32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 19, 1966 20-----Real Estate for Sale 20--Keai Estate for Sale 22----Lots for Sate er SS SS Dee RR TEM ay ze---Apartments for Rent Sh pay Pe 26---Apartments fer Rent 6--Agerimente 4 for Rent 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 TRIPLEX Six years old -- monthly In- come rar ag be 00 -- it fridges, etc. included, Excel- lent inwestment. $1500 DOWN | 12, for this six. room % storey -- aluminum storms and screens -- fenced lot. Must be sold. NORTH WEST DUPLEX Dees asking fy - Venaus wee t2 re Rg iat itchens, two meters, alum- inum storms and = screens, T.V. tower on well treed lot. Don't miss on this one, Phone now for appointment to in- spect. NORTH & NICE 2 bedroom bungalow with rec, roorn and all the smort ex- tras on a beautiful north end lot. $3,000 down will buy it now! Just a coll and make your offer, OPEN 9:00 A.M. -- 9:00 P.M. After hours call: Dick Barrioge 725-6243 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Les Hal! 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Ken Hann 723-7963 BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE Ley3 DOWN TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE Our own trained personnel are on the site to assist you. Browse in comfort -- no obligation -- no sales pres- sure. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E. -- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD. BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD --DIRECT-- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 EXECUTIVE RANCHER Situated in the residen- tial North-West on a large lot with frontage of 74 ft. This home has large working kitchen with built in equip- ment -- plus eating crea. Large dining room with chino cupboards, finished in notur- al wood, Sunken living room, covered in broadioom. Three extra lerge bedrooms. with plenty of closet space. Finish- ed recreation room with bor and refrigerator, etc. Only re- quires $7,300 down and one mortgage for the balance. CALL Willard Johnston 728-1066 or 723-2265 Schofield-Aker Ltd. "BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED SPLIT LEVEL Downsview, 1 yeor old 7 room back split with attoch- ed garage. Features built in stove and oven, separate din- ing room, living room, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece ond 2 piece bath, spacious family room, divided basement. Real volue $23,500. Corries for $13) month including taxes. To in- spect call Roy Yeo. Evenings 725-2217, BUTCHER SHOP AAND DELICATESSEN Located on Celina Street. Fully -equipped with smoke house, doing good business, asking $13,900. Call Jack Appleby. Evenings 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member 0.D.R.E.B. 728-5123 J.B. McMULLAN REAL ESTATE CHEAPER THAN RENT TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME 725-3557 DIRECT FROM BUILDER t 1! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut. Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, ecst of Donevan Collegiate, "LUXURY. LIVING" Features Include ' @ Large ravine lots with yeor round stream. @ 2,300 squore feet of finished floor area @ 400 square feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- 'cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadloom in,liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms il. Two ¢ar attoched garage Quiet paved court @ Plus $3 other special features too numerous ty Fetes TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUY NOW SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 S1BBY'S 728-7576 FOUR BEDROOMS One year old 5 room brick bungalow with atteched gor- age and well landscaped lot. Exceptionally well built home, very anxious to sell. Down payment only $3,900.00. QUIET AREA Two storey 3 bedroom home with block garage, private drive and. fiberglass covered patio, Owner very anxious to sell, priced at only $16,900. To inspect these homes call Anthony Siblock ot 728- 7576. We list Photo M.L.S. BARNHART'S PAVILION on LAKESHORE Let 260' x 200', Oxi mately 1% acres, A site for future development. Good terms, Call MAIBLE BOUDREAU Of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 or 728-2233 $1500 to $2000 DOWN THREE CHOICES Modern brick homes; two with four fis arbigd two both- rooms, Large lots, Locations: Athol! St., iy ® Adelaide St, W., Garside Ave., Brooklin, Immediate session, Call Bill Millar, 725-2557. or 723-1160, W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED OPEN HOUSE IN WHITBY At 401 Annis Street OPEN WEDNESDAY -- FRIDAY 7 P.M. --9 P.M. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 P.M.--7 P.M, FLOODLIGHT AFTER DARK PRIVATE RANCH BUNGALOW AJAX ~ PICKERING $2,800. down payment, Pro- fessionally landscaped. 100' x 150' lot, paved driveway, atteched garage, loads of ex- tras -- including broadioom and deep freezer, Huge liv- ing room and separate dining room, Ultra modern. kitchen. Full high basement. Early possession if desired, Call 942-6829. SOUNTRY LIVING -- City advant Have your house bullt to any aren ca: eorevod let. tert ful 100' fe a x arrang ce phone 723-9503 bgt PRIVATE SALE--Family size sh Md 'ele- LIMITED REALTOR Photo M.L.S. PORT PERRY 100 ACRES Cley loam farm, 2. storey brick house, 2 barns, stream and good duck pond. Mag- nificent view overlooking Lake Scugog. 16 miles north of Oshawa. Only $25,000 with easy terms. Call Idso Weirsmo, 728-5683, Owner suddenly moved and hes written off cost of many extras in this lovely three bedroom brick bungalow. Ceramic bathroom, large rec, room. Call immediately, Doug Carmichoel, 723-7463. CASH BUYER For two storey, nine roomed home. North-east section of the city. Contact the above. H. KEITH REDUCED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THE BEST YET Modern 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage in Whit- by, large living room, good size dining room, modern kitchen with lots of cup- boards, extra washroom, huge basement, electric heat... BEST CONSTRUCTION, BEST PLAN, BEST PRICE, BEST TERMS. These are not exaggerated Statements, you may see for yo urseir, just can, Vv. Schatz man ot 668-3338 or 668- 3253. W. Schatzmann 114 Pati syed Whitby 668-3338 phone 9 942-2333. nals $2800 DOWN -- six-room older home with deep lot. Elderly couple have to sell because of health. Just listed so tee Bi 728-1066, Aki jE ae a BAST END --- lovely bungalow, with double attached garage, only one year old and tull eng og Biles age ii sepa- rate din! bedrooms, two bath- rooms @ tiled leery toom. Famil room has field stone fireplace and ben ben | door to patio. Full peice $26,400 with ly $3,500 down, Call 723-5082 from 10 &.m. to 7 p.m, only, No agents, please. THREE-BEDROOM iwosiorey soil brick Rouse and garage. Centrally located and ing. Telephone 728- to is 0634, . PRIVATE SALE ~ Three-bedroom house, ote and @ ha good Telephone 9420) $1,600 bungalow in choice Carries dy $110, monthly. Ston, 725-9365, Metcalf [agg es DOWN -- three-bed: meer ow, Wrice, "Telephone TOTTI BRAND NEW, nice small bu Whitby. Will trade on larger, two-stor: se in town or Apply Palace St., Whitby, SIX-ROOM, two Available now. fe RL. EE $2000. DOWN, three-bedroom bungalow gremee erage, den, $16,900. full rice. Telephone 728- $5000 DOWN buys good commercial bulid- Ing which consists of store and equip- yp ws five-room apartment. Carries bag io per month, Call Bill John- al 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd. TWO LARGE furnished rooms. Kitchen and bed-sitting room. Private bath, pa nme _ two men or working couple. end location. Call Bob John- eal est jate. bunga- e690 "hl low, In too old, will sell, storey house and garage. Bloor East district. Tee. $1,500 » DOWN =~ four-bedroom older brick home on lovee "ys iy x 149 care ries less than ren' month. List ivy 1,700, J. B. "emulion Real Estate, S1X-ROOM FRAME HOME in Pontypool on paved h. nway, twenty-five miles from Oshawa. and cold water, $4200, $1500 down. Kosly Box 27, Milton, roar am - ras storey brick home, six- and nearly new furnace. Close to achages North GM, Telephone 728-6165, INSUL-BRICK four-bedroom home, three- piece bath, la lot, 55' x 200, detach- ed garage, u: hop, $800 down, full price $4,500, 'oon - ATTENTION HANDYMANI slow and garage, north west. Call y Burgess, » Kelth Peters Reatty Litd., Realtor. $117 MONTHLY. Come and see these brand new_homes on Waverly St., south of - a Three bedrooms, Fully Geco- Cal "720-1656, " inition 'Real Estate Lig. TWO-STOREY brick home, four bed- ece bath upstairs, two- stairs, recreation roorn. Mig 942-5376, 'hree years old. Five minutes to public, cerwe schools, Fairlawn Street, 725- 4. PRIVATE SALE -- North-west area, Ive storey brick home, six rooms, good condi. pon $14,500, low downpayment. Carl B. Olsen REALTOR 20 Ray Street 723-1133 APARTMENT FOR SALE 5, two-bedroom oportment located in very central loce- tion, This is on excellent in- vestment and shows o good return. Good parking facili- ties ond in excellent condi- tion throughout. For appoint- ment to see, call George Twaites at 723-1133 or evenings 723-2008. Corl B. Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street. OLDER HOME Six rooms, bath, garage, five blocks public, seperate, high schools. Carries $95 month, principle, interest, taxes, Low down payment. Contest 728- 5426 WANT ADS reach tousancs ed prospects every day. Take advent: of the vast audience telephoning or interest-) Y AND KING -- eight year-old ue A close chureh, poet TN Immediatd per cent WN $9 per month. pe yas-aseS. Mettalf Real Ing pool, Ww. Frank Real Catete Lid., 623-3393, DOWN bedroom semi with electric heat, La dining room and kitchen, three 1133 or _723- i. Carl Olsen, Real- SIR ALBERT LOVE school area -- three- bedroom brick pene on with walk-out basement. oes | kitchen and bed- rooms, Lay » private drive and ga- rage. Call Twaites at Peat or 723-2008 evenings. Cer! Olsen, 20 Ray St. WESTMORELAND Ai AVENUE -- two-bed- » new aluminum siding on home with extra bedroom in basement. Listed at $14,600. Call George Twaites at 723-1133 or 723-2008. Cari Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street. NORTH-EAST AREA -- three-bedroom old. La living- I kitchen, This beauti- home was custom built owner who has been trans- ferred out of city, ion 30 days Asking rs $17,900 for quick Can be seen by ceiling DI 723-5281. Guide Realty Lid., Ltd., 16 Simeve $106 DOWN buys this Weare rick home with family-sized kitchen. Three large bedrooms, ced air oll furnace. Situsted on @ lerge ict 82 by 226°. ideal home for the growing family where a Hitle extra space Is needed. tion, call Dick _¥: samt, "poids Realty Lid, 16 Simece 8. Realtor, oa room, temite 3 fully decorated for this two-storey, three-j~ ys. | Whitby, 468-3338, _lvenings 668-3253 LESLIE ST. -- $1200 Paved si io. chase this pW ago gal frame bungalow, pecongh' kitchen bathroom. New f sa fgenonk dust $75, ul ig Bao i" erutshans or I "Schofield: Kier Ltd. 72- must yaa, hereary North, near new school, Five-room 'brick bun- stone ont finished recreation room, na- ural fireplace, garage. Immediate pee session, $17,900. Telephone 728-3893 725-0852, vocal CARGH NINH ROOM brick home, two prchich onan Pek ng centre hall, two drivew: jot water, oil heer. Call Perry Real & raass. WHITBY-- moder: tee a lero lot. ay "low Nore, gi Try your offer. Perry Real Este Sete INCOME Home -- si 68 \s ae rica for this seven-room Jerry Coady at 728- Estate Ltd., 46 King St. West, Oshawa. SiK" ROOMS pids finished Sasement, two washrooms, electric heat, double paved drive and attached arts Two years old. Reduced for quic! Tele- phone 728-5836, 7" pape Street, Port Perry. Sturdy old 'house on corner lot, Seven rooms plus Novag good kitchen cupboards and some tile floors, Close to schools and downtown, Full prive $9,000. end be cash, Please feel free to come and talk business, Credit Union folks must welcome. Apply above address, $2300 18 THE FULL down pryreent on this sound two-storey home in Oshawa's populer north west. Separate dining room, fireplace and _ W. ©. Mar- tin. Realtar. 728-5103. Fis -- 15 NOT Te 007 MUCH tor a a well Pinteined three - bedroo Cochrane St, in Whitby. Right close "0 schools and churches. For further partl- culars please phone Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 728-5103. W. ©. Martin, Realtor. ees SELL OR TRADE-- seven room mn prick modern home with eleven acres, Cou tice for @ modern home in Oshawa. Call Perry Real Estate 723-8123. ro agent THAT MAN or woman who wants rent your vacancy, place Rent Ads. pial 723-3492: now. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2995. Wanted' CLEN. ACRES OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 88 x 190 LOTS IZ9S. CHOICE LOTS STILL AVAILABLE AS LOW AS $100 DOWN Directions: Take highway © to Uxbridge; north on High- woy 12 to Centre Road North; follow sians. to Sales Office. OSHAWA 723-0353 HOW TO GET IT: Ir you do not find the Item you want In the Want Ads, place » ad and get it! Dial 723-3492 now. 23--Real Estate Wanted DUPLEX WANTED I need a large duplex. Preferably around O'Neill Collegiate. Call Margaret Hall, 723-1358 of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. $50. DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START JANUARY 1967 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-sized cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plan. $50 down $47 monthly, payment stort January, 1967. Limited num- ber. Yeor round activities. PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT or PERMANENT HOME Good roads, open year round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, boating, hunting, ete. Winter Ski-tow nearby, EN- JOY Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway eoch day this week-end at | p.m. and 3 p.m. No appointment nec- essory. cnn MOIR, eee Can be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evenings, by spec- ial appointment only. TTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD COBOURG, ONT. | 372-9494 | THREE BEDROOM | pre-' preted cottage with propane frig and hotplate. Also wo~d acre of land, Huntsville area. Tele- phone 668-2577 after 6 p.m. 21--Farms for Sale _ RAGLAN HOUSE 10 ACRES Farmhouse, | four bedrooms, oil heat, large family kit- chen on 10 acres rolling land with valuable road front- age, located 6% miles from wa near Raglan. $16,- 500, terms. Telephone 668- 6942 after 6 p.m FOR RENT -- Excellent l12-acre farm, with barn, on 40! at Bowmanville. im. mediate possession. 769-3583, $16,000 BUYS 137-ACRE bee? farm with good five-bedroom . Excellent trout stream. Commuting distance from Osh- awa. W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103, VIRACRE FARM, 45 workable with large hiproof barn, rest good pasture nn with springs, well fenced, $13,500, term: awe 26 miles. Call 986-4894, '24--Stores, Offices, Storage |month, Telephone 72 THREE BEDROOM older type house oi TWO-STOREY brick house, three bed- rooms, close to Shopping Centre and ONE - BEDROOM apartment, central located. -- im M phone 623-2609 SEVEN - ROOM house. age oe upsteirs psy downstairs with ent + ROOM farm house on Taunton Telephone 728-5125 mornings, 9 +1 Telephone Toronta|® "A MONTHLY. 97 Nassau Street. Six- THRE! ic and separate schools, TWO-BEDROOM house with coal ture » O8h-| phone LISTINGS WANTED NOW SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 $$$$$S3 8 Buying -- Selling a home can be pesky. If this is your prob- lem. Call DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-465) $$S$$S$$S3 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PFAAAFAAAG 5,000 SQ. FT. of Floor Space in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenger and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES 86 King Street East Phone 723-3474 Large Modern Store for rent In Shopping Plazo Suitable for restaurant, hard- ware, etc, Telephone 728-4646 GRENFELL SQUARE Immediate Possession Features 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites @ FREE HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL 4 @ FREE HYDRO @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL KITCHENS § .@ iNDOOR PARKING AVAILABLE @ OUTDOOR GUEST PARKING Rental Information CALL 723-5111 380 - 385 GIBB ST. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT Grenfell Square 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Oshawa's finest apartment buildings. Immediate occu- pancy. Coll Grenfell Square Rental Office 723-5111 380-385 GIBB ST. CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT @ | and 2 bedrooms stove @_ refrigerator $ broadioom in halls @ inter- com @ F.M, @ Balconies @ Immediate possession. Close to shopping centre and all schools, 728-4283 Apt. 111. 340 Marland For Prestige Living LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: Home-sized rooms with ample storage space, Free hydro and electric heat with -- individual room control. Sauna Room Swimming Pool. Recreation room with kitchen facilities Fabric Draperies Pressurized, odour-free corridors Shopping, schools end churches near at hand Oshawa's only T.V. controlled entrance to protect you Transportation at your door A home you will be proud to VISIT "LA CONTESSA" 140 Nonquon Road 725-1481 show Retween 9 and 5 SMALL OFFICE FOR RENT In central location, Available nae $35 per +6246, MEDIUM-SIZE STORE for rent, sull- able office, beauty shop, etc, 492 Simcoe St. S. Available now, 725-5445, 'STORE suitable for small business or workshop. Downtown go ane $60 monthly. Telephone 728-8: 25--Houses for