coy 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 20, 1966 20--Real Estate for. Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Keal Estote for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale DIRECT FROM FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE -- 623-3393 Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS ANYTIME NO SALE -- NO CHARGE MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE. We CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO IT WILL SELL FAST Orono --- 7-room brick house, ail conveniences. Barn, 3 ecres land, $14,500--Terms, Bowmanville -- 7-room brick home, very central, $16,500 --Terms. Bowmanville 2-storey brick hame, 1 acre land, born. Very choice location. $18,000--Terms. Bowmanville -- 1,800 sq, ft, ranch bungalow, 3-car gar- age, 2 ceramic tile bath- rooms, fireplace. Many ex- tras. Extra large lot. $31,500 -- Terms, Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Roy Foster, Orono Jack Whiteman Pat Yeo -- 321 623-7414 623-3077 Ken Hoskin 623-5055 728-0196 pie ie Mettowh 734985 lare McCulloug Cire Mec 723-5787 Howerd Forder, "Brooklin 655-3853 George Becton, Port Perry 985-2987 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD., 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE 6 room brick bungalow, Re- duced to $17,900. Spotless. 642% N.HA. financing. 130 ft, lot with reor yard completely fenced. Many ex- tras in this 3 year old home, Ask for Helen Bryont. $1,500.00 $2,000.00 DOWN 3 Homes to choose from all close to schools, bus and shopping. Call Pauline Beal to inspect. OPEN HOUSE Daily and Every Weekend FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS ARMSTRONG HOMES tHarmony Rd. N., opposite Eastdale Collegiate) $4,000.00 WILL HANDLE Beautiful 3 year custom brick 3 year old bungalow. 614% N.H.A. Mortgage. Close to schools, shopping and trons- portation. Floodlit patio off beautifully broadioomed liv- Guy LEBLANC Realtor 623-7461 OSHAWA Ronieo St. almost new. tri- level home with carport, built-in stove and oven, mon extras, anxious to sell, call today to inspect. COURTICE AREA 2 acres with 6, room brick home, double garage, small barn, close to school, asking $16,900 and carries for $85.00 a month, BOWMANVILLE Waverley Rd. 2 bedroom frame home on large lot, aluminum storms and screens, very anxious to sell, asking only $8900. NEWCASTLE AREA 2% acres with 4 bedroom brick almost new bungalow, 1400 sq, lying oreo, ~ buy ot $17,5 $1000 down for this bedroom bungalow on large lot, anxi- BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate, "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with yeor round stream @ square feet of finished floor area @ 400 squore feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadloom in liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two car attached gorage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features tod numerous to mention, | TRADE IN YOUR | PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 FOUR BEDROOMS Neat -- well kept 1% storey brick home, wr e well landscaped 75 x 7 \ot, garage, tool shed pod oll gs Good value at $15, 9 RANCHER $14,900 Six room brick, three bed- room home, good size fenced lot, Close to schools and shopping. ALMOST NEW Three bedroom brick bunga- low on a large well landsco- ped lot. Home only four years old, spotless condition, Excel- lent south-east --_location, Priced at $19,900. Inenant thease fina hamas now b "calling Nick Siblock ot 728: 7576 for your appoint- ment, ous to sell, full price $4500, ENNISKILLEN 3 bedroom 1% storey home with gorage, new furnace and bathroom, very clean, asking only $11,500. FARMS 100 acres with 6 room house, barn 50 x 35, 90 acres work- able, good heavy clay-loam, asking $19,500 with low down payment. 120 acres with 10 room brick home, all modern conveni- ences, large barn with water bowls and steel stanchions, river on property, only 30 minute drive to Oshawa, coll today to inspect. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUY NOW SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE ae DOWN TO ONE N.P.A, MORTGAGE We list and Sel! Exclusive or M.L.S. Metcalt REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST, E. IT'S YOUR TURN TO THIS BUNGALOW Our own rethed: sreaenl ore on the site to assist you. Browse in comfort ---- no obligation --- no sales pres- sure. $16,500. this $17,200, Woverly St or Easthoven St. or Lorry Ave. or Oshawa Blvd, or Winona Ave. or Windsor Ave. or Melrose St. or Heather Crt. or this Adeloide St. E. or this Glencoirn St. |MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E this $17,990. N, this $18,500. this $18,800. $18,500. --DIRECT-- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 this $18,900. this $23,500. $25,900. $32,000, We will be pleased to show ony of the above bungalows and mony more. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 John Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 MEMBER 0.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive & MLS. RAE R JONES Realtor ing room and o kitchen that every womon dreams about. Reduced for quick sale. North Oshawa. A spotless home. Carries only $79.56 month- ly. To see call Thelma Mc- Mullen. N.H.A. 6% Just listed 4 bedroom split level in excellent condition. Attached garage. Beautifully landscaped. North East loca- tion. View of the City of Oshawa. Lot 101 x 105. Act now and ask for Tino Del- Gobbo. Open 9 a.m. to MEMBER OR O DOUGLAS } Me | Bullied 9 p.m. DREB | J REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "$12,900" Clean two bedroom bunge- | low in quiet selective crea. | Ideal home for retirement. | "$13,900" Two-storey older home in centre! area. Mony extra features including new fur- nece, broadioom, modern coloured bath and moderniz- ed large kitchen "FAMILY HOME" One year old, electrically heoted bungalow with five bedrooms. Large hollywood kitchen and many other fine features. Priced to sell. Phone 723-1168 AFTER HOURS CALL | Dick Meson 728.4991 | John Howson 725-9152 Member of 0.0.R.E.B. Want-Ads Don't | Cost- They Pay | 668-8841 H. KEITH LIMITED REALTOR Photo M.L.S. 4 ACRES -- 12 ROOMS | This extraordinary home lo- cated 3 miles east of Osh- awa, hidden among 40 foot maple trees, on paved side- road, $5,000 down payment. Seller will hold balance on easy terms, Chance of a life- time. Call Doug Carmichael, 723-7463. OUTSTANDING VALUE -- WHITBY Out of town owner has dras- tically reduced to sell at once, , well constructed 3 bedroom | brick, with big beautiful rec. | room on sofest street, with large enclosed back yard Close to schools. Immediate possession. Call Doug Car- michoel, 723-7463 10 ACRE LOTS We have several 10 acre properties in East Whitby, Reach and Darlington Town- ships, with end without streams, Priced from $3,200 ond up. Call Idso Wiersma, 728-5683 | 100 ACRES HUNTING UNLIMITED Mostly wooded, 45,000 Christmas trees, in excellent hunting areo. Only 15 miles north of Oshawa. Priced to sell immediately. Call idso | Wiersma, 728-5683 We hove properties to rent $12,500, Five room Bungalow in | location. Be sure to see this BUY now... call Mr. Jones at 668-4003 evenings. $1500 to $2000 DOWN THREE CHOICES Modern brick homes; two with four bedrooms, two bath- rooms. Large lots, Locations: Athol St., E., Adelaide St W., Garside Ave., Brooklin Immediate possession. Call | Bill Millar, 725-2557. or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED $16,900 | tmmeculate 3 bedroom bun- | golow, 3 years new, lorge | kitehen and living room. Oil heated, lot professionally | | PORT PERRY 8 roomed house with bath downstairs, half both upstairs, on Ya acre corner lot.. Good investment property. Asking price $20,000 with reason- able down poayment Call FRED BROOKS Agent, PORT PERRY Phone 985-7168 Marion Hepking, 985-7152 landscaped, choice east end location. Carries $83 month- ly with N.H.A. mortgage. For appointment call CY PREECE, 723-6461) or 723-8144 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. |FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guests, Dial 723.3492 now eg an ad-writer te help you phrase an --- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD.) BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD) BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED ~ JONES AVENUE 7 room brick lovely home, well located with garage, 2 bathrooms, natural fireplace, broadloomed. Asking $17, 200 with reasonable down payment ond easy terms, Call Jack Appleby. Evenings 723- 3398, INCOME HOME $2,000 DOWN Spotless 6 room, 2 storey in- come home, To good size kit- chens, two living rooms, 2 --~ 3 piece baths, separate me- ters, oil heat, Home is in top condition, Located close to downtown, Price for quick sole at $12,500 with $2, 000 down. To inspect call Roy Yeo at 725-2217 -- evenings. 