WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Night Classes Planned To Teach Millinery WHITBY -- There is magic in hat. If it is the perfect hat for you and the perfect complement for your costume this is true as surely as if you aeuld null white rabbits from it. Today, when fashion decrees the "Total Look" each costume must have its own hat. Only the perfect hat can complete the well look and add the touch of glamour and elegance which marks an outfit 'Spe- cial". The perfect hat for a costume matches the costume in color and mood, often in fabric; The hat that is perfect for you has lines which flatter your face and your figure; it follows fashion but modifies a style just enough to make it your own; it expresses your personality and streses your individuality. Hats which match perfectly, and flatter outrageously are hard to find and if you do find the gem which you could wear with an air, the price tag may deflate you. So, if you can't afford to ignore the price tag or employ a custom milliner, or even if you can afford to indulge your whims but you enjoy experess- ing yourself in creative activity, leam to make your hats. You won't become a milliner in three hats. derson, Collegiate ana ning in October and until Easter. left-over easy lessons but with only a little skill and knowledge and) a few ideas you can make your You can learn millinery 'at the night school class at An-| vVouar) | tional Institute. If there are a sufficient number of applica-| tions, clases will probably be held Tuesday evenings, begin- continuing You will learn to stitch up a hat or drape a turban from fabric from dress- WHITBY AJAX By T. JEFF. WILLIAMS JANKARTA (AP) -- At a few minutes past midnight, military trucks bearing nervous troops coughed to life, shattering the sticky stillness near the Presi- dential Palace, Across the city seven of Jn- donesia' 's generals ~~ sountly, a masks ae assassination. At the home of his beautiful Japanese wife, President Su- karno paced fitfully. Ratna Sari Dewi had not yet returned home. The former Tokyo night- club hostess, in a Dior gown, sipped a drink at the posh Nir- wana room of the Hotel Indo- making projects or the shop will often get you fabric to match when you buy a dress or coat. You can use leather or feathers, felt or fur and remants even of) upholstery fabric can be used for striking, original creations. You will learn to modify com- mercial shapes to suit your taste and to create your own shapes. nesia and chatted gaily with her escort, the Iranian ambassador. The date was. Oct. +1, 1965, and the Indonesian Communist party--known here by the ini- tials PKI--was coiled for ac- tion. The next 12 hours would determine whether it would seize Southeast Asia's biggest nation and turn it into the third You can achieve flattering effects with unusual trimmings, which you may find in the attic or which you can make from fabric, wool, braids and other homely items. Feathers may be dyed, curled, trimmed. Flowers may be made from organza or fur, Ask the people who have tried it Millinery is fascinating, flat- tering and fun. WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, OCT. 3 Co-op Credit Union banking night ist Whitby Scouts Whitby Baptist Church Expolorers Whitby Curling Club Ladies' Section All Saints' Anglican Chureh Evening Guild Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 3 Whitby Brass Band Auxiliary TUESDAY, OCT. 4 Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Whitby Shrinking Violets Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Faith Baptist Church Pioneer Girls Al-Anon Family Group St. Mark's United Church Women General Meeting St. John the Evangelist Church CWL Hurricane Inez ripped the roofs from this church and the house next door in Jacmal, Haiti, Thursday WEDNESDAY, OCT 5 Whitby St. John Ambulance Knights of Columbus leaving fears that hundreds of persons 2: dead and thousands injured and homeless. Eamon Kennedy largest Communist country in the world. Fateful Hours Recalled As Indonesia Coup Failed crush. the Communist move- ment. WARNS GENERALS Sukarno had sufficiently re- covered by Aug. 17 to make a National Day speech in which he warned the generals that "if you try to upset the Nasakom meray you are reactionary The. PKI remained nervous, anxious to move. It chose Oct. 1--Communist China's National Day. Expert opinion in Jakarta is that the decision to eliminate the army resistance to a Nasa- kom cabinet came from one man--65-year-old. President Su- karno himself. The plan was fo arrest the top generals, accuse them of plot- ting to overthrow Sukarno, and exile them, Thereafter, the army leadership would be too weak to oppose Sukarno's plans, which dovetailed nicely with the PKI's own program for taking power, The Oshawa Times, Monday, October 3, 1966 § armed them. 17 smashed into the house and the officer's bedroom, where they shot and wounded him. One-Stop DECORATING Dewi, however, was at the Ho- tel Indonesia party. 1 a.m.--Sukarno's limousine reached.the hotel, An officer was sent to fetch Dewi, She hur- ried to join Sukarno. It seems clear that Sukarno knew a coup attempt was imminent and wanted Dewi removed from dan-|§ ger. j 3:30 a.m.--Truckloads of Su- karno's presidential guards and PKI assassination squads fan- ned out. The first truck pulled up outside the home of Maj, Gen. M. T. Hatyono. The in- truders told his guards Su- karno wanted Haryono immedi- Broadioom C.LL. Peints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, 107 Byron St. $, Whitby ately at the palace. While they pondered this, the invaders dis- PHONE: 668-5862 BROCK WHITBY <7 Now Playing--One Complete Program Each Evening at 7:30 © REINFORCE TROOPS INEZ RiPS ROOFS FROM CHURCH AND HOME of the Miami Herald flew over the south coastal town Saturday. (AP Wirephoto) Almonds United Church Women Ajax Lionettes Four Leaf Clover Parents- ., . Teachers Group Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No, 13 THURSDAY, OCT. 6 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's Home League Faith Baptist Church WMS FRIDAY, OCT. 7 Red Cross Senior Citizens Club Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassa- dors Co-op Credit night Salvation Army Timbral Brigade Salvation Army Young People's Band SUNDAY, OCT. 8 St. Mark's United Church Hi-C Group Opening Dat BROUGHAM (Staff) -- The new Pickering Township Mu- nicipal Building will be of ficially opened at 2:30 p.m, on Oct. 26. Township council members have been asked to prepare Union banking In Durham LINDSAY (Ens) -- Saturday White Paper was opening day for hunting rabbits, pheasants and grouse in Durham County. Hunters in Clarke and Dar- iingion townships Tequits Tegu- lated township hunting licences. May Open Municipal Building e set lists of people who will be of-| Bishop Pike Raps Charges LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Aux- iliary Bishop James A. Pike of ficially invited to the opening. \california predicts that he will "| Township Clerk Douglas Plitz|be exonerated of new accusa- |tions of heresy if a full hearing |said furniture would be moved} Season Open \from the old municipal offices) ; jon Oct. 13 and 14. | The Pickering Township Mu-| |seum, Board has requested to use part of the century-old municipal building for display purposes. The present museum site is just west of the munici- pal building on the south side of Highway 7. WHITBY BOWLING LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points for the~day;~Allsorts 4; Gumdrops 09; Humbugs 0; Jelly Beans 4; Lite Savers 3; beg re (Anglican) bishops Id. "The charges are ground- less," he said in an interview. Bishop Pike, cleared of heresy charges before, also said Satur- day that he feels he can engage in politics now since he has re- signed as bishop of Califor- nia, encompassing Episcopal churches in the San Francisco Bay area. He said he has registered as a Democrat and is supporting Governor Edmund G. Brown in his campaign for re-election against former actor Ronald Reagan, the Republican candi- date. The plot was simple: Just eliminate opposition within the military to the PKI. It would be unnecessary to overthrow the government, It would be only a matter of time before the Com- munists had power. OFFICERS RESISTED This was the background: Sukarno talked of a govern-| ment based on "Nasakom," an unlikely union of nationalism, religion and communism. Top army officers resisted this and Sukarno was furious. Moreocever, he seemed to have been convinced by the articulate D. N. Aidit, boss of the Com- munists, that the army's top leaders had formed a council of generals to overthrow him. Diplomats are convinced there was a council of generals, but that it was concerned not with overthrowing Sukarno but with stopping the Communist drive toward power. By May, Sukarno had ap- proved a Communist plan to form a national defence insti- tute, He put it under a civilian directorate top-heavy with Com- munists. He also was consider- ing a PKI proposal to arm peas- ants and Communist-controlled unions, t0 provide a lever against the army. Early in August, Sukarno fell ill with his old kidney problem. The illness helped convince the PKI the time to move was near. If Sukarno died, the army would know first and move to DLO WORLD TRADITION This is how the drama un- folded: Septt. 20--Officers allied with the Communists brought to Ja- karta two battalions to join with troops from Sukarno's palace guard under the command of Lt.