Rent house for downtown area. Commercial zon- ing. $150 monthly. Telephone 728-3555. schools, Bus at door, Telephone 725-0319. immediately. Tele- RGerene" ian "meee garage. fe. ly. Ape 441 Merritt Street or after 6 apply jolfe Street, Road East, oll furnace. $125 ef month, house, no furnace or hot water. phone Fase, DROOM bungalow, northwest section, Oshawa, residential, close to pub- $160 _ monthly, Available November 1. Phone 723-7164, nace, Next to Shoppil Centre, Tele- 728-8882. #s pinilipelcagl Fou CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost get with Classified Ads. Dial Yay sery now for an ed: writer, 13(22--Lots for Sale 10 and 25 ACRE LOTS Large selection of building lots all within 14 miles of Oshawa, Scenic parcels wood- ed, some with 'creek, Priced from $3,000 to $9,000. Terms available. Telephone Rt ty} Available November 46232, 0: central to reliable couple, No objection ed one child. $1 References quested. Apply 29 Charles Street. BRICK eh ag with Sernet, five rooms, @ ton 263-2039. 7WO-BEDROOM house and Lab oll heated, within walking distance of ew and ord immedi possess! waW Toure ot "ai three bedrooms and 723-134. THREE BEDROOM two storey Lama newly decorated, enh nee and South Oshawa. 1 SUS monthly, Apply 8 shawa Times. The WENTWORTH MANOR 275 Wentworth St. Oshawa You will enjoy living in Wentworth Manor, con- veniently situated for those who work in and around Oshawa. Within easy walk- ing distance of stores and schools, RENT INCLUDES; e Ss @ Heat and hydro @ Stove and refrigerator @ Parking A few choice 2 and 3 bed- room suites still available. Rental Office and Model Suite Open Daily from 1 - 9 P.M, TELEPHONE 723-8701 MODERN APARTMENTS PREMIER 321 Marland Ave. PHONE 728-6722 or 723-1401 One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Stove, Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M, Controlled en- trance. Elevator. Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. Free Hydro. THUNDERBIRD TERRACE One and two bedroom apart- ments. Laundry facilities and lockers on each floor. Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermostatically con- trolled In each, room, Un- derground porking available. 190 Nonquon Read. Telephone 728-9726 ROYALE APTS. 119 NONQUON ROAD 1 and 2 bedroom suites available. View anytime. 728-5282 THREE-ROOM regi en two a peg pn annonce, ae and roe: ae beara," yard," eut uo on hr yy Cae pew and ater aap at ments, ices ee fk Coin Tes cnet See apartment, . ore "ee washing me rede occupancy. Telepnone| 'Wo BEDROOM apariment, upper du- he sartetame salir Private come. possession. Tele- after 6. TWO ROOM "sparen gable ices "ight "Rovsehaeping. Telephone Fo BEDROOM pari --Bult =i men oe yd can, relrigursier 'proad.| stove refriger loom, washer and dryer. Avaliable for November Ist. Apply 1402 FOUR-ROOM sparimenie avaliable Im mealaey only. 68 Wayne Street, Apt. Private Rearne 315.00) 3-room -- sultes, $10, » motel suites to share; $35, orig, rerelephone 668-5201, Whitby, ONE-BEDROOM basement sig wet) aice. Arey TH deparaie siireivw. South, SECOND STOREY of house, two bed- rooms, private entrance and drive, close to |, bus. Two children welcome. $90 monthly 'Including services, 725.9103. one hia ger or Hee eat hice Heer ser oon to apartment ul | lose to public rapa vy re y. a tm |v tai Novernerste bee LF-CONTAI ment. North end. Av: A [Fe aed alt services. Telephone as yor, he. 375 Wi sushaT-- ars two bedroom apart ment, controlled entrance, Lecce 4 in stereo music, southern sayenth floor. No children 'onder 1 12, 728. Fw ROOM furnished ment. private bath. Suitable for couple, lochs iy no children, Telephone Felner att ret cee THREE-ROOM apartment Fe loce- tion. duty wiring, antenna, t 240 Ritson Road tion apply 214 Arthur Street, For informe-|¢ p. Couple only. Very clean." 7 oo In person only Aen? THREE_ROBH-- Nihal sarin ewly ONE, TWO AND THRE! apart: with Intercom| jcontrotied entrances, slevator service, swimming pool, Glen Street or call, M02 APARTMENTS ne RENT. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apt. UPPER DUPLEX, 'ear wet newly decorated, central, Its. Tele. phone 726-8465. TWO BEDROOM Pa ig building. Telephone after 7 "il asi peste gg FL peta B bs tga ah apart- e, _refriger: bivirr controlled srarenee. Telephone after 5:15 p.m. ONE mente and one iy die epart- ment each with kitchen and bath. Tele- phone 725-8524 after 6. Apply 86 "Grentel pelted a business lady to rtment with another lady, walking Slstonce of hospital, a parking. 