Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY -DAY Tentative Approval For Senior School WHITBY (Staff) The Whitby Public School Board has received the revised tenta- tive approval of $220,000 for the construction of their unnamed senior school. ( The Ontario Municipal Board told the board that it could not " approval for a proposed brary in the 11-room struc- ture. The proposed school in- cludes eight classrooms, an in- dustrial arts room, a home eco- nomics room and a_ general room. The board referred the mat- ter to its special building com- mittee. AMATION The board said it Was <a- ea: in discussions. with the itby Township Public School Board regaraing aiiaigamation of the two boards. Members suggested they meet the Dis- trict High School Board at a later date since the high school Baha'i Lecturer Mrs, Jane McCants, an inter- national lecturer, will be speak- ing at the IOOF Hall, Brock St. §., Whitby, at 8 p.m. today. Her subject is "Bah'is in this Modern Age." Mrs. McCants studied inter- national law and international relations at the University of Michigan where she earned Phi Beta Kappa honors. Her gradu- ate work in social science was 'indertaken at The Sorbonne, Harvard and the Universities of Atlanta and Michigan. Her resi- dence is in Atlanta, Georgia. After working with the authors of "Americans View Their Mental Health," Mrs. Mc- board already serves the town and township. Trustee Norman Edmondson said it was unfortunate that the impression had been given that the high school board had taken the Jead in amalgama- tion and that the discussion with the township board were mov- ing at an acceptable rate. He said elementary school prob- lems. should be solved before a board of education could be considered. BAN ON NAMES The Whitby Public School Board opposed the Whitby Community Chest drive and said it would not allow the drive to be given the names or ad- dresses of its teachers nor would {{ enclose Community Chest information in its pay envelopes, The auestion of UNICEF participation by Whitby School children was referred to the management committee for further study. Speaks Tonight Cants joined the faculty of the University of South Florida as a research associate engaged in the study of Scientific Crea- tivity. Mrs. McCants is a member of the National Goals Commit- tee of the Bahai World Faith. She has participated in Bahai activities in the United States and Canada and Europe both in administrative and _ teaching work, Actually touring Canada Mrs. McCants will share some of her research on the letters which the founder of the Bahai Faith addressed to the Governments of Europe. Guide Council Stresses Centennial Plan The district centennial pro- ject, "Tent Floors for Camp Adelaide," was discussed at the Girl Guide of Canada Whit- by District Local Association meeting at St. Mark's United Church. Each Guide and Brownie is asked to contribute 25 cents earned themselves not to im- pose on their parents. It is up to the ingenuity of each girl to reach her objective. District Commissioner, Mrs. Harvey Whale chaired the meeting and announced it is now time for registration and fees. Mention was made of the newly formed 8th Whitby Brownie Pack with Mrs. Anton Kozak as Brown Owl assisted by Mrs. J. A. Leslie and Mrs. G. K. Kerr, Tawny Owls. There is also a new Guide Company the 9th Whitby All Saints' Anglican Church Com- pany headed by Captain, Mrs. William Nurse and Lieutenants Mrs, E. B. Sanders and Miss Jackie Whale. Four Whitby Guides, Nancy Pollard, Lorraine Bibeau, Cheryl Edwards and Debbie McLaughlin, have been chosen to attend National Heritage Camp at Morrisburg from July 15 to 25, 1967. The Whitby District Associa- tion hopes to raise funds to make it possible for these Guides to attend. Organist And Choir Leader Honored Laity Sunday was observed in,and choir leader for the past the furnishing company forgo &t. Mark's United Church last Gunday when Miss Ila Newton and Leo Bryant assisted the ship. Mr. Bryant, School Teacher and Cub Lead- er, addressed the congregation on the subject of Commitment. The choir sang the anthem "Not Unto Us 0 Lord". Following the service, the con- tion met in the assembly where coffee was served by members of the 4W's Couples' Club. The appreciation of the of- ficials and congregation was ex- pressed to Mrs. J. L. Beaton for her devoted service as organist eight and one half years. J. E. Whitehurst, on behalf of the of- ficial board and the congrega- -|tion, presented her with a cul- hitured pearl necklace and ear- Ning set and hymnary. Plans are under way for the 140th ~=©Anniversary Services which will be held Nov, 13. Rev. R. J. Hord, secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the United Church, will be the morning speaker. In the evening the MI-C Group will conduct a Youth Folk Service and will lead the congregation in worship in the modern teen age idiom and rhythm. Humane Society Sponsoring Film Show The Whitby Humane Society Junior Branch is sponsoring a Walt Disney children's film en- titled "The Ugly Dachshund," Oct. 21. | The film will be shown at All /Saints Anglican Church parish |hall, at 7 p.m. Everyone is wel- |come. All proceeds will go. to- wards the work of Whitby Humane Society. WHITBY PERSONALS Councillor Mrs. Oscar Moore will officially open the Whitby Brass Band "Melody Tea" and homebake sale, Oct. 22, at the IOOF hall at 2 p.m. The general convener is Mrs. Horace Cartwright. She wil! be assisted. by Mrs. Morley Smith, Mrs. Curtis Brown, Mrs. Stan- ley Redfearn, Miss_ Sheila Lawler, Mrs. Se Mrs. Edward Maunder, | Mrs. Norman O'Leary, Mrs. Arthur Oliver, Mrs. Eric Clarke, Mrs. George Tizzard and Mrs. Rex Hopkins. Mrs. James Ross jand Mrs. J. R. Frost will be pouring tea. Darrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Popescu, is celebrating his second birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. George Popescu, Mr. y, |and Mrs. Murray McDiarmid, | Batt Mae Rovian Chiltes, Bisne Fulfard 'SOCIAL WELFARE PROBLEMS CONCERN OF COMMUNITY The following statement was issued this. week by George F. Plummer, presi- dent of Dunlop Canada Lim- ited, who is the honorary chairman of the Whitby United Appeal Drive. "These days it is all too easy to convince ourselves that the problems of social welfare in our 'community belong to the government. In many ways this is right, Gov- ernments provide fine serv- ices, available to all, regard- less of color, race or creed; were it not so, many worthy people throughout the far reaches of this great prov- ince could suffer seriously. But government participation is only there to spread the burden of cost and to pro- Hp. standard 'treatment for all, "The government has never intended that we as Citizens should abdicate our respon- sibility for the personal cgre that aw tue persona: interest t really brings life and joy and satisfaction to all members of our community, "Our local agencies in the United appeal are staffed principally by voluntary workers fulfilling immensely important..jobs that no gov- ernment or public agency can carry out. These people and these agencies deserve the support and interest of our whole community. "The best way to fulfill that GEORGE F, PLUMMER responsibility is to become a 'wonder worker" and give. As a wonder worker we are provided with that last op- portunity of personal partici- pation which we exercise for no other reason than the ex- istence of moral or religious command, We must always avoid turning away our in- dividual privilege of aiding others. "By supporting the Whitby United Appeal we exercise our right to help people. One cf the highlights of the annual civic-mined activities of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, its sponsorship of the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Club and co-support of the Ontario Government's Department of Agriculture activities in this area, were climaxed Tuesday evening. A summer-long activity, con- ducted in conjunction with the annual presentation of the Osh- awa Fair Board, was topped off at Kiwanis Camp, Kedron, with the LB space gy ae of trophies, aw. and prize monies, at the traditional "Junior Farm- ers Banquet." Kiwanis Club President Fred Kitchen voiced the official wel- come to the young guests, num- bering more than 100 "Junior Farmers, fepresentine the North Oshawa, Brooklin, Ash- burn, Pickering, Brougham, Claremont, Stouffville, Ux- bridge, Locusi fii, Waits; and Columbv<. areas, The sponsors or their repre- sentatives, officiat in the various trophy presentations. The vocal presentations of the O'Neill Collegiate group of 'folk singers" constituted an- other highlight of the evening's entertainment. TROPHY WINNERS While more than a hundred young 4-H Club members and Junior Farmers were in line UNITED APPEAL TOTAL - $3,500 WHITBY (Staff) -- Robert Cawker, chairman of the campaign committee of the Whitby United Appeal, said this morning $3,500 of the $34,900 objective has been received. Campaign material is be- ing delivered today to indus- trial employee groups by Wil- liam Morrison, the' Whitby Industrial Commissioner, who has undertaken to direct the appeal among plant workers. Mr. Morrison, Robert Taylor and Cadet Charles Eyre of the Whitby Salvation Army will address employee groups within the next few days. A blitz canvass of the downtown business area will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The canvass will be conducted by John Vis- ser and members, of the Whitby Branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. STAND ON DIGNITY BATH, England (CP)--There was standing - room only when to deliver benches and the wit- ness box to a new Sdmerset courtroom. Ushers managed to borrow some armchairs for the magistratss and court clerks. Blair Park Vista Teen Club will hold its first dance of the season at R. & Hutchison School Oct, 21. The "Warlocs" will provide the entertainment. Faith Baptist WMS members and Whitby Baptist members are attending the fall rally in Toronto Forward Baptist Church today. Annette TeVruchte and her sister, Monique, are celebrat- ing their birthdays today. Ann- ette is four and Monique, three. Attending the combined party are: their grandmother, Mrs. Johanna Hems; Rosita and Jim- my Riggers, Lorraine and Peter Hendriks, Neil Buisman, Angela and Jeffrey Goodwin, Peter and Joseph Smith and William TeVruchte. Committee for cash awards, donated by Oshawa Kiwanis Club and other sponsors, the recipients of the individual competitions, with Trophies And Prizes Given Junior Farmers trophies to the winners, com- manded the main attention. Ki- wanis Club's Agriculture Com- mittee chairman. Wilf Pascoe conducted the evening's pro- gram, The 4-H Dairy Calf Club tro- al presented by The Toronto- minion Bank, was claimed by John Davis of North Osh- awa, with John Ormiston of Brooklin winning The Jackson Supply Ltd. Trophy for show- manship. Ivan Wilson of Claremont re- ceived the Toronto - Dominion Bank award as top winner in the 4-H Grain Club and Grant Beath of North Oshawa _ re- ceived the CKLB Trophy for the prize exhibit. Sheila Disney of Brooklin earned the Toronto - Dominion Bank award in tie Dicuguam on Dairy Calf Club competi- ion. Ideal Dairy plaques, four of them, for the Ushawa Frau 4-3 Open Show event, were won by Jane Flett of North Oshawa (Holstein heifer); Bill Reid of Ashburn (Ayrshire heifer); Don Batty of Brooklin (Jersey heif- er) and Bruce Batty of Brook- lin (Guernsey heifer). The Lloyd Metcalf Real Es- tate . Trophy, for champion Dairy Showman, was won by John Ormiston of Brooklin and "Pat" Coffey of Uxbridge won the silver tray, donated by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as champion beef showman, Margaret Hoskins and Jan In High Gear WHITBY-- Whitby's Centen- nial Celebrations Committee has shifted into high gear follow- ing the adoption of its initial report Monday night by Whitby Town Council, The committee under the chairmanship, pro-tem, of Cou- ncillor V. R. MacCarl reported to council that it is preparing a program of presently-planned activities by local organiza- tions, assisting groups who have! not yet selected special pro- jects or activities and initiat- ing special events in Whitby's total observance of Canada's 100th birthday. Responsibilities assigned to committee members are: Wo- men's activities, Mrs. D. J, Cud- dy and a member still to be selected; service clubs and un- ions, Councillor MacCarl and Don A. Read; schools and churches, Ziba F. Fisher and Mrs. P. §. Dhillon; merchants and beautification, Lloyd Gib- son and George. Scott; special events, J. C. Gartshore and Rex Hopkins; program and publici- ty, P. C. Eberlee and Hugh Pryce-Jones. Mayor D. G. Newman is an ex-officio member of the ecom- mittee, SEALS FETCH MORE Average prices paid Eskimos in the Northwest Territories RED WING ORCHARDS GIVE APPLES For Hallowe'en Faney and Cee Grade, Mcintosh, Mea- coun, Courtland end Delicious. Located 214 Miles Weet of Whitby on No. 2 Highway et the "BIG RED APPLES" for seal pelts have risen tol® $14.73 from $4.65 in three years. Whitby Brass Band Ladies Auxiliery MELODY TEA BAKE SALE 1.0.0.F. Hall -- Whitby Brock St. South SAT., Oct. 22nd 2 to 4:30 P.M. Door Prizes George Foster, Mrs. Wal¥erjaccompanied by their mothers | Cars See Our Display Today of FULLY RECONDI (OVER 25 TIONED MODELS IN STOCK) BE WISE... BUY WHERE YOU ENJOY BETTER SERVICE CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD 00 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 668-33: > A 2. Oey You need snow ti no summer storage free replacement in from any cause. for only a few months of the year. So why not rent them and pay only for the miles you drive? You have This offer applies only te 4-7-5. . Retread Winter Tires, Call us and get all the details... aa * om problems. You get the event of failure 401 Dundes S. E., 227 Toronto Ave., Oshawa -- 728-9432 DUNLOP wi sais ue seams come @7 Altersley Tire Service Lid. Whitby -- 668-3356 Let's Make A previous trophy win- ners in the various competi- tions, are not eligible for the trophy award, but their prize money winnings might be greater. In all, more than 75 individ. ual Junior Farmers shared in the cash awards, eight in 4-H Club exhibitions, showmanship events or breeding. awards, WHITBY BOWLING NEWS Hoskins, a brother - and - sis- ter combine from Claremont, won the hire Cattle Breed- ing Club of Ontario awards and Bill Reid, of Ashburn was best in the Oshawa Cub. Dave Hollinger of Pickering won the Brougham Club's prize in the Guernsey Cattle Breed- ers' Assoc. of Ontario competi- tion with Murray Crawford, Nell Crawford, Hen Knight and] sy, Jom Jus avangaugt ruce , all of Brooklin : F. Schatemann and Harold Guthrie of Whitby, 16 (us, 2200). Prosers "80 (sO) the Oshawa Club's prize win-|sPe yr oe Gee ners. { Trophy winners in the vari-|,.wen f oo fe paren and 290)7 R: Guy, O48 332, 21) ; unior Farmers' e ts, were 4, 209)) Ne + 598 (229); D. not necessarily the top point!sy'tsiy' ai, (71 720)? % Surtinsky,| BRIAR COURT BEAUTY $21.900 | I, A better location in Oshawa would be difficut to find than this six room brick home on one floor with attached garage in a quiet Court off Regent Drive. Sharp decoration and neat iancesopins with -Patio and red wood fence enclosure for extra privacy. Extras include study or extra room in basement, recreation room, and some broadloom. You will appreciate the interested home owners in this little six home Court with their circle street garden in summer and the talk of the town home Christmas light decorations. Must see if you like good neighbors. Gordon Osborne REALTOR ; @ 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU @ 218 Dundes St. £., Whitby Phone 668-8826 (2 doors east of Whitby Post Office) Deal Now! These core must be cleared te make room for new cer Inventory. Prices heve been slashed! Trade-in Offers have never been higher for your present cor. Don't hesitate . . Prices Low! Great Values! - come in NOW and see! 1964 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP walls, 225 sem wae whe (8 ae 2-DOOR SEDAN 4-DOOR HARDTOP owner since new, Lic, No, 77934, extras, Lie. No, J3642, <-D00R ano Beige in color other extros. Lie. No. ALL THORONGHLY Gleaming block with red interior; power brokes, wheel covers: one owner since haw, Lie, Ne. 1965 DODGE POLARA Snappy siont "6" engine; ten In color; a of new cor warranty. Lic, Ne. H80647, 1963 PLYMOUTH "FURY" SPECIAL. Pastas"? white leige) Ton trim. 8 cyl, Automatic transmission, steering, radio, white wall tires. Balonce new warranty, Lie, No, H98143, : 1964 VALIANT "V-100" Lustrous red finish; powerful V-8 engine with eutometie transmission; ene 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 4-DOOR SEDAN Blue finish with blue interior; power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, radio, white walls, electric rear window, end other Mercury 1962 DODGE "DART" SEDAN matching interior; economy "6" Ine; redio, end T2089," pa RECONDITIONED WITH NORTHSIDES 12-MONTH USED CAR WARRANTY 1966 EXECUTIVE DEMONSTRATOR 1966 DODGE POLARA V-8 "880" 2-DOOR HARTOP 2-tone black and medium turquoise; black vinyl seots,. automatic transmis- sion; "383" ou. inch 4-barrel engine; rear defogger; radio; rear speaker; pow- er brakes, power steering, power antenna, white walls. Lie, No. H75748, 1966 DODGE POLARA V-8 "880" 2:DOOR HARDTOP Spice gold, black vinyl seats, automatic transmission, "318" cu. inch engine; power steering, power brakes, white walls, radio, front bumper guards. Lie. No. 1341537. THE ONLY DEMONSTRATORS WITH THE EXCLUSIVE 5-YEAR 50,000 MILE POWER TRAIN WARRANTY 1966 DODGE POLARA V-8 "aan" 4-DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission; power steering, power brakes, push but- ton radio, white walls, wheel discs, lustrous maple red in colour. Ue. No, H84798. "CORONET" V-8 "440" 4-DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission; 2-tone beige and bronze, all vinyl seats, wheel covers, radio. Ue. No. H85011. Cash! Trade! Convenient Bank-Rate Terms May Be Arranged NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER ¢% DODGE 916 BROCK ST. NORTH BE ON (WHITBY) LTD. WHITBY THE SAFESIDE DEAL WITH NORTHSIDE 668-3368

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