dick Adams) Andrew's §, The Golters 7, Whithy Police Restaurant 4 The Oilers 4, Larner! Ol Storrar Ltd, 2 Golden Gate anion Ber Council has found |day, the council said Mr, Wag-|Wraser, the last Of seven de: aude Wa ustice minister, guilt ng ing unfoun ad Mtalements inifean-Paul Berube of Riviere du ers, Waa recommissioned at Cay Association in Drummondville, |had Que, In Ort, 1988, waeerewren jeal leadershi fair, member of Parliament for Pe: terborough onto and District Liberal Asse:| leader, Th ciation youth conference thal approach leadership," cial doma which they can central" , 1 inquivi sore share' caflielaed Monday liament in scandal inquiries, at the semi-annual meeting of and Treasurers, keeping for health units, homes|, "They've amart, modern hookkeeping computers| Dartmouth in 1750, The centen:|"ombudaman," widely used when authority waa split by denial project will be made of railjelsewhere, is too difficult tor centralization, HMCS Fraser Has New Look ib nyrwyd 5 Hetd4n MONTREAL, (CP) =» HMCR Bar Council Blasts At Wagner. For "Unfounded Statements" MONTREAL (CP) -- 'The; In the decision, reached Fri er, former Quebee stroyer escorts to he converted , of mak: {Mer Improperly eriticived JUE | LA' helicopter-bearing destroy: peach made fo the Rural Rar|Loup, Que, for a sentence hejnadian Vickers Lid, Saturday, handed down in ¢ tion! 'The vessel spent 18 months at with a hit and run case, the Montreal shipyard while a _-- 7m ' helicopter hanger and anti-sub- marine equipment were in stalled, Politics "Dirty And Vicious", A military official said the Ralph Cowan Tells Young Folks, tihnn task to exploit this to the TORONTO (COP)--Young per 'this country has an obsession our : ons who demand youthful polits|about leadership that derives fullest to produce the highest are being un-ifrom the superficial worship of Posible slate of readiness, aulkner, Liberal/John F, Kennedy, Bs i, we eg Nahe -- "You ave so conditioned byY|iional squadron in Halifax, Mr, Faulkner, $8, (01d Tor imaepeinn Any einer hed " ats Second Big Year For Sulky Driver an unfair way te i . a Many of the 180 studenia who manning naps attended the one-day conferencé| ow yank (AP) = Stanley criticized 'what they called the driver f r ' ,, | Dancer, the trainerdriver from Little Kinerdamea' |outdated leadership of Canada's Rgypt, Pa. has exceeded the er ee POULCAL PATER, #18e ANG Waejerreees cere Ih Bursa wins LONDON, Ont, (CP)=Provin: democratic nature of the par:|nings for the aecond time in povernanen seeetnen ties, apathy of the Canadian| three years, the waruens Means 'intent on setting up little king: sa t iInatitute reporte onday, voler and time wasted by Par Dancer set a record tor a single season by increasing hia win: ber of Parliament for York: | Wie rity Beh | Humber, replying te a student's Moni naa duri the 1064 seas Cri u question about why young pee so ke uring ine ; Ae riticlam was aimed mainty | ale alatruat polities: auld json, No other harness racing t decentralization ot book: |! P 'they now! tr var ever has exceeded Mi (000,000, road | (hal's a dirty, vicious and tying | Lad lgame and they stay out of it," Hugh Ralph Cowan, Liberal mem: he Association of County Clerks | 'or the aged, suburban | NAME BEATS LAWMEN NEW DELHI (AP) = Mem: jbera of India's administrative reforms commiasion are search: ing for a Hindi name for the A ' new public grievances office, could justify buying built to guard the settlement of|They feel the Swedish word RERUILD FOR 1807 i | DARTMOUTH, NB, (CP) W. G, Manning, Onlario| City firemen are to build a rep: ions supervised by count y| reasurers | rounties |way ties donated by the CNR, aes iin 'Indiana to pronounce, WHITBY LADIES FLOWER BOWLING LEAGUE Thursday Afternoon Team Standings == Balsies & Vinlets 11, | | | ) | Jim | Roses % Pom-Poms & Daftodila 4, Tulips An exciting dance number} Ross 499 (253); Gord Deeth 495 (246):| 4 Pansios 10, Asters & High Double Flat Borathy Brown | | Gray | 4 1 High Single Fiat Shirley Batten 934 | High Single with Handicap = Borathy | One - Time Coach | Of Steelers Dies | PITTSBURGH (AP) = Joe | Football League and a Four Horsemen, died Monday <ingenue to play man-chasing| ing studio, The artist narrated) exactly the ideal fellow to be! playing the bridegroom, ex: We saw Cliburn working with |T. Motors 11 hibited an excellent tenor, young musicians, conducting an |" * Jim's Sage Boor 7% 4, 8 There was nothing the matter! orchestra from the piano, pre-| with Marlyn Mason's voice, but| paring to perform in the Mo { P she seemed too much of a sweet| House, and playing in a record: a ety oster Meg. Peter Falk, who always| most of the ahow---urbanely and seems to give a dead end kind! gracefully but revealing little of Contest Planned quality to all his roles, was not, himself, | The camera work was ordi:| AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax school lost in a misty legend of the nary and the quality of the children 2,500 strong are expec: Scottish highlands. leolor ranged from mediocre to ted to participate in a Centen: But the production -- with) poor, jnial Safety project in co-opera- -- ae tion with the Ajax Police De-| partment and the Ajax Safety) Couneil Safety Officer, Sergeant Don ald Robson said all elementary school children will be invited to draw one poster each por- traying any aspect ef traffic Ava Gardiner Unhappy With Her Public Image NEW YORK (AP) -- Ava) thinks welt enougn of her to of-| Safety. : Gardner wants to change her/fer her $400,000 and up for aj The posters will be done in public image. single picture, She has lived in|the schools as part of the art) "The image I seem to have--|Spain for the last dozen years, |curiculum and will be 24 by that I'm a loud-mouthed, tem-|but now plans to spend more|!8 inches in size, peramental, oversexed, sultry | time in Landon, During February, 1967, 47) airen--sometimes terrifies me,"| Ava said her big remaining) Ajax Merchants have agreed said the film actress. goal was to retire to a life of/to display the posters in their "People have a completely| privacy, stores, wrong idea about me, It's partly; 'I am sorry I spent 25 years The only rule af the poster because of the roles I've played, | making films, I wish now I had | project will be that the posters partly the fault of the press. [the things most important to ajmust depict an aspect of traf "I don't go to cocktail parties |woman--a good marriage, chil-|fic safety. | er lead a very glamorous life.|dren, a better education. Sergeant Robson said that) I am a very simple human be-| "When I'm old and grey Ijart superintendent for public ing, easy to get along with ex-|want to have a house by the/|schools, Mrs, F. Demaine and cept for a normal Irish temper.|sea ... and paint, ,. with a lot |St. Bernadetie's Separate If I do lose it, I get over it the |of wonderful chums, good music/Scheo! Principal Sister Claud: next minute. and booze around... and--|ette had participated fully in "As for that funny word sul-|a good kitchen to cook in, the traffic safety program try, I'm as far from being" oameenevineiacinnteensnmscenine -- , ss a ty s . ords failed Miss Gardner.) onnaicaaattncasess| Desperate Bid To Survive -- even a grimace looks 00 s " a Ft gee sovtnn ie: bee bore Made By Early Norsemen? ing the premiere the night be By ED WALTERS fore of a $15,000,000 production) « f of The Bible, in which she plays ------ -- -- ar Sarah, wite of Abraham at Vesterbydg in Greenland cates at L'Anse-aux-Meadows near the northern tip of New: foundiand, jokers 10, Mitton Machin: |He collapsed while attending a Mel weekly football luncheon, Bach served as head coach of the) Steelers in 1995-38 and 1959-54 It's the only time in my life} ate = desnerate attemnt at 1 actually enjoyed working-- making that picture," she re- marked MADE #W Fim self-preservation some time in the 14th century by setting out in their little ships for Labra- pote S-or-Newfioundiand? PLANS SECOND BOOK Ingstad marshals an array of facts and interpretations in arguing that the Narse Greenlanders were not wined NOW YOU GAN JET CPA NONSTOP *o HAWAII Every Wednesday at 4:25 p.m, CPA jets nonstop to the sunny beaches of Hawaii, (Also daily jet service from Torente via Vancouver Bee. 25~Apr. 22.) ARCO VET VE. 4 ABT, E80 =! > ca FROM TORONTO 1 Se think of something different this winter ~ think of Hawaii! Only $45.90 down far a 23.dav eeonamy oe round trip from Toranta, Ava went to Hollywood a Helge Ingstad, in his book out by sudden disease or quarter of a century ago as the} Land Under The Pole Star, Eskimos beautiful but naive daughter of} (Macmillans) says the Green Whether any of the Ves- a North Carolina cotton farmer.| landers, forgotten about by terbydg folk reached Nortn There she became a star before! the people of Iceland and America is unknown, says she felt she had become an ac-| Norway, may have tried to Ingstad. "But from. the ae: tress. She has made 40 films; reach the Vinland explored count of the Vinland voyages we remember that it was a perilous thing for a small and acquired and shed three; by Leif Eiriksson 500 years famous husbands -- Mickey) earlier Rooney, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra. Although they brought her a fortune and a world known name, she feels now she has} rather wasted 25 years of her life "I really hate the work of be- ing a movie star," she said frankly. "I haven't the emo- tional makeup for it--the love of exhibitionism "IT should never have. been a movie star, and I haven't a great respect for it. That's ter ridle, isn't it? And I've done it for 25 years "I don't like the life. te live quietly, shy "I think if I'd been a dancer I want I'm much too I'd have been much happier, I) do think I could have become| But I had) land absolutely no talent as an ac-/ a@ great ballerina tress. As a girl I'd been thrown} out of our high school plays Many critics, -however-- feel! Miss Gardner has matured inte a fine actress, and the industry' The book by the 47 - year. old Norwegian explorer tells of the settlement of Green- land by Eirik The Red and 14 shiploads of Iceland Vikings in the 10th century. It also relates the adven- tures of Eirik's san, Leif The Lucky, now acknowledged as having been the first Euro- pean to set foot on North America, But the book is mainly con cerned with the Greenlaad colony, which lasted for 500 years and thea vanished Ingstad says there are many reasons why the Green- landers would have headed for North America rather than Iceland or Eurape Baffin Island, which he says the Vikings knew as Hellu- is separated from Greenland by only 200 miles in the narrowest part of Davis Strait... From there it was simple ta coast southward past Labrador, or Markland, to Vinland, which Ingstad ice community te land en Indian shores." Ingstad could have exam ined a haunting possibility at this point but did not. English fishing captains reaching Newfoundland soon after its rediscovery by Europeans in the late 15th century renarted sighting blue-eyed, fair-haired men among the predomi. nantly dark Beothuk Indians. The Viking voyages te New- foundiand at the start of tae | Greenland colony by Leif, | Biarni Herjolfssen, Thorfinn Karisefai and others are dealt with, but Ingstad promises another book in which he plans to detail his 196] ex cavations at L'Anse « aux - Meadows and set forth his belief that this was the site of Vinland In writing of the Vinland veyages, Ingstad paints aut that the name had na con nection with wine. He say the ald Norse word Vin fe ferred to pasture. 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