Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1966, p. 20

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20 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, October 25, 1966 25----Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 20-----Real Estate ad Sele si 20--Real Estate for Sale IMMEDIATE POS! 20---Real Estate for Sale Guy LEBLANC REALTOR 623-746] Fay ig! PROPERTIES 2 bedroom bung sow on lot of 80 feet 900, full price, Bloor St, B, 2 bedroom bun- galow with new Oil furnace, enxious to sell, asking only $8500, oer St, FF ype manne on if rica ' elean, ye gg = 128,14 monthly, eall today to inspect: COURTICE AREA 2 acres with 6 room brick home, double gorage, small bern, hot water heating sys. tem, owner would consider trading for form, Pip ost hand AMBA with 98 me of ry ™ 208 sono sree 100, with $1,000, asking $4 down, 2% acres with 4 bedroom brick bungolow, almost new, 1400 living erea, full price $17,500. We list ae Pai Exclusive or NORTH-WEST BEAUTY $2,000 DOWN OR YOUR 'HOME AS DOWN PAYMENT Immaculate throughout, 3 or could be 4 bedroom brick bungalow, wall to wall broad- loom, panelled recreation room, completely decorated, paved drive, TV tower, Sev» eral hundred dollers have been spent on landécaping to make this a show place home, Immediate possession, This one cannot be duplicated and definitely won't last long, _PHONE 723-654) $1,654 DOWN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3. bedroom brick bungalows N.H.A, FINANCING mn ryt h Bat 8, Bay m= three ine Olsen Realtor, she NORTHEAST ar on 'oom Large living Guide ie Lid. 16 Simcoe 81, South, this tiveroom brick sized kitchen, Three a on ir te a0) 00 down buys home with fay a large bedrooms, forced Situtated on # large lot 82° home for the growing et little extra space is needed, all Dick 123:5; ty Ltd, 16 & 'ner a} Y nppees Guide imeoe 8 DOWN, Ing for this in the nortt only $19,500, full price, Quiel fr Dick Young 723-628), Guide Real: INCOMM" WOME-- This 2 store has § nurses Now occupying rooms, Good return. for the wise Investor, All. furnl: ee Included, Lad on Chureh vrorue HY 'or avenings.. 723-2008 ws, Pe? toe: 0 Ray" Street, PETORBY bridk home on MeLaughiln Bovlevard, int NOW and ready to move right In, Has 4th 'oom If nece Gall George Twaltes umn MAAN oF we rm Street, QUIET ARWA, two bedroom brick home on quiet court near with fireplace, Owner anxious to-sell, Try Oshawa Shopping Centre an offer, ette Nugent, 723-4651, Don Stradeakl, lor, evenings 725-5639, Priced from -_ CHARMING "eectrically heated bungee | $17 950 low, near Simcoe and Rossland, with at-/s ' tached garage and large patio, Listed | full price ry » Swit wise Rewtiwl ae BOLAHOOD 728-5123 RESTAURANT $4,800, Restaurant with 3 room apartment, Ample parking, Good potential, Located near GM plant. Asking $4,800, Terms, For further informa- tion call Roy Yeo =~ 725- 2217 evenings. McLAUGHLIN BLVD, Clean 7 room brick, 4 bed. room home with gore bod and paved drive, Well = Hospital, quick -- sion, Owner says take offers, $16,900, with terms, Call == evenings EO TRI-PLEX A-1 CONDITION Priced right wah substantial ps TE a eg Please pa Rey Yeo. Evenings 725-2217, BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North MEMBER O.D.R.E.B, BBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 AGIANT IN VALUE Only $9,900, for this two storey three bedroom home with private drive and gar- age, Oil furnace and central lecation, $1,500. DOWN $10,990, will buy this 1A storey brick home and gar- age. Broadioomed living and dining room, new oll furnace and in good condition thru- @ut. LARGE LOT Immediate possession; At- tractive 5 room stone and frame bungalow, paved drive, gorage and lot over 500 Ft, deep. Inspect this good buy new at only $13,000, Buying or Selling call Charlie Rankine now at 728-7576, "BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED INCOME HOME A-1 CONDITION 6 room, 2 storey income home, Two good size kit- ehens, 2 -- 3 piece baths, seperate meters, oi! heat, close to downtown, Real val ue at $12,500. To inspect eall Roy Yeo 725-2217 eve- nings. . $13,500, Modernised "3 Gearaunr- room brick bungalow with rage. Located on Verdun oad, Must be seen, Asking $4,000 down with terms. Call Jack Appleby evenings 723- 3398, 101 Simcoe Street North Member 0.0.R.E.8 728.5123 H. KEITH LIMITED REALTOR Photo M.S OVERLOOKING LAKE SCUGOG Beautiful cley loam form, 2 storey brick house, 2 borns, stream and goed duck pond 16 miles North of Oshawo Owner open to all offers. Coll Idso Weirsma = 728.5683. TRI-PLEX FOUR ACRES Situated on lovely wooded lot on paved reed, immedictely east of Oshawe. $5000 down on easy terme Live rent free Celi Doug Carmichee! 723.7463. iateread api? bevel, Mego 'were so wn tomes Sire: JOSEPH BOSCO |! 