Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1966, p. 23

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RPI PEAS STs pat Canoe Ove fate ae ae cod el el OS ee eo ed a easy fa ht ane waa ot . -- . -- . i Va Fic. tate Wanted 1t--idole-Hilp Worsted 20--Real Estate for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sole |20--Resl Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Saie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Oxtobr 20, 1966. 23 Experienced in fit-up of vari- be 3 ote Kien tour whl aan lovely older type home hollywood kitchen, that is offered in this 15 year | Her tet ta MEN WANTED | tultts "oor end: cuptnores| Ret.hod Just one ovr aines hardwood end tile| HOME and VACANT LOT] old brick 4 bedroom, 2 bath DIAL 728-5157 : pase Good sized lot, Very nice sized) ich gol} because of health throughout. Attached] Secure your future by pur- room home. Paved drive and d x : -- iB) EXPERIENCED PIPE kitchen with exhaust hood and) reasons, Five room, 'one ond gerage. Oh yes, chasing this property at only $3's80 on 6 quist strest. THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS General Machinists COVERERS fon. 2 lary susore, Trin Perc] 9. halt storey Memes enclarne Re iy Oe ee eee ee ee OVER THE YEARS nera Cc FOR INSULATION has many unusual features that] Geen lot. If you like Ae rents sou money) separately, inspect and ty in 30 davs. For turret lathes, milling ma- will be appreciated by every-| ing this is for you. Reason- Call 728-1656, an offer by calling Stan Mex | iocprral AREA NORTH wuy NOT YOU | ! chines ond drills, Telephone 668-6594 one in the fomily. Call tonight. De down payment and. one Cormack at 655-4558, % En cate NEW SPLIT LEVEL open mortgage for the' bols $85 MONTHLY . | $14,900 buys this comfort- Bessie Crysler 723-2925 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 © WELDER Besa Ris ance. id 4 bedroom home in} HARMONY VILLAGE able 3 bedroom brick in Morris Fogel 723-2563 George Sulliven 668-6: P Brak | ' ond iii © in -cocice leeation. Larae _ College Hill area near] Here is @ nice family home choice residential north end Marlow Hancock 723-0288 Vera Krisko , 786- ress brake FABRICATOR jer iy pb ee $14,900.00 Frencn Scrwot, cial i= sveallant location, 3 bed- area, Home in immaculate Steve Lehan Lene ri pete) '723-1 ine. rge room i j t $100. Tax- a tion room, CONDITION, Gonverncnity 'ot- ra Shank 9149 'on h Operator Fe in. tached garage on on extra large yee de rey an car " = 3031, New en owe ae en commen aes sain BTS OR Ciachor tip: ary: Rapaeat baie) Must do own set-ups. lot. Immediate possession. Call ell cared 'for solid brie 100 . hydro ser-| storms oe carport, Bob Johnston 725-6788 Willis Eode 72 -7036 fore 5 p.m. or 723-7388 of- Il @ This lovely three bedroom bungalow isa must to inspect. Apply INDUSTRIAL TOOLS now for further information. $13,500.00 bungalow in North Whitby, room bungalow, with vice. Call on this one Phone Bill Ratcliffe, 4457. clay brick, paved drive. Im Real family comfort is all 1,500 SQUARE FEET @) - ' close to school, This home i I v 15 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING . e bl Bloor Street West BUILDER'S HOME fat hod 'iots af direction enc 728-1656, portent for the children, elewe | Spacious ranch style bunge in central Giles leboilek Adgal Gealel. dirdenn in ial sssempbiers Oshawa IV @ Here indeed is one of the! carries for only $125.00 $62. MONTHLY to Bs lig --_ yo we oe i" Hons Pra ost ouliding 'sutihdn: this an ive bity, fords