WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ~ St. Mark's Thankoffering Meeting WHITBY -- Unit No. 9. of the United Church Women started another season with a Mrs. A. S. McLean, Henry St. Mrs. McLean opened the meeting with a poem. It was announced that the group will UCW Plans Th? next regular meeting will be, November 16, at the home of Mrs. A. Creech, Henry. St., Whitby. Mrs. O. Jeweii ana Mrs. H. Myers will supply the lunch on that occasi Mrs, H. Myers volunteered to act as Teleph Convener for be responsible for the devotional soe preger at the Oct.'4 UCW fering meeting at St. Mark's United Church. Mrs, H. VanDeuren and Mrs. J. Good- let volunteered. This evening should prove) most interesting since there will be a Toll Travelogue on "TRIN- IDAD". It was unanimously agreed that members try to attend this meeting, which will take the place of the October regular meeting. Ruth WA To Assist At Anniversary St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA held its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter Bird, The president, Mrs. Gordon Kyle, presided. Rev. John McKibbon opened the meeting with prayer and wished all members well in the coming season. The group was asked to help prepare and serve at one of the congregational dinners of | All Saints Anglican Church Nov. Direct Distance Dialing Explained A well attended meeting of Whitby Women's 'Institute was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Earl Ward, 105 Mary St. W. Mrs. Ward gave the motto 'Public Relations is the Skill of Communicating Goodwill." The speaker, Mr. Island of the Bell Telephone Company, gave an interesting talk of the new Direct Distance Dialing. He showed the new push button system which will be coming in, in the near future, also the IODE Chapter To House of Windsor Chapter, IODE, held its September meet- ing at the home of Mrs. David Wells, Henry St. Mrs. John Davies chaired the meeting. It was agreed to give a dona- tion of $25 to a literary maga- zine for students of Henry Street High School and Ander- son High School offering bur- saries to the amount of $100 to each high school for stu- dents who had not been awarded other scholarships or the group. Unit 3 plans to. hold a Granny Tea Oct. 7 and have asked to unit to tak epart. As many as possible will atend, Mrs. H. VanDeuren read an interesting story entitled "Accept What Cannot Be Chang- ed". Games were played in the recreation room. The hostess, Mrs. A. §. McLean, served a luncheon, 1, 2, and 3. The annual bazaar will be held Nov. 30 in the Sunday School hall. Following the business meet- ing gifts were presented to Mrs. Bud Pipher, Mrs. Gerry Kent and Mrs. Dave Langille on the a~ival of new additions to their families. A Pot Luck supper was served The next meeting will be Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. index phone. He showed what the future phones will be. Mrs. Earl Ward was appoint- ed as delegate to the Women's Institute Convention at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Nov. 2, 3 and 4. Assisting the hostess in serv- ing were Mrs. William Walsh, Mrs. Margaret Dewsbury and Mrs. Harold Wickett. The next meeting will be Oct. 24 at the home of Mrs, R. A. Smith, 909 Bayview Ave. Donate Bursaries It was announced that a Christmas tea will be held Nov. 12, from 2 till 5 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Davies. The chapter is holding a "Cooking with your Hat on" sponsored by Consumers Gas, COUNTY LINES Enniskillen Nonagenarian Displays i. . La His Artistry With KEDRON (TC) -- Wide-rang- ing talents were on display in the lower. hall of Kedron United Church when the United Church Women sponsored a noboy snow and bake sale. The oldest exhibitor was James Arthur Werry, 90, of Enniskillen, who brought sam- ples of his attractive hooked rugs. "IT began to find the winters long," he explained when ques- tioned about his hobby," 'and the women folk urged me to do this to pass the time." Mrs. Walter Simpson, of Sim- coe St. N., exhibited a number of her landscape paintings. 'I always longed to do pictures," she said, 'but I couldn't draw. I finally realized that you don't have to draw when you use oils." Mrs. Simpson work- ed on her own for a few years, but has been taking instruction for the last four years. A paint- ing of the head of Christ, done by this local artist, hangs at the back of the church, BEADED FLOWERS Mrs. Ted Dixson exhibited an arrangement of tiny beaded flowers, a sample of the work she does as therapy for an arthritic condition. Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, who has only three per cent vision, showed the slippers she knits from nylon and belts she makes from leather. Mrs, Allan Werry and Mrs. W. W. Griffin, of Enniskillen, demonstrated attractive ar- rangements of artificial flow- ers. Joyce Hoskin exhibited her collection of souvenir coffee spoons collected all across Can- Hooked Rugs ada, and novelties made from cartons. Mrs, M. E. Atkins displayed & HCCUCpiins, went, wistwas was had done. Mrs. Eric Atkins showed hooked rugs and Mrs. Ross Atkinson a crocheted bed- spread she is working on. Mrs. Bill MacGregor and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy repre- senting the Lakeview Handi- craft Guild, brought samples of a variety of hobbies pursued by Guild members. Also on dis- play was a reproduction of the Last Supper done by Mrs. Mountjoy and presented to the Kedron Sunday School in mem- ory of the late Mr, Everett Mountjoy. FAMILY EVENTS DEPICTED An exhibit that created a good deal of interest was the hand-hooked rug for a. stair- case being made by Mrs, Harry Rose, Each riser panel depicts symbolically an important event in the Rose family. Miss Wilma Werry brought an assortment of felt puppets which she is making for sale; the proceeds will go to the Kedron Building Fund. Mrs. Peter Wilson and Mrs. Harold Carr also showed hanging orn- aments of tulle containing birds and flowers, which are made for sale by their unit of the ucw. Mrs. Howard Farndale brought a crib quilt as a sam- ple of her quilting hobby. Junior exhibitors included Debbie Wilson (Artex fabric painting), Janice Johnston (soapcraft) and Joan Hamilton (sculpture). Pickering Beach Corn Roast Attracts Record Attendance PICKERING BEACH (TC) -- The annual community corn roast, held last Saturday, was the biggest and. best ever held. Thirty dozen cobs of corn and corresponding quantities of pop and coffee were consumed, A large crowd attended despite the cold rain. The Community Centre, lo- cated in the old school house on Powell Rd., which was sched- uled to reopen this week, was vandalized last week. As a re- sult the opening will be delayed. Oct. 26 from 8 to 10 p.m. at Henry Street High School. Prizes will be awarded. The hostess served refresh- ments assisted by Mrs, Joseph bursaries. Taras and Mrs. Walter Weir. "WHITBY PERSONALS Kathleen Rowe Home and School Association will hold its general meeting Oct. 12 at 8 p.m. at the school. The guest speaker will be John Serres who will speak on "Indian Af- fairs. The Canadian Indians are the Home and School Federa- tion centennial project. All teachers will be introduced and parents will have the oppor- tunity to meet the new teach- ers. It is hoped for a good at- tendance. An executive meeting of Kath- leen Rowe Home and School Association was held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Barton, Athol St., when arrangements were made for the "Games Night" to be held, Nov. 10, at the schoo! auditorium. In charge of arrangements are Mrs. R. Balson and members 8 of her committee. Mrs. Andrew Glenny, 341 Fairview Dr., is opening her home Monday evening to the House of . Windsor Chapter, IODE, for its general meeting. A miscellaneous bridal) shower was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Hoogerdyk who was assisted by her daughter Nellie. The honored guest was Miss Irena Gregg who is to be married Nov, 19 Zwiers, in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Whitby. Ap- proximately 20 friends and relatives presented the bride- to-be with lovely useful gifts. At the close of a most enjoyable The Afternoon Guild has planned a birthday tea to cele-| brate the centennial of Aill Saints Anglican Church. Past) presidents and senior members will be pouring tea, Friends} and members of all Guilds are} cordially invited to attend. Period costumes may be} worn, Come and renew old ac-| Pes. President Mrs. i gomery, Buffalo, N.Y., | last jhome of Mr. and M | Wickett; Anderson St. | from Halifax, Buffalo, N.Y., London, Paris, Toronto, Little Britain, Greenbank, Port Entrance was gained by jim- mying the front door. Volun- teer workers, who arrived to put the finishing touches to a summer-long renovation pro- gram, were startled to discover the amplifier and two loud- speakers missing. Obscenities had been scribbled on fresh paint. Parts of the loudspeakers were found later abandoned at the rear of the property. A large number of parents attended the Home and School meeting in Paradise School when Principal L, G. McDonald lained the new course in Credit, Ajax and Oshawa. ~ A mathematics. Mr and Mere W t were weekend guests at the) ts. H. H.} Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Green- sides, Fort Erie, Ont., spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Metheral. Their daughter Susan entered the University of Toronto last week taking a three year course in Physiotherapy. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Neff, aiaai. itiimege ane sale Nov. 25. The October meeting of the Ladies' Fellowship Group will be held, Oct. 3, at the Barter residence. Miss Dorothy Mid- dleton, a missionary in Ethopia, will be the speaker. a refinished antique chair with| yp Folk Worship Service Held At Kedron KEDRON (TC) --A capacity the Bales Go Mercuina Rah crowd raised their voices in|"Go T on the Mountain," spirited "singing of folk songs seni weale © aoehinbe yo and spirituals Sunday evening|newer songs of social protest at Kedron United Church when|("We Shall Overcome," 'If «I the young people of the congre-|Had a Hammer," "Blowin' in gation presented a Folk Wor-|the Wind') and of worship ship Service. 3 ("Kumbaya," 'He's Got Young people and Hi Whole World in His Hands," ups. were present from/and a West Indian Folk tune Whitby, Columbus, Hampton,|setting of the Lord's Prayer. POrt Ferry, camueniien au isa Wiad five Oshawa churches. The singing was accompan- fed by Charlie Andrews and Pat Thomson, guitarists from Prince Albert, and by Mrs. Grant Hunter, Kedron organist and choir director, Old favorites like 'Michael, Row the Boat Shore," 'When Area Residents Are Wedding Guests MAPLE GROVE (TC) --Mr.| Mrs: Charles Greenham and and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens were|Carole were guests at the Shaw- guests at the wedding, in Osh-/True wedding Saturday in Osh- awa last Saturday, at the Mof-jawa and attended the reception. fat-Power wedding. The bride,| Mr, and Mrs. C. P, Swallow their niece, is a daughter of|were Sunday guests with their Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Power who|cousin, Mrs. Carrie Sprackleng were former residents of thejat Shepherd Lodge, Agincourt. Base Line. The reception was|They also visited their cousin, held at the Flying Dutchman|Mrs. Ann Creighton of Oshawa, Motel at Bowmanville. who was celebrating her 87th Group Planning Work Meeting WHITBY The Whitby Baptist Women's Society for Christian Service met in the church parlors with 35 mem- bers present. Mrs, D. Wilson welcomed the members. Minutes and correspond were read by secretary Mrs. R. Maw. A report was given by the chairman of the nom- inating committee. The visita- tion report was given by Mrs. Morin. Sick convener report by Mrs. Millard. | ° Heating A work meeting will be held * the third Thursday in ars et Mrs. Cy Rich and Mrs. J. Mc-§ @ Graw rendered a beautiful duet. srenens Mrs. R. Pickering gave the Missionary Hi-Lites. Mrs. M.| ® Bathrooms COMPLETE WHITBY | PH. 668-2991 PERSONALS | g7p)acseor p77 Dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. Avard Wagner, 610 Dun- das St. W., were: Mr. and Mrs. William St, John, West Hill and their daughter, Ann; Miss Caro- lyn Lewis, Robert Ulfort, Miss Ronald Selleck and Bonnie Dale took part in the service. The sermon was given by. Anne Bishop, Rev. Winnifred M. Bridges supervised the prep- aration of the service. A light lunch and further singing in the lower hall con- cluded the evening. Detler gave highlights of the Fellowship weekend at Mc- Master University, Miss Ruth McMillan gave a talk on her part as counsellor at a camp in the Laurentians this summer and Kathy Mac- Neill and Joyce Crawforth, as delegates to a camp Big Chief Lodge in Orillia, gave interest- ing reports of their weekend. A Complete SERVICE . lhorse on Area Horses Win Prizes the chief exhibitor of Clydes- dale horses at the Campbell- the ford Fall Fair this week. He took all the prizes in the class. Mr. Down also showed the best halter. A prominent exhibitor in te heavy horse classes was H. class. In the Belgian class K. Hobden, Brooklin, was the major prize winner. In the commercial class R. Cochrane, Burketon, took two firsts. Mr.' Hobden showed the best horse in harness, Lorne Hoskin and Son, Blackstock, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, October 1,°1966 § and also for both the high and low roadsters. i Short wool honors went to A. Ayre and Son, 9 amar Harold Skinner, 'Bowman- ville, f SILVER BLOCKS AIR Silver solder is used for wa- tertight, flexible joints in re- frigerators and air condition- ers. WANTED! aesmmuevmis me Ave PIVERET FeAl Eno Residents of the Town of Whitby required for the Whitby Mercantile Hockey League. Telephone 668-3787 or 668-6303 After 5 p.m. were to the fore in the light horse roadster and carriage classes, They won the specia prize for the single roadster TOOTHACHE Don't suffer agony. In seconds get re- fief that lasts with ORAJEL. Speed- release formula puts mediestions to work instantly to stop throbbing pain. d by many an "first-aid" for toothaches yet so safe doctors recommend ORA-J EL it for teething. 89¢ Created To (RR) Individual AES Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING To Be Held At THE KATHLEEN ROWE PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MON., OCT.-3, 1966 AT 8:00 P.M. BROCK Evening Programs ot 7 & 9 P.M. wniray saturday Matinee ot . .. 1:30 "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BESTI"~1r.rv« THE PANDRO 8, BERMAN- 2 GUY GREEN PRODUCTION oF BIVE SIDNEY POITIER=SHELLEY WINTERS fe ELIZABETH HARTMAN in panavisions Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Seturdey Matinee at 1:30 ANNOUNCEMENT Members of the Whitby Curling Club. wish to remind their many friends who may be contemplating membership that this is the time to match thought with action. Jim. Ledden, the membership chairman, is most keen to assist in the enrollment of new- , comers, and will do his very best to give a prompt response to all enquiries, whether directed to the. Club, P.O. Box 34, Whitby (668-5021), or to himself at 360 Fairview Drive, Whitby (668-4754). ker: The MICHAEL STARR M.P, Virginia Lewis, Gary Bentley, Miss Donna Wagner, Scar- borough and Garth Cress of Nova Scotia. The special oc- casion was Lynn Wagner's fifth) birthday. i Emily Foy, Mrs. Harold « Mra. A. Vallee. Miss Gilborte Volles and Mra. A. ©, Smith attended a tea and dis-| play of Mission work held at) the home of the Right Rev.| Monsignor McDonough at 90) Roxborough St. E., Toronto, | last Sunday. Miss Ay }and Mrs. Jack Adair, Crocus to Klaas,present, Robert Paddick acted! Donna Martin and members of| Moose Jaw, Sask., while on the Guild extend a special in-|their honeymoon, were guests vitation to all former parish-|of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fraser, ioners. | 502 Byron St. S. Tea will be from 2:30 till 5|_ Noreen, daughter of Mr. and .m., Oct. 5 and birthday cake,| Mrs. John Jimmo, of Bethany, a ice cream served at the| formerly of Whitby, is recover- WHITBY BADMINTON CLUB 11:00 A.M.--DIVINE REV. Wm. PATTERSON, B.A., M.TH. The Sacrament of Holy Communion. Sunday School Classes for the children. GARDENVIEW UNITED CHURCH meeting in PALMERSTON SCHOOL - WHITBY ernisere & SRN Y twee Meets MONDAYS & parish hall. ing following surgery at the Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- Palmerston Home and School| onto. | aT HENRY ST. HIGH SCHOOL 7:30 P.M. TO 10:30 P.M. New Members Invited THURSDAYS | | | (4 blocks south of Association will hold its first} ~~ ----------- meeting Oct. 4 at the school at) p.m. The president, Mrs. @ William Speck, will preside. The social convener will be Mrs, R. B. Carswell. A surprise party was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold " Wickett, Anderson St., Whitby was held at the home of Mr. a Cres, Mr. and Mrs, Wickett TIMES in Whitby ------------ | TBY_ /BIBLE | da MEETINGS AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL HAPEL VA Sine Blair Perk Ploze) | SUNDAY | 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday School | For Information re Other Services, Phone 668-4576 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M. SUNDAY SCOTT, Minister SERVICES were celebrating their 35th wed- ding anniversary. Approximate- ly 40 friends and relatives were A .*™ YU AE Vv as Master of Ceremonies and presented the couple with love- "ad od 1 ¥ | ly gifts. A delicious buffet lunch was served by Mrs. Barbara Wickett, Blanche Hill, Lena Chester, Marie Cookman, evening the hostesses served a dainty lunch. ' Georgia Hunter and Dorothy Adair, Guests were present 1866 - --The Rev. F. Anglican. tion. the service Baptist. This is one of a series of excha Choirs with. Anglican churches A Fellowship Hour for both Ang will follow in the porish hall, comed. gregations in the Town of W ALL SAINTS' WHITBY CENTENNIAL SERVICES Sunday, October 2nd 9:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.--Holy Communion: Sermon of St. George's, Oshawa. 7:00 p.m.--Baptist Form of Service in All Saints' --Visitors--Whitby Baptist Congrega- --The Rev. John McLeod, pastor of Whitby Baptist Church, will conduct --Organist and Choir of Whitby Fellowship Hour follows the service in the parish holl. This is one of a series of invitations to other Christian con- worship in All Saints' Church with their form of service. 1966 304 Dundas G. Ongley, M.A., Rector OFFICE HOURS: and preach. inges of Rectors, Organists ond in the Deonery of Oshawa, A lican and Baptist congregations Everyone will be warmly wel- hitby and vicinity to join in gy Pending completion of our new offices in Whitby, we will be temporarily located in The Whitby Professional Building St., West. Classified Advertising and Payment of Accounts will be handled as in the past. 8:30 TO 5 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY PHONE 668-3703 C.K.L,.B. -- 1350 9:15 A.M. "FAITH TIDINGS RADIO BROADCAST ON YOUR DIAL 9:45 A.M.---WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL vores OO AM. MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE Po AVE 12:00 GOT NOON--Commun Reception of New stor's Sermon: A SECRET" ion Service ond Members 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR A Service of BELIEVERS' BAPTISM Prayer, Praise and WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M. Pastors Bible Class "Your Are Never A Stranger at Faith" WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev, John McLeod Organist Mrs. W, ©. Summers, A.T.€.M, 11 A.M.--Communion Service 7 P.M.--The Evening Service will be held in All Saints Anglican Church 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M. ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts, } Rey. A "ue Smith, B.A,, B.D. iss la Newton, Deaconess Mr. Gordon Harle, 'B.A., Organist 11:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 A.M. Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 A.M. Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Junlor Congregation, In- font Care, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Mr, 8B, G, Devereux, Organist 11:00 A.M, THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 9:45 AM. : CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES Nursery, Kindergarten and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship, EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL | Every 2nd and 4th Sundays DUTCH SERVICE at 2 P.M, 7 P.M, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED | SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.08 on to ineurance. See . J your ou OHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY MEDICAL RECORDS SUPERVISOR Salary: $4,238 - $4,940 DUTIES: To supervise the maintenance, com- pleteness and accuracy of Patient Records. To organize the efficient trans- To supervise the records staff and direct the fer of patient files. medical completion of reports, QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 12 education or equiv- alent. About four years experience in medical records or a related field. Super- ability. Ability to type. Personal visol suitability. Excellent fringe benefits, Please apply to: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR, ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY. seers WHITBY HOCKEY CLUB Meiro Junior "B" EXHIBITION HOCKEY SUN., OCT. 2 7:30 P.M. WHITBY LASCO STEELERS ETOBICOKE INDIANS Whitby Community Arena TOM LAVENDER Admission: Adults $1.00 Students With Cards--50c SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE