MAN'S WORLD - Mrs. "niger gy ooh a trucker, smokes a stogie as tions in Toronto during the weekend. She placed sec- ond. ~CP Wirephoto she sizes up competition in the women's division of the tank truck rodeo competi- Education Costs Scheme Ends Federal Approach SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) Ramparts magazine says at least 10 persons connected wi the assassination of | t have since met violent or unusual deaths. Formerly a Roman Catholic laymen's publication but now secular-oriented, Ramparts had this to say about the 10: Jim Koethe: The young Dallas reporter had been writing a book on the assassination, His body was found wrapped in a blanket in his apartment Sept. 21. Police said cause of death was asphyx- iation from a broken bone at the base of the neck, "apparently the regult of a karate chop," | {Notes for the book were miss- ing. "Within a week a 22-year-old ex-con . . . names Larry Earl Reno, was picked up selling Toews peinvnai Elicctw aiiu held on' suspicion of murder." However, Reno was never in- dicted for murder, but sen- ienced w iiie iMprisyuiment tur robbing a hotel. Bill Hunter: A police reporter 'with a knack for getting along with cops,'"' he covered the Kennedy assassination. Hunter was "accidentally" shot by a policeman April 23, 1964, only a few hours after a witness testified before the War- ren commission about a meet- ing in Jack Ruby's apartment th|said he nad 'heen playing and robbers his Those Who Knew Ruby 'Died Unusual Deaths attended by Hunter and Koethe. Detective Creighton Wiggins cops when gun started to slip from his fingers and it went off." Wiggins was given a suspended sentence for involuntary manslaughter. Tom Howard: | He was Ruby's leading lawyer who arrived st the police station a short time after the night-club owner shot Lee Harvey Oswald, whom the Warren commission concluded killed Kennedy, How- ard died of a heart attack "not verified by an autopsy" March 27, 1965. Earlene 2eherts: | She ran the residence where Ruby lived and, say friends, "was worried to death by po- lice' up to the time of her death from another unverified heart attack. Nancy Jane Mooney; | She was a stripper at Ruby's club who provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner, accused assailant of Warren Reynolds, a witness to the flight of the sus- pected killer ef Patrolman Jef- ferson Davis Tippit. (The War- ren commission assumed Os- the assassination" and was "hounded to death" by FBI men, He was found dead in Florida, where he had moved, with his throat cut. William Whaley: He took Oswald from the scene of the assassination in his taxi. He was killed in a car erash, but when a reporter tried to interview his boss, he was thrown out of the office and told: "If you're smart you won't be coming round here asking questions." Dorothy Kilgallen: A post-mortem 'said the fa- mous columnist died of acute barbiturate and alcohol poison- ing. She was the only reporter allowed a private interview with Ruby, and told friends a few days before her death: "I'm going to bust this case wiue open, Lee Bowers: Also killed in a car crash, he was 'a witness to the assassina- tion and testified about the sus- picious behavior of two men at the scene. A doctor who examined him Over Luncheon OTTAWA (CP)--The pants set was agog Monday over the diplomatic coup of the Polish ambassador. By all accounts, his private luncheon for External Affairs Minister Paul Martin was a smashing success despite and because of the guest list. His Excellency Ambassador Zygfryd L. Wolniak of Poland may have started a trend among embassies to try to collect un- der one roof for diplomatic functions the most mixed bag imaginable, Mr. Martin leaves Nov. 4 on a 12-day visit to Warsaw, Moscow and Rome, including the Vati- can. The guests at Monday's lunch- eon included: Alexei Y. Popov, Russian charge d'affaires; Arch- bishop Sergio Pignedoli, Roman Catholic apostolic delegate to Canada; Cuban Ambassador Americo Cruz and Ambassador Alessandro Farace di Villafor- esta of Italy. What next, a diplomat won- dered aloud. A luncheon by the Israeli ambassador for the rep- resentatives of Fovnt. Jordan Syria and Lebanon? Pollution Expert wald to be Tippit's killer). She "hanged herself with her torea- dor pants in her private cell at Dallas County iail." Hank Killam: His wife was a cigarette girl at Ruby's club. He "took a deep, unexplained interest in Prison Camp By DENIS ORCHARD ' OTTAWA (CP)-- The federallin the federal-provincial shared- government has completed its|cost programs under which fe- new uniform fiscal approach to/deral money may exercise a the 'provinces with a proposed|subtle influence on decisions the scheme for education spending.|provinces should make without Last month's start at levelling|interference. The tax transfers provincial tax shares has been|allow unconditional formulas for reinforced with the offer ofjassistance, removing this pos- further tax transfers equivalent|sibility of federal control. to half the operating costs of} Whether the other provinces institutions of higher education. | decide to take the offered taxes From the federal view, thejin lieu of direct federal shares total package offers much thejin the social programs and var- game opportunities and obliga-jious technical, vocational and Yions te each province. It raises|university grants, Mr. Sharp the fiscal status of all other|has argued that the federal ces to within a few per-|government must give them the . centage points of the status of Quebec. ' The goal is "uniform intergov- Statements last month by Fi-jernmental arrangements and nance Minister Sharp and Sun-/the uniform application of fed- day night. by Prime Ministerjeral laws in all provinces." Pearson appear to chart a line) Special status in a fiscal sense between federal and provincial|is thus denied Quebec and the responsibilities that cannot be/federal proposals are clearly blurred or broken without en-/not intended to pacify Premier dangering the entire concept of|Johnson. The Quebec premier federalism as seen by them. has demanded almost all direct taxes and is unlikely to accept Mi ® Boys the new federal initiatives in Prompt Search has shifted to the offensive in its dealings with the provinces manpower training. WHITBY (Staff) -- Police are/ang a broadly-based counter-at- SHIFTS TO OFFENCE But for now at least, Ottawa still searching for two Whitby|tack by the provinces may be| boys who have been missing|their only effective reply. aoce Oct. 18. They are Ronald|" y Phy Deschamps, 15 of 215 Dundas St. E. and John Ferguson, 14 of 601 Dunlop St. W., Whitby. Ronald is 4 feet, 11 inches proposals offer further abate- ments to give all provinces ex- cept Quebec a -- * per tt of personal income taxes tall, weighs 90 pounds and has|°°" fair pbs dg brown hair soothe oo of corporation and brown eyes. He was last : seen wearing light blue jeans, hirt, a dark| ment of 24 per cent in the per- von Ae oo J 4 and eae sonal income field, 17 points are shoes. offered in exchange for federal Blue-eyed John has brown| Withdrawal from such impor- hair, a fair complexion, and is|tant shared-cost programs as five feet tall, weight about 115|hospital insurance and allow- pounds. He was also wearing|@nces to the blind and disabled blue jeans, a dark brown cor-|and the elderly. duroy jacket, red shirt, and) The education proposals offer black shoes, The boys were last|four points of personal income seen in Port Hope. tax and one point of corporation taxes in lieu of the 15-per-capita Fire Burns Barn REAR BABY HIPPO GRANBY, Que. (CP) -- The choice in order to be consistent.} The tax-sharing and education | On,top of the existing abate-| Both men spoke of distortions university grants and the fed- eral payments towards operat- ing and capital costs of techni- ca] and vocational education. Quebec already has 47 per cent of personal income taxes collected in the province by vir- tue of interim programs allow- ing it to opt out of several schemes. It would, under. the new program, end with 49 per cent and the same 10-per-cent OTTAWA (CP)--No evidence has come to light that would link Canadian soldiers to the re- ported execution of two Ger- man navy deserters after VE- Day, Defence Minister Hellyer said Monday. But a Canadian officer has been sent to Europe to look into the charges further. The defence minister was re- plying to a Commons question by Opposition Leader Diefen- baker, who asked whether statements over the weekend by three former officers of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada would caused the minister to "revise" his earlyer answer on Canadian involvement. The officers said the Cana- dian Army sanctioned the ex- ecution of the two Germans at a prisoner of war camp at Am- share of corporation taxes it now holds, sterdam by German prisoners using arms and ammunitiin pro- | in our advertising, but for list most of your important lines for life insurance are income in others. Our formula looks like this M % M% "% Y, of your present need. Life Insurance do you need? It would be nice if we could give you the exact answer knowledge about your financial situation, your family responsibilities and your present assets. However, we do have a formula which enables you to dollar amount in some cases; in a percentage of annual 11 year's income--the amount your family will need to cover Estate Clean-Up costs, The mortgage remaining on your house. Y4 your annual salary for your wife until the children are out of school. children are educated. Y, of your average annual earnings as a retire- ment income for yourself. | Now you have on paper the basis of a truly sound plan for financial security for you and your family. The next step is to guarantee this security with life insurance, The Man from Manufacturers can show you how much you much this we require considerable financial needs. These