OTTAWA (CP)--Western Lib- erals jubilantly tallied up a per- fect record Wednesday night as the national party policy confer- ence ended with all their major recommendations inye act and adopted. "L didn't expect to win every: thing we came to get," said Gil Molgat,. Manitoba Liberal leader. 'We expected it to be a lot tougher than it was," The three - day conference adopted all five major resolu- te) EXPORT Amy Stewart, of Sea-° before she was crowneil selected over seven other PLAIN forth, had fo prove Wed- nog of oe rerrave. contestants. Cr Wises or FILTER TIP nesday she could plow a e 19-year-old miss was ( irephoto H h sé : CIGARETTES straight f t the 53rd leet furrow at the 5p them is her hobby. She now has . REGULAR and KINGS. international plowing match NICKELS WORTH MORE CLINTON, Mich. (AP)--Mrs,}about 20,000 wooden coins, William Johnson is happy tojworth from 10 cents to $135 each. Rescue Team take wooden nickels: Collecting Members Die TAMPICO, Mexico (AP) -- Fifteen members of a rescue = helping victims of Hurri- Inez were reported ple: Wednesday when their it overturned in the turbulent River north of Tampico. They brought the unofficial death toll from Inez to 251, in- eluding eight other Mexicans 'who were reported killed during the killer storm. The rescue team, including one of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' by Gilbey's introducing barefoot comfort "tt ee the softness of carpet ... the toughness of vinyl... now cetbined in one revolutionary new floor covering ... never needs waxing. Tapiflex is so warm, so soft that it makes you want to kick off your shoes and your inhibitions. Unlike ordinary vinyl floors it soaks up sound and hushes heels because it has its own springy, live-fiber base that's melded with a heavy layer of flexible 100% vinyl. Come in today for a "test walk", GIBBONS ST. at BOND ST, | She " 728-3980 ewring Bros. Westerners Scored Hits At Liberal Conference Rai + Hy eyes hctn ikesestipa ith, Ia Ms, PEN EE Nad 2 -- & -- " : A Pe ayn y iy PS OP OT OPE ay aE ae ayo CRN CU Ue rR gH BT YT 8 IESG iw 'ONTARIO RIDING (Federal Progressive Conservative Assn. -- FINAL MEETING ie the West got to speak with a united . Molgat said the apparent division 'on free trade and ae tions proposed by the well-or-|cies. : . : ganized and powerful western} Ray Perrault, British Colum-|¢! rls helped aaily the the| fF riday Oct. 14th delegation. Two called for agri-|bia leader, said: "It was the] western position on these issues. | cultural changes, one asked forjfirst time the West has scored "We came here rea at 8:00 P.M . * . a policy on water export' and/such important victories. Until LEGION HALL -- WHITBY the balance -- both considered|this time, the policies of the 1. To choose Delegates to the National Con- vention ; critical--dealt with free trade|party have been the policiés of and foreign investment. Eastern Canada." As an added bonus, the for-/qap MET EARLIER ' eign investment resolution drew} A dry-run conference by west- support from both Finance Min-jerners in Saskatoon two months ister Mitchell Sharp and his pre-|ago and subsequent meetings by decessor Walter Gordon, as they|provincial leaders played a de- tried to patch up their long-/cisive role, said Mr. Perrault, |wi standing fsud on economic poli-| "'We decided to be outward-|vestment. Their resolution urged the fed-| eral government to ee e| 2. To wind up the affairs of the old riding. THIS NEW ENAMEL IS AS EASY TO USE AS LATEX PAINT! 'Rolls on your walls like latex. Washes off your brush like latex. How come? Because it has a latex base. In fact it's bathrooms, playrooms, on trim, and in every other the first successful latex enamel. 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