5 "Martin Realtor, aavAR LARGE lot -- in Whilby's north| REALTOR 728-7377 west residential area, with lovely dbed) $1432.00 FULL DOWN! home, Close to school, economical oll heating, paved drive, 728-5103, W. Martin, Realtor, $900 DOWN, 889 per month, Exception al two bedroom bungalow with two car garage on treed lot, 150 X 150, Oll heat, large kitehen, modern bathroom, Eight _jmiles from Oshawa, Telephone 7236541 TEN ACRES of cleared land in Dar tington seen, one yy from ay limits, Priced at only lease tele New 2, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels and 2 storey homes, featuring Hol. lywood kitchens, picture book bathrooms, storms and screens, builtin range and | SchotleldAker Ltd | ovens, aluminum siding, plus |2Qq-----Summer Properties many other expensive extras, [| choice east end location, | For Sale or Rent immediate or late possessions, Shown by appointment only, phone 7295656, 5 : BRICK SUNOALOW wm $14,900. mine vest rey Phone John Kosteniuk, 723- hd Griffin Real Estate old, Thres-bedroom 1 excellent. con: dition + in forth end of Whitey, Listed at just 9 down with terms, Gall lrwin Cruikshanks at 720-520 ihe Rice" "LAKE three bedroom fully furs} nished cottage, Lot 75 X » Boat house pee Te'ephone 725-4180 or 20 Elgin CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost tv what you get with Classified Ads, Dial __| TRS now for an adewriter, 21--Farms for 'Sale ' 600 ACRES of farm land with year 'round creeks, four barns, two houses capacity for 250 beef cattle and 50 dairy cattle. Completely equipped with automatic feeders, 600 ton allo, milk cooler, steel stoun chions, 3 tractors and all the necessary equipment included in the price of $97,000 with terms, This is the best form | we have er eee for sale FART any size, ved , beet, daly, "or With or Letina bulidings, Con-| $16,000 aE TAGE beet farm with) five-bed Immediate possession on this three large bedroom bunga- low with" attached garage, den, Large landscaped lot in east end with garden, fruit trees and view of 401 High- wey and lake $16,900 full price. 728-711 r EOROOM briek, storey. and 4 half, carries for $101, monthly, Close Ad shopping and sehools, Call HW. Millen | Real Estate _Tae-1one ESTATE SALE -- " acres of vacant! land with = untimited | deposite, vided Into ten-acre 'Only two miles east of New: Castle with over onehalf mile fronta: on hard surfaced a ory, $25,000, Ni & (Realtor), with fireplace, any housewite's Ih cholce country setting near Mart, Fer particulars contact, Joe ae 729-1021, Joseph Bosco Real tect Clare SAVE. W. Frank Real 729-78 home, Excellent trout! stream, Commuting distance from Osh: awa, W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 728-5109, 22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots | 2 miles from city, in attrac. tive crea, Some treed lots, Paved street, Close by public achool, new high school ond bus lines, PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 _ OSS-4: Peters Really Lid, Realtor Y site "i ry d, Osh 4 parcets and, Oshawa an aberoom brick bungalow, | pany Conta Clare McCullough, = W. Leree et ag | Frank Real wa, 723.784) ea fot with frult trees and patio. finished rec room, many extras, Low| TREEO LOTS 66 x-132, 20 minutes from asking price carries like rent, lmmedi:/Oshawa, town water, Custom homes. if ate possession, Call Murray Bovie, 723.| desired, CMHC Ler aig avaliable, Call 4270, Joreph Boace Realtor, 720-7377, -- | Newcastle 907.4975 after $2.00 DOWN -- Inree-bedroom Bonpe:|LAR@E LOT, 75 x 200, Good location, low, attached gara oer $14,900 paved toad, $3,900, Terms, Telephone 725 price, Telephone 728: SIEROOM, two ea house and gara py bs Bloor Bast district, Tele phone 7 F8000 eam ine which 'on ists of store and . Carrier en 'enn. nome _ two-storey boriek, home with private drive, apartment complete with Tags electric stove and kiteh Sener ver 'only $13,900, home and ask for Jerry Coady at 728-7576. Sioby's Real Gstate Lid, 4 King St W., Oshawa CREEK, trees, Warmony five hundred per acre, mites, Stan MeCorm Ra, North, » tour! Keith | aaa "EHOICE CMHC approved serv leed lots, North end of city. Name your own terme, Telephone 723-1194 s Good commercial "build. ovine LOT near French ene, Cy ul 13 ~Marmony. Road N tet av X 100", Call Mannnene. fin y Call gg 3 Don Stradeski, Realtor, ever ston, 728-1066, Schofield: Aker ite. ings 725-9639. FWO" LARGE" Winishea roams. "Ritehen | AVeRIETIVE split' level home central and bed-sitting room, Private bath, park:| area, Lots of space for the growing fami: bs Pa suita two men or working couple,/'¥, four bedrooms, den, fireplace, extra washroom,' plus a double garage. ntl S$} Don Stradeski, H SF MONTHLY, Come and See these|icn "eventos Hea ene Ree brand new homes on Waverly St., south of King, Three bedrooms, Fully deco. /SERVICED valuable lot for sale, St X | tated. We can offer early possession, | 100', ideal location, among quality hom [Call 7281684, 4 Millen Real Estate Lig! Glenmar Ave, (North ef Rossland |TWOSTOREY brick home, four bed: Nphons, Low price, 725-2599. Fooms, fourplece bath upstairs, two, 123 R al Estate Wonted jplece bath dewnstaira, recreation room. Three years old. Five minutes te public LISTINGS WANTED pe eerere schools, Fairlawn Street, 2s 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. | paiva SALE -- Northweat area, 0s | storey Brick home, six rooms, geod condi! tion, Asking $14,500, low downpayment, ! of Floor Space in Downtown orea 2S:$408. IMAPLE GROVE . exceptional vatue, Third Floor -- both passenger and [owner tansiered, muat Ge Somer ence: [sheroem, lVestorey home, two-acre tot freight elevator services SEE }20° x 40° swimming peel, $22,000, terms. |W. Prank Real Estate Lid, 42293. MODEEN Broom home With ten acres T. L. WILSON GSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East of orchard. Mcintosh, Call Bob Johansen IMB Keith Peters Realty Lid, Realtor Phone 723-3474 910.700 full asking price fer frame bun alow on College Hill, low taxes, easy carrying, 728.5103, W. O. Martin, Real: i Large Modern Store for rent j PRIVATE SALE (house. storey and @ hall, recreation FOOM, goed condition, ciese fe stores and schools Teleprone SD-O105, 38 MeDONALE Sireet, Part "Perry Sturdy old house on corner lot, Seven rooms plus Bath, good Kitchen cupboards and some tile floors. Close te achocls and downtown. Full prive $9,000 Must De cash, Please feel free te come out) and talk dusiness. Credit Union folks! must welcome. Apply adove address. /BEAUTIFUL, older home, in excellent) Condition, with large vegetable and flew ef garden. Lot is quite deep. Onty $13,$00. ; With low down payment, Call Bll! John. | ston, 2 1Oas Senor eld-Aker Lid. COUNTRY LIVING Cliy advanteges.| Mave your house by) to any apecitica Hons on thin beautiful 100° x Me CMNA peroved lot. Mortgages arranged, Tele: lpnone PENG or ran TWOSTOREY brick home, four rooms, fourpeice bath upstairs piece bath downstairs, recreation to Three veara olf. Five minutes te pub Hie, seperate schools. lremediate posses sion. Fairlawn Street, 202M FIVE BEORGOM = moders garage near Bonnie Aree private beach call Perry 223-4123 Three bedroom ded twe } -- »ppin Agree paint Rea! and with Estate Suitable for restourant ware, etc } Telephone 728-4646 THREE BEDROOM brick dungaiow. "Tike Betwe ° i 5 few, goed area, near schools, newly de . een . ond | ™ leorated, floor sanded hate Pom /CONMIERELAL euLOINe " Simone South. Hydro. heat, Sultenie for re! aS sign painting etc, $4 montrl.! lmenediate possession Telephone PaGIt) MEDIUM-SIZE STORE fer rent, sult adie office, Deauty shop, ete, @2 Simene S$ Avel ee | mow, T2S.4443, Mollyward kitchen. apaciaus = dinette, dasement arege, two extra PILL ROOMS with "paying reoma a een. rivete sale, Tele jqueste, Dial reg ai an ecuriier| 'te Delp you phrase an hard | ned | session Perry Real Estate 7224123 jm ACRES = Whitby Townshin, barn an offer on thin che erty Den Stradesk! Rea! 723-463) Re TF ES Savi -- Fa large ce prem Cat Estare. Desronm i hree " mt f oh } nace, Nex? fo pin | phone 72-888 , 'and ome ~ ATTRACTIVE |MODERN THREE $$$$$8$ 8 Buying =~ Selling a home can be pesky, 'f 'this is your prob. lem, Call DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 $ $$$ $$ ba FOR RENT NEW HOME 6 room brick ror) gong with 2 car garage. Will be newly decorated throughout, elec- trically heated, Choice north east location, For further in+ formation call SCHOFIELD. AKER LTD, 723-2265, "BEDROOM "apartment, centrally og Ayallable Immediately, Tele on loe =| phi | FW BROOM with nine furs Tele "aan house, Tet ences, garden, On No, caatle area, serene modern convents Highway, News 907-4655 evenings. sme | Wnt LeGres is MON or hot Telephone tf atter § even room frame or term proverty.. 7 hree plece bath, modern kit- chen, hot alr furnace, fireplace, large lawn, $100, References, 468-271 . NéOM |property for rent wiih pres 1 rea, three bedroom house i nd yl turlahed lh ik r ment may be suplet, Qcevpancy Nev, i "a9. 7011 or 1h 185), OSHAWA'S FINEST APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED POOL ~~ COMFORT CONDITIONED Double windows for nolse ond draft control thermo- stot |n seach suite, "OPEN 2-9 P.M, DAILY Oshowa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures, Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and kg | Rooms, 4 quick elevators, Olde English Decor Lobbies, Bus stop at door, Broadioom by ANGUS GRAYDON, PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS 1221 Simeoe St. N, 725-9934 _ 26--Apartments for Rent a, Ww Riel os pate stove, hea 'na Avalieb Beith a 72-8925, i epi Fiversem apartment with "aval dune}. wr aan West 0). TWO-ROOM self-contained apart partly furnished, Apply 730 simeoe rien, South, sen as KARTE * Children si come, telephone 72 70 between 4 p. and Np ouH AED a mM) pening, aundry feel it rT floor, In @ Kiet: peeiee { monthly, Avaliable WACHELOR LOR APARTMENT, "brand "new, "i he i coun alectric heat sup e a . $80 monthly, Telephone fate ry pig bio Apalbinials i fer Rent |28--Room end Boa 30--Automobiles for Sale Wo BEDROOM du: jex, AS ig! Moctn Brive ventrane, ee ae wacom "Ira! Re v pooanlen. anna rime a : low itn Tele cake for one Be tacts sia Wilson Rd, 8. Telephone 66, ROOM or room and board, Shift work: DH eins Apply 61 Nassau Street, bali is N boarder, pool room in ayaa oie room apartment, $75! new home, month Including all services, tele] Og, ro Yee, of Fecresiion ream, Lunn me ne Yas lyn street parking "care: WHITBY-- Room or room and board, In private home, for 14 Garden street, 'Whitey, ne APPIY offs ; single fe lunches 8, Pi tundry done, Close' to suth ape in ROOM AND BOARD, close to General |e with Na ag tor Ad Wa Rent 104, 'Ye lepnone "28 uae = ment, stove, music. Cr Ay phone 7. stove, i Adulto 'etngersit, moder a Centre, Tele ie HO HO0H yy H "Tasepnone| WH Ma. r00a." periments for rent, fe bd] Marian spartment 104 or BoURROON saarineate 'avaliable im predlntery, Apoly 68 Wayne Street Apt. sURHITRE vate bath, Sult two with fe children, Moters, Telephon: TWO BHDRO bathroom, parking aval able bedroom periment, first floor with kit a ne room, bath, 728-6909 or 50 NT apariment pri- entiemen or couple lear south Genera ih h kitchen, Caron nica location, $8! trance und Palette jonthly, K arking space. dults only, Telephon "3b." FURNISHED oF uniurnished bed + sitting) -- room and afltenen, Private en' Sult ana or twa 723-99) Also two] to '|27---Rooms for Rent Rooms $15.00; droom sultes, Street 7 foot weohone 7h Pry wif aes another child | pens Y alesnee jainer ys References CONVERTIBLE TOPS. Nylon $89.00 up- Repairs to all aiheaal of cars, Antique upholstery and ree storation, BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. - Whitby Des 6 668-8101 Eve, 655-4575 IBVROLET Bel Air, four-door, suerte ys raniions H * Wuxe "bots, 200 miles. Prloed ie! o GRILLS, Fadi ro Take models 'our ms" Zulia" ane ' Apple Boromny E coe ( tite 'sem th werd ma, ron esauition rns ha cylinder automatic, FoNTTAE stationwagon, _ ot Cy raty radio, new a ia wy condition $1,050, irate Telephone $10, each person, motel suites to share; $35. Parking. Telephone 068-5201, a 1H BROCK vrai , Ream fina | bed-| ¢! time m pcned tin'en Shift, Workers welcome, 728- Ss, 8 Sy disc brakes 23 after 6 ai, re PUT AWAY @ May sum by renting that re room with @ times" Action Want Reason rent 'apetetne Ad, Telephone 723-3497 and pul one said aver 6 6 xr My iia mnt ments for La Ranging lor work for you oy $125 monthly. He serong HE fridge, m0 0 29--Wanted To Rent water, Telephon thy, 668-3200, SHALE FARM wanted to gy Pig with ie highway, Ancaster aad WANTED CiAL bachelor apartment in apart ment building, furniehed ee vera Bre room, kitchen, bathroom, All pri Plent parking, Ideal for Working uple. "ss tery Possession immed! » 72. Two, THREE ROOM furnisned apart ments, Heat and ivdie ay able Apply 51 FOUR ROOMS, bath, large | a Hortop Street, Also four room "per at 460 Montrave Avenue, Tele | phone 726-7208, #100 MONTHLY, Iwo bedroom, § room storey and @ half, Close to General nee tors, school and bus service, Must have references, Telephone 723-4311 or 'ha! 7084 after 5 TWO-BEDROOM cated, achoe!. lo- house, centrally bet » Close to Telephone 726-0475, BROOM bungalow with garage, central, close to schools and bus, Telephone 723-2013 after 6 p.m. THREE - OOM, 2Vestorey older type house, Finished third floor, Extra tollet in basement, Commercial toning, $150 monthly, Garage, 726-3555, BLOOR STREET WEST, 26) -- eight room house, cll heated, available Novem: ber |, $118, monthly, Telephone 723-1327 THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, northwest section, Oshawa, dential, close to blic and separ seneaie, Avaliable lovernber | Telephone" 729-7164, THREE-BROROOM brick spiibievel, al. tached garage, rec room, Available No vernber ', $135 monthly, Telephone 720 197% 26---Apartments for Rent _ For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA | APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: Home-sized rooms with ample storage space, Free hydro and electric heat with individual room control, Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors Shopping, schools end churches near at hand) Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door A home you will be proud to VISIT show "a 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 The WENTWORTH | MANOR 5 Wentworth St, Oshawa You will enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- LA CONTESSA" | PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawa's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures, Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dinin Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 5 Olde English Decor Lobbies, Bus stop at door | Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World, Broadioom by Angus-Graydon, OPEN 2-9 P.M, DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 eh Avail Whitby, 668-3866, Victoria St, EWLY DECORATED iwo bedroom op- artment, private entrance, Close to schools ard shopping, Children welcome Share bath with one other family, Large backyard, Heat supplied, $95 monthly. Telephone 728-4236 evenings CENTRAL, clean, free roo! refrigerator and si a red, Adults, Avaliable, "Nov er ply 142 Ritson Road 8, 726-2767, THREE ROOM aperimients refrigerator, and stove included, Ground floor, Share bathroom, One child welcome, able Immediately, 15 Fairbanks St. 2389, riment, W esl 1, Ap 15- TWO ROOM furnished apartment, Pri- vate entrance and bathroom, available for occupancy, November first, lease Telephone 726-9959. after 4.30 p.m. beck § ALA e ng} apartment, Aduits only. 3 Street, Avaliable imme: or na Melepone 725-6343 after $ phone 720-4535, ONE BEDROOM for rent, in moder riment bulging $95 monthly, Telephone 725-2459. SUBLET -- "Spacious two-bedroom, two- bathroom apartment, Private balcony, use of swimming posl, Children welcome. Close to south General Motors, 723-0986 after 4 p.m. TWO-B8 nt "apartment, a ide North OM, THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bedroom apart- ments, Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor, Large suites with utilities and drapes, Thermostatically con- trolled in each room, Un- derground porking available, 190 Nonquon Reed. Telephone 728- 9726 ROYALE | APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1} and 2. bedroom = auites available, View anytime, 728-5282 REGENT ARMS Immediate occupancy, | bed- room apartments $109 monthly, Adults only, Call 723-6455 -- 6~ 9:30 p.m, @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board, Office Hours: Tues, to Fri, 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m, Sat. 'til 3 pom | UNFURNISHED "iment 'ern apartment, in lar aa sy @, balcony, piped | reo and refrigerator, Dem e sepe id, im occupancy, Tele 720-8183 anytime, THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heavy duty stove, refrigerator and kitch- en cupboards. Parking, Adults only, Telephone 723-3766, FIVE-ROOM apartment, Courtice area, Reasonable to quiet couple only, Telephone 728-1086 before § am, NEWLY BHCORATED, two-bedroom apartment, Refrigerator, stove, sorcea. Close to shopping. and downtown, $110, monthly, Adults only, 723-2563 after é pm, music, BASEMENT apartment, stove and refrigerator, priv parking, Suitable for two pe Road = Olive Ave, area, Telephone 723 0848 TWO-ROOM apartment, rain floor, sepa: rate entrance, and separ: bath ~ able for one or two. perio Avall:| self-contained =moderniag ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 <= 30----Automobiles for Sale WHITBY HOTEL ay Rooms to rent by the week, NICOLS MOTOR SALES 207 Dundas St, W. YOUR 668-2337 RAMBLER DEALER ment or house vin CJ School, Tel ay Corpus Christi Abstainer: Hampton 263-2310, NEED a (nav ice Check "Business Services" in the Want Ads for reliable|} help now. SLEEPING ROOM for gontieman, close to south Geners! Motors, &7 per week, | Telephone 726-2312. HOUSEKEEPING room single or double refrigerator and stove, Free parking, Close to Hospital and nerth General Motors, Telephone 725-8150, 2 ROOMS fo be rented separately in bungalow. Tenants to share first floor; single gentiemen oe Apply 816 oon id, , after 5 p. Ooms r rent) we ae vents Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street None. }COMFORTABLE = foom for gentleman lonly. Apply after 4 p.m, 923 Athol Bast or telephone 725-0536 SINGLE ROOMS "and board, Apply 2% Division Street, Se cARoe ight. housekeeping, room. for 2 ae. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW '66's TO GO BEING SOLD BELOW COST 1963 CHEVROLET Station wagon, automatic, car, Licence x7501- 1962 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, like new. Licence 319558. 1963 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, an ideal family car, Lic, J7284, 1961 BUICK INVICTA, 4-door hard- top, Just like new! Lic. 416963, 'phe iby, (COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping Bhi. room, suitable for one or two aie men | Close to south GH One LAI dou Or large single Ci ght housekeeping " lred, "Telephone S20. 8402, ATTA COZY, BRIGHT front room, charmingly decorated with new furniture, bullt-in wardrobe, suitable for one, $10 weekly, Telephone 725-2539, GIRL TO SHARE, two furnished rooms. Refrigerator, television and stove inciud- . Sin je beds, $10 weekly, Mary-Hill- Croft area 728-3109, 2 _ [SINGLE OR double bedrooms for wo men, close to downtown. Telephone 725- 2076, Apply 340 Athol Street &, FURNISHED ROOM for two gentlemen. $7 each per week, 723-6542 or apply 563 Ritson Rd. South between 6 a.m $ pm, LARGE CLEAN, furnished room for two TV and radio, private entrance and bath, im CHEVROLET, ve Sutemnanes like new spain, on, finance, Telephone 728-5675 after 5 '61 PONTIAC, Twat Standard, new th snow tires. Body In excellent con motor $550 -- best offer. a CHEVROLET, sia condition, a standard trancietestan rae, sapere, $1,250 or nearest offer, 723-6651 after 6 p.m. '6 PONTIAC Laurentian, V0 automatic, fou! with blue sedan, mist bive Ta 4,500 originey miles. 059197 after "| iss CORV CORVAIR, ag | selll Apply 10? Bloor St. iced. 725-6332, Feleonone i964 veer Super. Sp Sport conver tible, 327 mot r steering, broken, me! four-speed Transm ission. tn ey con- dition, Older car 'accepted, 726-59 1964 CHEVROLET, fourdoor Taras, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, balck with red inferior, J 750, 723-3081, ar Je aR four-wheel drive, full eal snowplou ey condition, phone 655-31 ies CLOSMOBILE, %, F and steerin saulpp needs mech leat. 