101 Simcoe Street North Member 0.D.R.E.B. 728-5123 OPEN HOUSE IN WHITBY At 401 Annis Street OPEN WEDNESDAY -- FRIDAY 7 P.M. --9 P.M. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 P.M.--7 P.M. FLOODLIGHT AFTER DARK NORTH EAST LOCATION Immediate possession on this Immaculate 7 year old 6 room brick bungalow with walk-out bosement, situated on. a beautiful rovine lot 176' deep. Owner has been transferred only reason for | selling. Asking $19,700.00 with good terms, For further AA. iponnenee oor Hall of 'SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD., 723-1358. \ $1432.00 FULL DOWN! New. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels and 2 storey homes, feoturing Hol- lywood kitchens, picture book bathrooms, storms and screens, built-in range and ovens, aluminum siding, plus many other expensive extras, choice east end location, immediate or late possessions. ' Shown by appointment only, Phone John Kosteniuk, 723- hag Griffin Real Estate td. eall ACI ACRES -- = Whitby Township, large barn, Try an offer on this ¢ roles prope wy, Call Bon Stradesk! Real Estate, INCOME, HOME st shopping | Cerire Live rent free by Property. Call Don 'Stradeskt Real Ester, MODERN %room home with fen acres of orchard, Mcintosh, Call Bob Johnson 728-2548 Keith Peters Realty Ltd, Realtor. 23--Real Estate Wanted PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2995. $50. DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START » JANUARY 1967 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! family-sized cott rooms, erected, $3 or Budget Plon. $47 monthly, payment start January, 1967, Limited num- ber. Yeor round activities. PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open year round. Hvdro. teleohone. swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, beating, "pane. ete, Winter Ski-tow nearby: EN- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. @ MEET e@: Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essary. ant OR mw Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evenings, by spec- ial appointment only, Pints IMMEDIATE Possession: Attractive $- room stone and frame bungalow, paved drive, garage and lot over ee. Very anxious to sell. this good bu now at only $13,000, Call Charlie Ranking at 728-7578 now for inspection, Sibby's Real Estate Ltd,, 46 b King St. W., Oshawa, HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 DUPLEX WANTED Ineed a large duplex. Preferably around O'Neill Collegiate. Call Margaret Hall, 723-1358 of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 24---Stores, Offices, Storage 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SRE; T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 Large Modern Store for rent In Shopping Plaza Suitable for restaurant, hard- ware, etc, Telephone 728-4646 For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA| | § APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: he with amples space Free fasdra eine electric heat with | individual room control, Sauna Room Swimming Pool Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free © corridors Shonnina. schoals end 'churches near at hand |is% Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door A home you will be proud 'to show VISIT "LA CONTESSA" lei 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 REGENT ver Se alts only, wajeieneee, 3 TELEPHONE 723-6455 : Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. " 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern conveni ele- . votor, 'built-in. stove, in drapes, Free parking, Near' s. Telephone 668-5347 FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. EAST' Satie ae SELP-CONTAINED men, North end. Avallane.t Powe 4 nadtvne aten kattadtnn fg ONLY, Two » bed on, ment, private Cam sa able. for business Seale, Abstainers, no Schlieren: heusgears Socata Sei ake Ay F extn bye | 9 and " iM furni 5 2, ea ec le he ers. meved ate' poseesels Apply @ ihe FOUR ROOM sion Gr two gentlemen. New partment: Come Between 9 and 5 COMMERCIAL BUILDING 767 Simcoe St. South, Hydro, heat, Suitable for re- pairs, sign painting etc., $40 monthly. T 728-51 for rent, sult- Ed 492 Simcoe MEDIUM-SIZE 87 pail able office, beauty St. $, Available new, nes STORE suitable for = "ballesas or workshop, Downtown location. Parking. $60 monthly. Telephone 728-8200. 25-- Houses for Rent $$$ $$$ COUNTRY LIVING = = city 'advantages, le your se io an cl id Mons on this, benutitul 100" x Xs0 MHA Approv lof ortgages arranges. vale phone 723-9803 or 725-2189. EXECUTIVE RANCHER Situated in the residen- tial North-West on a large lot with frontage of 74 ft. This home has lorge working kitchen with built in equip- ment ----- plus eating area. Large dining room with china cupboards, finished in natur- | al wood, Sunken living room, Oshawa north, near | OCVIE an excellent covered in broadioom. Three extra lorge bedrooms with plenty of closet space. Finish- ed recreation room with bar and refrigerator, etc, Only re- quires $7,300 down and one mortgage for the balance. CALL Willard Johnston 728-1066 or 723-2265 iSchofield-Aker Ltd. NORTH-WEST BEAUTY $2,000.00 DOWN | OR WILL ACCEPT | YOUR HOME AS DOWN PAYMENT Immaculate throughout, 3 or could be 4 bedroom brick bungalow, wall to wall broad- loom, panélled recreation room, completely decorated, paved drive, TV tower, Sev- erol hundred dollars hove been spent on landscaping to make this a show place home. Immediate possession, This One cannot be duplicated and definitely won't last long, PHONE 723-6541 $1, 654. NOVWIN VUVVIN NEW QUALITY BUILT 3 - bedroom brick bungalows N.H.A. FINANCING on quiet court neor Oshowa Shopping Centre Priced from $17,950. full price JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 jfor this $1,800 DOWN -- four-bedroom older brick home on large lot, 75° ¢ 145° car- rles less than rent, $65, per month, List pie i $11,700, J. B. McMullen Real Estate, PRIVATE SAU lly size home, two bathrooms. Avaliable Muvadaltty Tele- a 94 Bw | =" sixcroom older home ory go08 Maeep lot. Elaerly couple have to sel because of health, Just listed | 80 fu. Bill ¥ ti 728-1066, yd ~ worse storey adlia garage. Centrally located ik schools oat shopping, Telephone 728- paIvaTe SALE -- Three-bedroom house, Storey and a@ half, recreation room, good condition, Sieee ae stores and schools, Telephone 942-0 $2.00 DOWN -- threebedroom ~bunga low, attached garage, den, $16,900 iT price, Telephone 728-7711, BE READY FOR SPRING $200 down, (balance, easy monthly terms), will buy wa- ter front lot on the HAWK RIVER, 1 minute from HALL'S LAKE, Minden orea, Ideal for hunting ond fish- ing, Apply Donald Cox, COACH & FOUR Restaurant Highway 115, Orono 983- 5560. Buying -- Selling a e con pesky, lf this is your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESK! Realtor 723-4651 $$$$ $$$ FOR RENT NEW HOME 6 room brick bungalow with 2 car garage. Will be newly decorated throughout, elec- trically heated. Choice north east location. For further in- PRAAAFLE PFA AALS THREE-BEDROOM pre-fab cottage with propane frig and hotplate. Also wood Stove, acre of land, oes area, Tele- wn | PHON@ 668-2577 after 6 formation call SCHOFIELD- AKER LTD. 723-2265. Ada tnd mt a PB saad ow and rage, 21--Farms a Sale S1X-ROOM, two storey house and Available now. Bloor East district, peels: phone 728-6507, $5000 DOWN buys good commercial bulld- Ing Rasch consists of store and equip- men pivs five-room apartment. Carries for only $150 per month, Call BM John. ston, +1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd, TWO LARGE furnished rooms. Kitchen and bed-sitting room. Private bath, park- ead two men or working couple, six: ROOM FRAME HOME in Ponty Oshawa, Hot and cold monet $4200, $1500 down, Apply Box 27, Milton, mange _ WATTENTION gdh Agar ya ungalow al gerage, north west. Call Orley Burgess, 725000, Kelth Pelers i Realty Ltd., re Realtor, on paved highway, twenty-five miles Yromn| COMMUTERS ESTATE [2 Lovely 3 bedroom ranch bun- galow on 30 rolling acres in the Lindsay oreo, House is 2 years old and is beoutiful- ly findished. Good size L- shope bam, suitable for horses, etc. Pond site. Best value we've seen this yeor. $21,500, YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD,, REALTOR Phone 284-4794 WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy tiving In Wentworth Maonor, c¢on- veniently situated for those who work In arid around Oshawa. Within easy walk- ing distance of stores end schools, RENT INCLUDES: @ Dropes @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2 end 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office ond Model Suite Open Daily from 1-9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 GROUND FLOOR, three room 9 ment. Private entrance. $95 H heat, were Apply 345 Oshawa Bivd. &. ON! iD rtments In nen bun downtown, oo a R Tg ERS -- now availab' two-bedroom apartments, close "4 to ing Centre, tree hydro, shove, fridge, cy FM mvel controlled en- trance, and laundry facilities each floor, 3249 Marlena Avenue, THREE-ROOM PARTMENT, private entrance bath i and nba available October ' oun toom apa THRE able saree irtment, fur> nished, lied. Avail 'apartment iran, lig, acres ue sub-let Two cueee heh tra $125 soar ly Includes heat, laundry facil ten "balcony ney were. 722. Dufferin Sireet TWO BEDROOM apartment. Adult pleate H Soon, reruereter stove, Fitaes peer and ment, Oll heated, watkt aaeocs in hospital and schools. Immediate Possession, Telephone 723- MODERN THREE-BEDROOM brick bun- galow, Nast oH Close to schools, $125 SEM Telephone 723-7463 before & One > oa = BEDROOM apartment, centrally aie, Available immediately, Tele- phone 623-2609, SEVEN - ROOM house. Avaliable. Let upstairs pay your " Ph ad rooms downstairs with Freee $135 monthly. Apel og Rl ee treet or after 6 apply went ROO farm house on Taunton Road East, oll furnace, $125 os month, Telephone 728-5125 mornings, $65 MONTHLY, 97 Nassau Street. Six- room house, no "neces Va hot water. Vacant. om $117 MONTHLY. Come ond see these arene new homes on Waverly St., south Three bedrooms. Fully deco- can offer earl session. Millen Real Estate Ltd, TWOATOREy 'brick home, four bed- rooms, four-plece bath upstairs, two- piece bath downstairs, recreation room. Three years old, Five minutes to public, seoerete schools, Fairlawn Street, 725- PRIVATE SALE -- North-west area, Ve storey brick home, six rooms, good condi: wine $14,500, low downpayment. HARMONY A AND Kine -- -- eight. year-old RAGLAN HOUSE 10 ACRES Farmhouse, four bedrooms, oil heat, large family kit- chen on 10 acres rolling land with valuable road front- age, located 64 miles from Oshawa near Raglan. $16,- 500, terms. Telephone 668- 6942 after 6 p.m. ROOM aio northwest sectl ton awa, residential, close to pub- lic and separate schools, $160 monthly, Avaliable November 1, Phone 723-7164, TWO-BEDROOM house with coal ture nace, Next to Shopping Centre. Tele Phone 728-8862. FOUR BEDROOMS, South Oshawa. Available November 1, $115 monthly, Apply Box 46232, Oshawa Times, FURNISHED HOUSE for winter months central to reliable couple, No objection to one child, $125 monthly, References re quested, Apply 29 Charles Street. BRICK BUNGALOW with garage, five Hoga th bath, clean, Telephone Hamp- three-bedroom to schools, po By Teor immediatd possession, 6 per cent NHA mortga carries for $99 per month. John 0' "i i Peers or 725-8585, Metcalf Real state. six-room, Vestorey iiome, two-acre lot, 20° x 40° swimming pool, $22,000, terms. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., 623-3393, $2300 DOWN for this "two-storey, three. bedroom semi with electric heat. Large dining room and Kitchen, three huge bedrooms with plenty of cupboards. me ity In_bathroom, Carries tor $120. Call George Twaites at 723-1133 - Sa 2008 for appointment, Cari Olsen, Real- for, 20 Ray Street, SIR ALBERT Love 'School area -- three. basement. Huge modern kitchen and bed. rooms, Large lot, private drive and ga- Tage. Cail jorge Twaites at 723-3133 or 733-2008 ¢ evenings. Carl Olsen, Realtor, ay WESTMORELAND | AVENUE -- iwo-bed- room bungalow, new aluminum siding on this neat home with extra bedrocm in basement, Listed at $14,600, Call George Twaites at 723-1133 or 723-2008, Car} Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street. LESLIE ST. -- $1200 down will: chase this two-bedroom frame bungalow. Modern kitchen and bathroom. New fur- nace, Low Myre Just $75. month on one open 7 per cent mortgagé. Call. irwin Srureanerees or Schofieid-Aker Lid, 728- PRIVATE SALE -- Three bedroom house, storey and @ half, recreation room, good condition, clese to stores MAPLE GROVE -- exceptional value, & owner transferred, must be sold at once, 7 bedroom brick bungalow with walk-out | FOR RENT -- xenon eects farm, |} ai te oe on 40) Bowmanville. im- te ton THREE BEDROOM two storey house, PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL BROADLOOMED SUN DECK QOshawo's largest apartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living and Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, "§ Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door, Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Furniture World, by Angus-Grayd: OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 TWO AND A HALF storey brick home, $135 monthly. Two sere sy monthly. One apartment, + Call Guide Renity Lt Ltd, 72% : on Ledeten Drive. asx maar. sove newly decorated, ahs ge and bus, med! Toron' 789-5583, FARMS any size, peat beef, dairy or sheep. With or without bulidings. Con- fact Clare McCullough, W. Frank Real Estate, 723-7843, $16,000 BUYS 137-ACRE beef farm with good five-bedroom home. Excellent trout Stream. Commuting distance from Osh-|"®*! awa, W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 720-5103, TIOACRE FARM, 65 workable with large bat awe miles, Call 22--Lots 'for Sele FON on 10 and 25 ACRE LOTS Large selection. of building lots all within 14 miles of Oshawa. Scenic parcels wood- ed, some with creek, Priced from $3,000 to $9,000. Terms available. Toorgent 668-6942 or Oshawa 725- 9592. and schools. Telephone 942-0105. MUST SELL, Harmony North, near new Vocational school. Five-room. brick bun- galow, fully finished recreation room, na- tural fireplace, garage. immediate ~~ Session, $17,900, Telephone 728-3893 725-0852. INCOME HOME -- $15,900. | is the price price Seven-room brick -- two-storey Three-room apartment opatalrs with refrigerator, stove and home. THE BEST YET Modern 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage in Whit- by, large living room, good size dining room, modern kitchen with lots of cup- boards, extra washroom, huge basement, electric heat . .-. BEST CONSTRUCTION, BEST PLAN, BEST PRICE, BEST TERMS. These are not exaggeroted statements, you. may see for yourself, just call; W. Schatz- mon at 668-3338 or 668- 3253. W. Schatzmann fom BD aya Whitby | 668-3338 kitchen set. fmmediate 'possession. Cal! Jerry Coady at 726-7576. Sibby's Real * | Estate Lid., '4 King St. West, Oshawa. SIX" ROOMS plus finished Sasement two washrooms, electric heat, double paved drive and attached garage. years old. nae for quick sale, tee phone 728-58. hi) BoHALE Street, Port Perry. | Sturdy old house on corner lot. Seven) ------ |rooms plus bath, good kitchen cupboards end some tile floors. Close to schocls and downtown, Full prive $9,000. Must be cash, Please fee! free to come out and talk business. Credit Union folks Must welcome. Apply above address, 12 Large L ots 2 miles from pi in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 po SIZE parcels of land, Oshawe and Contact Clare McCullough, W. Prank Real Estate, 723-7843, qTREED LOTS 66 x Lt Sh minutes from shawa, town water. tom homes La monthly, Re- be hogy ces preferred. Telephone 728-0363 a 'TWO-BED! home with large. kitch- a dining room. Olt heating. onthly. For mur ther Infor- Gar mation call Brookita 655-3033. 26--Apartments for Rent THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished, suit two single men or heege Available now, $80. monthly, r South GM, parking, 728-5928, D, three-room apartment, in to south General accepted. Private and entrance, Free heat and hydro, park 655-4726. Mol room, _ two-bathroom periment, oe ied _atitrence,. asian teats hyare Wear tors South plant. ca Cail 723-8860 'after: % pm, FOR LEASE -- downtown, second 'floor, self-contained apartment, four rooms, bath, heat, water, stove, refrigerator. phentd Bag sein Not suitable for young CAVALIER VISCOUNT |: DIPLOMAT @ 1 and 2 bedrooms @ stove @ refrigerctor @ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M. @ Balconies @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre ond all_sehools. 728- 4283 Apt. 111 340° Marland TWO-BEDROOM apart Spariment, nev newly deco rated, central. 728-084 MODERN one-bedroom frig and stove. Avellable, ort i 668-8130 or apply 101 oad, Whitby. AVAILABLE November 15, two-bedroom apartment in modern apartment building, frig, stove, Close to eae FR oie = after. 