WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY "Whitby Brass Band - - Bandmaster Named "WHITBY - The appointment of Stanley Redfearn as dand- master to succeed the late Eric Clark was announced this week by the executive of the Whitby Brass Band. In addition to performing the duties of senior bandmaster, Mr, Redfearn will continue with the junior band with which he has worked for several years, He will be assisted in the junior band work by James Erwin, a former leader of the Mea- ford Citizens' Band, who is a music teacher with the Toronto Board of Education, Mr. Erwin will also play as a member of the senior band. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Redfearn was. a member of the senior band as will as dep- uty bandmaster. He was also ster of the Whithv Jun- ior Band. Under his guidance the junior band won many . laurels. During his six years conducting the band it won four firsts, a second and a third in Legion Auxiliary Makes Bazaar Plans The Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion, No. 112, held its October business meeting at) the Legion hall. The president, Phyllis Norris, presided. Final arrangements made for the ct. which will be opened by presi- were dent. Norris at 2:30 p.m. Mem-| bers were reminded to bring in groceries for hampers to be 18 bazaar} CNE competitions. Three of the firsts were awarded in their last three appearances. Before coming to Canada from England, Mr. Redfearn was active in choral and solo sing- ing. As a semi - professional member of a quartet, he ap- peared in theatres and night clubs: - ~ : His jor interest has al- ways, n in the brass band field. He was a playing mem- ber of a championship section band in Yorkshire. For 30 years he has been proficient with the cornet, euphonium and baritone and latterly the trombone. The band executive there could be no mere fitting memorial to the work of the late Mr. Clark, who worked hard during his lifetime for the Whitby bands. than to carry his fine work and maintain a liv- ing memory of one who brought countless hours of musical en- joyment to residents of the Whitby area. |going are required to"meet at ithe Legion hall at 5:45. p.m. for | transportation. | There is also a bus leaving Oct. 24 at' 7:30 p.m. sharp to attend the Uxbridge social even- ing. The next meeting will be a social with Mrs. Phyllis Barton as convener assisted by mem- |bers of her committee; Mar- |garet Dewsbury, Mable James, feels) * = ip EG A POL OT Le EE I EE THE OSHAWA TIMES, ; pier Thursdey, October 13, 1966 § A daily injection doesn't sound so bad when a Vic- torian Order Nurse demon- strates how. The Victorian Order of Nurses in Whitby, provided nursing care and health supervision to Whitby residents through an aver- age of more than 142 visits | Jean Ferguson, Dorothy Ormis- ton, Jessie Lalonde, Zetta) Fitchett and Frances Foster. | Members are asked to note} the change of days for future} Brooklin Street Widening Is Scheduled For 1968 VON PROVIDES NURSING CARE funds are needed to meet the VON budget deficit. When you give the United way, you support VON and eight other agencies. Your one gift works many won- ders, be a wonder worker .. . give the United Way. per month last year. The VON, a member agency of the Whitby United Appeal for the second year, op- erates out of the local library. Though they earn nearly double their United Appeal allocation through fees, Whitby United Appeal Bridge Winners WHITBY -- The winners an Whitby Duplicate PICKERING (Staff) - Pitk- ering Village Clerk Bruce Ho- garth reported to the village council Tuesday night that sew- er plans for the municipality are still being held up by the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission. . Mr. Hogarth said plans for the proposed system were now in the Sanitary Engineering De- partment of the Commission. The. engineers, Gore and Stor- rie. Ltd.,- have completed all preliminary engineering work and have submitted their re- port to the OWRC for tentative approval. - When final -approyal is given i specifications will be drawn up and the program will be ten- dered, Clerk Hogarth said he _ still hoped work would commence on the project this year. The program for sewers in the village began in 1958 when the Resources Commission took water samples from Duffins Creek in the village and re- THEY'RE FOR CHRIS NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-- A group of Yale law school stu- dents set fire Wednesday to a facsimile of the Vinland map, which Yale scholars say is the first cartographic proof. that Leif-Ericson beat Christopher Columbus to the New World by 500 years. The students, mem- bers of the Society for the Pro- motion of Christopher Colum. bus, held placards saying: "Vikings go hone!" "Yale must turn over a new, Lief," "Whoever heard of the Knights of Ericson?" and "We're with djyou, Chris!"" Village Council Awaiting Approval Of Sewer Plans ported gross pollution of the creek, When village officials approa- ched the Ontario Mucicipal Beard at that time they were informed that sewers