i i {| } 18--Male Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale * FAST PROMOTION and A SECURE FUTURE tor YOUNG MEN in RETAIL STORE Management Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from cogst to coast hos immeciote openings for young men to train on the job for Store Management, with future op- portunities in Home Office ond Administrative positions. Starting salaries depend upon age, education ond. past work experience, and will be attractive to both High School and University Graduates. Solaries at the Management level range upward from a minimum of £7,000 to over $35,- 000 annually. Extensive expansion pro- gramme and supervised Maing provicss cxcetlent opportunity for rapid pro- motion based upon individ- - uol performance. Employee benefits include Pension ond Health Plan, Profit sharing, Summer and Winter Vacations. QUALIFICATIONS Age 21 to 28. Single men preferred, Leadership ability. High School Graduation, or better. Willingness to accept per- jodie expense-paid trans- fers. Reply stating full particulars: Name, Address, Telephone Number, Age, Marital Status, Education and Previous Work Experience. AUTO PARTS MAN For counter work, detoiled ports records ond bin set up. Bowmanville. Write. stating experience to: BOX M46668 OSHAWA TIMES 16 Simcoe St. S. FULL PRICE $15,909 T.V. Technician Required Must be fully experienced bench man. Highest wages. «Five doy week. Apply: : TRIO TELEVISION 35 DIVISION ST. NIGHT AUDIT CLERK For . The Georgion Motor Hotel, Midnight to 8 a.m. Will train right person. Pensioners are welcome to apply between 1] a.m. -- 4 p.m, BUILDERS SPECIALS _ tL @ Better built homes. by Man for shipping, receiving, moterial handling. Apply per- sonally: TRU-ART LTD. 302 FAIRALL ST, AJAX. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 2. experienced I 1 required i ly, Excellent working condi- tions' and remuneration, Plenty of parking at door. For confidential interview call Ossie Martin. 728-5103 or 728-9714 producing diat REAL ESTATE SALESMEN NORTH EAST AREA WELDER and FABRICATOR Good Wages Usual Benefits CROCUS CRESCENT, BOX NO. 46604 pir | TRIAL TOOLS OSHAWA TIMES -- nd rot Oshawa SALESMAN THE for Wholesale Bread Route ALUMINUM 5-day week, Company benefits. COMPANY OF. Apply CANADA CHRISTIE'S BREAD 625 Nelson St., Oshawa Mon., Oct, 17, 6 to 9 p.m. KINGSTON WORKS REQUIRES Data Processing Machine Operator Applicants. must have minimum of Grade 12 education. Some exper- fence desirable in the =. of = Univac 1004, Sorter 083, Col- lator 085. Excellent working condi- tions, 35-hour week. Benefits include medical, vacation, pension and Life Assurance plans. Apply in writing, giving full details of education and experience to: Employment Manager, P.O. Box 2000, Kingston, Ontario or Contact your local National Employment Office trees, T MEN FOR ase Christmas elephone 263-8825. WAITER WANTED -- Foil time work. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street 25 years and over, Telephone Whitby. baer: TIME and full-time taxi drivers; 668-3383. ScapanTaR for outside-work, posed for woodworking factory, Agin- , 293-4185, for con- struction company, Agincourt, 293-4185, baer tender, Al Oshawa. YOUNG MAN -- Over 21, to train as Six-day week. Day work. pply in person. Georgian Motor Hotel, - paved driveway, L-shaped liv- 19--Mole and Female Help Wante: BOYS WANTED BETWEEN AGES OF 11 end 15 FRIDAY NIGHT and SATURDAY SALES WORK Approximotely 2 hours each day "Here's "a chance "to eatn extra spending money. CALL OSHAWA TIMES Cireulation Dept. Mrs, Willig between 12 end 1 p.m. or 4 and 5 p.m. 723-3474 THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE Hos vacancies for single men between 18 ond 30 years of age who are ot least 5'8" height, have 'succeasfully completed Grade Eleven or better and ore physically fit. Contect the nearest Royal Canadian Mounted Police of- fice or write to the Commis- sioner, Royal Canadien Mounted Police, Ottawa 7, Ontario. - Membership Sales Representatives for the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Toronto Club The membership sales div- ision of the Ontario Motor League Toronto Club offers © secure rewarding position for a. man or woman who en- joys meeting the public. Age no barrier, (bondable, | sincere end ambitious. .The position offers ganer- ous commission arrangement, coupled with a_ training bonus, peid holidays, pension plan, No seasonable slack periogs. ; FOR INTERVIEW BY