7 p.m. call 728 with 1 Nong Crayd spacious rooms, steers bath and pba ag, heat and hydro ae gd with rent. Apply 86 Brock Street East. THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bedroom apart- ments, Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor, Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermostatically con- trolled in each room. Un- derground parking available. 190 N Read, + ROOM apartment, Oshawa area. $70 per month, heat and hydro Included, he a Ay 123 -Bigin Street West. Telephone Telephone 728-9726 FOR RENT -- Bachelor apartment, brand new, electric heat, frig, stove sup plied, suit couple. $80 monthly. Phone 725-6466. THREE-ROOM apartment with private bath. Gai available, Telephone 723- 704) oF ly 352 Mary St. THREE -~ ROOM basement apartment, private entrance, private bath. Available October 30. Telephone 725-7418. des! Newcastle 907-4975 atier = cad 'TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, $70. 725-9385. LARGE LOT, 7s x 200. location, _ road. $3,900. Terms. Tansee? BUILDING LOT, 45° by 115". Central, ree parks and school. No agents, please. 728-9169 days. ROYALE APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1 and 2 bedroom suites available. View anytime. 728-5282 jsingie man or 25'NEW APARTMENT -- $80. monthly. Re- trigerator, stove, heat and hydro free. Sult_one or two people. Available October V3. 723-5325, 723-0896. oY cor ae Ieee sacs NORTH, Whitby. with bath. Avaiial i200 is THE phe down two-storey home in Osnawe's oi § eee dining room, fireplace end garage, W. 0. Mar- tin, Realtor, 728-5103, $18,500 1S NOT TOO MUCH for a = maintained three - bedroom Cochrane St. in Whitby, re close e schools and churches. For her parti culars please plone Mactiyn. "piegereld, 68-S313 or «6728-5103. W. 0. Martin, Realtor. GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in Classified. Dial 723-3492 now and have an ad-writer help you phrase your jo> getting ed. ° For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION: ADS 723-3492 Rea! Estate uP = 'King Street t, 1Oshawe, 728-7576. June 1. 30 COLBOURNE STREET EAST -- two- bedroom apartment, fri stove, "broad- loom, free laundry facil! ies: $115 month- REGENT ARMS Immediate occupancy. 1 bed- room apartments. $109 monthly. Adults only, Call 723-6455 Between 6 - 9:30 p.m, ONE-BEOROOM apartment, d-piece bath- room, a ye ce an vin We reer' ae Cs Close Bowmanvil 73a after store hours oe Kanal dy AVE. Three - Excel Available Nov. 1. Tele phone 725-3411, JFURRKISNED two - room 'apartment, 90 sult two lis, Centra! tncation, Abstainers only, -- Immediate atter 5. p.m. Prone tdigen LARGE seornen a oe Ritchen, Sat tae heat. a sa 'trance. bag and Wile TaANERCOR wn pre private bath and entrance, Town- line north, Telephone 730. BROOKLIN, four a 2- iment, heated, newly ge ooo pboa: closets, Adults, of cupboard ang 'cout. itsntes 655-4848. bedroom _ saan aie eis floor, clean. $55 plus pd Private arking, bus stop. 62) King St. MODERN one-bedroom rt. tment. No chilaren. Apply 290 Bond Street TWO-ROOM upstairs Spariment, avaik able now, central, parking space. Tele- phone 725-8562. ROOM completely furnished 3 i oath. aa . people only. downtown iS Stop. Quiet district Telephone 728- BASEMENT APARTMENT, ali for woman, sink; stove, re- itor, ey daar: private washroom, a ee ivate entrance. Guest Guest privileges. § weekly. frig, entrance. E. 728007, THREE - 841 Simcoe THREE ROOM furnished basement apart ment, private bath. Suitable for couple or two nurses, Call 723-9686. ive ae broadioom in iivi and floors. Frigidaire a ove furnishes: washer and dryer in Near schools not nan}, chiidren. Sias, a monte ty. y Aas Apartment No. WHITBY hea apartment. Electrically heated. Washer, drapes. One nila welcome Available Nov. 1. Tele phone 668-2445. GNE-BEOROOM apartment avaliable Im madiately with electric heat, hot and cold water, hydro, Fags x... fridge i? only $110 monthly. No age deposit. 's @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues, to Fri. 10:30 am. to 7 p.m, Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 Prone 728-7689. . separate en- Fou trance. Sony Road. TWO-ROOM sement apart ment, te 'bain S Suitable for business EE REIT RRA NER ne RRA eae RIE