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Ssasesses33 tet et $4 S*esese 2 Sst ween Saoee Sez sussEsiaste = ogesesbeze = $388 a8 zissss S¥sx= G8gexss sbSGeudsssesucths se = * = =8 = Sguseskgpesscess Susgtauteskage Bungtgeos8s58F=53 = 200 500 1300 7000 e 108 390 200 4500 3700 3800 8100 1500 sO 3 us ws $00 1500 4200 1000 wo 1403 3 '1500 '$50 '2000 1050 1205 1a 3500 sbB%s<S8e5 Se=30s8: S < ause 5 Sous ri Seuecasesascsits Boteys an *g z BES i 2She gee a8 z 23 ae ~ Fe Biys8Sgye eet Pett geagets =o 3 329 goFs2 Ff uEBE 532 eiadiees vi 8895839 <C4eny he eudate' #e8e € BSSeeS3e8e5< S38 ' - i a4 2 ity ciesinal Pio ie F38E*E 255 closing sale. 10:40 Net Low a.m. Ch'ge, se¥@seuSs-5 ++ ++1 es ss 5°" a MARKET TODA a marked $. henge ts Ssuc. + + $444 + + s- ss-3 o~ Sages 33 POB ob o a = ee iu S i : Se { o ------ a 3s fitetid geo-vess ee Brg agit #8°3-3**35- = ts S8Sncktss 2 = tt TEit s* sess 2225 Zecct s88tee i gbsseedensg= eb g28Beep3gsz-yeg, -5eg -- S555= Ses s =s8Sng Sevee-- SSass~8 Su SSSFSeSESsES se = zz8 41 = o3°35 aaeaucen Seeks intpr Pipe Intpr Steel inv Grp A Jefferson Jettersn Ww J y_C 325 $9 9% 195 $20% 28% 28% + 100 $20% 20% 20% 300 405 400 405 250 470 470 470 --10 150 S17 17% 17+ Leura 2100 $120 a a>" Gt Ree a ee SS oe aE ee ia | Y | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Computer Service Firm Has Continental Debut ~s =< Y*\ newly - formed Abacus Offices "lits future. rh Nilinsait | bh iey ibe 1 WINNIPEG (CP) -- A new Canadian company has been formed to provide full computer service -- including equipment and professional staff--for small and medium - sized businesses eg it cheaper to rent than uy. James R. Shore, president of Services Ltd., says the firm will be the first of its kind in Mosth Amarica and hava ite Na- tional office here, with branch offices 'ang' in Toronto and Montreal in November, Other branches are to be set up in other Canadian Mr. Shore, also president of Office Overload Co, Ltd., says Abacus will be affiliated with I computer and business ws in Canada and the .8., initially using large com- puter systems in San Diego, Calif, and Boston. Data will be forwarded to Canada by mail and telephone line. Abacus will be responsible for the bien 4 and program design, Pp ng input ma- chines and operating ataff, LONDON (CP)--Canada, not Britain, may set the trends and forge the consensus at Com- monwealth meetings, says Christopher Johnson, Financial Times foreign editor, in a 12- page supplement on Canada and He suggests, however, that public statements by Quebec's new Union Nationale govern- ment indicate "that in the long run, secession may be an even more probable outcome than before." The supplement, issued Mon- day, contains review statements by Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp and Trade Minister Rob- ert Winters as well as special articles on Canadian economic developments. Johnson, who recently toured Canada, said Canada has be- come a key member of the multi-racial Commonwealth with an unstoppable economic Canada's Growing Siature Praised In London Times growth, and a land of ferment, innovation and growing stature in a complex world. He praised Prime Minister Pearson's "'bridge-bujlding" ef- forts at the Commonwealth prime ministers' conference last month and suggested Ex- ternal Affairs Minister Paul Martin 'may one day be re- vealed as the unsung hero of a sort of underground Viet Nam peace offensive." AIM SAID 'DYNAMIC' Sharp, in his article, said that by using budgetary as well as monetary. restraint, the Cana- dian government wants to achieve only one thing--the re- alignment of growth in demand with growth in Canadian capac- ity to meet that demand, "a dynamic enough aim in itself." Winters said foreign particl- pation in Canadian economic See Lav Pin ied 0% 12% 12% te 64+ growth should pose no insur- the Toronto Stock morning activity. STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- Western oils ran into profit taking on Exchange Monday as the rest of the mar- ket managed a fractional gain. The oil index was up only .62 to 112.54 after climbing 1.55 in Hudson's Bay gained % to 20%, Scurry-Rainbow % to 17% mountable problems if foreign- owned subsidiaries comply with the 12 guiding. principles for good corporate behavior, These principles had been sent out to the chief officers of foreign- owned subsidiaries and the re- sponse "has been most encour- aging." Peter Allen, chairman of Brit- ain's national exports commit- tee for Canada, a private group, said there has been a significant rise of 18 per cent in British $528 stssestss 32 Fe s BEE al Ssusegiy.& gozbouseg 275 $164 16% 50 é 2 di Z 155 $21% 21 23~ W Pacific Weston A Woodwd A Zenith Sales fe 11 @.rm.: 640,000. 140 $24¥2 244 245 19 5 WS WS --8 N TRADING $10% 10% WA+ $154 15% 15% Abitib! Bow Val 100 Farmer - Labor Unity Asked WOODSTOCK (CP) -- The farmer and the labor move- ment were urged to work to- gether by Donald MacDonald, Ontario leader of the New Dem- ocratic Party. Mr. MacDonald was speaker at the semi-annual Woodstock- Ingersoll and District Labor Council educational semi- nar Saturday. He told delegates that "what- ever may be the age-old su- spicions that have existed be- tween farmer and labor -- su- spicions that the old parties have carefully kept alive--their political future lies together." Together, he added, they pro- vide a "viable economic base for an alternative party that ean offer a genuine choice to > -- and vey: leader- P purpose Canadian politics," tf lore jumped 4% to 2714 cents and Canadian Superior 4% to 26% after touching a high of 27%. Provo Gas slid 40 cents to 4.7 75. Industrials advanced for the second consecutive session al- though the index showed only fractional strength. It moved up 14 to 143.36, Moore Corp. gained 1% to 78%, Western Pacific 1 to 19% and Distillers % to 30..Anthes A ae % to 21% and CPR % 3%. Among base metals, Falcon- bridge advanced 1 to 8 and Noranda and Lake Dufault % to 49% and 11%. Frobex and Area tumbled 30 cents each to 3.95 and 3.90 in speculative mines while Min- on 489,000 shares. Declines outnumbered ad- vances 216 to 181 with 225 is- sues unchanged. On index, golds were up .i1 to 155.40 and the TSE .14 to 137.53. Base metals dropped .11 to 88.56. Volume was 3,038,000 shares compared with 3,886,000 Friday. Betty Bright presents... COOKING WITH YOUR HAT ON wert ie e 6¢ An exciting 2 hour stration Featuring . . . @ 12 Delightful Dishes Prizes SPOT HIDDEN FIRE Ontarlo government aircraft now use infra-red apparatus to find forest fires before flame or smoke is visible. 4 WsaWsaw. Interiors by Windolf 39 Simese N. -- 728-3651 Yes, we do RECOVER your Favorite CHESTERFIELD or CHAIR with Expert Cere! PLEASE CALL POR PRES ESTIMATE ate Henry St. High School Whitby When ee Wed., Oct. 26 8:00 P.M. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR -- 50 EACH Consumers' Gas 9 Celing Se. SHAWA 728-7363 e 2 t+) sales to Canada during the first half of 1966, Charges will be on a trans action cities next year.| basis. "It will permit the small and medium-sized firms to use com- puters to streamline their opera- tions and cut expenses by rent- ing the services they require at reasonable cost," says Mr. Shore. "At the same time, they will be able to tap the large pools of brainpower required to operate computers effectively." HOLD SEMINARS Abacus has sien f begun seminars here attended by pro- fessional accountants who have been presented with a sample computer-program package. Similar seminars will be held for accountants {i Toronto and Montreal next month, The package for accountants would be used in preparing fi- nancial statements for their clients, says Mr. Shore. The computer - programming com- bination permits accountants to eliminate the smaller time-con- suming chores and concentrate on more profitable work. The Abacus program for ac- countants will provide new serv- ices not provided elsewhere, in- cluding 'full alpha + numerical coding, separate debit and credit listings, management guide and business index, Abacus will be the Cana- dian representative of Account- ing Corp. of America, which now offers computer services to chartered accountants in the U.S. The new firm will not be buying its own computers for the present, ssys Mr, Shore, but intends to provide clients with the latest equipment, PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Monday: A large 67.3; A me- dium 63.1; A small 48.2. Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: extra-large 62; large 60; medium 53-54; small 40-41; B 42-45; C 35-37, Butter prices: Agricultural stabilization board tenderable carlots: buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score 58; selling 61. PARIS (AFP) -- Jacques ueff, economist and member of the French Academy, urged statesmen Monday to "show common sense" and take some action on the world monetary system "'before it is too late." The world is drifting towards a "monetary catastrophe," the 70-year-old economist told the Anglo - American Press Club here BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP)--Prices were stronger Monday on the Cana- dian bond market in active trading. - A spokesman for R. A, Daly and Co., investment dealer, said the Bank of Canada removed some of its offerings from the market and moved other offer- ings up. As a result, the 5% per cent Government of Canada issue due in 1992, closed at 99% bid and 100%s, up % from Friday's close. In the short-term market, the 5% Government of Canada issue due in 1969 was ahead 10 cents at 100.25 bid and 100.30 asked. Gains of % were frequent in the long-term market and in provincial issues. Advances of five to 10 cents were common in short-term issues. HUNTS HAVE ENDED Elephants died out in North America 10,000 years ago, per- haps through being hunted te extinction. French Economist Warns 'Monetary Catastrophe' Rueff, known to have been a vate adviser to President de aulle on monetary questions, once more for a dou- ig of the gold price, now $35 U.S. an ounce. This will make it possible to restore order in world pay- ments, he said, But prospects for agreement on his plan for monetary reform were rather dim, "because American public lon re mains le to a doubling of the gold price." However, he said, such meas- ures aS swap agreements, the borrowing arrangements of the|th countries with advanced econo- mies, and a recent increase of national contributions to the in- ternational monetary fund are only expedients. Rueff said that doubling the gold price would make it pos- sible to wipe out the dollar and steriing Daiances a: present the held by countries other than United States and Britain, Under his plan, countries with convertible money should un- dertake not to increase their holdings of dollars and sterling from a date to be fixed by agreement. From the same date, the gold price should be doubled. Russia Cars Find Western Market PARIS. (AFP)--France is to import. 1,500 Soviet Moskvich cars next year under an agree- ment signed at the Soviet com- mercial office in Paris Monday. BUSINESS BRIEFS John Glenn, former U.S, as- tronaut, was appointed chair- man of the board of Royal Crown Cola International Monday as the company an- nounced plans in New York to expand its international opera- tions. Glenn, who piloted the Mercury-Atlas spacecraft on the first American manned orbital flight, retired from active serv- ne in 1964 after suffering an ear jury. RAISE NEWSPRINT nounced Monday in Vancouver it will raise its newsprint price $3 a ton to lower mainland, Van- couver Island and West Coast U.S. customers, effective June 1, 1967. The new price will be $133 me the B.C. areas, $137 in e U.S. GET MORE OIL Alberta crude oil production averaged 555,871 barrels a day y 10% Dis Alberta tion Board said in a report. Mon- day in Calgary, Production im the previous week average 527° Ltd.| 752 barrels w day, a 'The said M share nounced in Montreal net income of $1,284,000 first nine months ended Ol! and Gas Conserva- it bas deligied the s of Consolidated Feni- more Iron Mines hing Mines Ltd., Southern Union Ltd., West Malartic Mines an companies were suspended from trading Oct. 20, 1965. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. an-| ° Yellorex Mines Ltd, The EARNINGS HIGHER Robert Morse one an for the in the week ended Oct. 17, the! 1965. LUUNL UN YOUR BABY BONUS You will receive 10% 'CASH BONUS on any make with your purchase you BABY BONUS cheque ANY TIME at OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE. recommend Canada avings Bonds Centennial Series CILTONE Paintis a wonderful way to put springtime freshness in your home this fall. Your home can have a bright, fresh look that will breeze your mood through the cold winter months like an April zephyr. it's amazing what colorcan do. ¢ And with over 1,000 colors of CILTONE Paint to choose from, you'll find the one color that says the right things about you. They're at your C-I-L Paint Dealer. Choose your own personal shades, and color your fall 'springtime fresh." Discover your world of color at your CTL Dealer! GD PAINTS developed in Canada to meet Canadian needs. DODD & SOUTER WHITBY, ONT. 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH PHONE 668-5862 PATTE'S PAINTS 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. shecsamecese PHONE 725-3529