-Col. Untung, which would spearhead the putsch. That night Sukarno spoke to a mass rally. Later he sipped tea and chatted with some dip- lomats. Oct, 1, just after midnight-- Sukarno, in military uniform, was driven to his wife's house. $5. DOWN 00 BUYS YOU CANADA Deors Of Immiaration By GERARD MeNEIL OTTAWA (CP) -- The forth- coming white paper on immi- tion may open the door to) eer for more Asians, Afri- cans and Eastern Europeans. However, the uniform stand- ards of admission it is expected to propose could also close the door on many Italians, Greeks and Portuguese, informants say. They say this will be a major result if government proposals peared since the present Immi- gration Act was passed in 1952. Un openmg day oi tine waies- iwiiipops 3; Mapie Huds i and fowl season (Sept. 24) in the| Peppermints 1. Lindsay . district, department! Triples over 500: Doreen personnel checked 557 hunters|Kehoe 673; Gladys Wiles 646; Bishop Pike said he had re- ceived a copy 'of a letter ¢on- taining charges: made by Rt. with 803 ducks, an average of 1.4 ducks per hunter. This suc- cess is somewhat below the opening day results in 1965 and 1964. Success county are: Durham, 1.4 ducks per hunt- er; Haliburton, 1.1; Northum- berland, 1.7; Peterborough, 1.8; Victoria, 0.7. REVISIONS PROMISED Parliament hasn't had a full- scale debate on immigration since 1955, though promises of a revision of the act have been almost annual. Prime Minister Pearson said Dec. 31, 1964, that Parliament would get a white paper--the first ever on immigration--in the next figures for each in the 15,000-word policy state- ment are adopted by Parlia- ment. Immigration Minister Mar- chand is expected to table the document shortly after the Cc ion r Wed- nesday. He has stressed in recent At Darlington Park all 15 The policy st: t ie policy. statement Wat te blinds were occupied. sulted was redrafted at least four times under Immigration Minister Nicholson, now the la- bor minister, and twice since Mr. Marchand took office late last year. When he presents it, no fewer than six former immigration ministerial and departmental jurisdiction. Under present rules, heavy political pressure can be put on a minister. At the same time, department officers have had--until it was ruled unconstitutional -- the speeches that the white paper will end the racial discrimina- tion now built into Canadian im- migration law. ministers may be in the Com- jmons. They are Conservatives [Davie Fulton and Richard A. | Bell and Liberals J. W. Pickers- power to reject immigrants they considered "unsuitable by reasons of cultural back- \Rose Peleshok 633; Ede Walk- ler 578; Grace Surridge 555; Jean Ward 545; Jean King 538; Bernice Moase 538; Marion Sturgess 528; Audrey Barker 521; Isabel Farndale 519; Grace Sandford 511; Sheila Villeneuve 507; Jean Ainsworth 502; Ruby Schieder 502 and Goldie Mar- | shall 501. | WHITBY LADIES' FLOWER | BOWLING LEAGUE Thursday Afternoon Team standings -- Daisies 2, Violets 6, Roses 1, Pom-Poms 3, Daffodils 3, Tulips 1, Pansies 5, Asters 3. High double flat -- Ev Curtis 432. High double with handicap -- Gray Barr 497. | High single fiat -- Josephine | Olenik 217. Rev. Henry I, Louttit, bishop of South Florida, The letter said he should renounce the Episco- pal ministry or stand trial be- fore a church court. "Of course I won't renounce my ministry," Bishop Pike said. "What have done is to search for truth and to be fearless in its expression." ALLEGE HERESY Bishop Louttit charged Bishop Pike with violating ordination vows and committing heretical arts. He said he had received backing from other bishops. NEW WORLD PERFECTION Town of Whitby deb TOWN OF WHITBY pene Debenture Issue es dated N b Ist, 1966 beer- yi pbige Le mor ead Gad CANA mir iM' FIRST BANK BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS. DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%-$25 FOR DA' A $50 BOND; $5" FOR A $100 BOND, ETE. BALANCE IM EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR, At the moment, a skilled man | gill' now transport minister, from most countries can get into|Guy Favreau, Privy Council Canada easily enough. How | president, Mr. Nicholson, and many relatives he can bring de-|Rene Tremblay, who resigned ground, economic factors, probable inability to become} assimilated" and 'so on. Parliament now has a ing interest ot the rate of 642% per annum end maturing from 1967 to 1976 are being offered for sale. Debentures will be in $1,000.00 denominetions except as | High single with handicap =| |Joan Coulthard 249. bill} 175 and over -- Shirley Ger-| pends on where he is from. The sponsorship rights o Western Europeans are broad, those of Asians, Eastern Europeans narrow. Africans and/strong personal or political in- before it to create an_ inde- pendent immigration appeal board, with provision for a final jappeal to the Supreme Court of \Canada rather than to the im- |from the cabinet last December. f} In 'the back benches on all sides are MPs who have a \terest in immigration policy. | hardt 211, Hazel Prescott 179,| Joan Coulthard 199, Josephine | Olenik 217, 186, Gray Barr 192,| 227, Thelma Keogan 176, Betty/ Petrie 180, Ev Curtis 208, 224,) follows: Debentures in. $100.00 denominations may be purchased due in 1971, Up to $5,000.00 is being offered in this denomination pro- vided orders are received before October 10th, 1966 te BUY YOURS AT ANY BRANCH OF THE B OF M. facilitate the printing of the debenture. They range from Liberal Jo he Purchase orders and additional inf i SETS SINGLE STANDARD |Macaluso, member for Hamii- Pei ye weed ving ag Aiea West whose father emi- . sag aby oan: Moar h ggedimes fee ogo ape to those from ar a ate a dinesieers ars with a strong ethnic only--in general wives, children} or parents. CHANGE SECURITY RULES. This would check the stream) A measure that will probably | of unskilled brothers, sisters,/set up the number of immi- cousins and so forth flowing in | grants from countries like Po- on the heels of skilled Italian,|land and Yugoslavia will entail} Greek and Portuguese immi-| modified security procedures to} grants. jremove existing limitations on| It wouldn't -materially affect| Eastern Europeans. British, French, German, Dutch} At the same time, more effec- or Northern European immi-|tive controls to keep out crimi- gration because these newcom-jnals and other undesirables will ers usually limit sponsorship to|be proposed. wives and children. Other areas of change:. ' But the heavy flow of spon-| | = Procedures to distinguish sored immigrants from Mediter-| clearly visitors from landed ranean countries has been of | immigrants. The department major concern since 1959. now is trying to legalize the Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, then| Status of an estimated 40,000 Conservative immigration min-| visitors who decided to stay ister, caused an ethnic storm| after they arrived. Most came when she ordered that brothers,| from Italy, Greece and Portu- sisters, married sons and| gal. daughters be removed from the} --Relaxation of medical pro- categories of sponsorable immi-| visions considered to be out- grants. She had to revoke the! dated. For instance, anyone order quickly. who was ever insane can't get Sponsorship problems are| into Canada as an immigrant. among many. _that have ial --Ciarification of areas <\- WANTED HOCKEY PLAYERS Residents of the Town of Whitby required for the Whitby Mercantile Hockey League. migration minister. Seninad Bank oF MontTREAL Canada's First Bank may be F. N. McEWEN, |Muriel MclIiwain 184, 188. Treasurer. 405 Dundes St. W., HAD ANY Brie SIWABUB LATELY? - We Reserve The Right LL». Sillabub is a mouth-watering Eliza- To Limit Quantities. bethan confection made from fresh raspberries, wine, herbs and thick whipped cream. You can sample this delectable dessert in present-day London. Your BOAC travel agent -will tell you where, He'll gladly pass on to you the many interesting things he's discovered on his world travels. He'll reserve hotels within your budget. Make your travel bookings. You'll even receive help with your passport formalities. Your BOAC travel agent will make ail the arrangements for you. And it won't cost you a penny more, because it's all part of the service. And don't forget to ask where you'll find all the little "extras"--like Sillabub. == BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Adults On! NEXT Allowed Specials WEEK ov" SPECIALS OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. For Cars! Home! Office! Boat! Truck! Plane! Anywhere ! NEW! NOW! HEAR! HERE! SPECIAL g s° 98 Tape Record Player vel a RECORD CARTRIDGES -- Choose from MUNTZ STEREO PAK ocr. 10 Superb 4-track solid state stereo cartridge player; over 50,000 selections available in BUY TEN, GET ONE FREE! "FROM LP album; unlike records the Muntz Stereo Pak requires little or no core; lests indefin- itely. Can't scratch or get dirty, you never thread, wind, rewind, steck or turn over. You get superb instant stereo at the same low price as plastic LP albums, AS LOW AS .... ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WITH: YOUR FAVORITE ARTIST OR MUSIC For Price Sake It's OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE WOON EEW Ere SOG 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 YW / \ Ne \ SAN ; /\\ plete Travel Arrang and Travel Information Cell or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN |57 King St. E., Oshawe--728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 1038 King St. W. Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements At Garrard Rd Telephone 668-3787 or 668-6303 After 5 P.M.