'repalr. $75. 1980 PONTIAC six. cylinder, four atelonwe ae Body and motor A-1 ith 728-2280, a SLORMBRICE Jetstar, 4 door, hard- top, power brakes and steering, mist bive; A-1 condition inside and out; also mechanically A-l; low mileage, execu- tive 536 he yf @round $2,650, Call 23-6803 full cab, $650, Tele- power brakes id, radio, 728-6879, door con: 1964 CHEVROLET "toper pnd gest ible, 27 power brakes, ourcepes speed franemistion. "tn "oe ex or condition, Trade cons! 728- 194 ter eocee' four door, Ae ic con: dition. ee _ susemane a7 "Good condition, "eiephons 9 PONTIAC V-6 floor shift, con. ition, $225." Telephone. 728-9267" 1968 wick, 'four-door, hard- seed top, steering, etc, excel- lent oder 800 miles, cash, $2,550 Newcastle, 987-4746, ' 'A GALAXIE, 500 XL, power steeri: power brakes, ght e owned, p miles. Best offer, 7. 'A OLDSMOBILE Tarai Power steer- Ing and brakes, 394 cubic inch ee raction, many extras, A+) ition, sonably priced, 723-8050, i959 SIMCA In shape mission, also 1956 Ford shape, oe rate. will phone 94: We ge pets eee stationwagon, automatic, Exceptionally pos condition, Telephone needs trans- May in. fair sell parts, Please @ PONTIAC Le haggrioe two-door hard- ie Power steering, custom radio, $1,400 yh. Telephone aM. : $10 each weekly, Telephone 725-2520, ONE LIGHT housekeeping room, Suitable for gentleman, In a quiet home, Abstain- ers, Apply 171 Nassau Street, 1962 DODGE Licence H83550. | This ticle cor must be driven to be Pig, ied TWO-BEDROOM Couple only, Very clean, ug 35 +s Two kitchen and one a appreciated. persons, Apply 3 a na. Rrench Sireet, two ol In person only, a tOOM basement apartment, urve and frig Included, suitable ir Dual: ness couple of middle-aged woman, Laundry facilities, trance, 725-916! YOUNG WORKING COUPLE for new four-room basement apartment, no chil dren, Completely furnished, Avaliable immediately, Apply 284 Chadbur TWO-BEDROOM apariment -- in buliding, Available December 1. Quiet aduits only, $110 monthly, Tele- phone 3591 GENTLEMAN WANTED jo share mod- » new apartment buliding. Telephone 723-9933, ROOM furnished basement Bright and clean, close to TH apartment, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55_ Bruce St. 728 1070 _ FOR RENT | or SALE | 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST WHITBY 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern conveniences, ele- vator, built-in stove, fabric drapes, Free parking. Neor schools. Telephone 668-5347 | REGENT ARMS 1 bed $109 ih ' | Immediate occupancy. room apartments veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa, Within easy walk ng distance of stores and schools RENT INCLUDES: = e Drapes Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Porking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available | Renta! Office and Mode! Suite Open Daily from 1.9 P.M TELEPHONE 723- 8701 CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT » e st bedrooms refrigerator ; nom in halis @ inter e M. @ Balconies immediate possession ase to shopping centre end rols. and ve & broadle F e « al seh 728-4283 Apt. 11) | Genera! PED-ODN8 monthly, Adults only Call 723-6455 | Between 6-9:30 p.m. | [bedroom apartment frig, stove, broad: | ity, Apply Apartment Na ONE-BEDROOM apariment avaiianie im. | MeGTaHeTY Witt BiecITic "eats ol-and--cord. water, hydra, stove and fridge at onty |S Mo monthly, No damage deposit, Sinby's | }Real Estate Ltd, 46 King Street West,/ jOemawa, 728-7576 | MODERN Fwo-Bedreom, ~Wwodathroom | apartment, controtied entrance, balcony, he hydro sinctuded. Near General Motora South plant, Call yaeeR60 after 4] iam }FOR TEASE = downtown, | laettcontained apartment, | tour \ Dath, deat, water, stove, canonrater'| ff - Newly decorated. Not suitable fer young enildren 4p "yecond 'ieor, November 15, two! apartment in modern apartment polar, frig, stove, Close to Oshawa Shopping! Centre after ? p.m, call 728-2658, = how modern we-bedroom apartrvents, close jto Shopping Centre, eee hydro, stove, jfreeae, Grapes, FM eyes: controlled en trance, Dacconies and laundry facilities on each foor "Md Merizne | Avenue PAS-2207. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, ~ entrance and bath, availabdie Teleprone 3.280. THREE OR FOUR room reom apartment, nished, heated, electricity supplied, Avail able now. Telepnone 25-4904 TWO bedroom apartment to wblel In jnew apartment dullding, across from Motors south plant, Telephone Foor | private t } TWO BEDROOM apartment. Adult please] availadie & refrigerator and stove Telephone 519. j ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, one furnished, two bedroom with stove and frig. One doudle garege. Apply <8 Park Re. South | 340 Marland You are one Thousends who read The Times Want Ada Daily. ot FRRED ROOM apartment, with pri! vate Dath, private entrance, fridge and stove, parking, Simese aquth, on bus! itive, Possession ene week. Telephone reeen4 i SUNSET GARDEN COURT -- Simece [North. One. dedroem apartments, avail-! edie immediately, Free services and) Barking, Walkout Dalcony, Dus at adepping, reasonadie rent, Sil door, | j hospital |SELP-CONTAINED one-bedroom 2 sas monthly, = » naoeeN one-dedroom Suitable for couple or nurses, Parking, Call 723-9698. [ONE-BEDROOM apartment, large, op- "|posite GM south plant, Children's play-! ground, parking, Avaliable November 15,/ $90, 301 Cordova, 723-4815, ROUR-ROOM Upstairs apartment. Apply 287 Verdun Road, TWO-ROOM apartment, separate trance, heat, hydro, $65. monthiy, Will give day care to one or two children, Telephone 723-1927, |ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment in |triplex, stove and refrigerator, washer and dryer, immediate possession, Before 2 PM. telephone 725-6169, apart: ment, northeend, Available immediately, Rent includes all services, Telephone = 725-019) ONE-BEDROOM, Iivi bathroom, Close to ) McKim Street. |WODERN THREE-ROOM apartment, four-piece bath, private entrance, 'Avall- Jable November |, Telephone 723-0406, LARGE TWO-ROOM upstairs apartment, available now, private entrance, central, parking space, Telephone 725-8562, TWO ROOMS for rent. Suit couple, One child welcome, Telephone 1) am. to 4 room, kitchen and tings, Apply 232 P.M, 728-2100. "|tor couple or two gentlemen, Near south two} en TWO NICE large rooms in new home, 1965 FORD V-8 automatic, power steering, Lic, J12925. 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, hardtop. Licence H83599. 1960 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. A real economical cor, Lic. 687512. 1963. RAMBLER CLASSIC, 6 cylinder, standard shift, Like new. Licence 482435. PLUS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT... NICOLS MOTORS LTD. On Highway No. 2 Just West Of Thickson Road Whitby 668-3331 room in clean, quiet home. distance to south General Mo tors, Telephone 723-2408. TH ROOMS, comple' fur Private bath, private entrance, Suitable Waikiny General Motors. Avaliable now, 728-2061, CARGH furnished bedroom, kitchen priv. lleges, parking, Sult one or two ladies, Near north General Motors and hospital, 298 Kingsdale Avenue or 725.9824, FURNISHED room in basement su for one gentleman, Parking facilitie: ply 187 Wilson Road South, LARGE single or double furnished room, new furniture, Suitable for clean ladies. Kitchen privileges. Close to hospital and downtown, Telephone 723-3684 or 726-7983, BLOOR STREET WEST, Furnished rooms with kitchen, refrigerator, stove, Bus at door, Close to south General | Motors, Telephone 728-9940. |CARGE furnished housekeeping room. Private bath, parking space, for one jgentieman, Apply 66 Park Road South, PRIVATE furnished room, south end, quiet gentieman only, 8? weekly, Tele phone 726-8353. close to buses and shopping, free park: jing. telephone 728-7130 after 6, LEAN ROOM tor gentleman, Close to bus and restaurants. Bruce Street. TWO ROOM apariment, partly furnished stove and fridg included. Suit gentleman or couple, South end, $15 weekly 728 8353, FURNISHED single end double Javailable at the Oshawa Motel, Tele | phone 723-9761, THREE housekeeping refrigerator, private parking and Ln just off Simooe Street 5. Suit two people, Apply 375 Windsor Street. ROOMS $10 each to share, and $15 s Board optional, Abstainers preterred Free parkin 1, Telephone 668-5201. } ROOM FOR RENT," priv entrance, northend, Available immedi ty, Apply |86 Byng Ave, -- S385, $7 weekly, Apply 229 "rooms, stove and LOOK! , kitchen and ONE, TWO AND THREE bedroom apart |mments with refrigerator, stove, Intercom! jeontrolted entrances, elevator service, | | swimming pool, fenced-In playground, 822 | COLAOURNE STREET BAST -- ie Glen Street or _Sall_ 723-2347, APARTMENTS FoR RENT Apply @& | tom, tree laundry facilities, S115 month:| Wayne. Street, Apt 1 TWOREOROOM apartment, heated, hewly decorated, frig and stove, Invmedi- Sto-portension. Twa chikiren welcome, S78 monthly, Telephone 726-S8ua atter Ss am, |FIVE ROOM apartment, stove and fis laundry A, parking space, Shift worker welcome, Apply S74 Crerar Ave. ISINGLE furnished room, centrally | located, Telephone 668-2466, FURNISHED ROOM, spectable lady onty, Clo! eral Motors and hospital, 9559. = LARGE HOUSEKEEPING foom fer Swo-geatiomen or working couple, refrig-| erator and stove included. Cios¢ t0/ downtown, 90 Adelaide Ave, &. 725+ 7019. | single or "double room and] 1965 CORVETTE Privately owned. Low mileage Cash or trade. central, Fe to north Gen- Telephone 725- |Close to bua, near PRIM. BACHELOR apariment, "completely _ pri vate Very central _Telephone Saeabes THREE ROOMS in private home, fer couple. Some furniture weoled. All facil. ities, No pets. Tele toy, 25h. @S Brock Street | North UARGE twobedroom apartment, Grapes, stove: and frig included, Children wel. ~icome, Balcony, $135 monthly - cians heat and hydro, Telephone 728: TWO AND A HALF storey brick home, $135. monthly, = presley One tren pel montily, Call Sulde Reatty Ut Ltd, 72% Soa TWO-BEDROOM apartment in five pie: on Lansdowne Drive, $115 monthly, stove and refrigerator included. Adults only. Telephone 728-558). bond CARTIER . three ~ bedroo: partment in triple Yeo "Dinawe Shoo. che Centre, drape: vg 4 stove, Adult family eaneted. |MODERN TWO.BEDROOM oe heat, free hydra, rigerator, laundry taciiities, iy small apartment Ddullding, 725-0886 alter 6 am. FURNISHED two - room apartment, sult two adults. Central location. Adstelners lonty, tmediate possession, 723.0914 jatter 5 om. THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, adults preferred, Town- line north, __Tetephone_ TSK: *. GROOKLIN, four rooms, apartment, heated, newly 'evsaretene tots of cupboards and closets, Hs, at) Home stelners please, November 1. Teleshone ARS GSR TWO-ROOM apartment, around floor, frig, Stove, clean. $S5 plus hydro. Private orencs Parking, dus stop, aa King St. 28-042? 668-1 725-5610 between 4 and | WANT TO FEEL at home? Room and kitehen to share, private bath and en-| trance, $10 each weekly, Tel fon sup. plied, Close to downtown, 725. TWO ROOMS Kitchen and bathroom, all separate, No children, Two girls or business couple preferred. Close to dus, ? 723-7639 Cars bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Spot Financing GONE CLEAN furnished bedroom lady for gentieman, Apply 103 Tse "street West, Telephone TUS-01 48, LARGE housekeeping room, suit married couple, Also single hou for man only. Telephone ipsa ater 12 n Lah '28--Room and Board | 47 RAMBLER American, tv cellent condition, low down Easy terms. Licence H85080, for Rambier, 728-735), M6 RAMBLER Sedan, Va gutomatig 07-457, Tr Ld radio, low mileage, licence A considered, Terms avaliable, Wellman for . 72-7351. ' Wellmag GRAND NEW '66 Rambler Americen, two-door, only $2,095, To clear, Full war> ranty, Easy terms. Wellman for Rambler, convertible, power ere wire wheels, V8 auto- matic, reverberator, nee rims, trall- er hitch, Telephone 7: LIGNS PAID OFF, a aie up, down, ments Gus Brown Molers Lid. TaRIaFS." iv Gus Brown Motors L' ie Lago e cout jharaop, blue blue and white, steering, rade many yo extras, a condition, $738 best ir, 725-8833, es RAMBLER coach, automatic trans mission, Trade considered. Terms avatiable, Li- -- 35129. Wellman for Rambier. 728- 'SS RAMBLER Seden, six automatic, radio, New cer warranty, Lie, 476048, Easy terms. Wellman for Rambler, 728 es CHEVROLET standard, dition Seutehone on '9 CRESTA yeaah a Condition, rea- sonable. Apply 170 Park Road South, Apt, 304, after, 5 p.m, 31--Compect Cars for Sale % VOLVO & PEUGOT we MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa _ 728-0921 ZOLTAN AND. NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Deoler Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 7 51 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 7 61 Bel-Air six eviinder, a bg In good con Open Evenings 19465 VIVA, red with white Interfor, 18,000 miles, tests to new car specifications, Owner leaving country, 725-6233 after § p.m. only, 'se CHEVELLE Super Sport, Convertible, low mileage, all options. Must sell, Tele- noe @eys and after 6 pmo belts. Price $250, MORRIS Minor, light dive, = condl- - tion, only S175. Telephone 725- 1980 VAUXHALL, deluxe, fourd fourier, oor, seat Phone 668-6 eA. M. ®@ "Your RAMBLER Dealer" NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No, 2 Just West of Thickson Rd. _Whitby 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD. MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 DOWN---$30 MO. 59 - 6) models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division. St. WHITSY -- Central location. Shared or! iprivate room for young gentlemen, Park jing. TV. Board cptional, Call 668-4928. } EOLBOURNE STREET EAST, 87, Room and board for gentiemen, willing to share, Close to forth GM, central to downtown, ROOM "AND BOARD tor "gentlemen a will to share, Sixday week, lunches packed. Parking, Telephone 723-0566. Ah r GARRARD ROAD, near KMart. meals, parking, clean, quiet none. San workers welcomed, beard for two gentlemen in new home on Buens Viste Ave, Single beds, home cooked meals, lunches packed, rec-room. laundry done. 725.2978. } bavemment apart ment, No children, Apply @3 Bond Street ROOM AND BOARD for genilemen, park) tng, close to dus, also two-room furnished apartment 6845, for rent, Telephone 728: 484 Ki A 723-0871 > like new, aitaar 13,700, autematic. transmission and squirters. $1,300 or Dest offer, 725-6342. 192 MGA Mark Ii. Perfect condition. Winter hardtop, Pirelli tires, Telephone WES CORVAIR ee, four-door hardtop, VO engine, powergiide, ue tb New car condition. Telephone 7! 1966 BEAUMONT sesame Py V8, four-speed, bucket seats, 12,000 Positraction, cash, Telephone after S p.m. 191 ENVOY. Good condition soos atter 6 p.m, 728-6670 v8 "VOLKSWAGEN, $175. Telephone 728 $2) 'For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492

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