guide- expressed in terms of a total Canadian Officer Studies Executions vided by the Highlanders. The issue erupted several weeks ago when a German magazine ran a report by one of the executed prisoner's sis- ters. Mr. Hellyer was asked to in- vestigate the allegations of Ca- nadian involvement. He later reported to the Commons that the investigation exonerated Ca- nadian forces. He told the Commons Mon- day that no evidence had since come to light that would make him revise his earlier state- ment. However, a senior officer had been sent to Europe and if anything new came to light he would report to the House. through RED CROS Your help does so much before his death said he was "in a strange state of shock, a dif- ferent kind of shock than an ac- cident victim experiences -- I cannot explain it -- I've never seen anything like it." Edward Benavides: His brother was a witness to the Tippit killing. The sugges- tion is that there was a strong possibility that, as he was shot in the back, he was mistaken for his brother. Ramparts also quotes wit- nesses as saying Ruby and Oswald knew each other, and rina Ruby had gangland connec- ons. LASSIE DRINKS PURE Rudd Weatherwax, owner- trainer of Lassie, carries dis- tilled water everywhere for the dog-star to drink. Urges Water Policy WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A na- tional policy is required to at- tack the problem of the pollu- tion of Canadian waters, said ii bo striped-| Fo ep Suny Bales : OPEN YEAR AROUND -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS, FREE U eR nacre ORT) Ortity SHOW TIMES Weekdays 7 & 9.05 Sat. Con, From 1. Sun. From 2 THE NEW ODEON THEATRE an official of the Canadian In- stitute on Pollution Control Monday. Albert E. Berry, secretary- treasurer of the institute, told 400 delegates attending the 35th annual conference of the group, that water pollution and control measures need to be defined clearly so that a uniform con- cept of the problem can be adopted. "The federal government or the Canadian Council of Re- source Ministers could be the catalyst to get the provincial in- formation together to formulate a mational policy," he said. 5 ?) Euzasern Fd :1+M-%-%4-4% salary to your wife after the West Of Brooklin BROOKLIN (Staff) --A barn on Highway 7, about a mile and a half west of Brooklin, caught fire Sunday evening and was damaged to the extent of $3,000. The owner is Fred Bul- Granby Zoo is the first in Can-| mus has been born. Founded in 1954, the zoo admitted 200,000 visitors in the first half of its open season, from April to No- dyke, of RR 1, Brooklin. vember each year. The Brooklin fire department attended the blaze and con- tained it in the second floor of the cement block building. Nothing was stored there ex- cept hay. Cause of the fire is believed to have been spontaneous com- bustion, Southwest to Sonora lies the edge of violence! TIMES: 1:50 - 3:45 . 5:40 7:40 ~ 9:40 Hank Williams Jr. Skeeter Davis |MASSEY HALL ALL TIME GREAT STARS From GRAND TORONTO 39 King St. E. Phone 725-5833 BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR This Great COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW FERLIN HUSKY Hf Capito! Recording Artist With WILMA BURGESS Ster of Decca Records with @ THE HUSH PUPPIES @ SIMON CRUM @ JIMMY PEPPERS TUES., NOV. ist--8,00 P.M. TICKETS ON SALE AT . @ Auditorium Box @ Marty's Record Ber Offi Centre Smok ° e noke Shop @ Bolahood Sportshaven Alex @ Bishop's Sporting @ Alex McGregor Drugs Bowmanville @ Dise Shop (Shopping @ CREST HARDWARE Centre) Port Perry Bus Leaves Downtown Osh- i @we corner Bond St, end Simcoe St. North et 7:00- 7:30-8:00 P.M... . return the show. wl fF OLE OPRY ame. Duke of Paducah SAT., NOV. 5 Lefty Frizzell 2:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. f Phe Price Is Right | Adults $2 Kids 900 Reserves 50c extra (181 Bloor St., S.W., and Areade, | Salaberg's Ticket Agency, 278 Collegest; Auspices RANI GHAR GROTTO Send Cheque er Money Order, $2.50 BY MAIL for each ticket, te GRAND OLE OPRY, Massey Hall, 178 Victoria, Toronte. Be Sure to Send Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope. Or IN PERSON at following ticket agencies: Sam's Record Bar, 347 Younge St; Moodey's Ticket Offices, 187 Younge St., all in Toronto. CHOICE RESERVED SEATS 1S HATE, LOVE, FEAR AND DEATH J. Frendo-Cumbe Representative Bus, 728-7391 Res, 655-4520 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IS UNBELIEVABLE SUSPENSE IS A WOMAN WHOSE NAME IS EVE IS SILENCE... "IS A LOG CABIN IN THE CANADIAN WILDERNESS Hungry? Satisfy Your Taste at A& W -.. Where the whole family can enjoy their favourite food away from home. Home of the Great RAs A & W Burger Family. . . and a host of other A&W Treats that keep you coming back for more. Treat the family, from toddler to grandmother, at your A & W Drive-in. This Wednesday. For Mother With This Coupon! FREE BALLOONS 1327 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA