~ 2 . ' stomobiles for Sale. |30--Automobiles For Sole Liat 38--Coming Events 30--Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles aut meh ve ee woop ROY |. ~. feereemees| NOTICE TO | JAYCEES | RESULTS _[ "OmTUARIES ILL'S wih goed on ot tow tres T "Telephone CREDITORS pTOROUTO. (Cp--Wednesdey's. Wood: MRS. W. P. ROGERS 'NICHOLS Rig. eaeeaciarase| AND OTHERS Monster ho a i997 BUICK ha no ie offer : YOU HAVE HEARD} MOTORS LTD. UYS |e ears] haem, ete Ere ceeacrmmy = a8 aaa 1965 CHEVROLET. Wad CHEVY "Tis sedans eutornatic | All persons having claim Time: tz pelt oe Home, ABOUT THEM ! IMPALA _ | Iai ew. Licence USE) PONS Ty Goceased, late een "ugat Seager in : 13,- d i 2-door hardtop, 4 1966 "GRAND PARISIENNE, Two - door of the City of Oshawa, in the 000 eriginal miles, in | '65: SUNBEAM narctoor fay "cavipped: Mint se sseni| County of Ontario, who died Somend--Puren, $2508. CAlniiGy #0 YOU HAVE READ co, aR gale ee ee ae "Ue, _ aR E83 al on or about the 20th day of iMiedy's Pa cunice (eb a 45.20 21.10 14.00 bi io 13822, eee ' fea Hessen 239670. we ins OLEgOR TLS Jetstar, Fare. a ay pi i = Admission 50c yo iy 'Browne " UT ! ICK : only $1695. |bive; ars if condition inside and uty else} thereof to_ the undersigned ? wecagan Fl. ae 'alguhtle weaeat Rvs ear Bes) attr around" $450 Call ae ei oy bag Two Jack Dots peveety. my eotaie able ple Ruler, Sedan, automatic | '64 VOLKSWAGEN Ia cHEVROLET Sioa pert convert] said. co*= she Administrators 53 'ond rast W is cod Uiveoak Ste oh ig P Md oe Jay Two door, green with white- v7 pele sped ara sign tn vee 7 will distribute the Estate hav- |, ONE MUST GO eae b--G, F. Boltz and J, Vance N 0 W pipet be rats wall tires. Lic. H86964. oa Bl Trade ig ag gang chs wwe discs, et. Sharp! Li | Seve $2001 Ow pose i CSTE, WONT, TAT cad SOIT Matt 6 Teactins mw. ak wk cence 194738, > only $895 iva putarneticr power Wrenen, power! Dated at Oshawa, Ontorio, 500. Pg cn ig FE ning, | mal, steering, 'elephone on this 4th doy of October, Ly : PONTIAC ' Wa PORTA Hearse, body by Barnatie.| A.D. 1966. IN: 50 NOS. or LESS |Bromstiene critemns) 7.20 3.0 248 LAURENTIAN 63. ACADIAN » 19,000 wala gg re yy GERALD ALPHONSUS gl tore oe Sedan, automatic, with Deluxe, four door stotion HICKEY and rh ie whitewolls ond discs. wagon, six cylinder engine, ins -PONTA TAG Laurentian, eulometle:! = DOROTHY JEAN HICKEY, ° $200. inten ta ata, aie, Mount Rich She was Licence 186772! outomatic transmission and | stilt under' Serrenty. *TGepnone 7359000 Administrators of the Estate In announced Nos. Neoree Babe giso ran. Rhy? : xs ion Pri THEME! -- | rs62 crevaoter | Saonroune Teint eater Maaieht e] MARES | a Spr Tntoh te (zee, cme tm Raden a - olds and upward, 7 dan &rulinder. aul only $1195 Bat ool DltHtach) 9690 $.40. 3.70 tomatic with eras spindles, springs 0 make "Feuer rp also 2. r "SALMERS, B.A. $175. Jackpot -- |fevat Stiten onc $20 per line. $75 full cord. we 20 Regulor $20 games pay | vi at. cence 596312 62 FORD arc welding on trailers. 50? 63 KingeSt. 'West, Berno _ Miss (Turcotte) 1961. CHEVROLET Goloxie 500, Convertible, |Wemane, new peknr*exelient condion Oshewa, Ontario. Sedons, 2 from which and |$650, Telephone 7. double in 17 Nos. or less. to choose, both stand- Shiiowell tires. Lic, J2140, LIENS PAID OFF, We trade up, down. sk P be | father i : ran. #--Denotes . field, N '¢ C) LS yooh in only $1195 chew Pion ghana p Bay os ee down 7 48 NOTICE TO Early Bia eas P.M, Birr 6 ree | $2.168, | elelming, syeer-|Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. Robe PONTIAC igh Comvamn 706 tse vr stay Corte" ave) - CREDITORS EXTRA PRIZES __|ekastn-riest Peseta 2 ee Scie Gon ina ae B Lady Dot (Turentt 130 » wiie'rede, "a. good | Coupe, custom radio, Lic. |Memnmount aotae| AND OTHERS rte" Lim stot eo lemate United Church, will con sound automobile. Li- 243986. radle under, warranty, Price $2,495. Tele- Every T urs ay bide cue Beet ie ae cane 9 pdb will con- 512983. - only $495 In the Estate of EDNA JUNE ° Mary Catharin> Bimini Bil Canitaed Kindness beyond P. Moto if vaginwy ANTIQUE' CAR, WWi7 Ford Touring ROBINSON, deceased: gl gg Pod ow. a gad within reach of a PONTIAC ete and unrestored. paso. Devs "oN tae: ALMER JOHN ROSS Sedon, 6 cylinder, au- '61 PONTIAC pee Se AABISSABOR: 'automatic, 0 ay Pi of te at the oY. a Almer John (Doc) Ross, 76, GERROW tomatic with radio. A Four door sedan, six cylinder, |V-%, power steering and brakes, radie.| @bove-named, deceased, late : ere T8100 Tes, Oat ergs' |@. resident of Halliday Manor real clean one. Licence standard transmission, Lic. | A:|_condition, 8,000 miles, 725-0185, of the City of Oshawa, in the Prise "ive titttech 430° 60°2.10 620 Bond St. E., was killed FUNERAL CHAPEL pice saad if SCOT i ae BRE]. Casto! Snones sie det | JUDHIe@ Pavilion [tit Micscetta, --" ES|Weaneeany night yhon strut] 299 KING STREET Weer | only $895. |positraction, many extras, Al gondition.| on the 20th day of June, : Time: 1:09. 45, " by an auto, on King 8&t. E., Telephone 728-6226 Sa las PONT AC y $ , itraction, wee, res, Ria Teas. cis roby soni. EAVING ra' War, Win Again Amous Road also near Halliday Manor. * Sedan, 6 cylinder, ou- ' in PONTING oe a -- meet! ga sa furnish proof shereot BUSES .L! Born Oct. 13, 1890, at Myrile, tomatic, radio. Good '60 PONTIAC #125. Licance Ki) talker "motor Seles} to the stanlonad ees sie FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 | exector: 13.90. ties dacsousl ean og eerste IN MEMORIAM freraporsetion. Licence Deluxe two door coach, six |igga CABILEAE Eiderados ail" Vestereas| the. 7th doy of. November, and 7:15 P.M. Seventh-Purse $9,200, ayeareié qu,iJate Thomas and Martha Ross. LTD . cylinder engine, automatic |two-door hardtop. 1963 Volkswagen de-| A.D, 1966, After the said : fi es, foaled in Canada, marshall turf) A resident of Whitby and Osh-| xwox -- in toving asa transmission, custom: radio, | xe, 'A-1_ condition, Telephone 728-1820, date the Administrators will And Returning after Bingo |course, one he mile as "hae awa most of his life, he wes " +. SPECIAL Lic, 265232. "a SUIEK, 'uly sowered, rade. Will distribute the Estate having |Children under 16 not admitted /At™/) ive twccomb) 430 k@tlmarried June 15, 1920, at ly $74 rece tor Oreperty. Of com lower) -- regard only to claims of which : ight Page (Gordon) 70| whith; 1961 Volkswagen: in only $745 | moet cor and ees. Telepnene AE.) FOV, Ln filed 1 Te VS. y. C rel good condition. No Ma PORTING connie fe eS : Hat cso. Tut, Sue,,Panon| Prior to. is retirement in ' And give hi i} our love, ontifreeze to worry '59 DODGE V-8 Telephone Whitby 668-6003 after 4, Dated st Oshawa, Ontario, Central Council of Bolte, ad Zecata, Bella Regina = has ag Pe scatige a Pr ng lemennaned by wife Core end t, 40 miles EVY Il, coach, V8, standard, post:| this 4th day of October, A.D. Aer loy werry abou Coronet, two door hardtop, ia cue We re Seacrk ates sneer per 1966. Neighborhood Association |. ighth--Purse $2,200, Dutton, Ci at the Oshawa Airport for Kwox - >, into . \ ing per. -- o, 6164 automatic transmission, power be seen at 137 Colborne Street East, ing snfeenth mos vores, om oon father B Lh By a AG. of les steering and brakes. Lic. | i959 STATIONWAGON Chevrolet Bel Air) GERALD ALPHONUS HICKEY Bey' Favor (Harris) 3.80 3.20 onl? gt dorni the First World War pasted a jad, eany vr Oca ye. . i : ; ( ) Briefsi cote 6.20 3.90 deer, ] Marlins SEE. . . ACE RICHARDS atic wnitewalle. Telephone 2. erie er "a| ond DOROTHY JEAN HICKEY B | N L Voges," (Cooma ~ 4solhe served overseas with 116th] Treasured ie Pie T Adminstrators of the Estate ime: 1:45 45. be: in our bot or LOUIS PHILLIPS ot only $575: |sence Bem. ef EDNA JUNE ROBIN Erin Pan, Golden Bubble, Sun Hash,|Battalion, He wae oe ieee | --fuah tpsoa" ene icrinaly renee COURTICE 728-6206 iiss BUTEK, Special, 1 cepaifion, rr] OF tA ator ON Frency "Twist Pest exoreve sho fon,(of Branch 43, Royal Canadian, ¢ hes "ieee OR '59 PONTIAC i 3 RAMBLER clei tonal ong ¢, 7 hy Ni B.A., wl! "an is gt pom, . nal owner, many extras, r i rt. ¢, , E, memory '9 Ambassadors | "sso wicisison | erndt atten, coven |g arma ag _Obemer Orore OSHAWA CIVIC || syoto!cAP =k brome te [vie oe former Lone Blane beste La CAL BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 radio. Lic, H96570. nd mechanical condition. $125. Sppply. 180 AUDITORIUM ure of Adam sculpted by Au Graine (Joan) of Oshawk and # , only $545 Division ger 4 Bam aad IN. THE MATT guste Rodin is not tough enou; ugh Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 4A 7 FORD Fairlane 900, twodoor, VS HE ER OF THE sha standard shift, recent. paint and bedy) ESTATE OF ISABEL MARIE for modern Japanese traf! 6 R b Is work, $525 cash or best offer, 728-5626, 1 CANNING, LATE OF THE | FRIDAY, OCT. 14th City art museum officials or- AS J e e Ms ' . dered the statue inside because ' No Regsonable Offer Refused. [1964 PONTIAG Siralo Chief wegen, four} CITY OF Be earrahic, bong it has been corroded by motor Crescent. EASED exhaust fumes after 10 years in COMPARE I m ~~" _ . 31---Compact Cars for Sale paca : the open air, gee ; NOTICE TO Over so COME IN ! Up te 3 months po, Moron SALES LTD, CREDITORS $5,000.00 jae Freee anenec alas ONSEN ea | Ai wn tote, cuit PRIZES TEN PERFECT -- |Pim'in"Oshewa" Union Come WE STOCKED TRADE UP OR DOWN TT 334 RITSON RD, §, inst the Estate of Isobel CHANNELS tery. Rev. A. Woolcock, padre ah aaah ; FINANCING AVAILABLE BILL HITTICK bag heer Mare, Sheet nea Gare: | Ste ae the finest in Can wal penel "a WITH USED CARS. NO MOTORS LTD. Open Evenitee Sit tryin free | $500, Snowball Legion, 165 MUSTANG fe VOLVO. & PEUGOT | gbout the Seventh doy of | $150. Special Game ENTERTAINMENT , Cawert ; 1250 Dundas East September, A.D. 1966, are | $1,000, Escalator FUNERAL OF REASONABLE OFFER 578 pip Por -- Whitb % MERCEDES 'BENZ hereby notified to send ful | 20 Regular games SPORTS MRS. GEORGE C. ALCHIN , : ' y General Repair and particulars to the undersigned 50, q c : glass, radio, A sharpy. Autotlactik tent bates dase ; $50, eac Relayed directly to your |. 'The memorial service for REFUSED. $2695 668-5871 - 2 els and tills Eee Ai oa Fg Al ME) Early Bird Gomes home vic interference free a 7 > F agge we ig ; ase e ed, Oct. 8, at the - A FEW 1966 HOUT i vas (RMR eee] AR Ra toa | Seced Ummedagy | res ny | sus Noor Sami i i < dmissi ' eceive one ' ' MODELS LEFT pe Nh i tat i POMTAC wnat oor AG TO, Sowe___ Tabiere! Suaed out ton have od | cord for regulor games) Become A Armstrong Funeral Home at 11 rear window defroster, plus oar Ope |, 4 $2695 |fNom, "under 12008 lis Private, 12 | MyVivAy, Sale, cuttr Tadley ew] notice Charter am., Oct, : 4505 after 5 p.m. M trailer hitch, $850.) 'DATED at Oshawa this 7th All games 25c double cerd-- - The service was conducted 1965 PONTIAC rerie one i944 PONTIAC custom sport convertible, ee et tel dae at Getuber, AD. 1966, except jockpot. Member Before by Rev. aK J. Frampton, ot ic. , V-8, two- [power steering, brakes, automatic. | 7 y . 289, Bow: le. In was PARISIENNE hardtop. = eon 728-4870 before 12 noon or 4 - 545 P.M. |matic. mags, 'oversize. tires, reverbere-| JOAN ISABEL CANNING DOOR PRIZES Cetenier 41s lace Lown Gamolent 1957 DODGE convertible, V-8, automatic,|tor, many extras. Call before 3 p.m., LARWAY and JOHN MORLEY and Save 9.95 Ib: M a k 1965 FORD Ficakene incerta tse" waeeint | eer CORA HasiaraviomaTIC 74) CANNING All gomes will be ployed on risth, 'Roy "Whittington, Wil [tans nae tnd tabbed Se MORRIS. 1100 HH Psa ' |W" CORVAIR "Manse, 'suiemalic, red) By their Solicitor, SH alder ey! , nd eopraciaon Ye fa ' fives, for florat Lic. 186132, | | i964 CHEV. Super Sport, Twodoor" hard. : 9 : liam Alchin, Jr,, Arthur ~eigetiaglgnanel economical. s"* [ty San Yanrtpns gotten, eas" T*MPOM HY TP) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.. PHONE 723-5278 | Aichi, 'Nick "Mckollsben and|s) unde dutog trier Brg hordtop all power ° $600 Asking oh. 8 Telephone een lids FIAT (AHO), In AT condilon, O75] 14% King Street East, Share the Madanntinr g p.m. Roy Mann. | ent Ie tn By at on & best offer, Must seili Phone after 6 j Regular Games--8:15 p.m. ; AUSTIN 850 PRIVATE -- 1908 Perisenne, two = door pm. 5206, see OSHAWA, Ontario, Oshawa Cable TV Ars. Fred Smithy and family. 1963 RAMBLER Station wagon, clean. |Rerdtom, VS. silomatie,, radio meny BUSES NONE FOR FRIDAY? rag amb xtra, low mileage, $2,900 or beat ner. 32---Trucks for Sole TENDERS Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. | RUMMAGE"SALE, Simcoe Street Uniied| Chile has renamed. two Pa- WHO'S BEEN HERE? | i Se eee $550 | 1966 DODGE Charger, 383 automalic,|s6 @.M.C., model V-552,_ five-ton 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 |€hurch Memorial "Hell, Friday, October|cific Ocean islands for Robin- The skin markings of the ti- power steering and sakes, radio white: se "Combination eddressed to the Property ond 8:00 p.m. Aveiloble | 412m. we aan Saber Crusoe and Alexander Sel-|ger, zebra and giraffe are ~ 1962 PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE V-8 als, romene smicrer, Sway. Saehert | ang. helt, ne, 18,000 pound rear) aT A nance Committee After Bingo. RUMMAGE SALE, Bridny. Getober 32, in ~ Crusoe's real-life counter-jilar to human a amatnae 7 Americans Lic. J5170, automatic, |%iX sree. 725. DP, , : art that no two are . re ' OL l . » at 1:30 p.m. - CONVERTIBLE, like new. radio, good condition. ee CHEVEDL ET-Geed, Govion. T0E |Telegmune Tissier. {tems < pm | caen® Welfore League of meen $550 | Telephone Tease ae eeren cerinm TROON! South, Oshawe, will be re- CHEVROLET 6 cylinder jax, - : K SPORTS i963 x . ceived up to noon, November 1961 BUIC Sines: four-door, regle, Make resonable offer, he MERCURY, Tien Make, Geod com] TAH 1966, pk i KINSMEN INVICTA, © scarce model. 350 | 1900 MERCEDES BENE, 20 3E, jj i : Flestelde. oil, Simcoe Ha ' [Bean th. ea eathat™ |e ee cerate He Oe| ettoment, Hows, Smee | BRING TEAS 1960 CHEVROLET Half ton Pick Up, good | FORD Frontenac sedan, Diack, six pelican Strect Souty and the 3 SPECIAL 2 PRICE PASS heat Baten i ted Hall Crippled Children's 4-door, sedan, A-1 condition condition Syoumhent. font conaiton, $425, Private sale.' Whitby 33--Automobiles Wanted | consol ond Treatment Centre, TO THE , , . 4 eT ans |rto eee crmzamgg| CARS WANTED | eer ivy tar ite? |FRIDAY, OCT. 14] {| <3 necomimnse OMEGA 'automatic and radio, $225 or Buying A New Car? to December 31st, 1967. The ee » PLUS MANY MORE TO 5 j best offer, 668-6939, : ; ms \ ' . ¢ Sell 4 to "Ted lowest or any tender not ne- i Anti freeze in all. cars inet FALEBH sedan, sal eadk tule. a eee o 7 pall ceo. eckented: inforne- Kinsmen Super Car OY; FOR LIFELONG SATISFACTION "Try Our Fine" one a Tick eiecira,| Cor Dealer ond "Save". mation may be obtained from NG ry f Fine § i re, i : full inped, 7 TED -CAMPIN: MOTORS H. W. MeNeill, Simcoe Holl MAKE US AN OFFER Bicducte' Ghd Seivice ian be arrenged. Call ery after 6 723-4494 ae 725-5574 "Settlement House; 387--Sim- fe 4 : p.m. coe St. South, Oshawa, Tele- 499 FORD ranch wai | for | LAK RS want $195, Good Twnning condition. M eeahone gare for Sites ghee! pricts. paid phone 728-7525. ( is a T THE a Hackney Motor. S Oe CUTLASS conv omeinn. 8 power x ae aaa RUT _WabcKiNe "G6 Tenants Aco On {ue janmerds oe AT TH Rie is of Mr. and Mrs, bought, parts for sale, iron and , 1189 Simeon u,b sb Sa St" see aan att eae arsed! fe, PETERBOROUGH senaipae 1962 STATION WAGON, Pontiac, 9-pas-| OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars|rent owing and cos! r MEMORI AL CENTRE senger, automatic, radio, power steering.|for wrecking. Tires ane parts or, ae --J. W. Vi 728-0031 Licence 16568X. Stalker Motor Sales, 137/1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2 ihe aly telson Stre % FT EPH PLOUF: [ | King West. 723-6322. WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. = be responsible for any pe A $1] 200 1963 cae hhig convertible, 327 auto- reid NFO ate Telephone 728-4549. |'in. gh a by anyone, on or after this ' , |1968 DODGE Potera convertible, Power| Matic, radio, fully powered, bucket seats, rt Nichols. date, Oci, 32, 1966 without my written |~ \steering, brakes and windows. Tinteg|Licence 233753. Stalker Motor Sales, 137 Cone In Prizes Including glass, remote control mirror. V-8 auto-| King West. 723-6322. 34-----Automobile Repair --Roger Joseph Ploutte matic transmission, whitewalls, ee 1959 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, auto 1, LARRY B. KINSMAN of 119 N ry discs. Owner must sell immediately.|matic, radio, power brakes, steering. FRED STONE Rosd, apartment 102, will not bere: New 1967 specified Car from se any Hy Pp $2.96. Telephone 78-734 Good clean car. $495. Licence 294050. sponainie for any debts contracted inmy| dealer of your choice or or 728-4085 evenings, | Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 , |name by anyone on or after this "date, $2,000, Cash. =F PONTIAC os Good shape, | 9965 CORVAIR Corsa, 'speed, posi-| @ Motor Rebuilding October v2 Ye watnaut ty "written, on ° Telephone 723-0566 after 5 p.m. fraction, radio, etc. 14,000 miles, Tele- H i $1,000 Hi-Lo Game M 'e)) or 468 CHEV converlible with ell extras,| Phone 725-0663. b: heel n'y ssitng 5 --terry Kinsman! $1,400 Big Snowball (56 nos.) ick sale. Telephone 723-8463. i oa BaNYIAE" comnertile, 0 Grier, Vt, aviomatie, power brakes, "pewer| @ Automatic Transmission Bo--Goming fronts ant oe eee automatic, redio, power steering, new steering, radio, black with red interior.