President Johnson swings an arm high while behind him another arm is raised as the Chief Executive cam- paigned yesterday in Brook- lyn, N.Y. The arm at left belongs to Frank O'Connor, A New York Democratic can- didate for governor. Under Johnson's upswept arm' is Sen. Robert Kennedy, D-- N.Y., in this photo made by Wally McNamee of the Washington Post. --AP Wirephoto OTTAWA (CP)--New Demo- crat Stanley Knowles Thursday charged the government with betraying a pledge by postpon- ing a start of medical insurance to. mid-1968 and appealed to back-bench Liberals to revolt. Mr. Knowles, member for Winnipeg North Centre, heaped scorn on Finance Minister Sharp,. who announced the post- ponement to curb inflation, and Health Minister MacEachen, who grudgingly went along. Mr. Knowles said his party will do its best during the de- bate to halt passage of an amendment to postpone the starting date and '"'we hope the Liberals on the other side who say they want medicare on July 1, 1967, will join with us in vot- ing against any of these amend- ments." When the bik was introduced last summer it bore-the start- ing date of July 1 next year, the date promised in last year's election campaign. To give ef- fect tO Mr. Snarps annuunce- ment of last month, several clauses will have to be amended when the bill enters clause-by- clause study. It was an uncomfortable day for Mr. MacEachen, who lost his battle in cabinet last month to retain its 1967 starting date. But he was able to announce one concession wrung from Mr. Sharp by Manpower Minister Marchand last Monday on the opening day of the national Lib- General Scores Merger Frenzy OTTAWA (CP)--Gen. Charles 'the true and real extent of the Foulkes, chairman of the chiefs of staff committee from 1951 to 1960, says the serviceman is be- ing ignored in the "'frenzy" to complete armed forces integra- i tion The serviceman has been treated "'as just another cipher," he says in a series of three articles in The Journal, which concluded Thursday. "His feelings, loyalties and desires have not been consid- ered of sufficient importance to warrant consideration. . . . "The politicians must remem- ber that the Canadian service- man is a volunteer, not a con- script who can be pushed around, nor a mercenary who can be bought at a price." The 63-year-old general says Defence Minister Hellyer "has not been forthright in informing the services and the public of Cancer integration plot." WOULD HELP MORALE Morale of the integrated force would be stimulated more by letting servicemen keep their old customs, traditions and uni- forms than by giving them a "neutral" common uniform. "Why not save that $40,000,- 000 planned for a new walking- out uniform and let the troops walk out in civilian clothes?" Gen. Foulkes says executive 'wsistants to defence ministers are usually ambitious young men who often lack "balance, tact and sometimes respect." They were immature, over- come with their own import- ance and had the pernicious habit of passing out information to the press which injured rela- tions between the minister and his subordinates. | Escape Again Gen. Foulkes says no savings| will be made by further inte-! gration of the combat forces. | There was only the gravest risk of chaos. Eleme:.. Found .uihority Change | Made At Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- Authority WALLACEBURG (CP) -- On-| tario farmers who suffered sub-' stantial losses due to adverse) weather conditions this year new one-year interest-free loan }government, Agriculture Min-) jnounced Thursday night. Farmers will have five years) to pay the loan back. The first year will be interest free and a low rate of three per cent will be charged annually in each of the four remaining years. Youths Make BRAMPTON (CP) -- Two youths escaped from guards at the Brampton courthouse Thursday, Minutes after they had been sentenced for a previ- ous escape at the Ontario Train- ing Centre. Police said Frederick McKin- non, 17, of Sarnia and Gerald Ramier, 17, of Niagara Falls, Ont., were being escorted to a Maximum loan obtainable un- der the plan is $5,000. Mr. Stewart made the an- nouncement during an address He said the loans will be fered a 25 per cent or greater Applications may be made between Nov. 1, 1966 and March 31, 1967. The loans will be made through the chartered banks. The provincial government will pay the total interest charges: in the first year end- ing Oct. 31, 1967, and will pay interest rate and the three per cent rate paid by farmers on the loans from Nov. 1, 1967 to Oct, 31, 1971. Loans may be used for mort- gage payments, taxes and pro- duction operating expenses. Farmers expected to benefit the most under the new plan are those in eastern Ontario where drought conditions in each of the last three summers the difference between the bank! eral meeting: The amendment about the Queen's Park Will Assist @:.2.3.08 ses Farmers Hurt By Weather than July 1, 1968, if financial and economic conditions permit. The Conservative party's lead-off speaker, Dr. P. B. Ry- nard (Simcoe East) moved an amendment saying that while provision should be made to bring medical services '"'to all 90 per cent of the population at first and 95 per cent in two years. Private carriers would qualify as agents providing they operate on a non-profit basis and are subject to 'audit by a provincial authority. Both Dr. Rynard and Mr. Knowles argued that Mr. Sharp's reason for postponing medical insurance was non- sense. Dr. Rynard said the total ad- ditional cost for a medical care program would be $40,000,000 from the federal treasury dur- ing the first year and if the bill came into effect in 1967 the total' NDPer Calls For Revolt Against Medicare Delay expenditure would not be felt until 1968. "The reason for the delay has nothing to do with infla- tion," he said. ; Mr. Knowles said almost everyone but-Mr. Sharp has said that the anti-inflationary argu- ment for postponement is non- sense. "I suggest that the minister. of finance perhaps came closer to the truth when as reporied in one newspaper, he said not only was it because of inflation . . « but the government had to demonstrate to the business ----. that it is respon- sible. MAPLE LEAFS 4VN4h4m5 VUNEI OTTAWA (CP) -- It may take a few years but the fa- miliar royal coat of arms printed on pusi oifive tucas and mail bags is going to be replaced by the maple leaf. A post office department official said Thursday it now is policy to use the 11-point maple leaf--the same as the one om the new flag--when the trucks are being relet- tered or bags being replaced. In the centre of the maple leaf symbol are "married c's and p's"--the letters are in- terwined so they could stand- for Canada Post or Postes Canada. The change hasn't taken place on any post office equipment yet, the official said. And it will take a.few years before all of it bears the maple leaf instead of the coat of arms. "It takes a long time for POSTAL USE OF ROYAL ARMS WILL REPLACE a mail bag to wear out," the official said. But new bags now on order will bear the new syiuwos _ The official said the chahge is in line with other govern- ment departments using the maple' leaf as a symbol. He mentioned the transport de- partment as an example. The labor department, too, recently began using the maple leaf on its publication, the Labor Gazette. And new social security cards used by the department will carry the maple leaf instead of the coat of arms. The 11-point maple leaf can also be seen on new uniforms being supplied to postmen-- they appear both on the peaked cap and on the shoul- der flash. No change is required in any legislation to make the change. - OTTAWA (CP)--The excess! of imports over exports under| the Canada - United States 'auto parts agreement was "only $15,- || 000,000" in July, Industry Min- ister Drury said Thursday, , He was replying in the Com- mons to Alfred D. Hales (PC-- Wellington South) who said that the agreement there was an] "alarming $726,000,000" excess | of imports over- exports in Can-}} ada-U,S. trade in cars, trucks and auto parts. Mr. Hales asked Mr. Drury what steps the minister is tak-|} ing to reverse this imbalance} resulting from the agreement NEW WORLD PE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Canadians at an level will be aided in establishing|to the Wallaceburg Rotaryjon a prepaid basis," the plan their financial position 'under aj Club. |will be unsatisfactory unless it: --Secures co-operation of the guaranteed by the provincial|available to farmers who suf-| Provinces. --Recognizes the principle of lister William Stewart an-|farm income loss caused by bad| Voluntary choice by the indi- ;weather in 1966. . vidual. --Makes adequate prior pro- vision for sufficient medical research, and the training of enough doctors and other med- ical personnel. --Immediately provides for those persons unable for fi- nancial reasons to provide medical. services for them- selves. | Since this améndment is made ion the principle of the bill, the legislation would be. killed if it were passed. The legislation would em- power the federal. government to pay half the cost of provin- cial medical care plans which are portable among provinces and prpvide a comprehensive range physicians services. The plans would have to be Played financial havoc. universal, meaning enrolment of ~ COPENHAGEN-MOSCOW | From Montreal starting November 1st Air Canada adds two fascinating destinations to its international system. The inauguration of a new service of majof importance marks a remarkable step in Air Canada's continuing growth. Andersen's lovely maiden guards the entrance to Copenhagen harbor, Custom-Made or Ready-To-Hang Draperies -- Also -- @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE WARD'S ~-- SINCE 1919 -- Simcoe St. S. at Athol 4 i i he rear of the court- AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)--A major|over construction of works in|C@™ at t cancer-causing element in cig-|0r across navigable waters has|house when they bolted, run- tte smoke has been. discov-|been transferred to the trans-|"ing handcuffed across a field. ered through research in "Sim men from the works depart-| Both were apprehended and Fly Air Canada to Copenhagen, open door to all Scandinavia: a.wondrous world of good taste, good food and good fun. { In Copenhagen old salts rub shoulders with sil iths, cabinet- and the unheralded beauties of distant Finland. makefs open their shops to visitors, some menus are four feet +The Scandinavians are crack designers. In their hands crystal, long, jolly pti brods and Tivoli _ silver, teak or cloth turn into miracles of lissome simplicity. havea poly on laughter. Shoppers, b 1 Unsuspected temptations are likely to turn A skip and a jump: boats, trains and connecting airlinestake youto your head dangerously. So, fetch your maps, the fjords of Norway, the avant-garde world of Swed Pp your Scandinavian foray! and the element can be elim-|ment, the two departments an-|teturned to court where they inated, a member of the U.S.|nounced Thursday. were charged with another surgeon - general's advisory; The announcement said the|Count of escaping custody. They committee said Thursday. \transfer, which took place Oct.