31 Elgin St. E. 723-380) TWO BEDROOM in modern ent building, $120. monthly. Heat and hydro paid, fridg, stove, drapes included. Geor- gien Court Apartments, Whitby, 668-6459, ONE BEDROOM apartment, Bo Hil oe electrically ipped, $85. ults, pevereuns. $22); cilities, centrally located. a label ers, immediate possession. Apply 6? Mc» THREE ROOM apartment, three piece bath, stove, a Private entrance, Rent $65 previ No children, FOUR ROOM apartment. ideal for one er two gentlemen. New apartment. Com- new pletely furnished and private entrance. Occu) eaey available Immediately. Please apply oes many ime, FOUR-ROOM with Ne oye bath. awh aah children, Location, 36 Elm St., 725-9133. CLEAN FOUR-ROOM by ie = with private bath, entrance Good location, $85 Monthy. <hel: Nov. 1, Telephone 725-8513. 73 |SROUND FLOOR, three oem ment, Private entrance. $95 includes heat, hydro. Apply 345 Oshawa Bivd. S$. ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM spam in new bullding, downtown, wil sort West, Telephone 725-9328 or 728- .|REGENCY TOWERS -- now avaliable, modern pees Sore se chai fridge, ropes, FN Meru cant led en ry SPECIAL bachelor apa: sey in -- ment tulidings furnished penettion Foor, kitchen, bathroom. All private, Plenty of parking. Ideal for working couple, meni Possession immediately, " LARGE kitchen, bathroom, bedsifting roorn. Private entrance, stove and frigerator. Suit single person or Young couple, $85 monthly. 723-8839 after 5 p.m. BACHELOR APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, Private entrance and bath. Very central. Telephone 725-8245. trance, litles on each floor, 249 Maurlano Avenue, Off eee. 5| THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, eg entrance and bath, available October }, 725-2849, THREE OR FOUR foom re-|nished, heated, electricity su able now. Telephone TWO bedroom apartment to Sublet in new apartment budiding, across from ree Motors south plant. Telephone apartment, fur> lied, Avail $110 MONTHLY, 2-bedroom apartment, with frig, stove, washer and ery. Tele- phone 723-5135. FOUR-ROOM apartment, $75 _monthly,| refrigerator, and stove, Included. Very central. Immediate possession. 728-7184, THREE ROOMS and bath, garage, TV outlet, washer and dryer. Central. $80 monthly. Available Nov. 1. Telephone IDROOM apartment, stove, frig, and pes. No damage deposit. bs able Nov. 1, Park dawn Apts., 170 Park Rd, South, 723-8844 poral alate ted cenrally eee and two- Searonm duplex. Telephone Newtonville FURNISHED, | one-bedro iment, room newly decorated, bus tine. perng factiivies, $75 includes ates, Telephone 728-0717 or in' NEW 2 rae fee oon apartment for rent. Park space, Private en- al RS "ecliities, Telephone 728- FOUR ROOM apartment and three piece bath. Private entrance, heey for foncmupie with one child. Bus stop et 7273 after 5 p.m. THREE ROOM furnished basement apart- ment, private bath. ee for couple or two nurses, Call 723-9686. TWO BEDROOM broadicom room and tile floors. Frigidaire and stove furnished; washer and di tn tiving REGENT ARMS Immediate occupancy. | bed- room apartments. $109 monthly. Adults only, Call 723-6455 Between 6 - 9:30 p.m. laundry room, Near Is children, any more than 2 $125. a month: | Y. Phone 728-7689. MODERN, very heyhey furnished Wires: room apartment, and hydro in- cluded in rent, private entrance. Park- ing. Telephone 723: FOUR-ROOM pm Bei Apply 287 Verdun O-ROOM furnished basement apart- separate @n- Road. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | WHITBY HOTEL Rooms to rent by the week. 207 Dundas St. W, 668-2337 ROOM FOR pi young pole. air, Ms sae Taba 'abstatne reer Tele per wee r phone 723-4746, " ATTRACTIVELY furnished room. fer itlemen in Fede chan i home. Cadil- lac Avenue, double clone to all haaeltal and north GM. Kitchen era light In LARGE ays 7 and ba' cozy a _ heat in|Sluded, all new furniture, bul ward- 443 week- foe suitable for one person. Telephone 725-2539, FURNISHED room for privileges and laundry sraciis, sh room with TV, ci and downtown. Telephone nee LARGE furnished housekeep room, bsg + te or gentieman, yey, wa King West. } FURNISHED bedroom, central, car park- Ing, 728-8644, 'shin yom private bath, Sultabi only. vi @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m, Sat. 