SSeS Soa ER Re WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Anderson High School Plans Commencement WHITBY -- Anderson fate and Vocational err annual Commencement fExer- are scheduled for this ayn evening. Ning event to the publ Mihara H H, Sadleir, master of Robinson College and standing interest in camping, having served for some years as Director of both the fom and Intermediate camps at camps at Camp bap moa He has travelled widely in ada, the United States, Britain, Western Europe, and the West Indies, He has been a member of the executive of the National will 'ork Committee of the vile. weg F seed is a niversity of inp Uni- versity. The various diplomas and scholarships students at A ol during the last school year will be pre- sented, Faith Baptist WMS Elects Officers ne snacial guest at the| October meeting of Faith Bap-| $c0 ust Church WM5, was mrs. Ross Galloway, Kenya, Africa, who illustrated her talk with slides of her work. Mrs, M. C, Campbell thanked Mrs. Gallo- "Th e president, Mrs, Ron Mor- ris, said invitations were ex- tended to Faith Baptist members and Whitby Baptist members to attend the fall rally in Forward Baptist Chureh, Toronto, Oct. 20. Mrs, Campbell and her group were in charge of the pro- gram. Miss Vivian Saddler rendered two selections, Mrs, Boyer Philip offered prayers for Missionaries, Mrs, Thomas Chupa read a Thabksgiving er entitled "We Thank The ord,' Officers elected for the 1066- 67 term are as follows; Honor- Ratepayers Hear Scouter Robert (Bob) Carl- son, formerly of the 20th Osh- awa Scout Troop, now resid- ing in the Blair Park area, attended the Blair Park Vista Ratepayers Association meeting and explained 'Scouting'. Scouter Carlson is an exper- fenced Scout Master and will soon take charge informing a new Troop, There will be a special gen- eral meeting held to discuss helping to erganize the Scouts. A district scout master will ary president, Mrs, DeLoss pa presiaent,. muss, Sen is: vice-president, Mrs. Barkley Bateman; éecrewry, Mrs. Gilbert Williams; assis: tant secretary, Mrs, Garfield Munson; treasurer, Mrs. §. E. Jolley; 'pianist, Mrs, Willlam Dzikenich; -- Mrs. A Charles Milburn; social conven- ers, Mrs, Edward Abramoff and Mrs, Reginald Molyneux; sewing committee, Mrs, A, C. Campbell; flower committee, Mrs. Ross Brown; publicity, Mrs. Louis Philip; visiting com- mittee, Mrs, Charles Milburn, Mrs. Werner Kloke and Mrs. William MacDonald. Group leaders: Mrs. M. C, Campbell, Mrs, F. A. Fallow, Mrs. D. G. Gooch and Mrs. R. §. Jolley, Lunch was served and a time of fellowship followed. Aims Of Scouting attend, this Oct. 27, meeting at Harry Houston's residence, 237 Lupin Dr,, at 8.30 p.m. A spe- cial invitation is extended to fathers of boys of Scout ages, ll to 15. By attending this could be useful in helping youg boys to grow up as good citi- zens, It was announced that Blair Park Vista Teen Club is hold- ing a "Car Wash", Oct. 23, at the rear of Canadian Tire store, Brock &t. N,, Whitby. This is to aid Teen Club to carry-on with its activities. Home League Holds Work Meeting Salvation Army Women's Home League held its work meeting in preparation of the Christmas tea and sale to be held Nov. 5, at the Citafel, from 2.30 to 5 p.m, Mrs, Bri- gadier Wilfred Hawkes, Belle- ville, will officially open the event. Members busied themselves of aprons, dolls, doll's clothing, stuffed animals, Christmas cor- sages, centre pieces and spe- cial Christmas tablecloths etc, Lieutenant, Mrs. Charles mittee, in the form of a Hallowe'en pricing articles for the sale. There will be a wide selection party. Members of Uxbridge Corps will be guests, County Health Unit Nurses Pledge Help The Nurses' Association of the Ontario County Health Unit today pl verbal support of the walk - out action of two other health Units. "In an attempt to achieve a hyd relationship with their employers similar to that enjoyed by the Nurses' Asso elation of the Ontario County Health Unit, the association of Halton County and the United Couties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, resigned Sept. 12," said a spokesman for the Nurses' Associaton of the On- tario County health unit. The spokesman said the coun- tles also resigned in an effort to "be recognized as a bar. gaining unit on a voluntary ba- sis and to be represented by the Registered Nurses' Associ- ation of Ontario," "Telegrams have been sent by the association to: Prem- jer John Robarts; Health Mi- nister Dr. Mathew Dymond; to medical officers of the health unit and members of the coun- ty councils ofthe county ad- vising them of our unanimous support in the stand the nurs- es have taken." WHITBY PERSONALS St. John the Evangelist CWL travelling bridge and euchre hostesses for the month of Oc- tober are : Bridge, Mrs. Jo- seph Buckley, Mrs, Don Me- Bain, Mrs. Louis Rousseau, Mrs, Larry Ruest, Miss Jean Stewart, Mrs, Ed Finan, Mrs. Charles Daigle, Mrs. James Moreau, Mrs. Andrew Miller, Mrs, F, W. Humphreys, Mrs. George Newton and Mrs, B. J, McColl; Euchre, Mrs, Ger- rude Lynds, Mrs. R. D. ones, Mrs. Leo Amell, Mrs. Harry Fores, Mrs. Karen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Godfrey, is cele- brating her seventh birthday today. Miss Bonnie Brown was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Lennon, Mrs, William Clark and Mrs. William Lennon were co-host- esses at a miscellaneous bri- dal shower held at North East Pickering Community Centre in honor of Miss Helen Bridges and William McDonald who are to be married in Kinsale Uni- ted Church Oct. 29. The guests enjoyed card games. Mrs, Verie Wagg won the ladies' prize and James McDonald the men's prize. The prospective bride and groom opened the many i, - A tasty lunch was served A. S. MeTean, 800 Henry St., visited his mother, Mrs, M. A, McLean, Grandview, Manitoba and also spent sometime with his brother, C. A. McLean and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Smyth, Til Dundas St. W., attended the Payne - 7 wedding at LeeOrge | Brooks and Mrs. Russell Fos-| ronto, and were guests at the reception which followed at Tod- morden Legion Hall. Denis O'Connor Parent's Auxiliary held a successful dance in St. John the Evan- gelist parish hall which was colorfully decorated with fall leaves, the music was suppl- led by Steve Backwell and his orchestra, There were several spot dan- ces, refreshments were served and a very, enjoyable evening was had by all. The Whitby General Hospital Women's Auxiliary held an ex- ecutive meeting at the home of Mrs. John Spratt, Fairview Dr,, with 11 members present. The president Mrs. H. P. Do- ner chaired the meeting, Plans were discussed for projects to be presented to the general meeting of Oct. 24 at § p.m., at Kathleen Rowe school. The hostess served refreshments. Strike Situation Is Unchanged AJAX (Staff)-- Workers at Centralab, Ajax, who went on strike last Thursday, were still out today, and picketing contin. ues, Al Knipfel, field representa- of Electrical, Radio and Ma- chine workers, said again that Local 572 is willing to meet the management if there were any offer towards a solution. David J. Ausmus, general manager of Centralab, said the Strike position was identical to that of last week. TAP NEW POWER Canada's first nuclear power station, at Douglas Point, Ont., | will generate 200,000 kilowatts | Corpus Christi RC Church, To-lof electricity. | won by the} pianist, Missionary convener, Mrs. | A family of five was ad- mitted to the Ajax and Pickering Hospital early Tuesday morning after they were overcome from smoke inhalation when an adjoin- Assessments Up ted by members of her com-/reassess the municipality hav- ing regard to the new Provin- The Oct, 27 meeting will bejcial system. The valuation as tive of the International Union| | STAFFORD BROS. | | LTD. Two Townships WHITBY (Staff) The stand- ing committee on Assessment ty reported Tuesday that all assessment rolls for the muni- cipalities except Wards four and five of Pickering Town- ship had been returned, L. Nesbitt, certain difficulties from outside to return certain rolls other than at the specified dates. The assesment rolls for Scu- gog and Uxbridge Townships were reported to show an in- crease in assessment due to a change in assessment values. ing apartment on Harwood Ave, was destroyed by fire. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter was Shown here are John Bowers (left) who lost most AJAX BLAZE CAUSES $40,000 DAMAGE of his possessions in the blaze with Ajax fireman Bill Bartlett. The two were looking for Bowers' wallet. The Ajax fire caused an estimated $40,000 damage. --Oshawa Times Photo Land Purchased For County Forest WHITB Y(Staff)-- The and Taxation for Ontario Coun-|tatio County Council Tuesday passed a bylaw authorizing the purchase of 200 acres of. land in Lot 9, Mora Township at a cost of The committee chairman, R./6,000 for reforestation purpos- said that due to/es. The bylaw was passed after circumstances it was necessary |the adoption of the fifth report of the special committee on and reforestation. Council also approved a re- solution of the Peterborough County Council requesting the provincial Government to pass legislation making it compul- The committee reported that/sory for all municipalities to a pilot study was undertaken/have a form of '"Warble Fly Eyre will be in charge assis-jin the village of Cannington to agriculture Control Program." made were reduced to one- third for assessment purposes. County Cuts Speed Limits WHITBY (Staff) -- At the October meeting of the Ontario County Council, Tuesday, by- laws were passed reducing the speed limits on two county roads, Rossland Rd., from Highway 12 in Whitby to the Oshawa city limits, will have the speed limit reduced from 50 to 40 mph and following a request from the City of Oshawa, the speed limit on Harmony Rd., north of the city limits, was re- duced to 40 mph for a distance of 1,000 feet so vehicles can slow down before reaching two schools located immediately south of the city limits, TAKE OUR BRIDGE The council also assumed the Heavener Bridge on former County Road 20A which was assumed by Rama Township. The bridge is a 132-foot steel truss structure and county policy is to assume all bridges on township roads having a Span of more than 30 feet. A bylaw was passed to ex- propriate lands adjacent to County Roads 10B and 12 for road widening purposes. On 10B eXpropriation will be from Victoria Corners souih to the Scott-Uxbridge Town 'Line and on County Road.12 from High- way 12 westerly to the York County Boundary in Wilfred. SOFT DRINK CONTAINERS A resolution banning the mak- ing of soft drink containers in non-returnable bottles was en- dorsed. The resolution was from Victoria County and claimed that the bottles were creating a hazzard to motorists along highways. A Bruce County resolution re- questing the minister of high- ways to reconsider his direc- tive regarding the paying of fair wages to workmen on mu- nicipal projects was also en- dorsed. Bruce County suggested the minister make fair wages optional at the discretion of the road authority. BEASTS NEED SALT The 300 animals in the zoo at » near Los Ange- les, consume 100 pounds of salt WHITBY BOWLING. NEWS WHITBY MONDAY MIXED - BOWLING Team "se Whitby Cleaners, 3) Rockets, 28) Big Five, 25) H. OD. Pontiac, 25; Meadpin's, 21) Lucky Thir- teens, 21) Woodpeckers 20) K.P.P.'s, 197 County Bowl, 18; Candies, 18) Night Hawks, 14; Blowers, 12; Neighbors, 9) Pipers, 7) Slick Six, 4; Pin Heads, 4, ss cic Danan een a a cena THE GBKAWA TIM, Wendy, ab 19 194 5. WHITBY Ac {mite College Appointment = Overruled By Council WHITBY sang -- Ontario oye Ww. H, Gould handed his' first non- Sontidenes motion when council members voted against an ap- pointmént made by him for the county member on the Board vd Leg for the Junior Col- Applied Arts and Tech- Me logy yen con for the Oshawa area. Pickering Township mere, Cliff Laycox spoke out the appointment of Henry Polak of Ajax to the [Poin Board of Regents, Warden Gould said he re- ceived a call after the last monthly meeting of council and was asked who would répresent the county on the board, He said he had asked Reeve Henry Polak to attend the meetin Reeve Laycox sau tic feu council id elect a member eT 4 at Racante and nominated Reeve Neil A, Smith Safety Report Presented WHITBY (Staff) -- County Council received a report Tues- day from its Construction Saf- ety Inspector indicating no ser- fous accidents in the county system to date. Inspector H. §, Carter report- of East Whitby Township nated Many Council members later said pay A voted. not so much r. Polak as they did sant the warden's appoint- men At the meeting of county vel counel, Whitby's mittee on county matters. Ajax Reeve Henry Polak ad- vised council that D. J. Reid, ,jan appointed member of the Jon Education had passed away Mondev sieht Ha said Mr: Raid was the only person in Ajax who had served the town continuous- ly since it was inco: ted on some board or committee. VOTE REDISTRIBUTION Reeve Cliff Laycox of Picker- ing Township asked the chair what had been done about the question of redistribution of seats on the county. council. Warden Gould said the matter was under serious consideration but suggested it would probably take until next July to pass a County Consuiiative sed away ed that 238 inspections had been carried out during the first three months of his appoint- ment including construction and demolition projects. He said that 65 'orders to comply" were issued and were complied with immediately. Mr. Carter said he was able to co-operate with the engin- eer's department inspecting va- rious. concrete pours on the bridges being constructed by the county. AIRLINER NEEDS SPACE A supersonic airliner travel- ling at three times the speed of sound would take 300 miles to perform a 180-degree turn. One-Stop om was elected to serve