| @ Crankshaft and Valve $600 regular games Telephone 723-3081. i j Wri yo ad i io in BUICK ypbind A-l running ae SUNNYSIDE C400: Special' queens 19 BEL AIR, six cylinter, siengerd, be. seen and driven week-| TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS. Trans. Don't forget to buy the econ- T lestions 723-7090. mission 'e our only business, 1038 Ac] shape, tinh North 37339, B | N G @) omy peck for value and save S | e S after 4:3 p.m. 19 CHEVROLET impala, two-door hard: Simcgs: Herth. Phone. 72 money. ae 194 PONTIAC, iwodoor hardtop, six|! 35--Lost and Found : : : chrome 'lacs. Excellent condition, Tele- a ee LOST -- In Bowmenvilie arene, silver TO-NIGHT Plus 4 Early. Bird. Gomes ita bio oe, jewels... 7am D--14kt gold case, 17 jewels... arenes T°} phone 942-5693 between 5 and 9 p.m. |%60 STUDEBAKER, best offer. Paris Tor| Colored wittnausr wristwatch, end. wallet (Shore the: Wenlth): at 7190 oan ne: has a Poi i ek ---- J ; os Takk gold 196) PONTIAC, four-door hardtop, auto- fave, ABI. satsgenaah Apply 299 Mont-| with personal papers. Reward. Telephone MANY FREE AND 3 aye is188.00 All available in white or yellow 7 yi 4 soe 9704 B Sepphire ZA JOWAS......ncsrorrrrmrmnrichl Ltd. pn ed Sd enaha es ie aa $9 300.00 VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES right, Call between 5 and 9 p.m, 942-5693, | 1964 CHEVROLET impala, 2-door hard-|ville Police. ACADIAN, "2 statio top, 283 power steering and |LOST -- 700 Ib. steer, eestor in Rag- Just West of Thckson Rd on lesa, 9m gate, ewe Teg Teint crt. Tlie IN PRIZES KINSMEN Each Omega watch Is Internationally guaranteed in 156 countries radio, -'cw mileage. Best offer or will -- ; as : consider trade. 839-1454 Bay Ridges. AVE DOLLARS! Several used cars| Swers io Yolen Cabraaor RTE A Tain fe Poy No. 2 neon WINDY |i ORTIAG peceite 6 ietetl vont. ®. Be heir Bete, 9 Wir | ee JACKPOT NOS. OL FASHIONED automatic power stedrin; eee -- LOST -- 1953 Oshawa General Howpitel . PONTIAC Strato Chief sedan, V-%, grequation pin, initials V._O. Fleming. 52 and 55 TURKEY DINNER Mr. . Gredy at 723-5241. ie VW ni Senger bus. 8, automatic, radio, oversize whitewall tires, elt rock Street, Whi or Alex i 668-333] on new motor: Can be, be used = foal 5,000 miles $2,475. Apply 189 Windsor | Hospital sae, Reward. Telep 668- AT THE St. Peter's Anglican Church ' stationwagon or 900d general |S'reet. 728-6918. 2205. Ced oh Street Condition. ad $550 ca cash. 159 Guelph |1938 FORD, Bulck engine: with extras. Street. 725-678; Telephone 987-4744. OC - 5 fetal Mir er ite 13 at 5 P.M. aaa 42 CHEVROLET. Impala S$ Sport, |1966 BEAUMONT fible, tov ih G SPOT CASH RED BARN sol [ 1 V-8 automatic, fully. oe $1595, age, eight cylinder, newer BD, 4 | . We, $2.00 OSHAWA 'SHOPPING CENTS =f ee rt Sabet: si Abs a [ieee BUNK smew tes ranch mater, Towser ON WITH TIMES EXTRA~BUSES |e BUICK, snow fires, rebuilt oe new er ae generator, $200 cash » | wee 5 ence Swodoor, six eylinder. F ACTION ADS 7 «7:30 P.M, oan, AA RMR HENS Hem