SEMEN: ae Roehl NT age ey ty ; "THE OSHAWA TIMES, ised October 12, 1966 ea BD EN I6 CONVENTION FEATURES HANDWORK The 28th annual Eastern Canada Convention of the Ukrainian Self + Reliance om ot of Canada was held the Thanksgiving ekend at St. Ul Orthodox Church shawa. Shown are from the left: president of the a -- Self - Ps iance eague Tymochko; cate a eastern Canada ireinisn Hanged For Wrong Murder Self - Reliance League, Luke Tomaschuk and presi- dent of the Ukrainian Ca- nadian Youth Association, Peter ge ge Peter is looking a part of the oes Bg that Ukrainian Woman's Association had on display at the conven- is a model of pproximately. 500 people from all points in Ontario and Quebec were present at the convention. The league binds together Ukrainians to promote citizenship and provide a moral and religi. ous guidance, advance ed- ucation and educational fa- cilities and to foster pride in Ukrainian cluture and heritage. --Oshawa Times Photo sk a Policy Conference LIENS PETE TTR Sets Liberal Labor Principles | OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberal, ther than be subject to exparte policy conference Wed., laid ---- al down a set of labor principles} A task force was esta that included a call for the elim-|to review iabor law also was to consider le: I methods Ination of the ex parte injunc- rage el ciilavias conouive tion, a sore point with unions. a Caras Ce We ot This form of injunction is|labor con ted by a judge to one party} This was seen as a reflection S Gaamte whieiet honting the|of the Freedman report on rail- thier athe, of the steer. Unions|way run-throughs that recom- object to its use by employers|mended management negotiate to limit picketing halt|technolo, ical charge during the strikes. life of a contract with the Such disputes the policy said,| unions, should be shunted to a special government board to handle, ra-|consideration ner, minister with disputes involving Po services outside Parlia- Oc astiathiaell of labor, management, government and industry councils to serve as = discussion and education Expansion of labor ment relations 5 through strengthened offices and more effective|sion, mediation services, 4 This five - a point pr the work of John Tur-|three - Other Lat for task forcejlargely hae pd lie Bryon pet ates in f amid a number plaints that labor was getting program, |the short end of the stick at the pd de = ugh y weary a pavliament-(bone of the PPPOE ALAA DEALER GEG FOO AOE CES ses- xa getting| Pearson, said he was the convention had tte time te labor, Evans had confessed al killing Beryl Evans -- though age yc pout his confession || High Court Judge Reports|*"%, onc 1 mx| LONDON (AP)---A High Court|ten events which either did not rath st that both Christie and judge reported Wed., that Tim-| happen ' or had not happened at|Evans were liars. They lied othy Evans was probably ajthe time." about each other. They lied murderer--but have _He noted that both Christie] about themselves." il hanged for a murder he didn't oe -_ . commit. The hanging of Evans in 1950 | a" a Ko gouged in niga at resulted two years ago pe abolition of the death pen- | 70000600 ing his infant daughter Geral-| dine and was hanged, He was/ ine and was heng will be entitled to become a CABLE wife Bets toe tide caged siee TV CHARTER MEMBER and receive not tried i FREE INSTALLATION ($9.95 Saving) ware ain Rerinald "Hellides ia When service available on your street. Christie, who shared house (Mail befoge October 29, 1966) Simply Christie himseelf was hanged asim fill in this coupon and mail to: the Killer of at least five women. Oshawa Cable TV Limited, 600 King Judge Daniel Brabin, who this year conducted a 32-day inquiry Street, East, Oshawa. into the Evans case, reported ted | that no jury could have been|! satisfied of Evans' guilt had they known of Christie's state) 7 a added he'believed it prob- | able Christie killed the child for |! whom Evans was hanged---but/| - that Evans killed the mother. But the judge made clear he i peeves that 16 years after the) lings 'true facts cannot be un- i earthed. Witnesses had forgot-' UNIROVAL 4 SAFETY Wh CENTRES Bsasiess R IND ADJUSTMENT ~ PROVIDES EASIER STEERING AND BETTER ROAD STABILITY @ Correct Caster and Comber. @ Adjust Tee-in and Toe-out. " Inspect end Adjust Steering. Evans was convicted of kill 1H Place your reservation now and you er ese | ; RESERVE your CABLE TV CHARTER MEMBERSHIP | Now and You Will Be Entitled To Receive FREE INSTALLATION | SAVE $9.95 By Placing Your Reservation Before Official Opening with cable TV you will receive portoct reception of 1,100 PROGRAMS WEEKLY. Including such programs co Adventure, Biegraphy. Children, - Comedy, Drama, Educational, Exercises, Games, Interviews, Movies, Music, Mysteries, News, Panel, Public Service; Quiz, Religion, Serials, Spectaculars, Sports, Travel, Variety and Weather. And you'll see them better on Cable TV. 10 CHANNELS --PERFECT RECEPTION WITH NO ANTENNA REQUIRED OSHAWA : ! MOST CARS ' "WHEEL BALANCE Balence Theses check tires for injury and uneven Visit the Cable TV Studio, opposite Steinberg's in the East Mall, 600 King St. E. TO SUBSCRIBE TELEPHONE 723-5278 'TODAY KING PARK PLAZA KING ST, WEST AT PARK RD. PHONE: 725-6511