|were remanded one week for Dr. Charles A. LéMaistre,|!, includes railway bridges and|sentence. University of Texas vice-chanc-| Pipelines. This means that all) In their fira& court appear- ellor for health affairs, did not|construction matters affectingjance Thursday, both McKinnon realize reporters were present|navigable waters now are sub-jand Ramier receiv ed six when he disclosed the discov-| ject to the transport depart-|months for an Oct. 2 escape ery at an organizational meet-|ment's approval. |from the centre and theft of a ing for the Texas inter-agency ear. The six-month terms will council on smoking and health. run eo hayes their prev- He declined to'elaborate be-| CLC U ious reformatory terms. cause he said he would be "be-| r es McKinnon was originally traying the confidence of the | sentenced Kia A 7 mings to investigator,' but he said the) jnine, months definite and six decéiars would be published) Protests |months indefinite for car theft. "in a scientific publication" in| Ramier received Eg oc a rhaps six months. ence Aug. 11 at Niagara Fa cp ge ol in discussing it), OTTAWA (CP) -- The Canad-/for car theft. | at all, even in vague terms, he|!an Labor Congress Thursday | said, was to warn those at the| Called upon its affiliated mem- | meeting not to get too excited| bership of 1,286,000 across Can-| Troops Fl Out! with "this breakthrough" be-|24@ to rally forces against the) y | cause there still are serious a injunctions in labor dis-| | nesses such as emphysema and car Brae On Cyprus Duty chronic bronchitis that are| Court injunctions | unions to reduce or remove | Caer Pr Caetelte epnhing. |pickets from the strike or lock-| LONDON, Ont. (CP) --The He urged reporters not to} out site. lsecond group of Cyprus-bound make too much of his announce-| «The (recent) arrest, prose-|members of the First Battalion, ment, and stressed that he"was)cution and imposition of jail/The Royal Canadian Regiment| speaking for himself only. | _ sentences on trade union mem-\left Thursday to begin a six- |bers engaged in peaceful pick-|month tour of duty on the s eting "is cause for the rallying|trombled island \ | OFU Executive lof labor to eliminate the unfair, An RCAF Yukon transport) use of legal procedures through|took 125° soidiers- from London | linjunctions," the congress said|airport shortly before noon: The | Backs Boycott |in a written statement. flight was to refuel "at Trenion,} "The goal of trade unionists|fly directly to Marville, France, | ST. MARYS, Ont. (CP)--The)- |: ope a ik es, and p Pp 725-1151 HEAR Evangelist Ernie French IN SECOND WEEK MEETINGS The golden bulbs of St. Basil's on Moscow's Red Square, Air Canada: first North American airline to fly to the U.S.S.R. --and without change of plane! ancient brick battlements, peering at the golden bulbs atop St. Basil's, shopping at the G.U.M. and sitting for a dazzling per- formance at the Bolshoi Ballet. So, suddenly an old cliché comes to life: go to Moscow... "it's the trip of a lifetime". Your travel agent is an expert: he will give you all the details about your trip to Scandinavia or the U.S.S.R, Or contact Air Canada, 130 Bloor Street West, Toronte, * AIR CANADA @®) FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY------BROOKLIN -!104 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL OR SEE FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. EAST A On Tuesday evening, November 1st, a DC-8 bearing the Maple Leat leaves for M "s Sher ievo airport. This inaugurates, with Aeroflot (the national airline of the Soviet Union), the first and only same plane service between Canada and the U.S.S.R. From then on Air Canada's route system will stretch from the shores of the Pacific, half way around the world, to the heart of the Soviet Union. will find himself by the Kremlin's REVIVAL at the some food commodities, Walter|84¢ in effective picketing of ajday, An advance party of 110] ; Miller, OFU second vice-presi-| Peaceful nature." jmen 'left London Oct. 1. | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH . must be the elimination of| and then on to Nicosia. | Ontario Farmers' Union is con-|the use of injunctions to inter-| Three other flights carrying) cerned that consumers are be-,fere with the legal and legiti-/the same number of men will " "i " |mate right to_strike and to en-jleave today, Saturday and Sun-| ing "grossly over-charged"' for 5 Overnight the Canadian travell dent said Thursday night. @ He said the OFU can't act-| ively support the provinces in their war against food prices, but "we're available to speak. at any meeting at our. ex- pense." _ An mieresting 1S) 1S) uprising," he told about 80 G farmers at an OFU organiza-| -- SERMON SUBJECTS -- tion meeting in St. Marys. Lo bry HEALING -- How To Receive It! 611 KING STREET WEST %& Prayer for the Sick Nightly %& Holy Ghost Annointed Preaching %& Deliverance for Body, Soul and Spirit Mr. Miller said there is| "something pretty drastically The | WILLS of God! The Secret Place ! wrong' when consumers have to pay $1.50 a pound for bacon when the producer gets only 32 to 34 cents a, pound. | wrest COISCR'S International test high food prices, voted to Dry Gin © "Dry Gin Nightly (except Mon. and Sat.) 8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. tnd 7 p.m. 728-6201 DON'T MISS HEARING the Healing Testimony of Rev, E. French who was instantly healed from trippling arthritis. CALL FOR COMPLETE T. RAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE KING ST, EAST OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 ETERS boycott chain markets until prices have been lowered. , The women also decided to call public meeting Oct. 21 with city council, provincial and federal) representatives and members of political parties to) . the matter. | COME with your Burden, LEAVE Happy end Free Rey. S. D. Feltmate -- Pastor ~