mindad WE OFFER: EN FOR HARVESTING Christ best values ever offered in a) with $3000 down, b ' ond separate. Inspect an extras, inclu rge open prt ie Caripereaila heuriy tated with tice, Toteehont' peers rl 1 ¥, year old bungalow. This Lovely 3. bedroom] moke on offer. Call Earle | fireplace, Florida doors leod- pom sae: to keep Pls Bran ng and have 2,9 geod excellent working conditions, Fringe benefits include 80% paid, Hospitalization, medi- ¢al, group insurance and pen- In person, ready for work by & a.m. on No, 2 Highway. MEN OVER 18 for apple picking. Apply . Re Wing Srotee. 2% miles west of Whitby three bedroom charmer is. lo- cated on Thickson's Road, easily accessible to shopping, schools and downtown Oshowa or "ATTENTION" YOUNG EXECUTIVES Large Ranch Type Bungalow with attached natural fireplace brick home in desired north west area with living room, Complete- in Allen, 725-7782. ALL CONVENIENCES One and a half storey brick ing from the: family room to the outdoor patio area, This home is just one year old. Owner has other interests. cluding your first mortgages on Oshawa property or property you wish to sell, Asking price $135,000. ' ACREAGE IN WHITBY FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT sion plan, REAL ESTATE salesman required, op-| Whitby, The owner, who is a ates. in me ly finished rec room) home, large kitchen, living We have 26 acres in the Town of Whitby waiting for a buyer to eply in person or writing to Chargeter 16 enter, the. feal eslote. sales bulder, Nas, sgene:tiee, tent sex tre tl ony with electrie heat.| room and dining room, 3 bed- SOUTH-WEST see the poulbilities for a quick pri Fr i house 'en field, Prefer experienced man but willing| end labour, to make this the is lovely home has bee! Low 542% Mort-| rooms, glassed-in sun room, Only minutes from GM. property presently rented helps pay the taxes. MR. J. TORRENS 255 Queen St, E. Brampton interview. 9 fo train right person. For confidential ease contact Joseph Bosco, most attractive home you. hove ever seen, Vinyl asbestos tile in transferred to another city so he must sell this beouty. gage, Call todoy 728- 1686. hord ond soft woter, 2 bath- rooms and oil furnace, nice south plant. Smart 2 year old brick bungalow with large 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE IN WHITBY--$27,000 we 48 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA | : -- : | | ourtey,Inepriy, Service W. L. |20--Reol Estote fer Sale _20--Reol Estate for Sole "Future Looks | "More movers | CyLJ|[DE |SCHOFIELD-AKER) "S| VEIT LY Dg Sele 20 Reet tet fr Sete Foggy ? | mai masing mon | RE = | aaa pty ETERS a aes for Omero Autenesite Ax | 16 Simcoe St. S. 5% A Quarar Cerny | ohm 22m 7 om 6 apt | REALTORS et Lk | 'er uarter : ' - American rg ped ell ecdeha 723-5281 Of Sonics * NIFTY $10,500 | REALTY LTD., 725-1109 | | : sary but @ car is. For full in- SPLIT LEVEL oer clnlny tore ton| 103 KING STREET EAST rT formation contact John Moun- | Excellent design with at- OPEN DAILY 9 AM. you i 4: ilj C tain, 180. Rox A Lge wane Neednn lee TO 9 P.M. BY hig age: Realtor OWNER'S MOVING feritizer Co. awa, Phone 723-8970. < fle heat, engel stone. brick, Sis murine tor we nisl <i. Sy Ollihed in einen pe ehul both fomurey double) $1000 DOWN reps Bh irs aye besement. 3 bedrooms up ond REAL ESTATE © : } l Small and cozy 2 bedroom saga yeor ; . i Prerneten, Ont. . _ PRESSER Tefen cric bungee" vith perl ondary aa Scns ree, (on Mune: Sacreomd, Saas gege problem! Vendo" 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY ~ raw To, wom on curate SUPERIOR $75.00 per month. Call now |. 