'til 3pm. | LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy 2 bedroom apartments close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only. TELEPHONE 723-6455 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. WHITBY 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern conveniences, ele- vator, built-in stove, fabric be soma Free parking. Neor s. - Telephone 666-5347 . FOR RENT or SALE 12 ROOM HOUSE 162 COLBORNE ST. FURNISHED HOUSE for winter months '25_ monthly. bath, clean. Telephone Hamp- jate ne. Telephone 72 bathrooms $140, monthly. Telephone 668-6942 or Oshawa 725- 9592. ferences preferred. Toreonane ny aes after 5 0. 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 ¥ ACRE LOTS, Whitby. Township. Lo cated on No. 7 Highway and fourth con- cession. East of Highway 12. Terms available. Call W. Schatzmann Realtor, TREED | LOTS. 6 X 152, 20 minutes from Oshawa, town water. Custom homes if desired, CMHC financing avaliable. Call) Newcastle 98?- 4975 after 6 LARGE "LOT, 75 x 200 ton, geeet Toad. $3,900. Terms. preg 725-| BUILDING LOT, 4° by 115. Central, ear irks and school, No agents, please. Telephone 728-19 dave. en, living and dining room, Ol Garage. $90 monthly. For further infor- mation call Brooklin 685-3033. home with large kitch- heating. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS INDOOR HEATED YEAR ROUND POOL BROADLOOMED SUN DECK Oshawo's largest opartment building offers the best fea- tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- bination Living ond Dining Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 Olde English Decor Lobbies. Bus stop at door. Model Suite Furniture by Cherney's Fyrniture World. Broadloom by Angus-Graydon, OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY 1221 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9934 GET A JOB with work "wanted" ads in Classified, Dial 723-3492 now and have an ad-writer heip you phrase your job getting ed. EAST ONE AND TWO 6 le for couple. Abstainers. Available immediate- ly, Telephone 725-0507, 2 ROOMS Ls be rented separate! enants to share first By single preferred. Apply THREE-ROOM apartment, peivate Al and entrance, aduits ogg line north, Telephone BROOKLIN, four rooms, . bedroom apartment, heated, newly decorated, lots of cupboards and closets, Adults, ab-) on stainers please. 1. Ti 655-4848, Benviemen 516 ~| Wilson Rd, -S, after 5 p.m, ROOMS for _rent, weekly rates. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Smee Street North. COMFORTABLE room gentleman only. Apply after 4 p.m, Me Athel East or 725-0536, TWO-ROOM apartment, frig, stove, clean. $55 plus stig entrance. Parking, bur stop. 621 ©. 728-0427. vane King st MODERN one-bedroom basement apa: owt No children. Apply 493 Bond Sheet TWO-ROOM upstairs apartment, avall- able new, central, parking re Tele- Phone 725-8562. THREE - ROOM Copenorory. forniohed arora. Private bath Close to downtown and bus stop. Guise district, Telephone 728-9005. BASEMENT APARTMENT, ideal oe single man or Ink, stove, Ls bond cupboards, shower, private ashroom, -- parki private entrance. Guest privileges. $ 3 weekly. 841 Simcoe o-bedroom Street S. LARGE apart: t, drapes, trig Included. Children wel- tome. Balcony, $135 cy includes NICE ROOM for young lady or man, TV outlet, close to bus, hl ot Oshawa. Electric heat, after 6, SINGLE ROOMS and board. a Division Street. stad ONE, LARGE |i housek: Private bath one pcttencs, torek. trom, Abstainers. Phone oer Py B.m. 728-9223, ONE large furnished housekeeping room, hot plate and refrigerator, -- ties and parking. Telephone 72: LARGE furnished bedroom, as pene Sat Mare di sad se 298 Kingsdale Av : COMPLETELY Turnished 'at ameter room, sultable for one or two ave. Close to south GM. Apply 303 Pacific St. Two ROOMS completely furnished for light housekeeping, Including stove, re- frigerator and TV, central. One gentle man onty. $15 weekly, 725-5227. Souttree tle- st 728-0243 feel stove heat and | hydro, Teiepnone® /co-v7 a0. TWO AND A HALF storey brick home, th Two bedroom SINGLE oi nishos Pot. centrally lacated, oe 2466. $135 mon $105 monthly, One bedroom pet 'seceautad Call Guide Realty Li Ltd., 723- LARGE comfortabie bedsitt vali Mier room for wre light ees Seen on private entrance and bath. Block from hospital. week! 725-1402, $10 ly. T swe SESROON apartment in five on Lansdowne Drive.' $115 monthly, and elophone 28-558. included. Adul! lex | ¢ SS) only. ROOM apartment, S-plece bath- room, kitchen and living room. $80. Close to hospital and school. Bowmanville oe. 7540 after store hours. ce eee two bedroom 'iin tues nd frig. One double gar: Park Ra. South. ee : TWOREDROOM partment, newiy deco rated, central. 728-084). MODERN one-bedroom apartment with frig and -- Avaliable "Non . Tele- 668-8 or raydon | 'oad, Whitby. gh AVAILABLE November 15, two-bedroom apartment in it 639 CARTIER AVE. Three + bedroom apartment in triplex, near Oshawa a. Centre, drapes, rug, refr! ONE Ia furnished housekeeping room with Pot agi io Ray apartment. Pri- te and entrance. Very central, CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Single room for gentleman, abstainer. Five minutes from four corners. ly above address. FURNISHED available at phone 723-9761. Hove, a family preferred. ONE TWO bedroom apartments. onan Newcastle 987-4835, "LARGE, clean,#furnished room for Private entrance" and bath, single beds and television on | radio. $10 each weekly, THREE BEDROOMS, new bore re- decorated, large living room, hohe ae convenient, private entrance. Adults, two children, nd includes heat, hydro. Im- Olive, Wilson. 723-6304, frig, stove. Close t be Shopping . lo a Centre after 7 p.m, call 728-2658. TWO spacious rooms, entrance, heat ond fs ro included with rent. Apply 86 Brock Street East. THREE - gd ie aah downtown Oshawa area. hea hydro included. "ABBY = "Bigin Street West, Telephone 668- MARY pte td a "Comalstaly tur- nished tment, absteiners, adults only. Suitabl le for two nurses, References, parking 'eciiities. 725-5691. MODERN TWO-BEDROOM apartment, electric heat, freé hydro, drapes, stove, In small apartment building. after 6 pm. 725-9886 ULTRA-MODERN private. Lovely dential area, a. ye Nov, phone 725-3411. Lelio ss sop cong partment, suit edults. Central "Vocation. en » Tele- FURNISHED room for rent, tree Le ty ce, Eo asd Sendra Street &. SOnPoRTARLE bed-sitting room In pri- vate home. Telephone 668-6207, Apply 406 Dundas Street. West, Whitby. ivate bath and/refrigerator, laundry facilities, baicony,| FURNISHED Ls acta baal tye Lah en to share, Private ba! $¥0 each weekly, Nelo Siepiea. Close to downtown, Telephone 725-9280. tN one-bedroom _apart- + and|ment, stove rig etogratar Ci Completely LARGE LIGHT eer rocm in Ex canner resi-/ quiet gentleman, home, central, sult 723-9225. LARGE single or double furnished room, new furniture. Suitable for clean ladies. Kitchen haggis Close to hospital and 723-3684 or 728-7983. ange 5 p.m. FOR RENT piled. suit couple. $80 monthly. Phone 725-6466. room, large tiving room, hydro, heat. Private entrance. Adults. $90. Olive and Wil- panelled, on kitchen, THREE-ROOM apartment with private T 723- Son, 723-6304. bath. Gar: 7041 oF Y 352 Mary St. THREE - ROOM besement apartment, private entrance, private bath. 'Available ictober 30. Telephone 725-7418. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, . $70. 725-9385, » pve Big EAST -- two- cesreenh apa t, frig, stove, bi loom, free peng he "ie sus month- im Apply Apartment No. 1 M BROCK <svanaT 1 EAST -- Furnished brand new, electric heat, frig., ae sup- BEAUTIFUL LARGE apariment, wood-|room in quiet home, close to north GM, hospital and downtown, ferred. Telephone 723,2836, FURNISHED ROOM, clean, Warm, near north GM, share edhe gentleman only. Phone 728-1050. LARGE atireciively. furnished room for lady, ott entrance and bath, wy Abstainer pre- apartment. NEW APARTMENT -- $80. amy. Lag jfrigerator, stove, heat and hydro Suit_one or two people, Available Ociguer 13, 723-8325, 723: a7 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitp apartment bath. Av. dune, child 1. Tele- phone 668-2445, WHITBY Two-bedroom Electrically heated. wreeer, 9 drapes. One}; » central, Telephone 725- 0128. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, private bathroom. Parking space. For one 9 Apply 66 Park Rd, South, Im partment mediately with eer. heat, hot and cold water, hydro, stove and fridge at only .|$110 monthly. No damage deposit. Sibby's jReal &: Oshawa, state Lid. 46 King Street West, 728-7576, 23 ELGIN ST. EAST, furnished room tor gentieman. Close to downtown. House keeping privileges. Apply after 4 p.m. NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place a Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723362,