en | }Centennial Medal Approved = ; Church At Ebenezer (ai jitneran Agency Rally cee ee nial ee Seeks The: division of public rela-|becomes operative tions, one of seven operational helps to the Lutheran WINNIPEG -- The first Pro-|mouth,Rock. Rev. J died|«xp0 Church" in conjunttion|divisions of the LCIC, is the|---------------- Committee of the new|there 'and is likely first ' To Mark Centennial Ui snacen Teall ta. Geena, Lateran pastor buried tn. Can with the Christian Pavilion atifirst division to meet since = tions will at-|the Sunday School rooms were|Lloyd Down, Murray Osborne, |representing 99 per cent ofjdian s -- services sunday Garnet Tubb, Mrs. H. Mackie,|Canadian Lutherans, met here] Aliso, a bronze plaque will be : wear oe conteintal of Ebe- Since. tts tnaageretion, ibe. Miss Ann Holt. (Forty Garry Hotel) to Aaalise placed on the "Little Dutch UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 409 ADELAIDE AVE. ns : nezer United Church. Former|nezer has been the place of| Stewards: Chairman, Walter for Canada's Centennial) Church" in Halifax. This is the 320 Ritson Rd. $. (Nr. Olive) PASTOR: REV, D, N. HABERMEHL, B.A. M.Th. rh ministers of the church will|worship of three different de-|Brown; treasurer, Harold Muir; |*°?" original erytre of the at Oshowa 723-6325 a take part in the morning and|nominations, First known as thé|Alan Down, Wes Oke, Brooks| The division approved the|Lutheran churgh D if ; e Bible rene wh ore 4 Pearce, Ld Saetiirs, Rine pom a meas er com- Nope iat tater SUNDAY -- 10:00 AM. .|came Methodis ; ter Canada' tennial. : ; Pg yc ehvg io third change came in 1925 when Boks, aie Henry, Charles A completed design for the ob- honor the: a, as peck Nigro ily aed M "THE CHRISTIAN: CHILD OF GOD" i Rev. W. C. Smith, minister|it became part of the United/muiott, Jack Locke, Art Bur-|verse side of the medal picturjerans agp y Am EVANGELISTIC 7:30 P.M. Nursery Core Provided i from 1934 to 1943, of a new|Church of Canada. gess, Ron Bickle, Frank Reid.|ing the head of Martin Luther, /Johann - WEDNESDA\ f organ, The special speaker will Manse Committee: Raymond |W will commemorate the pernerd Ssdatlina the Y-- 11:15 A.M. Sunday Schoo! . be Rev. W. F. Delve. Rey.|CHURCH MINISTERS Osborne, Lioyd Coverly, Mr." smalvaraaty Of the Rater.jeiiidtsn in tie Lacseren faith. Rete Diaie: and femer--2 ham, 'nate Sommerville will lead in| The ministers who havely, Tink, Keith Ormiston, Cecii|™ation, was shown. This medal-|The Angle ort Mindiy|| FRIDAY -- 7:00 P.M. -- "SABBATH AND SUNDAY" prayer. served the church since its/Found, Mrs. E, Snowden, _|//0. Will be so he Geel" Youth Service--8 p.m. " The affernoon service,|dedication are: Rev. R. B.) Missionary and Maintenance ankle ong pope cool Br Ay " EVERYONE WELCOME Radio Ministry Chr. Ref. Church: each" Sunday ef 9:15 PM. 1: chaired by Harry Gay, will in.|Dentke, 1870-72; Rev. J. C.lqveasurer, Harry Gay. rene ie carats a gg 9 a j (Back Te God Hourhevery other Sunday et 1) AM, CKLB | elude a reading of the history ore isra ts Rev. C. *! Cemetery Board: Murray Os- Plans were laid for presen-|nial Worship Service to be held : 7' Fogg hy Louise gate ym mage "Rey. Md borne, Ron Bickle, Don Muir,|;ation of this medal to various|im most Lutheran churches on Wes Down. Advisor, L. Cour-| government officials. greetings from Oshawa Presby-|Howard, 1878-81; Rev, F .M. The Wesleyan Methodist Church tery, Rev. W. C. Smith, Rev.|Finn, 1881-82; Rev. G. W. tice. Approvai was given for the Ministe Walter W. Newell H. G. Linsiced, Ticy. @. Av.|Stevenson, 1882-84; Rev. J. Wit- a. Pickel, Eber' Snowden, Ai peye ofa meteortal 'to The ro--Rev. . ecett | y. Sommerville, |lock, 1884-80; Kev. mover: San-/S- ny ev. Rasmus Jensen, Danish The minister," Rev. J. P.|derson, 1886-80; James J. Liddy, Centelt, ep. Hemet 26% Lutheran pastsr, The Sern telson OPENING SERVICE Romeril 1889-92; Rev. Leonard elp, . y Srown. panie fal 7 a ee. 1892-95; Rev. Dr. = - e ey a Gna om -- -- og = for y one wee 3 P.M, 1895-98; Rev. J. son,;man, Harry Gay, Mrs. Annis|wintered at w "0 The of this pioneer|ig9.1901: Rev. Joseph Ward, |Mrs. W. Bickle, Miss Louise Os-|Churchill, Manitoba, in the Sermon "THE BEST UNTIL LAST church in South Darlington|1991-95: Rev. John Butler, 1905-|borne, Kenneth Courtice, Ann|year 1619, one year before the T y Speciol Music in po ag Sok caret on eit Bee: oe See ey Lote Courtice, Pilgrim Fathers landed at Ply- S World North Oshawa Community Centre 11; Solfo: on, ev, : John Eynon, of the Bible Chris. P. Nonquon Rd. ; : tian Church, -- cua ae BA. H9-st: Oc. Washing: CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH YOU ARE INVITED To WORSHIP WITH us 11:00 A.M. * eutaoets te 8 tee-elis area, | [12% Dnzz: Nev. Hered Gale Corner King nd Contr St, "Revival Through Fellowship FIRST CHURCH raim, 1930-34; Rev. v. ¢ "smith, oREV. aw. Wi On toy a : i from Malachi mar cmUNCR nea ne. cinta genet Me AH ntvingop tert -- | ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST patio, ; ev. F- f 4 a" " j . . Darlington was a log building|s9- Rey. Sommerville, 1950-57; 1:00 A.M.--"RELIGION WITH IMPACT" To the people of our time hinaiae on ee a ee ee ja f " with-a cottage roof, erected in/Rey, Stainton, 1947-62; Rev. J. 135th ANNIVERSARY Concerning problems of our tine : . C, M, Brig! Four Searching Questions oot Gel tom stiecees | OF THE CONGREGATION Junior Church Up To & Years Provided. 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER FELLOWSHIP . the, present church. A Sunday |CHURCH OFFICERS mest gonser apna vagy igus decd To Unitarian all doctrine and betiet || 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL om, ini ee "| Officers of the church this puma to 16 your must stand the test of enlightenes me * The second church was year ri : Care for o's Suna ieenided' during tne Sorvien 2 of Worship, reason. While not discarding the 11:00 A.M, 'GOD CONTROLLED LIVES' Trustees: Carl Down, Gordon || the Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. tested truths of tradition, It keeps AOD OM eine bel hoon Represented as the Water of Life" For its construction lime was|Vinson, Glenn Pickell, Jack abreast of modem knowledge, United Spiritualist Gay, Ted Hutton, Herb Nichols. |= 7 TUES., 7:30 P.M. = FMY argyle the roadside, sag Ken Courtice advisor. T B TIST CHURCH Pushing shiderthe veils of ereed and i Ras 'M. --_Praver Meet Meeting ond Bible Study Ch ki f 0 t ° ville and lumber from adjacent| Elders: Wilfred Brown, Clerk F IRS AP dogma, Unitarian enlist the support oh Weta ainishaae Awihiek Wer urcn oF Untario mills, A gallery and additional jof Session. Stan Coverly, Hilton HORTOP AT GLENWOOD of education and science that man Or Temple, Bruce St Oshawa room for services were added |Tink, cpg gs Se md Ki tL aicok: Sencar BA may better understand end ange pf ern o) in 1878; while in 1892 and 1893/man Down, een Rowland L. MeCord.-- Mus. Bac, -- Musical Director cooperate with his fellow man. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE] © coll? Sie phe pe peal, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 2:30 P.M. FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST 7:00 P.M SCHOOL HEALING & CIRCLE hi Boi, Memmi Se eS Hear the Word of God as it is in 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY ja wan SUNDAY SCHOOL ---- 11:00 A.M. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians UNITARIAN - 9:00 A.M.