1656 room with bar, all fully. fin- old open mortgage, Pesses- DIAL 668 882 aye "0 Finer Call "72301159 be- | QUALITY HOME | * epPeintment to inmect. | ga MONTHLY jonni egg By mn A oi . : Pressure Welders | foe's pom. or 72: * oe Nala ek wie ee . "5. |S. J. PHILLIPS' SCHOOL * [realtors 720-7077. ENE . "6 Large kitchen with eating ; " in all h Coch Y } Money foe Ornave |WARTRD,AT SR chan, | roome," three, bright, becroeme} | Gree. Pl large dining room. | $117 MONTHLY Burpee, 723-0049, """" | tut broadcom in vine teow. | WARRen A torga Fomaly SN orioy the AVG. Bethe ond the sata f Q 2 : ecreation Room with: bar . i if 11' x 14° kitch . Ho ite and oven, rate Rs mane ibe wet Tlie as Bar| Sy Pedroome, Call us tonight] @xt2_2 Pe: bath, broadieom |" Woverly treet south] NOW IS THE TIME | scoped with large potio'cut | ning room: fireplace end ecey der Your must set is Boman " CANADA leigh'ay Desh, JaT89, 40s Richly St | to inspect, Neauehput- Bring. Hving of King and just.west TO PURCHASE back, Better than new and | and appreciate its setting on 133' frontage lot. Toxes are sur- a St. Henry, Montreal, OWNER Ha ily de yore MR one of the Oshawa Shop-| A home site, lovely 10 acres | Priced right, prisingly low, ee | eke yp ete AE pepo es gh Bgl D cellent financing with just ping Centre, ow) with trees on Maple Grove After 9 P.M. OSHAWA, ON JAMES STREET--ONLY $12,900 . » dow ment of ° ? MANPOWER ze "iu "itdiea] TRANSFERRED | 985, rao $1827 or $915 Fou} oto poved ond nar | ab Wale 723-8447 | 2.stry bck wih lw fags hae 2 gparimants ting fe $188 Oshawa, 720-260), quolify will settle you! Way No, 2, This is a lovely jen : if i fo Mi tt o , j x you want a family e and rent one apartment for income. vA CENTRE A REWARDING purrs bwalts you in al ta end peg geet H, KASSINGER is build- Lay eto lan location for that dream home prt eo gaa Sr aae Less than $2,000. down may buy this sleeper if you con see the ee Aelive and retired 'ren er women up| in east end of the city. Com-| | ing 27 new homes on Wil- thiy. 'payments thot, While prices cre. reasonable. possibilities. : is to 65 considered. Pald pension Pion ps pletely finished recreation room son Rd. N., just south of oie cca less than psig with only $1,000 28% ACRES, BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY | inetviear Unbridoe assasene ond den or extra bedroom, with Rossland Rd. E. your present rent. Call nN ond easy payments. A 'vial hikenwlay fee-tha ho ive aid ob toued hes bs TIME STUDY mr (noe tovdanped Ak gived| «| tasamet ens a today 728-1678 Oo ee een | aC the spring fed 'reek meondering through the cedar tied. bush WAITER WANTED -- Full time work.) [> 1 jncaut oud weanth saved! | BUMGALOWE Aine 2 ; ™ throu : : Apply Queen's Hotel, 47 Simcoe Street rg LOW, LOW DOWN You will have se ry 19 te place your dream driveway. Asking $20,900.! | STOREY PLANS -- fea- 4 BEDROOMS prope 4 ANALYST RELIADLED HONEST cook tor" French | - Make on appointment to inspect turing exposed nM 9 cou alle Cand PAYMENT home 'on this choice rty,, Make offer. Buffet, middle-age, references. Spruce| today and make your offer. = balconies -- stone down payment on this 6 only, 10 acre parcels of WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING H : Villa Hotel, Whitby, 668-3386, $1,000 DOWN fronts, very attractive 4 bed- a py pray it 9 Cormmorciel_ possiblities here, for some lie st tinass oe Sine The engineering deportment | part Timm walters Friday and Satur Vie If an ie N.H.A, 634% mortgages, room home in the east! ing from $6, ' meeti for lodge, church or recreational F - of_our tire plant is currently oy nights. svat | have cocntall llauor ph is ted de et Hs: priced from $19,675. up end; Attached. gor- yg Tot he a LTD. REALTOR ing excellent corner lot in centre of Town, Inspect end make developing a completely new | experience, | Mr. » Gerog! : nn forges and do " : Duteh clean ian soil. Co son, ' offer, 5 th | . Fe d | wn payments as age. c : eee, Sendents orveren EXPERIENCED. hardwgod Toor man furnees "for your gaentert. Al | Twat 93,760, throughout, Coll 728- 728-2548, BOWMANVILLE WHITBY SPLIT with ATTACHED GARAGE lopme: nt eee hie ok NY large lot 82 x 226 ft. ideal for Phone Exclusive Agents ' $5,000.00 DOWN Seven room brick and stone on paved street with wide frontage An encellont deve ci belle ar abteat the children, Don't wait and be An euaailank location in the " lot has two bathrooms, walnut kitchen cupboards in Hollywood portunity. exists in this oreo SCHOFIELD-AKER 500 DOWN i oat to Ps bid 19--Male and Female late, call tonight for: inspection $2 City of Oshawa for high rise style kitchen with G. E. colored electric stove, decorative walnut chia 1 Mae lig Help Wanted to buy. LTD. Brand new 3 bedroom panelling in living room and indirect valance lighting, In- ce Ng po --- $2,500 DOWN 723-2265 bungalows at the low! ho""tnci" dwellings rented | TWO ACRE PARCEL with | eludes heavy broadloom in living, dining 'end moster bedrsom work, measurement using | TAX] DRIVERS | vit © 'Buys this & room brick fete! monthly. pay-| St,8, Total of $235.00 per | evarflowing stream winding | St the price of $22,500. A treat t0 see this baouty. SNAP, i home situated in the north east renee of S1R9. Oil] MONDO Aronent @ amenag |. Sune Se pepe. Ue 3 BEDROOM TWIN $12,700. pew Hy rome agi and @ pi or full Hee area of city, Family sized kit- OPEN HOUSE heated, cloy _ brick. wnt tas ba pry pt tor a yal nd Mai or ea Beat the ~~ cost pa Pog? -- this eee program of pension jinimum } tmodern i Pe ; ¥ in the centre ys nm paymen' 4 ond welfore benefits is of- : pa aye Bh, room. An in- IN ey angel on oa stall sonable price, Coll Will Ir- tirement home. Close to Oro- pmeea & $86, monthly for interest, principal and taxes, | 4 2 MERCURY TAX) | Seer Sn Soe Tie vine, 728-2868 for more in- | "0. Asking $3,000 FULL | Bor.chy S00. merely tei ttedee your reonthy i = send resume of your 725-4771 cos ih. wall aaiesad tours BEAU VALLEY A DARLING : formation. Lc a but have a home of your own. 7 : Stott Porsenna tonight. Leek! full price only) | SATURDAY ond SUNDAY es eee eae NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE $14,500 Personnel . Officer $15,700. val i ecres workable, Excellent ' si BOOKKEEPER ayia OPEN FROM A beoutiful 3 bed- brick house, olf j Two storey brick home with dining. room, three , Du AMI HOM ' , room detached with se, all conveniences. ind family size kitchen. Clean decoration, modest heating cost . ' nlop Canada Able to keep complete set. ch ey TOME ae 1:00 until 5:30 p.m. garage. The grounds JOHN F. yarns, painted barns, jLaroe, pee poi nah readtg pind Soci aeveunds.ths sles igh rene . by " Gre neat a coretully if ii Limited Construction company. Refer t and carefull Rhee Bene th ce 8 year old property. Monthly payments only $88, including taxes. Whitby, Ontario ences will be required. Salary dream about but never find. groomed. Condition of entire length of property. yea ty. ly pa ly ing 4 commensurate with ability. A fen we par pall yy iG For a? oe call the house is immocu- F | Meeie, sugar bush yan EAST OSHAWA--IMMACULATE BUNGALOW | Hi fid . Writ ge ¥ - j good income possible from i Bon 56001, Cokawe Times, |. BY. Features 3 bright airy bed-| Bill Johnston "728.1066 og cader buth.. Paved. read. | puhssma Holmes atti tition, eatidie mecnll moana yf YOUNG MEN rooms, a modern ond extremely; Mel Dale 623-5638 payment, Call - 728- $52,000 ---- Terms. oom, excellent decoration and many extras Including f , fi . i mo a } 20---Real Getete for Sele | Suimcon | inoreeive vg! san Ctulkshonks 726-5205 1678, REAL ESTATE LTD. 80 ACRE FARM with large | yard. Clowe to schools and only 614% mortgage. Priced : : 7 ¥ brick house with 5 dining room, corport. The pres-| Ed Drumm 725-9345 BOWMANVILLE, ey . WANTED SF aK A onl ale! a Re Mate on | ieee ir teeyge | WHITRN sas TOnNn been ae i , < - jacent t ila, f Mill- With some credit experience, CENTRAL LAND FOR Heng rg Le are af 623-3950 brook, Asking 53,000. with Kinsment elevigund and park across the street should ~ copier. Yeu. ompenie SUBDIVISION -- Bill McFeeters | 725-1726 ( fave eC et ee ar geet canal en Seo 34 by "120° coreer lot, You will be i Ae @ 30 acre parcel of scenic M Ay | lad applicants will be mature, ONTARIO KING ST. E. Member of the Oshawa and WMANVILLE cola teride Cocalo' ake with the condition of this seven room family aggressive, and be prepared IX @ 2 big parcels of land to- District Real Estate Board BO' woy. Asking $13,500 -- home se:dont' weit teo.leng. to display @ sincere desire to cated on King Street East, Only REAL ESTATE 18 acres with stream on Teorha, NORTH OSHAWA RETIRE & INCOME succend bh ¢ Sreliereire ie TRUST vecant place of land - oe We yeas i agile 28 Division St. Highway, very glow te Bow- COLEGE HILL. Comfortoble This eight room brick pee two car garage may be whet prom orea. . frontage AN LS: i manville. 660 feet frontage. 2 i you are looking for wi ive rooms di irs p ly ing future, ft. depth... Coll us for further pe Priced to sell. 1¥a storey home with all | for $135. monthly and three rooms end beth upstairs rented Starting salary $80 per week LPH SCHOFIELD information. MORTGAGES 623-334} Conveniences. $1,500 down. | for $95, monthly. Close to Simcoe St. N. yet away from the heavy al Bavioay: ol sig 0 Fag RA NORTH WEST AREA ARRANGED COXVALE Full price $11,500. traffic, makes this a very desirable residential property. Real Reply in waiting with hall res: ci hn X @ 5 room brick bungalow 360 King St. West ORONO 200 woree with heute, bern) Tie morohaiee Lame tne| eae tee a tae Caen ce tod " ' " 4 , 3 storey e. Garage wit! } iremen ume to: ie with carport, paved drive, Free, easy, safe parking Spend Hallowe'en in this 2 gee gy Band 3. breezeway. Water softener with upstairs income to poy texes, heat and other maintenance. Magnificent fenced yard. Inside, this home 9 home -- BOX 56088 teh tll i 18's Went holly. grat diay mt pala 600. Terms. Call: Lyle Meson plus other extras, $15,500. $26,000. OSHAWA TIMES a BO co tag in dweller, "haba he icon ; | 392-3964. MAPLE GROVE 3 bedroom ADELAIDE ST. REDUCED TO $11,700 near completion in Rosslyn wood kitchen, © is fin large treed lot, The payments = : , p 7 ¢ shed beautiful mohoga ie ! oneal bungalow with aluminum sid- Two storey brick with two car garage, new roof and ney forced ee ta heen ivinn | wih Vilew copebe lag: ate J. B. Saiemwe _ MANCHESTER ing. "New kitchen, Situated | lt ll furnace make this on. interesting buy for en economy ' ELECTRICIAN dini coom, | family large tiled bathroom, 26 ft. rec- M Dairy farm with large milk close to school and bus, $12, minded family, Lower taxes will help out budget too. Mon: room, dining , dative, " Bverfhing 'in: thik PORT PERRY contract, Excellent buildings. 900, ly payments only'$75. on this three bedroom home, room with fireploce, double room rything | Qualified, required 'for the hele "arid Went of cll itis home you could wish for, Ask- 50 ects dominuter form with Stable cleaner. Over $21,000 Milford McDonald 623-3911 FOUR BEDROOM MODERN EAST OSHAWA ; m@intenance department, to | Johonsen built with all the ing only $21,900 full price! Realtor 43 acres workable; born 50 yearly milk que, Poor Wilf. Hawke Orono 983-5274 Close to schools and shopping, Finished recreation room, two } complete our stoff of elec- oor snes detail found Call and arrange for an inspec- x 60; scenic beauty with health reason for selling. Howard Wight 623-2524 bathrooms, full size dining room, sharp decoration, ready to meve i trigions. Steady employment, | only in Johansen Homes. tion tonight. 120 Dundas West creek, Brick home surrounded 63 ACRES Garnet Ricard 623-7397 in, Need about $4,500, down. iW ae i. ta good If you move fast on ns Yer HIGHWAY WHITBY by mople trees, With'new Scbee te Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 COT RAE TE: BUSINESS AND HOME $22,800 , berefits. @ personal in- tan have your own choice setradd ven room brick with two rooms ,two fireplaces, size | Pyar leose opply between | colours throughout the im | COMMERCIAL 668-6201 OSHAWA Nee ee eee dining room, three bedrooms, panelled den or office, divided s _9:30 a.m. -- 4 p.m, week- terior, Only $9,900 down. Ve . o ighway al 8 Lunch business near G.M. ood. Punad se i. 4 basement with recrection room. Lot size sufficient for business days at the personne! office .& Beard ee pete pronerty:_\deo! "] Bs WHITBY North Plant; @ real money wood. Price aol, $] 600 DOWN parking needs, Ideal for Accountant or other business needs. ~ -- uv . i OSHAWA GENERAL tingotnag | | torio's most travelled arteries.| $1,800. down, 2' bedroom | moker. Asking $5,000 -- |. 70 ACRES ' OLDER WHITBY HOME WITH TREES $22,500 HOSPITAL oad dct yea unig Situated on the property is a| solid stone house on large | 'erms. Immediate possession. | with large stream. Bam, Can give you immediate pos-|Four bedroom brick home with garage on 81' frontage lot only Good home, good address. 2 spocious 134 storey,6 room| commiércial lot 50' x 205", 3 NEWCASTLE home. Extra bungalow, un- session of this brand new @ few blocks from centre of town must be sold. Efficient hot water OSHAWA, ONTARIG yr eld 2 bedroom brick bun- galow with attoched gorage. SKILLED and SEMI - SKILLED Completely finished accom- modation in basement with seporote entrance, bathroom, kitchen facilities, will rent to two executive lodies or gen- home. Present_use is selling an- tiques, buy many enterprising business could be operated here. There ore now 2 extra lots that may be divided. A substantial down payment is required. An pc. bath, attached garage. Carties tor $90. per month, Open to offers. ANNES STREET $3,000. down, 3 bedroom, Little feet can race to Public School in no time from this 1 year old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with fully divided basement. Worth seeing. finished. Location in com- muting distance of Oshawa. Priced to sei, 3% ACRES With 8 roomed home, fur- ARMSTRONG « eewews HOME heating system and cosy open fireploce assure a comfortable winter here for you and your family. Landscaping with beautiful shade tress give a charming setting to this distinctive property. GLIDDON AVE., OSHAWA 500 Better built brick and stone bp acy with sharp decoration, less condition throughout. Has full dining room, sunken living inspection con be arranged by} brick bungalow, living room, nace and bathroom, Bar. room and three bedrooms. To be seen by appointment only. Need CUTTERS and tlemen for over $100 montty. | calling: tonight. lorge family style kitchen, BOWMANVILLE - Stream and pond, Asking | IN BEAUTIFUL ebout $6,000, down with one mortgage at 614%. UPHOLSTERERS y. 'FLA, -- mortgage MAY B fe) RS FOR ample cupboards, 4 pc. tile Choice area, brend new brick $12,650. Terms. Call: Tom HOME WITH 3% ACRE $8,400 644% is only $121. PLT. E YOU OR | Soth with'? pe. bath eff bungalow with fully divided | Dons ny : for Toronto West - End with substantial down pay- ONLY $15 000 4 hed et f on basement, First a cans ly, 985-7264. FOREST GLEN Insul brick bungalow near Brooklin with three bedrooms, large ment. (Higher with low down 7 ' . ter yoo, b veya f 1 FARM kitheen, basement with forced air oil furnace, fenced property Furniture Monufecturer 1 We love thie N/E XII @ Five rooms on main floor} storms and screens, List price struction, $17,500 -- terms. 248 ACRE FAR : with some fruit trees, low taxes, Economy living here only o few Union Shop ee ae ae oe with finished, full length room| $17,800. Rehder Ave., immoculate 3. | with 8 roomed home, 2bome. | HE[(SHTS miles from Oshawa ond Whitby. $2,000. will handle. | Poid Medical and Pension Plon tes ec cot Ey si BROOKLIN bedroom. ranch bungalow; | 3 farm ponds. Hendles about OSHAWA RIDGECREST BEAUTY Home of Distinction wood and tile floors and is nice- t iy ree ' 80 head the year around. DG ; : | j CALL ly decorated, Large lot with INCOME HOME wall' 'to 'wal loom aver Asking $25,000, T. : Brick bungalow with car port and 3 bedrooms, Needs new 'owner } | 638-2321 Set in most attractive apaciads 'teak. lawns dele good! Older 10 Nit on lavas Hasina po sgh large pabis. ey, A arms. featuring that appreciates a better built home in a fine residential district, | - eee ee denoeetk | garden with raspberry and cur-| lot 82 x 130' with plenty of psig Ban ob Apo in GENTLEMEN FARM 3 bedrooms, Hollywood kit- bt pie pce Rg Bo <7 a 14" pereliod } Gowrtagi Unu alt ton rent bushes. "Phone and 'let us| shade trees and garden. Low- unique recreation room with 196 acres with excellent Seon rin Buin Tene ad and landscapin, com lete. All fo only $22 900. bec, OPPORTUNITY ° _ suc 4 a4 eccompany you through this! er floor consists of kitchen, ber; gordi, apple - trees buildings, 2. streams,' Lorge oven, Large living room, fully is} plete, r only . ; ; xecutive home jus 4 hom living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 i ' 1 sand with overtlowing ee decorated, storm doors and BRICK ON SIMCOE NORTH -- $23,500 Ani slit. FOR YOUNG MEN with some soles experience and ore familiar with Oshawa and area to heod up sales crews for reputable portrait studio in Oshawa. Telephone 728-4801 between 10 a.m. - 6 p.m Top notich BINDERY OP- ERATOR for rapidly expand- ing Windsor commercial LIST WITH . WE LIST TO SELL -- | Whitb Helthh Broybrook 623-7065 Live in neat 4 room brick bungalow, grow raspberries and wait " printing plant. Expert folder | .CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WE AIM TO PLEASE Corries like "rent $80" ney | Frank Hocket McMULLAN HARMONY for development. Some trees here too. Beat the inflation with @ operator. Ability to operate We charge 4% on exclusive} month. List price $13 500. Monille, 1R22 C RD goed property buy. This may be it. Inspect and make offer. pig Pg pene PHONE 723-5221 latings enty Ht sold. Coll tor of valk ' OLDER HOME REAL ESTATE . Tbe oe EXECUTIVE HOME AND 10 ACRES - | AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL z . | aie et shite! "ange Within commuting distance of Whitby and Oshawa with 01 i " io y oO Rate $3.01 per hour. Con- Allan Theehpson 728-2870 ~ Sar oe Real Estate Needs Six rooms, bath, garage, five CHEAPER THAN RENT pay y Bay ape, Nana Sof magnificent view of rolling hills, This custom built, hot water SUMNER PRINTING & Tom Houston 668-4416 Realtors r Call blocks 'public, seporate, high TRADE. YOUR toe eg 723.646) or 723. oil heated home hes over 2500 8q. ft. on two floors plus finish PUBLISHING CO. LTD. Charkes Cheytor 668-2291 tis sumooe 0: yuncnes 668 6201 oo Carries $95 month, PRESENT HOME 8144. ed basement including 15' x 26° recreation room. Garage for P.O, BOX 1056 Giles teens Faken, | Cnn Gch. tan Yom . down payment. Contect 726- 725-3557 cond tor Colter auutiier Wing: Se more' cies. youl Gk ta WINDSOR, ONTARIO ' to 9 pam. * 5426. SEN ES ATE CTO. | rien eee a ' ro years old, Has three bedrooms and double attached garage. Truly many extros included not leost of which are elec- trical appliances and taste- ful drapes, decor and broad- loom, An unique and lovely home you stxely should see without delay. y | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WILL HELP YOU SELL er BUY e. MAKE A. DATE XIIl © to see this newly listed 1¥% yeor old bungalow within © short distance of the Oshawa Shopping Centre, C.M.H.C. first mortgage at 642%, monthly payments of $76.00 principal and interest. Icluded in the pur- chase price are fridge, stove, dropes, T.V. oeriol, rug and gorden tools, pc, both and utility room, Upper floor consists of 2 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen, 3 piece both. Now renting for $100 per month. Home must be seen to be appreciated. List price $16,200, $2,000 DOWN 4 bedroom 14 storey home, Living room, kitchen, double gorage, 3 pc. and | pe. bath. completely fenced, Jackman's Rd., Estote Sale --~ Must be Sold. 2 homes and 1% acres of land with fruit trees, strawberry plants and raspberry canes. Prop- erty could be divided. Don't be disappointed by a "SOLD" sign -- call now. Morian Woodhead 786-2995 Bill Gordon 263-8875 ment dam. We have a great demand for small farms, trout streams, homes, ete. We List Photo M.L.S. and Exclusive J. B. windows, and carport. Priced at only $18,700 with NHA mortgage plus several other models to choose from at attractive terms and 'prices. Visit us today and inspect the beautiful Arm- strong Homes. Solidly built, 3 bedroom property on popular Simcoe N., with 12" x 124 dining room. Cozy open fireplace, family size kit+ chen: Extras include mirrors. chandeliers, awnings, everything in top condition and ever so clean for the particular house hunter, SOUTH WEST WHITBY $16,300 Nine year old brick bungalow with 65' frontage lot and 124° depth is situated on popular street near schools. Newly decorated, ready for new owner, also fenced yard, landscaping and other extras. All three bedrooms are fair size too, Be sute and see to compare. 5 ACRES AND HOUSE WHITBY

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