on|populati the Whitby Hospital Board and/yotes for reeve and was appointed to the standing/reeve, a third member of fcommittee for assessment and|municipality's council sit taxation and to the special 'com- county council and then a fourth hip, Ajax;private Members Bill Deputy Reeve hon Hall nomi:/Ontario Parliamen VICTORIA and | GREY TRUST ion allowing the! COLIMBA TURES ANTHONY QUINN « ANN DELON RROCK One Com Pr Each Eni ot 30 ALSO 2 'TURE ATTRACTION stains 7:30 "Everything's Ducky" With Mickey Rooney Buddy Hackett Adult Entertainment -- Begins 9:00 DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpeper end Murels @ Custom Draperies @ Broadloom @ CLL. Paints end Vernishes @ Benjamin Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whithy PHONE 668.5862 High Triples -- Richard 753 (350, 230); Carl Pascoe 704 (314,. 211); Ha 4 48. a Frank 672 ( 669 - (222, 277); hry Hans Zimmer 64) (248); " King 636 (268, 202); Pete Hedington 633 (216, 223)) Brenda Van Hemman 620 (296)) Don Grant 612 (231, 207); Lil Peake 607 (233, 217); Clare Preston 601 (228, 218); and Ila Phillips 600 (220), Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort PASTEETH, 6 pleasant alkaline (noneacid) powder, holds false teeth more firmly,.To eat and talk in more comfort, Just sprinkle a little FAS- gooey. on your plates. No gummy, pasty taste or feeling. Checks It's simple how quick ee lose pounds of unsig! watehby Bat = right in your own home. this home recipe yourself. its easy, no trouble at all and and ask for four ounces of Concentrate. Pour this i ond a pint bottle and add ---- juice to fill the bol bot ke two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran show you a simple easy way to plate odor" (denture breath). Get 'ASTEETH at any drug counter New Home Recipe Reducing Plan costs | neck, chin, arms, hips, litt! fe Just go to your beh 9 Fenn pn calves and ankles just return Plan. bloat disappears--how much be! If your first purchase does not | ter you feel. More alive, youthful one} lose bulky fat and help reg segnin slender more | reducible pounds and fan be RRMA GF SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to oo on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 excess fat don't disappear om bottle for m feck Fall oe i i 2 ve ae who have we teed ths plan and ge bor back alluring curves ; slenderness. Note "ie quickl y appearing and active, ite far-away relative with convenient, /ROR\ Created To _ OF Individual Requirements MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST DDD can also be your shortest . . . less . . . most inexpensive business trip ever! NOW THAT You've cot DDD (Direct Distance Dialing) Make a heart-warming 'voice-visit' to the favour- new DDD! You can dial your own Long Distance calls as easi- ly as you dial local numbers. most effort- Direct Distance Dialing is so convenient...such fun. And you will find the rates are surprisingly low! Consult your directory for details, OUT-OF-TOWN RELATIVES t's so easy to use DDD: You Dial "1" then the area code of the distant number you want to reach (only if that area core differs from your own) . . . and beg the seven-figure number of the phone ing. You'll get through immediately and you're calli automatically. IMPORTANT -- It is not before you place a local call to numbers in your own exchange or to other nearby exchanges, where no = distance charges apply. Long Distance, the next best thing to being there @ AN Mects Government Inspected @ TREASURER'S SALE LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, TO WIT: By virtue of warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 29th day of August sale of lands in arrears to taxes in the Township of Whitby will be held at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. in the Township Hall, Brooklin, at the hour of two o'clock. in the after- noon on the 15th day of December 1966 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd. day of September 1966, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Lgl office, this 12th, day of September + a be -- Box 160, Brvoktin, necessary to dial "I" WHITBY MEAT MARKET Red and Blue Brand Beef at DISCOUNT PRICES LOINS OF BEEF CUT & WRAPPED FREE FOR YOUR FREEZER in" OF Porterhouse & Wing STEAKS | BACON 89 COOKED MEATS 55 Mace & Cheese -- Chicken Loaf Pickle & Pimento -- Dutch Loaf CHUCK STEAK wc . 59° HOME MADE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 3 us 95° u, 99° CORNED BEEF % GAL. ICECREAM 79° WHITBY MEAT MARKET We specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting and Wrapping . . . Ask About Our Prices WHITBY PLAZA -- WHITBY Phone 668-6941 eo