--THE LORD'S SUPPER DIVINE SERVICE SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Numer Epa chen Aral AM. FELLOWSHIP || 11:00 A.M--Sunday School & Family Bible Hour SPOCIAL. GUEST. SPEAMER a" ' tid Doctrine of Atonement eg Nein AS 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service "er ge rd oid 8 7 -- Oshawa Comn : Mr. Walter Mittler senate nowt vainened 8 FW OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH eo sis, eh gc, 2 lg a, ns ala | Medium. Rev. Isabella Ferguson et ee STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET ALL HEARTILY INVITED Listen te: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday Bronch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.S.A. pees -- Pastor: Rev, Roy F. C. Stoddard f St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church This Sunday Only PICKERING NO AFTERNOON SERVICE ita ae Chie, MA, 7:00 P.M. -- DIVINE SERVICE Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. Phipps Thursdoy 7:30 -- 8:30 p ener 8:30 p.m. -- 9:30 'bm Open Class -- Rev R. F, C. Stoddard 11:00 A.M. Anniversary Service 1 Visiting Preacher--Rev. Kenneth A. Heron, B.A., B.D, "i Petal THE SALVATION ARM ALL WELCOME 133 Simcoe Street South Major end Mrs. John Wood SRSA ORR ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, } The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, MA--Rector { The Reverend R. G, Brooks $.Th.--Assistont 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "Puri f Heart" Mr. William urity o a Oshawa Cable panto MOBILE we Leask, President, TV 'Limited, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th TRINITY XIX East 9:00 AM.--HOLY. COMMUNION "Soul eve Sha ond ee 600 Kee oe 11:00 A.M.--BAPTISM OF CHILDREN 9 Oshaw9 TUES, 2:30°P.M, -- Ladies' Home League WED. 8:00 P.M. ---- Prayer Meeting A Welcome Awaits You At the Army" We at LA really enthu ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH outlets in Ha 'WHITBY Centennial Services Sunday, Oct. 16th | Whenever one OF OUT EA recomme wt very bod Dear Bill: | \ 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Nursery Fecilities oveiloble et the 11:00 @.m. Service THURSDAY, October 20th -- HOLY COMMUNION 10 om. & B Di bout Cable Salvation Army of Ajax Presents "THE PRIOR CLAIM" { _ Moody Institute of Science Colour Film | Will be shown at Expo '67 ~ OCTOBER 16th Following 7 P.M. Service At The Selvation Army Auditorium Kings Crescent, one block East of Ajox Plaza 8106 A.M.--Holy Communion 9:00 A.M.--Holy Communion with instructive commentery --for Confirmation cendidetes ond others who may be interested. wish you portunity fo ) is OP' SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 11:00 A.M.----Moly Communion: Sermon so like to boy ' hs new venture. } SIMCOE ST. $. AT BAGOT STREET re ee ane cemerinal quae. puede» e t of luck In The Quch nthe th ly wh ha Word on ts Ee ee aes | ISTER: REV. JOHN K. Pac BA. --this Is one of o series of exchanges with Angll- Director of Music: Mr. RG, Geen, LA.CMA can porishes in the Deanery of Oshawa, Sincerely, 11:00 A.M. 4100 P.M--Holy Beptiom Lan} | "Rejected Cornerstone"' 7:00 P.M--St. Andrew's Presbyterien Church congregation : Anthony ae --its choir and organist will be in the chancel ee " 7:00 P.M.--Service In The Chepel yon Minister, the Rev. Jas. McClure, will eon- | "The Gospel - Not a Theory But Tee 2s geeteareien form of service in All A Person"' ~The bom ot u.iiies st tial on vices in which we share ond experience the worship of other Christian congregations in the town of Whitby and vicinity, 8:00 P.M.--Reception and#ellowship Hour --the people of All Soints' will ect op heer to their Presbyterian neighbours in the parish hall oe conclusion of the service. Everyone is welcome, The Minister at Both Services 8:00 PM --Fellouship Hour, Slides --~ "European Sefari" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9: 45 A Mm~Yeouth Departments a 11:00 A.M.--CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENTS Baby Care °