@ "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 14, 1966 Electric Heating System Gas Does Wonders Daily % For Economy Of Dominion [iv'ii"c more than 5,000 gas clothes It's No Rarity Today | That "All Gas" Home + % i : Features For many years the trulyjelectric current generated by/' nynamic! That's the word for 'astern Canada. This cost.ada's production of natural gas|4ryers. : ie as : ese ey "all ag -- has" wince a " 4 gc hge lye canigerala Bees an industry which is daily doing|$427,993,000 and employed -- will rise accordingly during 1965} This combined production eee F gleam in the gas industry's/vices. In the exhibit ;|Wonders for Canada's economy/men at peak of construction.|ig a massive 1200 billion cubic|sales picture augurs well for the ; } % istribution of eye. Behind the scenes, re-|production prototypes of four! the natural gas industry. To|Currently an additional $24,- ; ; As fast as oe basic ~~ md sated a raiee: = os "babe bar dtan gil _ "a pied search scientists have worked|new gas appliances, including] any outside the industry. this|800,000 is being spent on ex- pro -- vag Foe: Canadian econonjy. In fact, the electric heating 'has oy sabi : tieul r room or area is not in|about six inches above the top|40ggedly. Twenty-four yearsja gas freezer, and a gat re- may appear as an amazing fact/tension of pipelines to Eastern] 4.140 1959 and 1960! P Canadian Gas Association ex- ing on with the buying public, v4 temperature can be re-lof baseboard heaters. Drapes|#80, there were only four uses/frigerator protected against!r,."in years gone by the very|Canada, Today, there is act. B 195 ! pects that industry records will Loe Pipa ie take pe diced without disturbing the|can also be hung two inches|°% gas in the home; the in-)power failure by a thermo-|,o,4. igas company" seemed|ually a total of 35,000 miles of| From January to June of last again be broken ih 1965. oy ip ftachall ce dase poole dustry hoped that by 1975 there/electric unit. to imply something old-fashion-|natural gas pipe line operating Sn Oct. 9th to 15th ing. : comfort level of the rest of the|from the front of the units and oils Ge, eewen: That xoal wail: Other 'apolicalions. of eae P roger a the builder who wants|home. Sudden changes in wind|approximately one inch from pateed many years ago. generated thermoelectric power is isos wa a ede soeel, Gaeatin: tile: tk: Gokkatee WHITBY FIRE DEPT. 'install direction and outside tempera-|the floor. This allows for ade- f : 4 bt d legen er oraphion te ture are compensated for auto-|quate alr circulation. Today there are gas ranges, si ye rei ee poe obsolete and bears no resem-|major utilities and many small hbo * he nt it| matically, too. Baseboard heaters are de-|refrigerators, refrigerator-freez- ein Ss, i *"|blance to the go-ahead, modern-lutilities in Canada providing pe agli th ct rt the There is no heat loss in,trans-|signed so that free air flow|ers, water heaters, clothes dry- ibitio Bs io wel eat pie as-tomorrow 'natural gas in-|gas service to some 1,265,900 Sibet bit xi ." the presthatd mission with a resistance unit|through the heating elements|ers, combination washer-dryers, Sait wai the aicsroitat. a as-/dustry which produces over 13.6}households, and a total of 5,- bon ah Paides, The particular heater. Heat is produced right/keeps the surface temperature|heating equipment, cooling fired unit for complete Gispesal per cent of Canada's energy re-|000,000 users, or about 30 per Saturday, Oct, {5th--(0 a.m, till 5:30 p.m. @ Have Your Furnace Cleaned by an Expert : @ Have Your Wiring Checked. ® Do Not Store Gas in the Basement. ~ ards i hich will feel hot to|equipment, year-round air- ; uirements. cent of the population. Ontario ' a og ogg hice baw sietaed $k cate end ea bot will not burn, |conditioning, smokless, odorless ' Suman bgt arog aoe " This is a big 2 billion, 300|itself has 13 gas companies, bye: Hiagadhag in ional ti elim-| However, even if the air flow|waste disposers, even a gas| 0 Sewers or plumbing. Ba8| million dollar industry. In addi-| Across Canada a tota' of 900 ee eairicts by objects thrown |dishwasher. Outdoor cooking|0llet, now in production, has)io +) 'the more than 11,000 municipalities