would be too expensive for village rate- payers. VOTING TIME Council also created an ad- ditional polling subdivision mak- ing a total of three in the vil- lage for the upcoming elections. The new polling division was created by splitting the exist- ing subdivision south of High- way 2. Nominations for village cou- neil and reeve will be between 7 and 8 p.m. Nov. 24. The elect- ion date has been set for Dec. 3. All the present are expected). A Complete | SERVICE © Heating ® Plumbing © Kitchens COMPLETE COMPLETE PH. 668-2991 WHITBY O Announcing ... the Opening of Rennie's | FLORAL SHOPPE 'In Brooklin Complete Floral Needs For All Occasions . PH. 655-3833 manville BE WISE... BUY WHERE YOU ENJOY BETTER SERVICE CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston re- a most enjoyable day. attending Oct. 17, the Bow-) The next social evening will be! BROOKLIN. (Staff) -- Lic tape main street | bs | ' "4% . laa ; lie * | t ¢ cil was told at its Tuesday|is expected to take about a 1Z- ' | Scout Mothers' Auxiliary Elects Officers |<... 'nectins. year 'Traific 'will be detoured| Mrs. H. Baker, 6014; Mr. and) ; ne * Thickson Rd. and then north to] (+ cheon, 554: Mrs. D.| correspondent, Mrs: map nae | president, Mrs, Vincent Mallon,| pen LaHaye installed the new village, will commence at the Driver Education | |Thomson and Mrs.. G._ Vick; (OVER 25 IN STOCK) during her term of office. Mrs.| support of all members. The Ontario Department i isplayed by Whitby sec-|r. and Mrs. K. Cunliffe, 46. assisted by Mrs. James Cronin| cussed the work of the mothers'|and proceed with the road work bet ES aes 4 -- -- The following were elected:|importance of their organiza-| The new idea would be to per-|, year ago Ee Tw ' Street NEW FALL | wf 8 43 | Frank Canzi¥ secretary, Mrs.|Mrs. Malton, thanked the|through the village while work|97 students from Anderson| ROM i William Goverde. la gift. The. department decided to|yy to Tuesday of this week. | House of Hobberlin "THE RETURN OF MR. MOTO" drawn and also all tickets. rted on the bus trip to uffalo. All agreed that it was It was. announced that ap-| meetings. Instead of Tuesday,| ey orp 13 members will|it will now be on Wednesday.) me of the lands along the vil-| high scores in the nee h 4 . 's of the up- i "8; 20th birthday, All' Oct. 25. |Brooklin bridge will be rebuilt] ! : 1 eae sor tlg Be vv | BROCK Evening Programs Start 6:55-8:30 jin 1968 Whitby Township Coun-| Construction of the highway | North and South: Mr. and| Last Complete Show Starts 8:30 | shison, 56; Mrs./ The Fifth Whitby Scouts and, Harold Forbes; telephone con-| In a letter from the Hon jalong the County Rd. east to ge yn ee, J. Me-| : Cubs Mothef Auxiliary met at| Vener, Mrs. P. Van Gils; press|Matthew B. Dymond, council /Thickson ron See Our Display Today of St. Joseph meeting room. The! Danjwas told the widening of High-|Highway 12. Nicholson and Mrs. A. Murty, gf@© j "Hagan. eer aed ee ae es ee pI ° ¥ FULLY RECONDITIONED MODELS ' - East. an ost: ; Dy ly chaired the meeting. She/officers .and wished them anjsame time as the bridge over| . ¢ EN . thanked those who assisted her! active year and asked for the|/Lynde Creek wil! be rebuilt. a Interest Growing | 5614: Mrs. P. Chubb and Mrs. al 4 ; D. Maundrell, 51; Mrs, D. Wil- Frank Canzi conducted the} Glen Fitzgerald was the guest|Highways originally proposed] wyrRy -- More interest is|son and Miss B. Wilson, 5014; election of officers. She was|speaker. In his remarks he dis-|to reconstruct the bridge in 1967 , Rescue : f ondary school students in driv-|= and Mrs. Dan O'Hagan. |auxiliary and mentioned thelin 1968 or '69. er education than was the casell just Arrived ... J President, Mrs. Thomasition in assisting Cubs and|form both contracts at the same) J |g starr ASSESS IERIE TE MBE RLS NA i ; | : ' ' ae Twenty-three. Henry 1m | Spellen; vig®-president, Mrs.|Scouts. The past president,/time and to detour traffic High' School students and about | MN OTHES || FRED GWYNNE-YVONNE DECARLO-ALLEWIS -BUTCH PATRICK || Ben LaHaye; treasurer, Mrs.| speaker and presented him with is in progress. Street High School had enrolled | FRO! } PLUS 2ND FEATURE ATTRACTION i Visiting committee convener,| Tea hostesses were Mrs. Vin-|widen the exist highway ti 11. | ilors hy 7. . y pape Mrs. John Sillius; sewing con-|cent Mallon and Mrs. Robert/after traffic studies d the -" 7 hada ene gp aa one | vu. Yep, Ta0n With Henry Silva, Suzanne Lloyd y aumnas be BAST.® WARTS Seen : vener, Mrs. Robert Gagnon;|Gagnon. The next meeting will| possible Brooklin bypass had : s lass than last year. membership convener, Mr s.|be Nov. 8. |been considered. / Night schodl, registeatids is \ ca |The highway through the v&'|aico%e md Convenors Asked For 'Old Tyme' Bazaar|2e. 24. especially" also expected fo be up. Two lage and especially over theinuyndred and forty-five have en- All Saints Anglican Church|be purchased from any mem- narrow existing bridge has|rolied at Anderson Street Afternoon Guild held its Octo-|ber of the Guild. been a traffic bottleneck dur-|school. This is expected to be ber meeting at the parish hall. MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 Mrs. Donna ing the summer migration tolincreased after tonight's regis- Various reports were read and the usual form of business trans- acted. * j The main item of busines: was the "Old Tyme" bazaar be held Noy. 23 from 2 till 5,30 p.m. in the parish hall. Con- veners were chosen for the various booths. The sale of Centennial hasty- notes is still in progress. These feature a beautiful picture of the present-day; church and can WHITBY PERSONALS Out-of-town guests who at- tended the Dokis.- Allan wed- ding in St. John the Evantelist Roman Catholic Church were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hay, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McGhee, Pasadena; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McGhee, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Brown, Mrs. Edna Gates, Mr. and Mrs. J. Guerin, Mrs. Cyril McAuley, Raymond Dokis, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dokis, Allan Kap- lan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Snow, Mrs. William Snow, ajl of To- ronto; Mrs. C. Williams, Mrs. M. Cruise, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Brown, Scarborough; Harry Sheridan and Mr. and|g- Mrs. S. Steff, Agincourt; Mr. | and Mrs. &. Steff, Agincourt; | Mr. and. . M. Brown, Bur- lington; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dokis, Sarni and. Albert George, Ajax. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Flieler, is celebrating his 13th birthday today. Miss Carol Smith, 510 Euclid} St., opened her home today to| St. Mark's United Church Young Adults for an intact evening for those 18 years and) over. To carry on with this pro- | ject young adults must show their interest by attending. Thanksgiving dinner guests at) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, 318 Gilbert St. W., were: Mrs. Appleton's | father, Joseph Cowx, Whitey; | MICHAELS STERN Finest quality suits tailored from sharp looking long wear- ing COURIER cloth in shades of HICKORY'N BLUE SPRUCE. Now in Stock 'Mercantile Dept. Store | 321 Brock St. $, WHITBY PLAZA The president, i thanked Mrs, = 'Smith and Miss Edith Barnes conveners of the birthday tea, and the ladies for their whole- hearted support of the project. She also welcomed Mrs. Kay Watson, a visitor from Nova Scotia. Tea was served by the hostesses, Mrs. E. L. Hulbert and Mrs. George Eastwood. The final meeting before the bazaar will be Nov. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Appleton and children, Richard, Melodie, Monita and Ryan, Scugog Is- land; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bal- lard and family, Brenda, Heath- the cottage country. tration. Several ratepayers along the route have protested the high- way widening project which will result in the expropriation of} Park Development To Be Discussed BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Whitby | Township Park and Arena Com-| mittée Chairman James Brady} was given authority to meet} with the Whitby" Town Parks Committee Chairman, D, W. McQuay, to discuss the joint de- velopment of the Elizabeth Cres. Park in the township. At a recent amalgamation meeting between town and township officials it was de- er, Lori-Ann and Karen, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. James Wong and daughters, Wendy and Tracy, spent the holiday week- end with relatives in Beach- burg and Cobden. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jorden visited on Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Collier, Lon- cided to look into the joint de- velopment of the seven-acre park for the use of town 'and township residents. The meeting of the commit- tee chairmen will be in the na- ture of fact finding sessions. | The township already has a' proposed development plan for} the park which would provide washroom facilities and a par 3} don, Ont. ( miniature golf course at an| estimated cost of $15,000. | RED WING ORCHARDS. ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN DAILY Featuring:. .. Apples and Pears -- Sweet Cider -- Potatoes Pumpkins for Halloween Located 21% Miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at the "BIG RED APPLES" SF STORAGE BOATS & OUTBOARD MOTORS y ROWBOATS and CANOES. ....... 12.50 RAE R. JONES Realtor 668-8841 CASH! $ CASH! For Your Home! Seeing is Believing... Call TODAY! 728-6661 25.00 RUNABOUT ON TRAILERS up to 16'... OUTBOARD MOTORS FREE STORAGE WITH TUNE-UP Up to 72 WLP. ©2001 10.00 Plus Parts | Upto55H.P.....---.. 20.00 Plus Parts Upto 20H.P. .. 12.50 Plus Parts Over 551H.P......... 25.00 Plus Parts Upto 45H.P. .- 16.50 Plus Parts Lawn Mowers -- Tiller 10.00 Plus Parts STORAGE (NO) TUNE-UP Up to 20 H.P.. .50e Month---Min. 3.50 Over 20 H.P. 1.00 Month--Min, 6.00 WE ALSO STORE LAWN MOWERS = TILLERS --- TENT TRAILERS -- CABIN TRAILERS -- ETC. PHONE FOR PRICES @ SALES © REPAIRS © RENTALS © STORAGE WILDE «i. SALES eit RENTAL 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY, ONT. 668-3226