APPOINTMENT Telephone MR. BROWN 723-5203 bus. Call to-night for full partic- $6500 FULL PRICE on approximately 2 acre of land in Udora, 13' x 9" living room. 10' x 10' kitchen with ample. room for an eoting ores, and 3 bedroorns. Contact us to- TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 Se APPLE PICKERS WANTED, transporta- tion supplied. Telephone 725-5813 until 5 P.m.; after 6 p.m., call 725-2613, BUY A BARGAIN through Classified Something? Check the Want = Rood |20-----Real Estate for Sale BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES STIS 18,995 _ FULL PRICE xo DOWN TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE Our own. trained personnel are on the site to assist you Browse in comfort -- no obligation -- no sales pyes- sure. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E. -- AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD. {BUILT @ BACKED end SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You By SARICK HOMES 723-8201 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-528) | @ for this lovely 4 year old 3 bedroom bungalow. Low monthly payments on N.H.A. mortgage of $105 including the taxes, This home is kept in o nice clean condition and awaits your inspection. VETERANS lf @ Just listed, attractive property just over 14 acre, in the North West area. 2 bedroom home' in immaculate condition. Asking price $14,000. Don't. wait -- first come, first served. George Lysyk ond Sons, all fea- turing Electric Heat located in South East area. Price range $19,000 to $27,000. Excellent mortgages. Our Sales staff will be pleased to give you full de- tatle ~ TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY IV @ for the growing up bus- mess minded family, there is a Poke driving range, mini- ature golf and a 6 room home on the highwoy just north of Brooklin, Can be purchased with @ reasonable down pay- merit and the Vendor will take the mortgage with very attrac- tive terms. Call now for more details and appointment to in- V @ 3 bedroom bungalow 3 years old, large living room, family sized ° kitchen. This beautifully decorated home was custom built for present owner who have been transferred out of city, Possession 30 days. Ask- ing onlq $17,900. for quick fried hae be seen by calling to- WHITBY Vi @ 2% year old bungalow, now unoccupied as Vendor is working in. another city. Good sized living room, Hollywood style kitchen, 3 bedrooms, van- ity in bathroom, semi-finished recreation room and 2 piece beth in basement. All this for only $17,900. Inspect to-day. V.L.A. BUYER'S Vil @ Just listed, large lot. Ideal for V.L.A. Located VY mile from city limits between Whitby and Oshawa. If you wish we will build a home to your specifications, For inspection of lot call to-night. JUST LISTED Vill @ Ranch bungalow in excellent shape, loaded with many extras, recreation room, ing and dining room, Beauti- fully landscaped lot, Excellent location close to schools and IX @ 114'storey home located day on this bargain home. DIG THIS KRAZY PRICE X @ $13,900 for this comfor- table 2 bedroom home in a quiet area of Oshawa. Economi- cal gos heating, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, sun porch, large garden plot. A perfect retirement home, or the ideal inexpensive home for o young couple, What a bargain, call us now. | NEW LISTING | X! @ - Junior Executive type home in a preferred area of the city. This home has three nice bedrooms, living room and holly- wood type kitchen. Broadloom throughout living room, hall and bedroorns. Attached garage with rear yard completely fenc- ed for privacy, Call us to-night for an appointment to inspect this beouty. Call for full particulars. Open daily from 9 o.m: to p.m. After hours call Bob Cooper 728-4923 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Jack Graham 728-2634 Leon Monitius 728-2754 Steve Englert 728-5581 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 George Nymeyer 28-4241). Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 BE SURE TO COME OPEN HOUSE This Weekend Saturday through Monday 2-5 p.m. 894 and 904 « Walnut Court (from a | St. E. south on Harmony Rd; S. turn left on Florell Dr. then turn left on «Walnut Court) Ina friendly $.E. neighbour. hood and safe yard for the children to ploy, These brick bungalows have well de- signed living rooms and kit- chens every Mother will love. Well kept homes zest- ful and clean with immacu- late walkout basements and gorage with plenty of space for recreation and workshop. Connot be replaced for the low asking price of $20,900 OPEN HOUSE this weekend 2-5 p.m. 176 piers * (off King St. 3 bedroom beck Bb with attached garage. Broadloom in living reom, dining room and front vestibule, Features finished recreation room. Priced way below reprodue- tion cost. Come out and see it. eal for Sale _|20---Real Estate for Sale_| SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter. Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. cOzY 1% storey -- next to park, in extremely good condition. Lot size approximately 200 -- ft. deep. Aluminum siding and clapboard -- well kept and asking $13,500.00 with low down payment and: ex- cellent terms. $1,200 DOWN $75 MONTHLY Clean two bedroom, cottoge in north near GM. Plant. Modern kitchen and bath, new furnace. ideal for young couple or someone 'looking towards retirement. Low taxes, mamas 31,500 DOWN Five room stucco and: brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms and F.A. oil furnace. Located in good area. Low taxes -- only $235.00 -- lot size 60 x 104; Priced to 'sell at $10,900.00. DUPLEX $15,900 Income producing home which has been converted into 2 one bedroom self-con- tained apartments, modern in every 'way. Income is $180.00 per month, so invest in a little mest right now. Low dowh payment will take this one. $18,500 Roomy 9 year old bungalow offering 6 rooms of good liv- ing; three bedrooms, large Rec. Room, fireplace. Almost new broadicom in living room and dining room, Carries for $107.00 monthly P.I.T, with a good down payment. Lo- cated in Northwest area. DOWNSVIEW AREA Attractive 6 room, 3 bedroom bungalow with atteched gar- age and fenced backyard. several desirable extras such os Intercom system, built-in stove and oven, flue in rec- reation grea, and attractive' flagstone patio at rear, Listed $23,200 and only two years old, Tonight is the night to call and get all the details. H. KASSINGER is building 27 new homes on Wilson Rd. N., just: south of Ross- land Rd. E. 3 and 4 BEDROOM BUN- GALOWS ANDO 2 STOREY PLANS -- featuring exposed basements -- balconies -- stone fronts. N.H.A, 63%4% mortgages, priced from $19,675.00 up and down payments as low os $3,740.00. Phone Exclusive Agents ee ees AKER 723.2365: OPEN HOUSE | IN BEAU VALLEY SATURDAY & SUNDAY OPEN FROM 1:00 until 5:30 p.m. For full particulars call 723-2265 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Bill Johnrston 728-1066 Mei Dale 623-5638 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters. 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, WE yee EXCLUSIVE AND M.LS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking. DO YOU WISH TO SELL? OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL: ---- for Sole. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Feldey, October 14, 1966 21 JOHN F. |20----neol, stata for sl 20 Real Estate re_for Sale ONTARIO FRAN K (DEWITH SRE. Bowman. TRUST REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LTD, 723-8144 Bee cst ae SCHOFIELD 21 King Street West Hoon gone N.H.A. RESALE & oe y : i 4 Frank 5S! 1 old 5 back es aged! a Bowmanville treet wit ate ih are Mogrificent Home Site |. OUT OF TOWN, 623-3950 oan wi mey mony sa en b 18 acres with fri ng ix room 14 stoery ern t cron ymca | feel reyeaseg | hewcasne | eateanpanltaia Gi son summer and winter retreat, pond for swimming or Trout, partly high land for location of your new home and a beautiful valley with Wild Life Sancturay and clean wooded bridal path. This is truly a lovely location for a private estate; Only a 10 minute drive from Oshowa. As worfds cannot describe tb beauty we ask you to let show you the property. You' Il agree the cost is rea- sonable. 'Country Living Lorge 2 storey modernized older brick house with forced air oil furnace and one and one half bathrooms. This comfortable nine room home is located on o full two. acres of lawns and garden, close to school and church and only minutes from Osh- awa via good paved roads. A wonderful place to raise your family, Coll tonight. Cottage Lot Beautifully treed lot with 100 foot frontage on Bass Lake near Port Carling, Muskoka. Good swimming, fishing and boating. Asking only $2,800. If the answer is yes, then you should list with Central On- tario Trust. Why? Because we hove FUNDS ond FULL AUTHORITY to finance the sale: And if you list with us before Dec, 20/66 you may qualify for the FREE COLOUR TELEVISION to be awarded Dec. 22, whether or not we effect a sale before then. Ask us for full details. LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Choytor 668-2291 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-5221 J.B. McMULLAN Realtor 120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 Garage, List price $15,500. Older 10 room home on large er floor consists of kitchen, WA, Dougan 725-1109 MUST BE SOLD! 2 apartment home lecated in the heart of Port Perry. Rent one. apartment, enjoy low monthly peyments. Owner HEY transferred. Total price LAKE AREA 634% INTEREST 4 bedroom brick bungalow with hundreds of dollars worth of improvements. We dare you to top its value at $18,500, 2 BEDROOM V.L.A. Situeted in North West Osh- awa. 10 year old brick bung. oe on a 598" «'775'6" lot LAND IS SKY- ROCKETING in VALUE BUY a LOT now and SAVE 6 LOT later. After 9 p.m. Gord Schofield 725-2214 Bob Wells 723-5467 Lieyd Lofoy 725-0343 Bill Dougan 725-1109 wer trary verse cere enenar OBALING IN teas ~ ad in the a mit Business Service Direct seire} V6 Sieneoe St. k 725-9281 9RSa0"S ton"Far eae roms, living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath. Now renting for List price $16,200. Close te downtown Whitby. 50 ACRE FARM 3% miles from Whitby, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bathroom, living room, kitchen. Double gorage. Large barn. APARTMENT SITE DUFFERIN STREET Land zoned R4. Completely serviced. Lot 22,000 sq. ft. Ideal location for apartment site etc. Presently on site 6 room older frame home con- sisting of 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 piece and 1 piece bath. WHITBY, BYRON ST. 4 BEDROOM HOME In excellent condition on large lot 95' x 105' in older part of town. Living room with fireplace, kitchen, sep- arate dining room, 4 pee. bath, attached garage, asph- alt driveway, T.V. tower and many more extras. List price $21,300, BROOKLIN INCOME HOME lot 82 x 130' with plenty of shade trees and garden. Low- living room, 3. bedrooms, 4 pc. bath and utility room. Upper floor consists of 2 bed- $1.00, per month. Home must be seen to be appreciated. $2,000 DOWN 4 bedroom 1% storey home. Living room, kitchen, double garage, 3 pe. and | pe. bath Carries like rent $80. per month. List price $13,500. "For All: Your Real Estate Needs" Call 668-6201 Airport Service Excellent lecation close by the thriving town of Lindsoy on busy Hwy. 35, Esso Service Station, Snack Bar, Service Station workshop, Aircraft workshop, and air- craft hanger. Excellent oppor- tunity, Listed below replace- ment cost. with reasonable terms, Lindsay Includes Asking $25,000 ener, full basement, large lot, on paved road off Simcoe St. N. -- Asking $15,000. with terms, SUBURBAN Spacious 6 room modern fam- ily home, oi! heated. Small barn, over on acre of land with fruit trees. 282 feet ein g on Tounton Road East, 1% mile city limits. Asking $25,000. Terms to be arranged. BROOKLIN VILLAGE New modern, split level 6 room home, double gorage, firenlace, walk-out family room, Large treed lot witn creek. Asking $32,500. Terms to be arranged. 86' x 183' Brooklin. Village homesite close to public and separate school, Street payed, town water. Asking $4,200. Terms. OSHAWA Well kept home with gar- age. Income possibilities. Two self contained apartments, oil heated. Property zoned Industrial. Asking $16,000. Easy terms. VALUE ' 100 acres, brick home, barns, excellent farm land. ond 3 springs, starting on property. 12 acres. valuable hardwood bush. High and scenic. Port Perry area. Ask- ing $25,000. Easy Terms, INVESTMENT Corner 10 acre property, two main roads. Excellent commercial potential. Listed at only $10,000. with terms. CALL HOWARD FORDER BROOKLIN 655-3853 Duplex, with 3 bedrooms in each apartment. All modern conveniences. Hardwood and tile floors. Asking $19,500. Terms. 248 ACRE FARM With 9 roomed home, 2 barns and 3 farm ponds. Handles 80 head of cattle the year ground, Asking $25,000. Terms. . BOWMANVILLE 5 roomed bungalow with oll modern conveniences. Hard- wood and tile floors, Garage. Asking $12,500. Terms. PORT HOPE AREA Unfinished bungalow on size lot, with well and septic tank. Asking $9,800, Low down payment. OSHAWA 5 roomed, brick bungalow with garage. All modern con- veniences. Double foundry tubs. Hardwood and tile floors. Asking $18,500. Terms. 1% ACRE LOT with 5 roomed bungalow, All modern conveniences, Locat- ed near Port -Perry. Asking $13,900. Terms, arranged 3¥2 ACRE LOT ~with 8 roomed home. Barn. Pond and stream. Located near Port Perry, Asking $12,- 650. Call: (Tom Donnelly 985-7264. We have a it demand for small farms, ocreages ond homes. 623-3950 Metcalt Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. E. Top Value Brand new family size home, electric heat, over 1,525 sq. ft. living space plus heated basement. immediate posses- sion, 614% ~N.H.A. mort- goge, carries for less than rent. Ali this in a top location for only $2,300 down, don't wait, we have only two left. Owner Transferred Forced to sacrifice a 6-room ranch bungalow on ¢ large landscaped lot in Ansley sub- division, enquire about this today, priced to sell at only $18,900. Like Lots of Room A stone and clopboard home with attached gorage on o lot 100 x 200 ft. 3 bedrooms, family size dining room, fire- place in living. room, situated on the western limits of Osh- awa, plenty of room for a growing family or someone who. likes gardening, homes in this oreo sell fact, make an appointment to inspect, Investment' Property on Ritson Rd. close to King St., 2 storey brick home with garage and paved drive, 2 opts. presently rented for $145. Owner will take back mortgage with easy terms. OPEN ECVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 John Osborne 728-5416 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawo and District Real Estate Board FREE ue _ ANYTIM NO SALE--NO CHARGE : MONIES WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO _ IT WILL SELL FAST. Building lots at Newcastle, Orono, Oshawa. Orono lots priced from $1,200. New- castle lots priced at $2,500. a lots priced at $5,- 000. 10 wooded acres of independ- . ence in the counrty on paved road. 2 miles Bowmonville near golf course. Only $5,- 900. -- $1,500. down. & 27 partly wooded acres New- tonville, $7,500, --Terms. 10 acres near Courtice with 1,500 sq. ft. unfinished house. $9,800. -- Terms. CALL 623-3393 AFTER 9 -P.M, Pot Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Jack, Whiteman -- 623-7414 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Andy Keys 728-0196 Roy Foster Orono 321 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED INVESTMENT Park Road North, opposite Oshawa Golf Club. 4 room bungalow with lot 94'5" by a depth of 244' (possible 4 house lots), Only $19,000. Call Jack Appleby 723-3398. Evenings. STORE PLUS APARTMENT SPECIAL Vacant -- immediate posses- sion. Store with 3. room aportment, located in main business section of Port Perry. Owner anxious .to sell. Asking $10,000 with low down payment. One mortgage To inspect and make an of- fer call Roy Yeo. 725-2217. Evenings. 101 Simeoe Street North Member ©:D.R.E.B. 728-5123 SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 INCOME HOME Priced reduced on this 7 room 2 storey brick with private drive. Apt. upstairs selling with refriaerator, electric stove and kitchen set. Owner very anxious, asking price only $13,900. Gleaming white alum. bunge- low with hot water heating and nice yard with private drive, asking only $9,500. Full basement with walk-out entrence. Inspect these fine homes now by calling Charlie Rankine at 728-7576. for balance, Excellent terms. "|" CALL Wm. MacDONALD Personally et 324-6145 Want-Ads Don't | Cost- They Pay OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resoles -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY 25 Bend ve (Bond St.) LTD, OPEN HOUSE This Weekend 2:00 till Dark electrically heated bung- alows with attached gar- ages. OLIVE AVE., WEST OF GRANDVIEW W. ©. MARTIN Realtor 728-5103 A HURRY? Place 3 as new by claling 7a52a2 UIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads sell things you don't need for SPOT CASH. Dial 723-3492 for an adewriter now! | TREED LOT mortgage. Early possession. Call Dolores Ross. FULL PRICE $13,900 Carries for $87 Principal, In- terest and Taxes. Well kept brick bungalow with large rec room and ved driveway. Ideal for children. Don't miss this one, Phone Ethel Tranter for appointment to see. : $16,900 FULL PRICE For this spotlessly clean 3 yoor old brick veneer bung- alow on a quiet street, Fea- -- 3 bedrooms, kitchen living room. 6%4% N.. rH. A, mortgage carries for. £122 Principal, Interest and Taxes. Act now and ask tor Tina DelGobbo. SHOPPING CENTRE AREA $83 monthly, principal, joter est carries is 6 room low now reduced to $17, 900. Three bedrooms, large holly- wood kitchen, living and din- ing room combined. Close to shoping, buses and schools, Immediate possession. To in- spect call Shirley Moskal. CENTRAL PARK AREA Carries for $80 monthly Prin- cipal and Interest. Large 8 * room home, close to schools and shopping. At $2,500 down, try your offer today. Call Pauline Beal, WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Member of O,D.R.E.B. Courtesy, Tr Service H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. BROCK orneer 2% storey, Excellent condition. Call 728- 167 DOWN Brand new homes on Waverly Street south of King just west of the Shopping Centre. 3 bedrooms. Priced. from $14,995. $1,827. D. 145 BROCK gre WHITBY 668.5823 3 Whitby--Three Seteesh ae ond a half brick home, large dining room, two beth rooms, new broadloom, new roof, double drive with brick garage and car-port. Attrace tive rockery and waterfoll. Beautifully landscaped, very centrally located. Ashburn Six roomed house with mod- ern conveniences situated on paved road with two acres of land suitable for gardening. Very reasonably priced ot $13,500. AFTER HOURS CALL: Mrs, Woodward 668-8583 Harry Cockburn 668-5823 Mrs. Lee 668-4949 E. H. Coates 655-4737 Also evailoble. Coll 728- 1678. RESALE "Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with fire- place in living room, gerage and lovely grounds, In addition a finished rec. room. Located in north west Oshawo.near the Mc- Leughlin Schools. Call. 728-1656. N.H.A. A beautiful home in north Oshawa with many 'exciting feo- tures. Broadloomed living room and sun- ken dining room. Large ultra - modern kitchen. 2 piece wash- room on main floor. DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! ! ! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut' Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate, "LUXURY LIVING" Features Include @ Large ravine lots with yeor round stream @ 2,300 square feet of finished floor area' @ 400 square feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- crate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in er @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadioom in tive ing ese dining room, hall on all bedrooms. pg T oan court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention. TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME. NO CASH NEEDED Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. BUY NOW © SAVE $2,000. K. R. BELL and SONS LIMITED 723-6541 3 large bedrooms. Huge bathroom. At- tached garage. Lorge ple-shaped lot. You won't be disappointed when you inspect this lovely home. Call 728-1656. _ ed air oil heat. 6% N.H.A. KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR $11,500. Reduce your over- head, 1% storey white clap- hoard home on larae village lot 66 x 166, low taxes $169, hot water heat with oil, large kitchen, 3 bed- reoms, . garage, close to schools. GIBBON and RIDEWAY. Low m payment possible, needs some work, could be nice home in this excellent loca- tion, oil heat. New listing. $15,500. -- 7 year old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, forc- S mortgage, only $105. per month principal, interest and taxes, storms and screens. $6,000, -- 10 ACRES with stream ond bush, 1350 sq. ft. township house restriction, Harmony Rd. North. BUY NOW PRICES ARE SURE TO RISE NEXT SPRING GEORGE . BLYLEVEN Realtor Phone 623-5300 ; Oshawa north east end: very inva and well kept three bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, -- ded fot and ga ing pe 8 Bry ee win " West edd, close to 'E centre on wekabhe ee bedroom frame 4 piece bath, Asking price $11,500. Maple Grove: new 4 bedroom split entrance bungalow, electric heat, large family room with fireplace, inter com radio system, aarage and lerge workshop. "hulte able tm. V.L.A. Asking price $24,900. Only 4 miles from Oshawa on paved road, three bedroom' frame bungalow, oil fure nace, pl Bayo phn 4 taxes, a. ating oe pe: 413,900 Courtice: 3 bedroom frame bungelow, extra shower and stool in walkout beses -- for V.LA. Asking price $15,600. Orono: Large ravine building lot with never failing stream, Give us an offer. Hampton area: On paved rood 15 acre vacont land with some bush ond stream, Asking price $7,500. OPEN HOUSE 20--Real Estate for Sale THIS WEEKEND (Continued on Page 22) 12:00 te 5:00 ' 2 Blocks West of Simcoe St. PER MONTH ' on Taunton Road, $ The cost of this: 3 bedroom bungalow electric ad, dally for one heat, Hollywood kitchen, «3 yeor. Too Mahogeny trim. 6%4% pg Mid | NILA mortgoge $113.00. MS abs