including Ottawa gories of electric heating sys- vaya Feet ere ee Pie aigg dled higeiedlange 46 equipment, swimming poo j|been approved by the American) 7 OO employs in all its|/have gas service, ranging from ~ Unitary or room-by- Piro gorc nn weed, pin probably|unit will not overheat because|heaters are rT and in- suaiea fan ee ie he varied . areas -- exploration,|Montral with a population of tas cree eg ada | stow yours pel akin ltt, unre witer polluion inl mecarery, Pralanton, trate eto fo Paella, Socket i ; eatin uipmen| ing used |tricity, it con- ; E 8. a pines rac cable a method today. They gor he used as a| Wall mounted convector units|/hear about a "fuel cell" which 7 higs og ot brent Th use|least 25,000 are also employed} As Canada's most highly in- peculiar to electric heating; |complete heating system or as|with or without fans, are idealjused gas to produce eieciricity. of septic tanks. in the direct application andj|dusiralized province, Ontario 8. -- Central including warm {auxiliary units. for both new house installation/Then we read of office build-| py. August, 1963 issue of/utilization of gas in home andjhad over 590,600 natural gas air, and hydronic systems. The units are metal base-|or conversion work. ings, shopping centres, huge|touse and Garden. magazine|industry. Last year gas utili-|customers in the first six Here's a rundown of the main|boards, housing electric heating} Because they are available in|apartment house projects, high features a house that creates|ties serviced 1,385,900 Canadian| months of 1963, Here the largest features of each type: elements. They typically re-|a wide range of sizes they can|schools and industrial plants all its own power by means of|8&8 customers, and it is|proporation were residential piace sections of the wood base- find application in most rooms|where the total energy needs --|, 39-kilowatt naiural gas gen- anticipated that this figure willjcustomers, as might be ex- UNITARY SYSTEMS board around a room. Ajr isjin a home. electricity, nealing and coviing| erator, It is a house thai re- : te 2 1na ann hy 1970 |nected. However, sizeable Unitary type resistance heat-|drawn in through the base of} Larger units can be used in|-- are supplied by natural gas.| quires an extraordinary amount|Gas is now employed in many totals. of industrial and com- erg,are among the most flexible|these units; it passes over the|recreation rooms, enclosed] At the heart of these total- of energy. Major kitchen appli-|types of industry --foods, bev-|mercial customers were also - of heating equipment. They in-|heating element, and is dis-|porches and similar locations. energy systems are natural gas-lances, washers, dryer, heating,|¢rages, tobacco, rubber, tex-|registered, with Ontario con- clude baseboard, wall convector|charged into the room by|Smaller units are suitable for|fueled turbines quite similar tolair conditioning, and swimming|'s'*", virtine, steel, even for|tributing almost 50,000 in this units, radiant panels and fan|natural convention. bathrooms, entrance lobbies,|aircraft jet turbine engines.|poo] heater all use gas. In addj-|the generation of electricity.|category. type units. They are normally! At the present time, the in-|dens, mudrooms, etc. They provide high - frequency|tion, the onsite generator pro-|One of. the major undertakings For 1964, estimates indicate installed with thermostat con-/stallation cost for a baseboard| Most units come with integral|power for efficient lighting and|yides all elctricity needed for|of the industry. as a whole, and|the total sales figure for the trols in each room. Signed . « « ventilating fans, twojone of the wonders of the mod-|industry will be at least $330 Heat is provided in each case by. the passage of an electric current through a form of resis- tance wire or element which gives off direct heat. The big advantage of this sys- a conventional central warm air system. Baseboard units are quick and easy to install. Baseboard heaters installed in Triple Seal installations must have CS Aapproval. system is about the same as for|thermostats. designed to fit within the stud/convenience outlets. Exhaust space there is very little if any|heat from