14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 14, 1966 TN EE ESP ET vey PP Oe ee gee rene Severe Depression Needs g : A 2 Egse= att 8 : éd to be an tainty attractive and well ted. I fall in love with 23. 8 again. I hate myself for being so possessive and stupid. Can peo- ple' change? Or am i hopeless? --Low Lois Dear Lois: People can and do change but it takes work. You didn't get this way overnight so don't expect any magical over- night transformation. Firs' ta complete physical checkup; There may be an or- ganic reason for your "lousy depression." If your physician gives you a clean bill of health ask him to point you in the di- rection of counselling. It's nor- mal for a person to get down in the dumps once in awhile but you seem bent on permanent residency. Get some help, Girl. Dear Ann Latiders: A woman fn our office is being married for the second time. She is hav- ing a small wedding with only a few friends and relatives pre- sent. Three girls in the office have planned a shower for the bride and they have handed out a notice with these words, "When a ¥ has been married once it ig foolish to give her things she already has. She wants things ehe needs." Here is 4 Doctor's Help painting." , Well, Ann, that's only part of the list. Are we crazy or is this the last straw? What would you last straw and I would throw the whole crummy business in the wastebasket. mother is @ nice lady but she ever I am out playing with the kids she hollers, "Bernie-eee." People two blocks away poke their heads out of the windows. I have to leave in the middle of the ball game or whatever I am doing to go see what she wants. She never wants any- thing. All she wants to know is where I am. When I come back to play the Dear Aum Landers: My grand-| | has a very loud voice. When-| § By MARGARET NESS NEW YORK \(CP)--Garbar- diné, originally kept for rainesats, has popped into color, prettiness and popularity for fall. ig colors in gabardine and jackets are blue and such as a . 3 FU u 3 5 ae. te i i rayon. 's collections in New gabardine used for é street ensemb such as a precisely tailo; - reefer and its matching dress, @ both in putty color Forstmann abardine, designed by Origi- nala, or the pink gabardine dress compiemented by a paie green leather coat lined in matching color gabardine. il BE 3 H : iy for Modelia, lined with South American kit fox. And Branell lined a beige ga- ardine cape with stencilled rabbit to look like giraffe. SEE NAUTICAL LOOK The new nautical look was seen in a brown gabardine pea jacket with slanted pockets above envelope ones, worn with a brown-and-pink striped jersey blouse. Dresses, too, appeared in ga- tan gabardine. a pea Another smart combination|' ia 3 GABARDINE, originally used for raincoats, is blos- soming into color for fall. This reefer and matching dress in putty - colored gabardine has a new, flared skirt. --CP Photo kids always ask me what grandma was yelling about. I have to tell them nothing and this makes it look like she is crazy or I am an infant: Can you help me with my problem? I am 11 years old. Thank you. --Called But Not Wanted Dear Called: Before you go out to play, tell grandma where you are going and ask her please not to call you because it is embarrassing. Tell her exactly where you will be and suggest that if she gets worried to come out and take a look. KEEP IN TRIM Faulty Posture Habits Spoil Anyone's Appearance By IDA JEAN KAIN It's: alarming that human beings can fall into faulty pos- ture habits--habits that can actually cause them to become lopsided. When the body is out of alignment and the weight distribution is unequal, it can happen. For example: A new mother an get into the habit of carry- ing the baby propped on one hip. Soon she has a definite shelf on that side and a promi- ment hip. Schoo] children who always carry their load of books on one side tend to be- come lopsided. Book carrying should be in alternate arms from day to day. A woman wito carried a heavy shoulder bag always on one shoulder was alerted to the consequences by her dressmaker. That shoulder was perceptively lower than the other shoulder. The habit of standing on one foot, allowing the weight to sink down, throwing out one hip, is/ quite common. | I have just changed my desk around and had the telephone moved, so that now I lean in another direction to answer the phone while typing. I was in danger of getting lopsided. This went undetected until a skirt appeared slightly shorter on one side. It can happen. It's all too easy for young girls to fall into faulty posture habits, particularly of rounding the shoulders. Not infrequently mothers will. write to ask if shoulder braces will help in an orthopedic list recom- mends it, The girl is likely to sink into the brace and further weaken the muscles. If a brace is worn it should be merely a supplementary measure to cor- rective exercises. NUTRITION PROBLEM Often too, faulty nutrition is the real cause of the trouble. The child doesn't feel up to sit- | | ting.and standing straight. With school children the worst habit is skimping or skipping break- fast. The relationship between a good nutritional status and posture is close. Beginning corrective exer- cises should be taken under the supervision of a specialist, oth- erwise the exercise intended to correct may bring on another posture fault. A most heartening story came from a young mother who felt she was beyond the point of return to good posture. Caring for the new baby left her worn routine, she now has new strength and outlook. Practise her exercise. Lie on back on floor with feet elevated to low bench, arms. down. at sides, backs of hands on floor. Flex right knee to chest as both arms are circled around on floor until extended beyond head. Return foot to bench and swing arms down to sides. Con- tinue, bending 'alternate knees, and circling with both arms, always keeping backs of wrists on floor as you circle. As alter- nate knees are flexed, pull up and in with abdominal muscles out before the day was half over. Shown the proper exercise and press small of back flat to floor. bardine in various weights and fibres. Slim skimmers 'ere in- cluded in several collections. Geoffrey Beene used a liquorice color. Jacques Tiffeau preferred iris blue, with a high neckline and a yoke side-closing with four jet buttons. Gabardine also was featured in the new fencer jacket, side- buttoned under the arm like the costume of professional fencers. This fall, too, gabardine is appearing in striking colors, such as a turquoise coat, a pi- stachio suit in a longer jacket that was completed by .a stained-glass effect in the chif- fon blouse, and a big orange- and - black tattersall checked gabardine coat with a skimmer dress in matching orange. OFFER VARIED SUITS The fall interest in pants Gabardine In Rainbow Colors [i Becomes Favorite Fall Fabric suggested a dine coat in worn over wi pants and a diecoat fea and pants in sweater. Cud- heavy double-faced nt aw born on this "}be extraordinarily amb independent, but i ilation this November; also March and early} $5,000,000 ig sleeves pleats in the skirt. And Dominic elevates a coat-dress to late- bardines in military. style in his rainwear collection. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FORK SATURDAY Stellar influences now bring a ten toward restlessness, which will cause many to go off on unprofitable tangents in or- Jer to escape routine or monot- ony; could also cause emotional upsets and general jitteriness. Do your best to curb such in- Clinations yourself. A good day for initiating new methods, how- ever. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the year ahead should bring great happiness in your per- sonal life. Domestic, social and sentimental interests should prove highly stimulating, with emphasis on romance during the balance of this month, next April and June; on travel and social activities between now and November 1, in January, April.and mid-1967. In the latter connection, you will find many opportunities for making some valuable new contacts. Where job matters are con- cerned, excellent headway can be made through a comprehen- sive and well-planned program --if you launch it immediately and follow through consistently. correspond- suits included many in gabar- dine. For travelling, Modelia | | \ | ' April, however. Caution duringihome construction. double your mone with Canada Savings B Centennial Series nc Great Home! Great Value! | such a situation. Not unless | | SOUTH SELLING FOR ONLY "HUDSON" Open for Inspection Now in Beautiful .. . FOREST GLEN HOMES Harmony Rd. North off King St. East, Oshawe WOOD PARK Off Herwood Ave. South, Ajox *19,295 FEATURING THE Registered Exterior SPORTSWEAR LID. ~ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE The Great New Look in Fur Fabrics IRVING POSLUNS Captivated by the coldest weather. Why? Irving Posluns lights a fiame where only winter chill was before-- for the gay and zingy, a dashing college casual in " Bleached Racoon Blond. Just in time for the kickoff. Sizes 8 to 16 at $49.95 We also carry @ complete range of IRVING POSLUNS coats and car coats Including the famous SIMOTTA FULL or 34 LENGTH fur trimmed ONLY $ .00 DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY or plain. Suedellas fur and pile fabrics of all kinds, the price very moderate indeed. Heated by Clean, Silent, Economical (Gonsumers' ('las Law rmstrong || MANY OTHER MODELS TO SELECT FROM Come in today and see our Fabulous Display of New Fall Suits, Coats, Dresses and Sportswear. WE CARRY: BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA SF {| 1} 1} omes Hi | | HHI} HI A Deposit Will Hold Any Purchase OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW IF NOT LOWER - THAN ELSEWHERE Open Tonight and Friday Until 9 P.M. 'SEIGNEUR'S 2 EXCLUSIVE AGENT @ GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. OSHAWA -- , HEAD OFFICE OSHAWA AJAX 723-8144 942-3330 Oshawa Shopping Centre Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE