re Ey es Ge ee a ee Oe ee ra ae > we 9 om Bh El GS we Ge BH Go Gray Pei Popa ees COREA CE ody Cn ie ee ee le oe Oshewe Times, Monday, October 3, 1966 . 8 8 first appearance with a sorry LEFT A LIGHT ON _ Norfolk port was for nearly 1 : Mission Impossible Has * |and not very funny story about : GREAT YARMOUTH, Eng-|£100,000 ($300,000.) When he SEEK OLD GRAD entire history of Confederation. the tactics of a pioneer woman, THE land (CP)--The quarterly elec-|queried the bill, it was altered (CP) -- McGill)He will be named McGill's "Mr. the Widow Hanks, who per- tricity bill sent to a man in this to £7. MONTREAL ( "University is looking for a gra-|Expo" and -will be honored at ibl Mi 4 suades a Tobacco Road type R UE HORSE 'duate whose lifetime spans the|the 1967 Montreal world's fair. mpossl e 1ssi0on family that baths and education L are more fun than dirt and ig- [a CYNTHIA LOWRY safe anker: Martin Landeau|"orance. Ann Sheridan plays) LOUNGE the widow and the program) N Ow SHOWING VIOLENT BEYOND YET NEW YORK (AP) -- Mission|playing a master of disguises, BELEP.». Impossible tad tee its first im-/and Barbara Bain as a mistress wie Pt gsc fonseh gprs. | p ts This Week BEAUTIFUL BEYOND COMPARISON! =-- [possible mission the job of|of diverting masculine attention|" charcter as a so resents This spiriting nuclear warheads out/ at the right time. ladylike Annie Okley is devel-| STRANGE GIRLS IN HIS ROOM of banana dictatorship in| BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! | fat. THE SUNDOWNERS extremely long Saturday- eve- dau impersonating the bad dic-|/ BORN EVERY MINUTE ning hour to ng, Saturday: as-|tator while Cox was cracking} TIVERTON, England (CP)--| i i : Looks Hike it't bea signment. the safe holding the atomic|The pet-shop of this Devon town | A mew musical act which is one bang-up vacation! e CBS program was one of| warheads and _ Bain = vont con mgd papaya ha \ \ BI H three new shows during the|waiting arond clad in bath-|"invisible inese fighting : e orse weekend. towel. It ws also confusing,|fishes" before the owner ad- which should please u Mission Impossible, an hour-| not to mention boring. mitted that the tank on display | patrons. long program, had the least fe on the busy beg was|contained only water. | amount of plot. It resolved that|T.H.E. Cat, whose title is. sup- via problem by filling the time 'with|posed to be the name of the ph Bey gj Thee er --at the-- a visual lesson on the fine artjhero, Thomas Hewitt Edward)... ) posh immi ara Bi of applying stage makeup and|Cat, who by a curious conci- zt 3 ni arti wr with a step-by-step demonstra-|dence its a retired cat burgular, |) _ -- a in tion of modern electronic meth-|He is adept at scurrying over|)) 4° oStione qheir defence ods of breaking into a bank/rooftops, climbing walls and oe the 2 nga eee "The Friendly Spot" vault. dropping lightly from consider- Pats ig k viendo wightole in| ae Hendly spo Mission Impossible is an or-|able heights to save the client's m4 b ge away Agen ns ganization of secret agents for|bacon -- he is a professional ~~ , "t ley behind ba going | hire, but only for the good side,|bodyguard. When they get|'0 Use i 85 @ narcotic The head man, played by Ste-| around to adding some plot to ven Hill, didn't have much to do, the action, it could turn into a but he had no hand guest star| diverting show. Wally Cox playing master' Pistols 'n' Petticoats made its SAK HH KKK KKK KKK KK KKKKKK KK Harry's [Hideaway Ke | OH YEAH! | CP PT LE GRANDE CHARLES WE DARE You To ste... <=> > GD an incredible orgy of sights and sounds. IS BACK! ron y GEORGE SANDERS E>H0P0.08 RA et we SoEEH ae Gyn | CHARLES ECKSTEIN @ Comedian, Vocolist and M.C. TODAY @ DOROTHY PATTON'S Swinging Band Feature At: 1:30---3:35--5:35--7:45--9:50 Featuring . . . . CRYSTAL. Exotic Dancing You will he gg Mage minute of Big Charlie's r Studded Show rom RANDALL: SEN. : wo HYDE WHITE x. TERRY.THOMAS 00000000000000000000000 A FIRST TIMER ".«@ season long orgy THE of predatory sex." MERCY BROS. ME ONE WEEK ONLY eae is tea a oo | Lerry -- Ray - Larne SLIM" FAIA AIA IH IAII IIIA IAISISISIAASISI IAAI IAI TON GORDON me ARE [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED At The ae; | SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL |) dager toa ow le MATINES SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. WEEKDAYS SAT. Cont. From 1 pm. PULLY LICENSED LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE FRENCH CONTINENTAL BUFFET DAILY €onsde's Top Western Oliver REED/ Jane MERROW / Barbara prrtantipeissoe g For Reservations Phone 723-4641 pec done yo ee ee ee Our French Buffet is on Daily! Luncheons 12 - 2:30, Dinners 5-9, We coter to Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Etc. _ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY & SAT. AFTERNOON THE NEW For Reservations -- Call Whitby 668-3386 tHE GENOSHA roret ODEON THEATRE 10-11 Spot Seen 39 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-5833 s s . Agonizing Time CYNTHIA LOWRY YORK (AP)--The ee hour of prime network Wednesday nights he's to be the most difficult period of the week for the viewing audi- ence. The 10-11 spot is a time of agonizing decision. The question is. whether to = tune in on the antics of Danny LIQUOR, CONTROL. bo. i DANCING © ~ 12 pl bes hg = = OF ONTARIO IN THE DINING ROOM le "s anthology 8 ries, Stage 67 which is the net- wovtiet aah ws Georgian Motor Hotel | Wali INN cloak- aan oe a of NBC's I Spy. ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE This viewer chose I Spy, a vt "Vintage Room" es OSHAWA: Cosby was carrying the love in- { Appearing This Week for Your Leisure Enjoyment terest. MOVE FROM HONG KONG I Return Engagement po It appears an intrepid nme : } : ee will operate in new territory * this season, Last season it was The Three , ' : . Tom F the Hong Kong- Tokyo area. 4 : ' s Wednesday night's show opened i ; with the stabbing of a nuclear } sd : scientist in Paris and ar oe j P -- , : : p | with the usual hand - to - han 1 : ' i a combat, near Las Vegas. with their * f se : oug as s a ' 'He ; = BREATHE FAR BELOW Electric - S é Divers going to great depths i , ¢ s y ' re & breathe helium and oxygen to ; : : avoid poisoning by nitrogen, the sing saree 'ses s| (li Harmonicas Mmmme. Me (UD | ae » @ ch PAT & MIKE | . BANQUET : ie FISH & CHIPS i FACILITIES : i a | ' " j ¥ REGENTS Merrimakers naeet, aa ais | adsngeistice tetas 723-1951 Ht ser a 688 HORTOP | : 9: rvations Ton NVI9N033 BUSINESSMAN'S | 4 - TRY OUR BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON "BANG, BANG | SMORGASBORD | ria wi 12-2 P.M, DAILY ; 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. YOU'RE DEAD SUNDAY SMORGASBORD CHAMPLAIN: AVE "GIRL-GETTERS" 4 '| . Facilities for 20 to 300 sews | Yj Georgian Motor Hotel] || BANQUETS @ MEETINGS @ WEDDINGS 723-5271 942-5580 For Information and Reservations Ga SNOSNIAZLS 668-2692 -- 839-3621