the turbines is direc- projection into the room. ted through a waste-heat boiler FIDOR UNITS to make steam or hot water to Floor drop-in units fit finish-to|heat a building, operate an the floor between joists, and are absorption air conditioner, and Because they are|60 cycle power for motors and lighting, automatic water heaters, the music system, thermostatic and garage controls, and dozens of ern world, has been the con-|million with natural struction of 2;340 miles of pipe|ports rising to: $85 million. line to bring natural gas to To make this 7 gas ex- Whitby MR. B. CORNER, Fire Chief MR. V. McCARL, Chairman--Protection te Person and Property ible, Can- eeneremennncnen other small appiiances. Research is in progress that will add more information about} specially suited for use by slid-|heat water for many uses. the economics of all-gas-power-| ing patio doors or large glass} A hint that these and otherled developments. Engineers in| areas. These units work on ajdevices might before too long,|the industry believe that on-| natural convection principle,|be miniaturized for household|site fuel cell-power beget and are similar in appearance /use was given at the American|in the home will eventually be to conventional floor registers.;Gas Association Convention in competitive with purchased cen-| RADIANT PANELS October 1962, The entire ex-|tral power-station electricity in| They're Also Authenti F ey re 0 u en 1c Wall or ceiling mounted radi-|hibit of one major appliance|most instances. Morever, 80 Some valuable information on| 1, No. 2 fuel oil is a refined|ant panels have surfaces of|/™anufacturer was operated on/gas industry leaders say, it the subject of oil heating plants! and stable petroleum fuel which glass, ceramic or metal or heat-|~ appears that ue economics of) and a with oil oe pre-| is votes ube - inflammable|ing coils behind a protectivelias its own heating unit, such on-site fuel - voll hag amen sented by the Oil Heating As-|in its inert state. Its fire point -/grill. Units are usually mounted |p eaters offer the same kind of rover Senetation for hundreds sociation of Canada. These deal/the temperature at which it can|, or recessed in outside walls), cise temperatire: 'cortrel as of homes will be even more with several common aspects of| actually catch fire - is hetween|of the room, heat being pro-|1,, unitary systems described favorable because of the re- oll heating. |140 and 150 degrees Fahren-| Vided more by radiation than 'above. 7 : ty ouear ie ieee cee el The basic factors in home/heit. (This should not be con-/convection. The basic components of this|well as the improved load. héating plant accidents are: lfused with "flash point," the; RADIANT CABLE N e (1 the type of fuel eted.| sectinicad temperature at which) Radiant electric cable systems pg Agents Benge hee jatrettaagep a Pesta (2) the type of heating equip-'there is partial vaporization and| have an electric resistance heat-| 1', those ot accacteal P casi pele : se pial ed have| men' which it is burned in. (at times flashing. No. 2 fuelling cable completely embedded The difference is in the a lia. Sane pri srevad @sbhe Heating oil is a relativelyjoil will not catch fire for 20|in the ceiling. They are thus tion . PPHCa- atealt page | safe fuel since it is non¥xplo-|to 30 degrees abouve its "flash| completely invisible. pCR NS BR y v BI 28 sive, non-toxic and, in its inert! point.") As stored in the home| Manufacturers provide made- non - explosive, non - toxic,'and until atomized under con-|up lengths of cable-sets of var- and, in its inert state, non -/trols in the insulated fire cham-|ious capacities to fit the re- ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING © COMFORT © CONVENIENCE © CLEANLINESS Here's Some Useful Facts "4 Gives You Complete 7' Summer Comfort Even | 44% 47 4 On Coldest Winter PN fey Days | inflammable. ber, unless exposed to extreme quirements of different sized in- However, heating oil (No. 2 and unlikely conditions, heating| dividual rooms or areas. | fuel oil) is distinct from other|oil will not burn. A lighted] The cable is stapled to the| types of oil fuels used in the) match can be dipped into a con-/|lath in a predetermined. pattern "home - and it is particularly|tainer of it and the match will|/based on the size of the room different in the type of equip-|be snuffed out. Spontaneous|and heating requirements. Elec- | nt in which it is burned- =|combustion also is unknown|trical tests are performed be- | "HEATING a eee tei ao with heating oil. fore, during and after the appli- | Heating oil (No. 2 fuel oi 2. It-is even more unlikely|cation of the brown coat of is always burned in a central|that a true explosion in hose plaster (or the top layer of a heating plant consisting of auto-| heating can be caused by heat-}drywall installation) to ensure a matic equipment regulated by|ing oj] burned in automatic cen-|completely dependable installa- electric controls. This is the | tral heating. An explosion is|tion. j type of heating installed in the | technically a large blast fully} Advantages of this system in-| Fo nde of oil homes and par-| consuming. all gaseous prod-| clude low first cost and the free- | the ay L/D, ~ WHEN REPLACING YOUR OLD HEATING SYSTEM y | OR MOVING INTO A NEW SYSTEM... INSIST ON THE ONLY SYSTEM GOOD ENOUGH FOR MODERN FAMILY LIVING... Day by day, more and more, Electric Heat is becoming the accepted and popular complete home heating system. Neat and compact, with no unsightly or awkward duct- work; convenient . . . even portable units may be installed where desired . . . and economically practical, too. Electric heat costs little or no more than most present heating systems. Investigate and see for yourself! COMFORT Hlectrie Heet unite may be in elmost eny required loca' te previde meximum heeting comfort + ++ yOu may even use @ unit thet moves eround CONVENIENCE Electroheat is completely eutome- tic; each unit @on- trolled te maintein each room te ir Hike logs all of the (lok ef 6 tinea to control, Aluminum Combination STORM-SCREEN DOORS: "To Save Cash -- Buy Nash" Many Models Jalousies \ to Choose from Aluminum for Z Frame and Walls be Sotet ke For bodies of & your Trailers and Pickup Trucks Doors - Windows larly in the northern half of| ucts almost instantly and hay-|dom it gives to the home owner | we country where full heating! ing great force. No fuel can ex-|to arrange furniture and drap- | is required. It is the type com-|piode until it has been com-|eries. : | monly understood when thé| pletely or largely vaporized into| Radiant heat warms people term "oilheating" is used. }@ gas. Large 'quantities of|and objects in the room like the EQUIPMENT USED |vaporized heating oil mixed in|sun rays. The heated objects in Central oilheating has high|just the right proportions with|turn setup convection currents relative safety, The following air and touched off by an open|as they warm the surrounding summarizes the technical rea-flame constitute a situation air. sons for this: which just dosen't occur in| CENTRAL SYSTEMS Central oilheating consists of/ operation of an automatic cen-| Central ducted systems have | It manufactures heat by atom-|tral heating system. There has\an electric furnace which con- | ing plant with three full groups virtually never been a __ true sists of banks of resistance heat- of electric controls. explosion of heating oil in anjing elements, a forced air blow- It manufactures heat by atom) automatic home heating nt,/er, filters, and controls to tie izing liquid fuel oil - breaking) nor has there been with h ingjthese components together, it up into particles and then/oil stored or piped outside the|packaged in one cabinet. mixing it with air - within a/plant in the home. Heat is distributed through a completely enclosed metal fire. 3. Heating oil is completely |duct system with supply and Re-glezing and chamber. This is lined with fire-| non - toxic - it has no inherent return ducts, just like a con- Re-screening brick or similar material. fumes dangerous to health. jventionall-fired warm air sys-| Aluminum Door Combustion occurs only when! Serious damage or injury are tem. the balanced oil - air mixture is| highly improbable. -+--Ewo or more thermostats can | ignited by a controlled electric! To sum up, the basic charac-|be employed to zone supply air| spark. teristics of heating oil and the|'0 specific areas of the home. | This regulated heat in the| automatic, electrically - control-|. Electric central furnaces do fire chamber is transferred) led equipment in which it is|not require a flue or vent, since through special surfaces (never| burned are such that a central|they use no combustion air. by direct contact) to one of| oil heating plant accident geven|They can be installed in any three transfer or heat - carry-|if it should occur, will Terely|COnvenient space in the house, ing mediums. The three are/set fire to a house and will|Vertically or horizontally. warm air, hot water or steam/not cause an explosion. Minor| DUCT HEATERS pr ggPacw ag the heat via enclos- accidents can occur, but ser-| In-duct and boot heaters are the a Pipes throughout _ fof i major damage similar to unit heaters, installed ee hettin i ew 6 neil re highly in requent. _ jin the ducts or outlets of a g Oil (No. ue In addition to its relative! forced-air system. oll) is stored in a large, heavy|safetyn central oilheating isthe) They are best used in con- guage steel tank located com-| only home heating system hav-|junction with a continuously op- pletely separate from the burn-jing an emergency electric | erating fan, can also be incor- er. The oil is fed from this! switch which allows the home porated into a central cooling ipin: i i | af pil Med Poa pence and immediately to| system. gulation of | shuto' rati ' : the electric controls which shut}= - com reias to is aciosran one ---- wi it off at any time there is a malfunction. In automatic oilheating there I are three interchecking electric controls: | 1, The thermostat which is a| thermometer equipped to send an electrical message to the heating plant to turn it on or off. 2. The basic combustion con- trol sees that this message is| executed only if there is the Proper mixture of atomized oil | and proper ignition. It will halt the burner temporarily or lock it off on "safety" if all conditions are not right. This | control is backed up by the stack - switch mounted on the stack - which will also close down operations if the flow of | combustion gases to the out- side is too hot or too cold. | 3. The third electric control is the limit control whicch holds within safe limits the pressures or the temperatures within the system which distributes the | heat, | All these control back each A other up, so that if one' misses, Whee sew and eats the next takes over. In central oil heating there is never any | manual operation. All adjust- ment and servicing are carried | "= cleaned servicemen. | Cc ' 73 KING EAST B Cc ' | safety a eating 08 (No.3 COAL AND SUPPLIES. LTD. j OSHAWA, fuel oil) are: RESIDENCE It is non - inflammable in its 179 KING ST. WEST 723-3481 ONT. 723-3315 normal state. | Prime Windows CMHC Accepted Aluminum Siding you! home. am In our show- room NOW! SHOWROOM AND FACTORY PHONE 728-1633 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA CLEANLINESS ue pr ay No ag Ne smeke! ie om mess up home. tiecirsheat is elean, cilonts f© practical for modern families on go because it. leaves home se much more dust free) _ Do you know the name of your s) ) insurance company? Keeps Floors Warm and Comfy For Toddlers Who Prefer Creeping to Waiking. Electroheat units may be placed almost onywhere in the room or ,on the wall to provide maximum heot circulation, thus keeping éven the floors, where toddlers love to play, warm, cozy and draft free. Don't be surprised if you find it's the "Royal". . After all, it's the largest general insurance group in Canada. Chances are you didn't know that! You see, the Royal does not have salesmen. It deals through independent agents, like us. We are neighbours to you; we're impartial--- the best kind of insurance men to know your needs, It's an arrange- ment that works well for you, Bob Stroud LIMITED Insurances Of All Classes EXPERT Complete HOME HEAT AND FOR Supplementary Heat FOR ; e@ ATTIC ROOMS @ BASEMENT BEDROOMS © RECREATION ROOMS The Lenders In Electric @ KITCHENS @ BATHROOMS @ HALLWAYS @ OFFICES | ENQUIRE FOR FULL DETAILS L Phone 728-4611 OSHAWA ON CALL! 24 hour on-the-reody-to- Serve Oshawe with fast efficient radio dispatched service. Get ready fer 723.5251 56 PRINCE STREET